Category Archives: Sustainable Living
Ending Existential Poverty: Jan Hurwitch – Search for Sustainability Costa Rica
Jan Hurwitch from the Visionary Ethics Foundation of Costa Rica discusses the humanitarian crises plaguing our world, the importance of spirituality in sustainability, and the compassionate values of caring for impoverished children and families in need. Stay in touch by visiting: And Visit the Visionary Ethics Foundation at: The Search for Sustainability Global…
Is this the end of the world as we know it, or is it an opportunity for something much greater?
We live in a crazy time in human history. Millions of people have lost their jobs. Millions are experiencing depression and chronic fear. Millions more are sick with preventable lifestyle-related diseases like cancer, Alzheimer’s, heart-disease and diabetes. The mainstream media only reports what’s convenient for their advertising revenue streams, sharing half-truths to propagate their one-sided…
Working together: the importance of collaboration
A few years ago, my wife and daughter and I travelled the United States and interviewed forty-nine different people from all over the country about sustainability. When I talk about sustainability I’m speaking about it from a holistic perspective, one that includes social systems, food systems, communities, education, healthcare, relationships, politics, family, clothing, building materials, water, music and art. We interviewed politicians from Washington DC, organic farmers in Portland…
Am I Crazy?! Running My First Ultra Marathon – Part 1 | The Sustainable Runner
Subscribe: Join The Newsletter: Connect on Facebook: Follow on Instagram: I’m training to run my first ultra marathon and this is part 1 of my series. I’m a newbie runner and love running in the mountains and running on trails and have found very little information on how to go from…
A Prayer for World Peace
I was recently asked to offer the opening prayer/meditation before Shea Freedom headlined at Sister Winds in Taos, NM. I was joined by Root Flute and shared a powerful meditative visualization and prayer for connecting you with your life purpose while visualizing world peace for all living begins. This 6:33 prayer/meditation for world peace will…
Generation Regeneration Radio Interview with Nathan Crane About UNIFY FEST, Sustainability, Ceremony, Overcoming Addiction and More!
“This week’s show will feature Nathan Crane, President of the Panacea Community, Executive Producer of UnifyFest, filmmaker and director. Nathan will introduce us to the Spiral of Sustainability that he developed, which has 7 levels. The first level corresponds to an unsustainable lifestyle, whereas the seventh corresponds to a completely sustainable lifestyle. He will walk…
Costa Rica; Part 2 – Filming for Sustainability Global Series
Expanding on Part 1 of my trip to Costa Rica filming for our new documentary series titled The Search for Sustainability, a Global Quest for Solutions, we left EARTH University February 17th and headed back to San Jose to embark on an inspiring and dynamic experience of in-depth Costa Rican culture. One thing I can…
Costa Rica; Part 1 – Filming for Sustainability Global Series
I left for San Jose Costa Rica on Monday, February 15th to begin the first leg of our adventure in filming for the brand new documentary series titled, The Search for Sustainability, A Global Search for Solutions. After a 5 hour layover in Texas, the plane leaving Houston blew a tire on takeoff, had to…
Powerful Healing Herbal Tea Recipe VIDEO with Herbal Medic for Overall Immunity
Enjoy this empowering interview I did with my friend and Herbal Medic Sam Coffman. In this video Sam discusses the healing benefits of over a dozen powerful immune stimulating herbs for fighting infection, healing the body, and stimulating overall health and vitality when preventing or reversing a cold, flu, virus, or infection. For Sam Coffman’s…
The Search for Sustainability Documentary Series
49 Concerned Citizens, Environmentally Conscious Educators, Musicians, International Authors, Green Business Owners, School Teachers And Politicians Urge Us To Realize, Re-Negotiate, And Reverse The Imminent 911 Global Emergency of the Health and Sustainability of Humanity and the Planet Click Here to Watch the Entire Series Free