Tired of temporary fixes for your chronic health issues? Discover REAL solutions now! 👉 https://nathancrane.com/ Becoming Cancer-Free is a #1 Amazon Bestseller – Download Your Copy for FREE Today! 🚨 Dive deep into the wisdom of Dr. Joel Fuhrman, a pioneer in natural, holistic, integrative medicine and a six-time New York Times bestselling author. In this episode of “Natural Health with Nathan Crane,” Dr. Fuhrman unveils the secrets of the Nutritarian Diet. Discover the history of cancer in human civilization, its link to our modern diets, and how our choices can profoundly affect our health. Unravel the science behind our body’s defense mechanisms against cancer and learn about the foods that can make our cells almost “cancer-proof.” This episode is a must-watch for anyone eager to harness the power of nutrition for long-lasting health.
Your host, Nathan Crane, is a Certified Holistic Cancer Coach, Best-Selling Author, Inspirational Speaker, Cancer-Health Researcher and Educator, and 20X Award Winning Documentary Filmmaker with Over 15 Years in the Health Field.
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#DrJoelFuhrman #NutrientDenseEating #NaturalHealth Â
Audio Transcript
(This transcript was auto-generated so there may be some errors) Â
00:00:00:00 – 00:00:50:08
Hello and welcome to Natural Health with Nathan Crane. Today, I’m really excited to share this interview I did not too long ago with a true pioneer in the field of natural, holistic, integrative medicine. Dr. Joel Furman. Dr. Furman is a board certified family physician. Six time New York Times bestselling author and an internationally recognized expert on nutrition and natural healing who specializes in helping people learn how to prevent reverse chronic diseases using nutritional methods.
00:00:50:09 – 00:01:14:13
Dr. Furman coined the term nutritive terrine to describe a nutrient dense eating style designed to prevent cancer, slow aging and extend life span. I’ve done a number of incredible interviews with Dr. Furman over the years. Every time I get to sit with him and ask him questions, I learn something new. If you’ve listened to him, read his books, heard from him, watched his PBS specials.
00:01:14:16 – 00:01:39:18
You’ve already learned quite a bit. And I promise you, you watch this. You’re still going to learn something new. He has a wealth of knowledge. So without further ado, Dr. Jill Furman. Enjoy. My pleasure. Great to be here. So diving right in, from your experience, you have a lot of it. Can you share with us what exactly is cancer and how does it show up in the human body?
00:01:39:21 – 00:02:05:19
Well, keep in mind, I’m not just speaking from experience. I’m speaking from a degree of scientific literature and studying the what happens to the human body and the human body essentially has the ability to protect against damage from cancer developing. We can repair broken DNA cross links. The body has the ability to repair methylation defects, prevent the accumulation of metabolic toxins and reactive oxygen species.
00:02:05:19 – 00:02:32:03
In other words, what I’m seeing right now is that cancer is something that human accumulates over time with inflammation, with irritation, inflammation, and then it gets to the point where it overwhelming the cells defense, the cell’s defenses to keep itself clean and then the it expects to replicate uncontrollably. And how do you know? Obviously, people know how cancer appears, but it usually appears with promoting angiogenesis.
00:02:32:03 – 00:02:55:07
In other words, these cells, in order to replicate rapidly, have to call a blood supply. So our normal blood supply has to be activated to perfused these cells that want to replicate a lot. And so cancer cells secrete angiogenesis promoters the word angiogenesis means to promote the growth of new blood vessels. And so the promotion of these cells is starting to excrete.
00:02:55:13 – 00:03:27:11
Angiogenesis promoters in our blood vessels grow new tributaries, new branches to fuel cancers, to counter growth of cancers. So when we have cancer growth, we always have these longevity proteins like Sirt one and AMP kinase are diminished and mTOR, which is an unfavorable protein buildup, is is heightened in almost all invasive of metastatic cancers. So what I’m seeing right now is that there’s a certain abnormality going on that is permissive, allowing cancers to replicate.
00:03:27:15 – 00:03:48:27
We eat a diet rich in phytochemicals with the full spectrum of nutrients humans need. And without putting in toxic substances into our body, our body is essentially already cancer proof. Cancer represents some defect or some abnormality that was in the lifestyle or the environment that allowed it to, because it’s not the inevitable consequence of aging. It’s not normal.
00:03:49:01 – 00:04:15:05
It’s hardly even occurred in human history. The first cancers that were noted in the medical literature that were written about were scrotal cancers, written a film that we noticed happening. A chimney sweeps in the early 1700s. So even on studies on mummified remains from thousands of years ago, hardly saw any cancers in human species. It was just not not a cause of death, you know, eons ago.
00:04:15:07 – 00:04:49:10
So in layman’s terms, in terms of what is cancer, I hear you saying is it’s if the body is, well, let’s say mind, emotions, body, the whole human experience is functioning as it’s supposed to. Then cancer does not show up. And if body’s out of balance or the systems of the body or out of balance are out of whack or out of their original, let’s say, heal their whole state, then cancer is a result of that.
00:04:49:15 – 00:05:15:26
Is that is that what I hear you saying? Yes. It’s that cells become damaged and they’re damaged due to it by something abnormal. For example, people you know, so there’s something the American diet is exceedingly abnormal. We’re consuming carcinogenic substances. We’re not eating that enough. Natural plant foods with the full exposure to phytochemicals that fuel the A or E, the antioxidant response element in the cell.
00:05:15:29 – 00:05:39:21
Its job is to remove free radicals and toxins and to repair methylation defects, the DNA, and essentially protect ourselves from cancer. And that mechanism is fueled by phytochemicals, especially from green vegetables. And without exposure to the for these nutrients humans need. We’re green vegetable dependent animals and we’re the American population is only eating 2% of calories from vegetables.
00:05:39:24 – 00:06:03:11
And we’re eating a diet with a lot of sweets in it with a lot of animal products, and that’s with insufficient amount of plant vegetation. As a primate that our immune system is dependent on. So I’m saying that when you have a diet that’s well designed the way humans are supposed to maximize human longevity, the cell becomes almost cancer proof, even removing exposure to environmental toxins.
00:06:03:17 – 00:06:30:29
Even it has the ability to suppress genetic alterations in genetic defects that, if not suppressed, would lead to increased risk of cancer. A healthy cell in a healthy body has the ability to suppress those genic genetic alterations like the GCP one gene that increases the risk of breast cancer, for example. And let me just say that, for example, the leading cause of cancer death, the leading cause of death in children, other than accidents is acute blast acidic leukemia.
00:06:31:01 – 00:06:55:24
And it’s already been linked in scientific studies to the lack of green vegetables in the mother’s diet even two years prior conception. So the diet that the parents eat even before the baby is conceived affects a child’s risk of cancer. For example. And also the exposure to luncheon meats like hot dogs and bacon, not even during pregnancy, but even prior to the pregnancy, affects a child’s risk of developing cancer.
