Monthly Archives: March 2020

12 Tips to Stay Sane and Healthy During COVID-19 Quarantine and Beyond – Nathan Crane

These are my top 12 tips and solutions, things I do everyday, to keep a positive frame of mind and keep my body healthy and my immune system strong before, during and will continue after this quarantine of COVID-10 Coronavirus.

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Coronavirus – 7 Steps to Reduce Risk of Death

The good news is that Coronavirus can be beaten!  It’s already proven by upwards of 99% of people who’ve had it.  Here’s 7 things that can help you improve you immune system:  1. Your gastrointestinal system ie; your gut accounts for about 70% of your immune system.  A healthy gut = a healthy immune system. …

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Don’t Worry, Don’t Fear, in the Larger Scheme of Things, Life is Beautiful

Brooke Emery interviewed me for the Self Love and Self Care Symposium – and here’s a short clip from that interview. Please share hope and possibility with everyone in need right now during these challenging times. And if you want more hope, empowering solutions and inspiration make sure to attend the symposium free online by…

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Good News About the Coronavirus

96%-99% of people who get the virus are able to overcome it with mild symptoms, and don’t need hospitalization.  As of March 21st: 266,073 confirmed cases.  11,174 Deaths 4% “Assumed” Mortality Rate The reality with adding in all of the cases that have not been tested, mortality rate is likely around 5x less than…

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Why We Should Not Be Afraid of the Coronavirus

Of course we need to take this virus, or any health threat seriously. I’m not saying that it’s not a serious concern. People with compromised immune systems are most at risk. Which includes old and young people. But fear does not help us solve the problem. It actually makes it worse. And I’ll share some…

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Enhance Your Immune System to Fight Viruses and Disease with Prebiotics and Probiotics

WHAT IS THE IMMUNE SYSTEM? Our immune system is critical for humans to survive and thrive. Without an immune system, we would be crippled by the devastating attacks from bacteria, viruses, parasites, and more. It is our immune system that keeps us healthy as we live in a sea of chemicals and pathogens. This incredible…

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