96%-99% of people who get the virus are able to overcome it with mild symptoms, and don’t need hospitalization.
As of March 21st:
266,073 confirmed cases.
11,174 Deaths
4% “Assumed” Mortality Rate
The reality with adding in all of the cases that have not been tested, mortality rate is likely around 5x less than that – which could be around .5%-1%. Again these numbers are not totally accurate until enough people get tested.
According to the CDC – the highest percentage of people who require hospitalization or ICU are 85 yrs or older.
If you have a pre-existing health condition, then you need to really focus on building your immune system, but anyone who wants to prevent dying from Coronavirus, or any immune-related disease, should focus on building their immune system.
This virus has nothing to do with age – it has to do with your immune system, just like any other virus such as the flu.
If you have a healthy immune system, you’re much more likely to overcome it. If you have a weekend immune system, then we need to get your immune system in good shape.
In Italy, nearly 30% of men and 19% of women smoke cigarettes – whereas in the US 17.% of men and 13.5% of women smoke.
The good news is that Coronavirus can be beaten! It’s already proven by upwards of 99% of people who’ve had it.
Here’s 7 things that can help you improve you immune system:
1. Your gastrointestinal system ie; your gut accounts for about 70% of your immune system. A healthy gut = a healthy immune system.
2. Your lymphatic system is a major contributor to your overall immune system – herbs like: blue violet, cleavers, chaparral, burdock, echinacea, blue flag, poke root, red clover, red root, goldenseal, yellowdock, cayenne, mullein, and black walnut cleanse and support the lymphatic system.
3. Your lymphatic system must be cleaned every day – and the main way that your lymphatic system gets cleaned is by exercise. Exercise 30-60 mins every day for a healthy lymphatic system.
4. Mental emotional stress and fear suppresses your immune system – 30 minutes of meditation or qigong every day will turn off your adrenal system and up regulate your immune system
5. White blood cells are critical to a healthy immune system – Chiropractic has been shown to boost white blood cells by up to 300% in a single adjustment. Get adjusted 1-2 times per week right now
6. Vitamin C is an essential micronutrient for humans – It is a potent antioxidant and a cofactor for a family of biosynthetic and gene regulatory enzymes. Vitamin C contributes to immune defense by supporting various cellular functions of both the innate and adaptive immune system. Vitamin C deficiency results in impaired immunity and higher susceptibility to infections. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29099763
Can take supplements 2-10 grams per day for chronic health issues – start small and build over time if no adverse reactions. High Vitamin C plants – Red Pepper, Orange Juice, Kiwifruit, Green Pepper, Broccoli, Strawberries and Brussel Sprouts.
7. Your body makes antibodies – and early lab testing shows promising results that your body can produce antibodies to help you fight off the virus if you’ve already had it. A lot more people have had it than realize, and have been totally fine. If you have an underlying health condition, taking care of your immune system now is critical to your safety.
It’s time to build your immune system, do what’s necessary to reduce your risk, and continue staying positive as we move through these challenging times together.