00:06:55:29 – 00:07:23:14
So I’m saying it’s not just the diet we eat because our eggs that make us are living in our in our mother’s body her whole life that she’s alive. So when she’s five years old and ten years old and 15 years old, the egg that made you was living there and has the chance to be somewhat damaged. Should she be exposed to top two carcinogenic substances or eat a very poor diet or eating luncheon meats and fast foods?
00:07:23:16 – 00:07:58:19
So the worst your diet, your parents were before they even conceived you when you were born could affect your health as well. So we’re going to get a lot more into diet and nutrition and what what you recommend in a little bit. And before we do, I want to one, just clarify to hear from you this notion that a lot of people seem to believe that cancer is something you can catch like a cold or flu and that’s often how our medical industry treats it, right.
00:07:58:20 – 00:08:23:21
They try to get it and take it out of you versus recognizing that it’s something that your body is creating because of the diet and lifestyle and habits and environment and toxins and so forth. What is your take on that? What have you seen in regards to to that understanding and helping people recognize and identify? It’s not something you catch.
00:08:23:22 – 00:08:46:13
It’s something that you create in the body. That’s right. But but I think that’s what you’re saying is generally well accepted or not controversial. In other words, I don’t think that traditional medical doctors believe it’s something we catch and they recognize that cancer has known causes. And those causes are a combination of environmental toxins and also for diet and nutrition.
00:08:46:13 – 00:09:11:00
I think that I think that’s generally recognized that that what we eat has an effect on cancer. And certain foods have more powerful anti-cancer effects than others. In other words, what I’m saying right now is that even when we talked about angiogenesis, we know that certain foods like mushrooms have antiangiogenic effects and they also have effects that are anti-Roma tastes to lower estrogen.
00:09:11:02 – 00:09:33:01
And I saw, for example, I mean, it’s well recognized that higher levels of circulating estrogen and higher levels of localized estrogen in breast tissue increases risk of breast cancer. It’s not luck. It’s a biochemical and hormonal adjustment That’s something abnormal that we know that when a person is overweight, for example, let’s say you have an extra £25 of fat on your body.
00:09:33:03 – 00:09:54:18
Well, those fat cells are somewhat hypoxic, which means they don’t have an excellent blood supply. They have a marginal blood supply. The fat cells secrete angiogenesis promoters try to claim a fat supply, and in doing so, they permit fat cells and more permissive to allow other tumors to grow in your body and in thinking fat like a tumor.
00:09:54:20 – 00:10:22:12
But the fat on your body makes you insulin resistance. In other words, the insulin insulin can’t be uptake by cells as readily by fat. So now the pancreas has to create more insulin response to every carbohydrate you eat. And the high level of insulin has growth promoting and angiogenesis promotion effects. And because fat cells also secrete more cytokines in inflammatory process, inflammatory mediators, they stimulate aromatase production.
00:10:22:15 – 00:10:56:19
And so that means you produce more estrogen. So a person who’s eating poorly and overweight, their breast exposure to estrogen can be ten times the level of localized estrogen exposure in the breast tissue compared to somebody that was relatively slim, meaning a healthy diet with lots of vegetables and mushrooms and onions. So what? So what I’m saying is that the scientific literature is giving us a ton of information about this today, and it’s becoming more generally accepted that we can win the war on cancer and I make the statement often I say to people that we’ve landed the man on the moon already.
00:10:56:21 – 00:11:18:19
And what I mean by that is we already know what what causes cancer and we already know how to prevent it. More than 90% of cancers, we can look back 100 years ago and see even relatively recent history. Countries had 1/50 to 100th the amount of cancers we had in this country. And even today, even in modern times, we have populations of the world with much less cancer.
00:11:18:19 – 00:11:39:11
When they move here and they eat the way we eat, they so they develop the same rate of cancer we do. So what I’m saying right now is we have enough information today to win the war on breast cancer and prostate cancer. These common cancers, and by that, by win the war, I mean to teach the population a way to live and to eat so we could so we wouldn’t see these cancers occur.
00:11:39:14 – 00:12:05:10
You know, it’s a different story when we’re talking about using nutrition to treat cancer. Then we have obviously some early stage cancers that are more response to nutritional interventions. And we do see a lot of scientific data showing the same factors that prevent cancer, increase longevity and interfere with cancer cells, cancer cell replication, and prevent cancer recurrence in people who already have cancer.
00:12:05:12 – 00:12:31:10
But as cancers become more advanced and more advanced and people get close to their death, there’s obviously much more difficulty in reversing these diseases nutritionally. So it’s not a black and white issue. But as you may know from my 30 year experience sings patients. I’m working in this in Libby’s family of people with medical with serious medical conditions, using nutritional excellence as a primary modality.
00:12:31:10 – 00:12:56:09
It’s been very so incredibly rewarding and touching to see people with cancer make a complete recovery. I can’t say it’s happened. What happens all the time where you can predict when it’s you know, but I can give some examples of one of my patients. Her name was Pam. She was had a metastatic ovarian cancer that went into her lung and she had four liters of fluid from the middle from a and given about 3 to 4 months to live.
00:12:56:09 – 00:13:40:21
And she’s thriving and alive today, 17 years later. And we can just go to one another person with stage four lymphoma, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma that responded within 6 to 9 months of having these masses shrink up and disappear and following a new territory. This approach, which includes, of course, the high nutrient diet with some additional juices and things. So it’s just you know, so we have in our community, as you know, that that ignoring nutrition and not placing nutritional excellence in the tool box is is not doing the best for the person’s opportunity to get well even when they want to have a very even when to have an advanced cancer.
00:13:40:23 – 00:14:08:18
So nutrition is an absolute key factor. And like I said, we’re going to we’re going to really explore that in this interview. And before we do, you had said about you had mentioned that there are generally recognized causes of cancer, scientifically validated causes of cancer. Can you can you state what those are? Yes, we mentioned one of them.
00:14:08:20 – 00:14:45:19
One of them is is eating a diet with excessive amounts of calories, becoming overweight. And you people are aware that becoming diabetic increases your risk of cancer as well, because being diabetic means you have metabolic problems with sugar and insulin, which increases your risk of cancer. So we’re saying here that these things that increase risk of cancer are our fried foods, processed foods, a diet with a very high glycemic diet is well established that more white flour and white rice and sugars and soft drinks and marshmallows and donuts and cookies and crackers are dangerous and increased risk of cancer.
