Category Archives: Meditation

Researchers Find Meditation Activates Robust Immune System and Anti-Cancer Response

Meditation goes back thousands of years. From age-old Chinese medicine to ancient Indian yogic practices, meditation has been a key part of contributing towards health and happiness in millions of people’s lives. Anybody who meditates on a regular basis can feel its benefits: More peace, relaxation, less stress, more energy, better mood, more clarity, more…

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The Healing Power of Love

What does love mean to you? Love can often be an ambiguous and etherical human experience open to subjectivity and personal interpretation. But I think we can all agree on one thing: Love is essential to our overall well-being. With love in our lives, studies have shown that we live longer, are happier, and live…

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Ending Existential Poverty: Jan Hurwitch – Search for Sustainability Costa Rica

Jan Hurwitch from the Visionary Ethics Foundation of Costa Rica discusses the humanitarian crises plaguing our world, the importance of spirituality in sustainability, and the compassionate values of caring for impoverished children and families in need. Stay in touch by visiting: And Visit the Visionary Ethics Foundation at: The Search for Sustainability Global…

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Listening to the Power of Your Heart

Some empowering techniques and discussion about why and how to listen to the power of your heart.

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Overcoming the Fear of Death: Indigenous Wisdom from Grandmother Flordemayo

Nathan Crane interviews Grandmother Flordemayo about how we can overcome the fear of death. Learn more about Flordemayo and the Path at

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12 Tips to Stay Sane and Healthy During COVID-19 Quarantine and Beyond – Nathan Crane

These are my top 12 tips and solutions, things I do everyday, to keep a positive frame of mind and keep my body healthy and my immune system strong before, during and will continue after this quarantine of COVID-10 Coronavirus.

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Coronavirus – 7 Steps to Reduce Risk of Death

The good news is that Coronavirus can be beaten!  It’s already proven by upwards of 99% of people who’ve had it.  Here’s 7 things that can help you improve you immune system:  1. Your gastrointestinal system ie; your gut accounts for about 70% of your immune system.  A healthy gut = a healthy immune system. …

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Good News About the Coronavirus

96%-99% of people who get the virus are able to overcome it with mild symptoms, and don’t need hospitalization.  As of March 21st: 266,073 confirmed cases.  11,174 Deaths 4% “Assumed” Mortality Rate The reality with adding in all of the cases that have not been tested, mortality rate is likely around 5x less than…

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10 Ways to Stay Positive – Nathan Crane | Musings of Life (EP 013)

Many of us are going through challenges in multiple areas of your life including relationships, financial challenges, work stuff, and health issues. When we’re faced with these challenges it can seem daunting and difficult to stay positive. Here’s my top 10 list of simple and powerful ways you can stay positive every day no matter…

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A Prayer for World Peace

I was recently asked to offer the opening prayer/meditation before Shea Freedom headlined at Sister Winds in Taos, NM. I was joined by Root Flute and shared a powerful meditative visualization and prayer for connecting you with your life purpose while visualizing world peace for all living begins. This 6:33 prayer/meditation for world peace will…

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