00:14:45:23 – 00:15:12:17
And because they do not contain nutrients in them, they strip the body of nutrients. When we process calories that don’t have a significant micronutrient load, we create a stream of free radicals and other toxic compounds. And then the American diet also has a huge amount of animal products. And as the high glycaemic carbohydrates raise growth promoting insulin, which is a growth hormone, especially in excess, it’s promoting excessive growth and excessive angiogenesis.
00:15:12:19 – 00:15:40:25
Also, IGF one insulin like growth factor one in excess also is a growth hormone that works as a sandwich with insulin to be very permissive in allowing cancers to replicate. So IGF one is a primary growth hormone in childhood. It raises up to could raise up to unfavorable level in adulthood, especially if we eat too much animal protein, not just the fat and saturated fat in our product, but actually what we’re talking here about skim milk and egg whites and lean and lean meats fishes.
00:15:40:25 – 00:16:04:16
We’re talking about if you as you ovary protein, protein drives growth and growth most cancer and too much protein, the diet can increase risk of IGF one. And also a diet with a lot of animal protein per say creates a lot of gram negative bacteria in the gut that then they produce certain toxic compounds such as TMJ over trimethylamine oxide and other.
00:16:04:19 – 00:16:24:10
So what I’m seeing right now is the right type of hormonal and biochemical events happen when we have a diet that’s rich in processed foods and animal products. I always make the joke and I say, The American diet is designed by ice. It’s okay because we have this diet was high in animal products and high in processed foods simultaneously.
00:16:24:15 – 00:16:45:16
And the American foods they like to eat like pizza and macaroni and cheese and hamburgers and mixing together our white flour, sugar products with a slab of animal products is probably the most dangerous dinosaur you could eat, except when you add fried foods to it. Now you cook oils at high temperature and you cause rancid and damaging compounds like French fries on top of that meal.
00:16:45:22 – 00:17:17:02
And you’ve really got a cancer bomb ready to explode. You know that even the link between even one serving of fast food French fries per week increases risk of breast cancer, for example, by 26%. Even the moderate intake of these dangerous foods dramatically increases the risk of cancer. And we’re on a death wish in America as much to make the diet as cancer promoting as we’ve seen it possibly can be because we’ve designed it to the exact diets that’s most cancer promoting we could possibly have done.
00:17:17:05 – 00:17:53:10
So talking a little bit more about meat and dairy animal products, you had said that too much protein is directly linked to higher exposure to cancer rates. But also you mentioned the meat itself causing a type of bacteria in the gut. What other kinds of evidence or literature have you seen in terms of how meat and dairy in animal products, aside from the protein side of that promote higher, higher, higher exposure to cancer?
00:17:53:13 – 00:18:21:23
Well, keep in mind the foundational principle or primary principle of a new tearing diet to extend lifespan and protect against cancer is moderate caloric restriction is not overeating. Maintaining a relatively lean body through you as you age in the environment or in the context of micronutrient excellence. In other words, when and the opposite is also valid here. Because when you die with more micronutrients and fiber, it naturally suppresses our appetites.
00:18:21:23 – 00:19:00:09
We don’t have to overeat when your diet is low in nutrients and low in antioxidants and phytochemicals and low in these micronutrients, you become a calorie consuming monster like a food addict who can’t control the food intake. So what I’m saying right now is that this that foundationally the foods that have the high amounts of micronutrients, our colorful plants have a lot of natural anti oxidants and phytonutrients that protect against cancer devouring utilizes to harm our protective immune system, both processed foods like pasta, bread, standard oil, mayonnaise, donuts, crackers, cookies, soft drinks, breakfast for us.
00:19:00:11 – 00:19:22:20
Those foods do not contain a significant micronutrient load. They don’t contain the fibers that promote the good bacteria. And they don’t protect contain these phytonutrients. They’re so critical. And animal products also have a low micronutrient exposure because they have some vitamins in some minerals, but they do not contain the fiber, chemicals and antioxidants that arm the immune system protect against cancer.
00:19:22:25 – 00:19:54:12
We put that diet together with only 2% of vegetables. We can’t have adequate protection, immune system support. So what I’m saying right now is that where the money’s at, the foods that are most protective or the natural plants, especially G bonds, and that acronym G bombs, gb0 MVS stands for grains, beans, onions, mushrooms, berries and seeds, which are identified by the sign.
00:19:54:12 – 00:20:18:29
The literature as having dramatic protection against all types of cancers and reduction of cancer death in people who already have cancer. For example, studies on women who already have breast cancer checked when they have flax seed muffins or flax seeds in their diet are shown to have longer lifespan, less death rate from cancer over the ten year period that followed and less chance of the occurrence of cancer.
00:20:19:01 – 00:20:52:12
Or they eat the flax seeds. What I’m saying women with mushroom seed mushrooms have 64% lower risk of breast cancer occurrence one Asian study. In other words, there’s for each one of these foods, there’s a whole there’s scores of studies that show how protected these foods are, these plant foods against cancer. Likewise, we have the same data collection on animal product consumption as animal products go up in the diet as a percent of total calories, like the blue zones, there are less than 10% to areas of the world.
00:20:52:12 – 00:21:20:20
They’re eating 20%, 30% or more. We look at all the epidemiologic studies, including the Seventh Day Adventist study, which is the only real blue zone in the United States. The longest lived population in the United States of all, because about 30% of them are vegetarians at some time and they eat generally less animal products. But we can they’re able to do studies on them to measure how much animal products they eat because there’s a diverse amount of animal plant consumption group compared to the other Americans.
00:21:20:27 – 00:21:48:01
And they can measure and see as animal products go up. So that’s of of short lifespan, increased cardiovascular mortality and cancer mortality. But in generally speaking, your question about the animal protein versus the animal fat, I mean, certainly if you barbecue, you fry, you darken or bake or cook animal products under high heat, it forms more dangerous compounds, more towards heterocyclic amines and nitrosamine compounds.
00:21:48:01 – 00:22:20:04
And in other types of, you know, we all have these dangerous compounds being formed when meats or cooked at high temperature. But we also see from the studies we have available that as people eat more plant protein, the rate of cancer and heart attack that goes down, that means wheat, hemp seeds and green vegetables and beans. And so and soybeans, whatever, when we’re seeing plant high protein plant foods go up, its lifespan extending and high protein animal products go up, its lifespan shortening.
00:22:20:06 – 00:22:53:14
And I think it’s it’s not just the fact that the plant proteins are associated with a high amount of fibers and phytochemicals. That’s, of course, very true. But it’s also that when a body, the plant proteins are not as biologically complete, So the body is not going to make an excessive amount of growth hormone. It’s going to complete the protein in order to make the amount of hormone it needs by taking, you know, amino acids that are stored in the interstitial lining of the eye or looking to absorb some of the bacteria in the gut or some of the extra food.
00:22:53:14 – 00:23:16:28
So we’re going to complete the protein to make sufficient amount of hormones for our sustenance health and growth rate, animal protein. There’s no regulating the hormonal production. When you eat excess animal protein, the excess animal products you eat is turned into hormone. And we make excessive amounts that we don’t need. And it’s the excessive amount of hormone production that we didn’t need to have made.
00:23:17:00 – 00:23:35:04
That can then be promises to promote growth, that when you should be growing as an adult. So it’s a little complicated. There’s a lot of factors involved. I’m just going over some of the factors to make it more clear to people the excess animal protein, like what actually happens with that in the body, What does the body do with that?
00:23:35:04 – 00:24:00:28
Is a store it you said it turns into hormones, that is hormones. Then do what? Where where do they go? How does that affect the body? How does that directly relate to cancer either gross etc.. Right. Because the American diet is highly growth promoting. And, you know, so and then in conjunction with having these growth promoting hormones that are allowing angiogenesis.
00:24:00:28 – 00:24:24:19
So we’re seeing here that animal products raise IGF one, we to many of them to an unfavorable level in middle age, that could be too high. And that’s going to be allowing cells to replicate that shouldn’t be replicated when a person gets a diagnosis of prostate cancer at age 70 or breast cancer at age 70, they didn’t have these cancer cells start to replicate at 65.
00:24:24:25 – 00:24:40:23
It was usually ten years earlier or more. So it could be that ten or 15 years earlier that you start to have early cells that were becoming abnormal and maybe even ten years prior to that, but the cells becoming dysplastic before they became cancerous. So it’s a 20 years, it’s a long cycle that we’ve got cancer at age 60.
00:24:40:23 – 00:24:58:29
It didn’t happen. So it’s damage that was occurring to these cells all through life. It’s not something that just happened to you right before your lump was discovered. When that lump is first visible to the human eye, the size of a head of a pin, even, it’s had to have replicated slowly over the years to get that big enough so that you and I can see it.
00:24:59:02 – 00:25:19:01
And by that point, a lot of these cells have less that left the nest already. So I’m saying to you now in response to a question about what the body does with the animal products, we’re talking about people eating excessive amounts of animal products for many years. So they’re getting so they’re getting a dietary and chemical framework in the body.
00:25:19:03 – 00:25:52:02
We are getting lack of nutrients, excessive production of free radicals. The cells become bathed in reactive oxygen species from the diet, which is high in processed foods and animal products and lowland vegetation. So they’re bathing themselves in free radicals and other toxic species. And we don’t have enough of the antioxidants and phytonutrients to remove toxins, even the fighting gases in grains and in beans and nuts and even the fight against it finds toxic metals like cadmium, arsenic lead and pulls it out of the body.
00:25:52:04 – 00:26:28:15
So we eat more of the soil and we’re getting microplastics now with it. Adapt being in the environment in our fish. So in any case where we’re building up abnormal substances in our body and our bodies, allowing these abnormal substances to stay there and cause damage because the diet is not the dietary quality is too poor to allow it to repair itself, remove the buildup and slow accumulation of these metabolic toxins while at the same time we have extent excessive exposure to hormones that are promoting growth.
00:26:28:17 – 00:27:01:03
So while we’re in the framework of a cell that’s building up metabolic toxins, eating a diet with too much high glycaemic carbohydrates like honey and maple sirup and marshmallows, which is producing excessive insulin and too much animal protein, which is producing growth, IGF one. And this IGF one insulin like growth factor one and insulin package, when both those hormones are elevated, they activate enter, which then further promotes damage to the cells and then is permissive for for cancer.
00:27:01:03 – 00:27:29:28
A lot of mechanisms happening, you know, when we have a large exposure to nutrients. In other words, we’re not just talking about the vitamin C in the taco tree and also controls and genes. We’re not just talking about enough nutrients to prevent scurvy in enough niacin to prevent coagulate enough. We’re talking about enough nutrients to stabilize longevity proteins, to protect the telomeres, to keep our stem cells healthy in later life.
00:27:30:00 – 00:27:57:12
In other words, when we have excellent nutrition and excellent exposure to nutritional two nutritional substances for decades, that then that that is that’s the protection we need for these. So inhibiting or not permitting the abnormalities to build up and lead to cancer. Cancer didn’t happen overnight. It was a slow process that people allowed to have happen. And it starts in childhood when people are fed fast food and junk food and give it a poor diet.
00:27:57:12 – 00:28:18:25
In childhood, we start to see the damage begin to accumulate. Then we see, even, for example, the age of puberty in women affecting the risk of breast cancer 60 years later, now the age of puberty, early puberty increases risk of breast cancer. So let’s say a normal puberty for women, let’s say is age 16. The average puberty is age 12, 12 years old.
00:28:18:25 – 00:28:37:09
But some people get it through puberty. Younger than that. When was when did you eat the diet that affected whether it went to privilege? Tanner, age 14, once that occurred, what’s the diet you ate when you were two and three and four and five and six years old that affected what you age, what you went through? Puberty and age of puberty affects whether you have prostate cancer or breast cancer when you’re 60.
00:28:37:14 – 00:29:02:13
What I’m saying right now is that it’s your lifetime exposure to you and these factors that affect your risk. And it’s even your exposure to these factors before you were born, because there’s even some exposure to bad health and bad nutrition. What your parents eat before you, even before they even gave birth, see? So what do you say to what’s your response to people who’ve been told by their medical doctors?
00:29:02:13 – 00:29:27:10
Because I’ve met a number of these people I even see very respected, very intelligent experts, authors up on stage are speaking about like the blood type diet and that they can’t do an all plant based diet or their doctor told them they have to have meat and dairy because of various reasons, because their blood type, etc.. What is your take on that?
00:29:27:10 – 00:29:51:27
What’s your response to people who have either been told that from a doctor or they believe that because of something they’ve read? Well, there’s no science or even clinical evidence? No. We once we have two things, we have a body of scientific literature that we have to really investigate and look at in depth. And then we have a really clinical experience with people and patients seeing what happens over the years.
00:29:51:27 – 00:30:10:21
And I’m lucky to have 30 years of, you know, thousands of people with experience and seeing what what goes on in this community. So there’s no data to suggest that certain people, because of their blood type, corresponds with the diet. It’s better for them. You know, that’s that’s just there’s no evidence in the scientific literature. There’s no clinical evidence either.
00:30:10:23 – 00:30:52:28
So that’s a completely nonsensical hypothesis. And no more than a person’s eye color, shoe size and mother’s mother’s maiden name. So backwards to check what they should be eating. Now, that doesn’t mean that some people are not thriving on a diet or vegan. That’s a completely different issue, that to do their blood type, for example, there are some people, for a lot of reasons, there are some people, for example, who don’t convert the alpha in fat in, let’s say, nuts and seeds and greens into first and DHEA sufficiently for adequate brain function in later life, putting they’re at high risk of depression that is genetically determined by the conversion enzymes.
00:30:52:28 – 00:31:09:22
It’s not by their blood type. You know, we have to investigate that. There are some people who, because of their earlier life, they may there are some children who are going to thrive on a vegan diet. You know, they they their diet needs more protein and more fat because of the way they assimilate and digest protein is different from somebody else.
00:31:09:24 – 00:31:35:02
And there are some elderly people who require more. They’re digested. The ability to handle protein goes down with aging and they get their IGF one can become too low. And if it gets too low, it can suppress immunity. Also increasing risk of cancer. And therefore, the diet has to be designed to be more than protein adequate. In some cases, animal products might be advisable in small amounts to help these people bring their IGF one up to an acceptable level.
00:31:35:10 – 00:31:57:03
What I’m saying is there are individual differences. Yes. That make for the necessity to, in some cases, adjust the diet to individual needs. But in no way is that based on can be based on what type it has to be a more detailed and thorough investigation and and history and knowing the person and just go and reading a book and saying my blood type means or should eat meat, that’s just insane.
00:31:57:05 – 00:32:20:04
So is that is that a in your experience, is that a high percentage of people middle low percentage of people that that need that kind of, you know, customized tailor addition to their diet because of their genetic predisposition, that’s not allowing them to process certain nutrients in certain ways that high percentage low percent. What’s been your experience with that?
00:32:20:06 – 00:32:38:04
It depends on what we’re looking at. You know, a lot of people as they get older, may be poor, may have different abilities to process zinc, and some people may do better with more zinc, could help them move. So I think that’s somewhat variable. But I think generally speaking, there is more people as they age that require more zinc.
00:32:38:04 – 00:33:04:23
With regard to, for example, I think it’s about half the population on vegan diets get a level that’s not optimal and about a quarter get levels that are potentially dangerous if they don’t supplement or do or do something. I think with regard to, you know, a new territory in diet, which I recommend is generally mostly vegan, but a person can use animal products in small amounts, but the design of the diet is so protein favorable already.
00:33:05:01 – 00:33:24:19
It’s a type of plant based diet. It’s very protein favorable compared to other plant based diets. So it’s less likely to get a ton with failure to thrive for an elderly person with low levels of IGF one. But that doesn’t mean those people don’t exist. And you don’t just willy nilly thrust a diet on a child who wasn’t thriving and gaining weight or doing well and say, Well, I think the site is best for him.
00:33:24:19 – 00:33:51:14
It’s not thriving. Some kids need to examine their diet or animal protein, and that’s why they’re going to be designed, just like some elderly people do, who are starting to get muscle wasting and lack of thriving because their IGF one goes to low. And there’s even some people whose cholesterol gets excessively low, whose brain is sensitive to low cholesterol and can develop more anxiety or depression or more or not, not from a diet.
00:33:51:14 – 00:34:18:07
It’s too low that that’s completely vague. So there’s unusual circumstances that happen to individuals. Your question about when that happens, I would say not that often. Probably is not Not five and a hundred people would have that concern. Maybe maybe it’s more like two and 100 that require some modification to that. But we want to at least see what’s the word, aware that every person doesn’t fit the same ideal mold.
00:34:18:07 – 00:34:33:23
And we have to look at people and check them and see how they’re doing, make sure they’re thriving on the advice they’re given. But one thing we know that when a person does need some animal products in the diet and is otherwise not thriving on a vegan diet, we don’t want to switch to like a paleo diet in a lot of animal products.
00:34:33:29 – 00:35:01:02
We want to regulate the amount of animal products so they get just enough to bring their IGF one in the normal range, not to push it up high to create damage. So, you know, there’s a for example, there was a study of 6000 people found for 80 years, and they showed that the highest threshold of animal protein consumption there was a 75% increase overall death rate over that 18 year period and a 400% increased risk of cancer over that 18 year period.
00:35:01:02 – 00:35:23:28
In the 50 to 65 year olds. We looked at the elderly people who are like 70 and 80 years, followed them for 18 years, then in the highest social of animal product compared with traditional, you did not see the danger from the high amounts of our products as animal products because they were counteracting each other because some people in the elderly category don’t thrive on a diet that low protein.
00:35:24:01 – 00:35:42:22
What I’m saying right now is the healthier you are and the more you’re eating right, the more you keep your youthful vigor or your digestion is normal. You can say that your body’s ability to assimilate, that it’s protein stays adequate. There is. But if the more you eat unhealthy the all through your life, the more you can become more dependent on animal products when you’re older.
00:35:42:27 – 00:36:13:05
Because you’re right, because you’re not handling protein, you cause some problems because you allow yourself, you just attract to age faster. So it’s complicated and we have to just be a little cautious and aware that it’s not quite one fits all, could it? And could it also be that that small percent, that one or 2% or 3% of people who who have a challenge on it, on a vegan diet, could it be that they’re not getting enough diversity in their diet?
00:36:13:05 – 00:36:44:14
Because we do know so far, I think the latest statistic I saw was there’s at least 150,000 different types of edible medicinal plants that have been identified on the planet so far. If you go to the grocery store, you’re usually only going to see maybe a couple of dozen out of 150,000. Right. So could it potentially be that those people are just not getting enough diversity of different types of the plants to support the wholeness and healing of their body?
00:36:44:16 – 00:37:11:02
Probably Not because. Absolutely. I’m agreeing with what you’re saying, that on this on my nutrient carrion program, one of the benefits, one of the things we’re striving for is a wide variety, an assortment of different plant species and natural plants, including microgreens and baby vegetables and sprouts. And so we’re so definitely nutritional variety of all the time. It’s definitely an asset to longevity and for a product’s ability to resist disease and immune system strength.
00:37:11:05 – 00:37:38:20
But what I’m seeing right now is I’m looking at a population of people already doing, you know, a really a diet that’s not just cutting it out of products, but going after more excellent nutrition. The question is, if they’re getting into trouble on these vegan diets, one of these are what are they possibly missing? But the vegan diet is giving them and it’s true, it’s usually DHEA, zinc could be iodine if they’re not eating seafood of seaweed, it could be K2, but usually not.
00:37:38:20 – 00:38:03:21
That could be vitamin D, but usually not. It’s usually the most often decreasing. And then, of course, what we’re seeing now is that the protein issue and what if they’re needing more protein isn’t coming from nutritional diversity or plant diversity? We’re measuring IGF one and we’re saying that their IGF one levels are dangerously low and they’re having body wasting.
00:38:03:24 – 00:38:24:03
So it’s a combination of muscle wasting muscle atrophy because sarcopenia, in conjunction with very low levels of IGF one, we can regulate that IGF one with the amount of protein and we can’t get it up to an adequate level. It’s a dangerously low level with enough plant protein diets. Then we have to consider adding some animal products to that person.
00:38:24:05 – 00:38:39:05
So it’s not you know, we’re not going to raise the IGF one when it’s very low. And I’m saying admittedly, this is not common, but it’s just something that as a health professionals taking care of people with the issues that, you know, that we’re aware of, that if a person is not thriving, we’re looking at blood tests to evaluate why they’re not.
00:38:39:05 – 00:39:26:11
Right. So majority of the people that come to you to heal with chronic diseases such as cancer, what so what is that the best diet that you recommend for people, for majority of people, if you or a loved one has a chronic disease such as cancer, autoimmunity, diabetes, heart disease, or mental and emotional health challenges such as depression or anxiety, then it’s time to listen to the world leading integrative, holistic and natural health doctors and experts who can help you on your path to preventing and reversing chronic health conditions at any age.
00:39:26:13 – 00:39:53:14
Visit Health and Healing Club Wwe.com for more details. That’s WW dot Health and Healing Club Wwe.com to sign up for your free trial today right that’s right the standard time to recommend two to people who have early stage cancer so who want to extend their life span is the same diet basically I recommend for people with autoimmune conditions who want to get well from lupus and Soraya’s cysts and rheumatoid arthritis.
00:39:53:16 – 00:40:15:20
And so when syndromes and pandemics, connective tissue disease and autoimmune hepatitis, it’s the same immune system strengthening diets with the G balms with two glasses of fresh squeezed vegetable juice a day in the vegetable juice. I The reason I’m getting a vegetable juice, of course, is because by eating right, you’re taking in those nutrients, but you can’t consume as much of the nutrients as you could by adding the juices.
00:40:15:26 – 00:40:42:16
And it takes these people six and nine months to get the levels of nutrients in the cells, in the tissues that level with it where mine are, for example, in just four years. So we give them juices to bring them up quicker, to give them more. And the juice has one third cruciferous like bok choy, cabbage kale. One third is something like carrots beet, and the other third is something like lettuce, dark green lettuces, celery or cucumber.
00:40:42:21 – 00:41:00:14
So we’re giving them this one third, one third, one third juice twice a day. And they still have a large salad that they chew with the onions, the mushrooms, the cooked mushrooms. Of course, mushrooms are very powerful in the cancer protocol, but they should be cooked because they have a mild carcinogen called a guarantee that have blown off with cooking.
00:41:00:18 – 00:41:40:11
We want them to be exposed to multiple mushroom species. We want them to even eat them. I even give my patients with cancer a mixed mushroom supplement with different with 14 different mushroom species in it they usually have. Some are exposed to green tea, extracts of green tea, and they of course are having this plant based diet with exposure to large exposure to onions and mushrooms and berries and seeds, and they’re using muscle seeds as a source of fat and not using oil because they’re that we want to, because there is there’s beneficial anti-inflammatory and an immune system supporting nutrients in the nuts and seeds and they’re absorbed very, very slowly, whereas oil is absorbed
00:41:40:11 – 00:42:12:04
very rapidly and leads to more body fat production and more cytokine and pro-inflammatory modulation and response by the body. So their fat intake and the little bit of fat and so it’s like a half an ounce with each meal helps facilitate the green vegetables that the greens, the other nutrients they’re eating. So they’re getting a very we’re trying to give them a very wide spectrum of natural foods, lots of different types of vegetables, a big salad every day, a bowl of actually bean soup and and of exposure to other other beneficial foods as well.
00:42:12:06 – 00:42:38:06
What’s your take on the ketogenic diet. My take is that it’s been proven to be lifespan shortening already and in large scale immunologic studies every diet looked at when you start to get a diet restricting fruit and restricting plant carbohydrates, you restrict restricting fiber and you’re restricting exposure to phytochemicals. And we know that it causes a acidosis. The ketogenic is ketoacidosis.
00:42:38:06 – 00:43:00:03
It comes some degree of acidosis in the system. So it may be so in every short term study, you could do a short term study on a ketogenic diet showing benefits to lowering triglycerides, a body weight reduction or diabetes reduction due to weight loss. But every study looking at large scale numbers with high amounts going on for decades, we see there was a study published in 2018, the can.
00:43:00:06 – 00:43:28:06
There was actually one study in 2019 two that looked at long term people on fruit restriction or ketogenic diet saw higher causes of death. What I’m saying right now is the scientific literature is pretty comprehensively showing that ketogenic may be dangerous long term. Now, that doesn’t mean that we’re not going to find certain cancers that may be responsive to what may be a combination of chemotherapy with the ketogenic diet.
00:43:28:12 – 00:43:44:26
In other words, let’s say, for example, we may believe a cancer, a certain type of lymphoma or a certain type of soft tissue glioma, like a brain tumor, and these tumors are insulin. You need insulin to fuel the growth of these tumors. And we completely restrict insulin by putting them on a ketogenic diet. It makes them more sensitive to chemotherapy.
00:43:45:02 – 00:44:17:28
Given the chemotherapy with the ketogenic diet, it knocks the tumor out, less chance of recurrence. So even though I’m suggesting that a ketogenic diet is not safe for the long term for people’s health and longevity and certainly not a diet I’m recommending, I’m saying it may be the case, which because it would more scientific investigate. And there are some scientists investigating this in New York City, for example, that are putting people with cancer on a combination of ketogenic diets with chemotherapy and see better response to the chemo than people who were not put on that.
00:44:17:28 – 00:44:40:19
We’re not. So I’m not saying there might be. There may not be and there may be a therapeutic indication for a ketogenic diet for certain conditions and certain types of cancers that we will discover in the future. And I’m not wiping out that possibility, but I am saying we have to take care about that because the long term utilization of ketogenic diet is not lifespan favorable.
00:44:40:21 – 00:45:06:16
Follow me. Absolutely. Yes. So it’s not something you would recommend to to your patients and clients at this time, but something worth continuing to see to investigate. Right? Absolutely. So you have patients that come to your retreat center in San Diego. Right. And people stay with you for weeks or months at a time. And tell me a little bit more about that process.
00:45:06:16 – 00:45:29:16
What does that look like? Somebody has cancer or chronic disease or wants to heal. They come and stay with you. What what does that person experience? What kind of things can they hope for? Share a little bit more about that. You know, I think and you probably would agree I think I was already watching would agree there are a lot of people that know they should be healthier.
00:45:29:16 – 00:45:56:19
They want to eat healthier. But that’s having trouble doing it, that processed foods and eating unhealthy is just too attractive. And they’re so ingrained into their social environment that it becomes part of their their recreation, part of their social lifestyle. So what I’m seeing right now is food is physically unhealthy, food is physically addicting, and it also is socially addicting and people so they be unable to comply with what they think they know they should do.
00:45:56:21 – 00:46:15:10
And so what I’m saying right now is we have people that are overweight, they have heart disease, they have diabetes, they have autoimmune disease, they have cancers, and they want to get well and they real. And they’re also somewhat suffering from food addiction. We put them we put them when they bring them into activity retreat. We have three incredible chefs.
00:46:15:13 – 00:46:31:18
Show them how great healthy food can taste. We keep them there long enough to we train their taste buds so they’re not constantly eating all the salt and having sweets or junk food. They can’t quit. So it’s like it’s like going away to come off Cigarets You’ve got to spend time away from not having cigarets So we’re going to keep wanting more nicotine.
00:46:31:23 – 00:46:53:28
You’ve got to go get away from your cooking. If you start not want to snort anymore, you’ve got to get away from the truly addictive pull of this illicit love affair you have with unhealthy foods to build, to enjoy it, guava and kumquat, and to enjoy eating salads with pomegranate on healthy dressing. So we show them how food can taste great.
00:46:54:01 – 00:47:16:01
We have food addiction counselors. They have groups. So we’re giving them groups to try to deal with their emotional eating problems that led them to become overweight severely begin with. And they’re learning through my lectures and through the staff. You know what? There’s a lot of fun things to do there. So it’s a beautiful place. You like a sort of pool and hiking and biking and exercise classes and yoga and all the other things going on, cooking classes.
00:47:16:03 – 00:47:34:14
But they’re really there to get an education too. And the thing cared for by me and getting on the learning about and getting motivated, informed, so they really learn how to do this, make it work most effectively, and enjoy the process so they can replicate it when they go home. So they learn to take off, if you will.
00:47:34:14 – 00:47:54:04
If you’re £150 overweight, you’re not going to lose £150 with me for two months. You’ll lose about £50. Right? So so I had like one woman, of course, she was £50 when she was there. But the year she went home, she lost 150 more, you know, because she knew what to do. When you want to replicate this in our home, it’s very hard for people to grasp how to do this.
00:47:54:07 – 00:48:11:22
If you’ve got my sister in law who had breast cancer, for example, she didn’t follow my program at all. She thought it was a little too extreme. And no, it wasn’t for her. And, you know, but then she got cancer and now the question is, how do we do this? How do you make it taste good? I want to do it now.
00:48:11:22 – 00:48:30:26
I realize my mistake. And then and now, of course, this is decade. You know, this is she’s doing great. She has no cancer. She’s fine. She you know, she’s she changed her life and her sister lives. But the point is, it was great that I was here and my wife and I could show her how to make the food taste great, how to do it, how to incorporate this in your life.
00:48:31:02 – 00:48:50:21
You know, So we have this place that it’s really very rewarding to be able to see people, facilitate them getting better, to watch the transformation curves to a curve. And so they get healthy. And I’m you know, I have people that are come in where they’re almost ready to have a heart attack and they get their blood pressure and cholesterol down and get the weight off.
00:48:50:23 – 00:49:10:20
And we have people come in who have prostate cancer or breast cancer and they and they want to start to change the way they’re eating and really learn this way of life. And it’s just it works great when you can put it in a separate them from the fast food and negative social environment in at home and really get them to retrain their taste buds.
00:49:10:20 – 00:49:30:20
They love eating this way and they realize what they can learn to defer this over their unhealthy diet. So thank you for sharing all that. Your retreat sounds incredible. And as we talked offline and look forward to coming and visiting you there in San Diego, as I said, I used to live there for about ten years and love the area.
00:49:30:23 – 00:50:03:03
And as we wrap up, kind of final thoughts, what maybe three or so steps for those tuning in who are serious about wanting to prevent cancer or heal or reverse cancer in their own bodies. What kind of steps could people take right now to start on that journey and what do they need to think about to support the longevity of that journey?
00:50:03:06 – 00:50:31:03
Well, that’s that’s some, you know, a big question that could go on another hour about. But basically, I’m going to keep it real simple. I want people have a big salad with mixed green vegetables, with onions, tomatoes and cooked mushrooms on it with a dressing made of nuts and seeds. I might make a dressing, for example, with a pill navel orange with sesame seeds and cashews with blood orange get a squeeze, a lemon or roasted tomatoes with roasted garlic and some almond butter mashed together with a little thick vinegar.
00:50:31:09 – 00:50:49:28
In other words, you make a nut based salad and you have a bowl of vegetable bean soup and a piece of fruit. For dessert, lunch is the most important meal with a salad, vegetable bean soup and the soup should be like an anti-cancer soup made with the zucchinis and the onions, leeks and the bok choy and all, all the different beneficial nutrients.
00:50:49:28 – 00:51:15:04
And if you can make it on the weekend so you can have the same soup for four or five days and then breakfast, you should have a glass of fresh squeezed vegetable juice with a little bit of intact grain, a small amount of intact salt, green water with the flax seeds, with the chia seeds and some berries like wild blueberries or low sugar berry like blackberries, blueberries or guava, or some kind of low sugar fruit mixed in with that for flavor with the seeds.
00:51:15:04 – 00:51:31:28
Because the seeds they happen, the tree reflects. It’s a vehicle with a glass of vegetable juice and then dinner should be at an earlier and later dinner. We should not be one of the secrets to fighting disease and increasing longevity. Fighting cancer is going to bed on an empty stomach. You don’t want to eat a big meal at night.
00:51:32:05 – 00:51:46:10
You want to eat your meals earlier in the day and you want to go to bed. So you haven’t eaten food, at least probably for hours. Will you go to bed at night? So you go to sleep on an empty stomach and you sleep and rest and then when you’re not congested through the season. So that’s a rough round up of what?
00:51:46:15 – 00:52:07:27
Of the diet it could be then adjusting to individual needs and differences. But that’s basically where we start from. Well, thank you so much. I know on your website we’ll share that link with everybody. It’s doctor firm income. You can look on the web page for this videos hosted. We’ll also write out the link for you. You can click it or type it in.
00:52:07:27 – 00:52:34:19
Go to the website. I know you have great recipes in your books and you have great videos and free resources on your website. I know that you have an online e e-learning area as well as online courses and so forth. So for people who are very interested in learning more about this, I encourage you to go to Dr. Freeman’s website and again, you can find that website on this page.
00:52:34:19 – 00:53:03:19
So Dr. Forrest, thank you so much for joining us today, for being here, for sharing your wisdom. As you said, I know we could talk about a lot of these subjects for another one or 2 hours and like to maybe do a follow up interview with you at some point in the future. We can after this summit airs and people have questions and things like that, we could bring those questions to a future interview and be great as well.
00:53:03:19 – 00:53:22:17
So those of you tuning in, let us know what other things you’d like to hear in the future. And again, Dr. Freeman Dkb go to his website to get his retreats, books, online courses and so forth. So yeah, just want to say thank you so much for for sharing. You’re such a wealth of knowledge. My pleasure. And wishing you of course, for you and all.
00:53:22:17 – 00:54:02:20
He was just great health and much happiness. Thank you for listening to Natural Health with Nathan Crane. Make sure to subscribe to this podcast on iTunes or your favorite podcast site and share it on all your social media sites to get this transformational information out to people who need it around the world. If you or a loved one has a chronic disease such as cancer, autoimmunity, diabetes, heart disease, or mental and emotional health challenges such as depression or anxiety, then it’s time to listen to the world leading integrative, holistic and natural health doctors and experts who can help you on your path of preventing and reversing any of these chronic health conditions.
00:54:02:22 – 00:54:35:09
Visit WW W Health and Healing Club dot com for more details at the Health and Healing Club. You can join a global community of like minded people who are empowering themselves each week to learn how to prevent and reverse chronic diseases like cancer, autoimmunity, diabetes, heart disease and mental and emotional health challenges. Go to WW dot Health and Healing club icon where you can sign up for a free trial today.
00:54:35:09 – 00:55:25:17
Hello and welcome to Natural Health with Nathan Crane. Today, I’m really excited to share this interview I did not too long ago with a true pioneer in the field of natural, holistic, integrative medicine. Dr. Joel Furman. Dr. Furman is a board certified family physician. Six time New York Times bestselling author and an internationally recognized expert on nutrition and natural healing who specializes in helping people learn how to prevent reverse chronic diseases using nutritional methods.
00:55:25:18 – 00:55:49:22
Dr. Furman coined the term nutritive terrine to describe a nutrient dense eating style designed to prevent cancer, slow aging and extend life span. I’ve done a number of incredible interviews with Dr. Furman over the years. Every time I get to sit with him and ask him questions, I learn something new. If you’ve listened to him, read his books, heard from him, watched his PBS specials.
00:55:49:25 – 00:56:14:27
You’ve already learned quite a bit. And I promise you, you watch this. You’re still going to learn something new. He has a wealth of knowledge. So without further ado, Dr. Jill Furman. Enjoy. My pleasure. Great to be here. So diving right in, from your experience, you have a lot of it. Can you share with us what exactly is cancer and how does it show up in the human body?
00:56:15:00 – 00:56:40:28
Well, keep in mind, I’m not just speaking from experience. I’m speaking from a degree of scientific literature and studying the what happens to the human body and the human body essentially has the ability to protect against damage from cancer developing. We can repair broken DNA cross links. The body has the ability to repair methylation defects, prevent the accumulation of metabolic toxins and reactive oxygen species.
00:56:40:28 – 00:57:07:12
In other words, what I’m seeing right now is that cancer is something that human accumulates over time with inflammation, with irritation, inflammation, and then it gets to the point where it overwhelming the cells defense, the cell’s defenses to keep itself clean and then the it expects to replicate uncontrollably. And how do you know? Obviously, people know how cancer appears, but it usually appears with promoting angiogenesis.
00:57:07:12 – 00:57:30:16
In other words, these cells, in order to replicate rapidly, have to call a blood supply. So our normal blood supply has to be activated to perfused these cells that want to replicate a lot. And so cancer cells secrete angiogenesis promoters the word angiogenesis means to promote the growth of new blood vessels. And so the promotion of these cells is starting to excrete.
00:57:30:22 – 00:58:02:20
Angiogenesis promoters in our blood vessels grow new tributaries, new branches to fuel cancers, to counter growth of cancers. So when we have cancer growth, we always have these longevity proteins like Sirt one and AMP kinase are diminished and mTOR, which is an unfavorable protein buildup, is is heightened in almost all invasive of metastatic cancers. So what I’m seeing right now is that there’s a certain abnormality going on that is permissive, allowing cancers to replicate.
00:58:02:24 – 00:58:24:06
We eat a diet rich in phytochemicals with the full spectrum of nutrients humans need. And without putting in toxic substances into our body, our body is essentially already cancer proof. Cancer represents some defect or some abnormality that was in the lifestyle or the environment that allowed it to, because it’s not the inevitable consequence of aging. It’s not normal.
00:58:24:10 – 00:58:50:14
It’s hardly even occurred in human history. The first cancers that were noted in the medical literature that were written about were scrotal cancers, written a film that we noticed happening. A chimney sweeps in the early 1700s. So even on studies on mummified remains from thousands of years ago, hardly saw any cancers in human species. It was just not not a cause of death, you know, eons ago.
00:58:50:16 – 00:59:24:19
So in layman’s terms, in terms of what is cancer, I hear you saying is it’s if the body is, well, let’s say mind, emotions, body, the whole human experience is functioning as it’s supposed to. Then cancer does not show up. And if body’s out of balance or the systems of the body or out of balance are out of whack or out of their original, let’s say, heal their whole state, then cancer is a result of that.
00:59:24:24 – 00:59:51:05
Is that is that what I hear you saying? Yes. It’s that cells become damaged and they’re damaged due to it by something abnormal. For example, people you know, so there’s something the American diet is exceedingly abnormal. We’re consuming carcinogenic substances. We’re not eating that enough. Natural plant foods with the full exposure to phytochemicals that fuel the A or E, the antioxidant response element in the cell.
00:59:51:08 – 01:00:15:00
Its job is to remove free radicals and toxins and to repair methylation defects, the DNA, and essentially protect ourselves from cancer. And that mechanism is fueled by phytochemicals, especially from green vegetables. And without exposure to the for these nutrients humans need. We’re green vegetable dependent animals and we’re the American population is only eating 2% of calories from vegetables.
01:00:15:03 – 01:00:38:20
And we’re eating a diet with a lot of sweets in it with a lot of animal products, and that’s with insufficient amount of plant vegetation. As a primate that our immune system is dependent on. So I’m saying that when you have a diet that’s well designed the way humans are supposed to maximize human longevity, the cell becomes almost cancer proof, even removing exposure to environmental toxins.
01:00:38:26 – 01:01:06:08
Even it has the ability to suppress genetic alterations in genetic defects that, if not suppressed, would lead to increased risk of cancer. A healthy cell in a healthy body has the ability to suppress those genic genetic alterations like the GCP one gene that increases the risk of breast cancer, for example. And let me just say that, for example, the leading cause of cancer death, the leading cause of death in children, other than accidents is acute blast acidic leukemia.
01:01:06:10 – 01:01:31:03
And it’s already been linked in scientific studies to the lack of green vegetables in the mother’s diet even two years prior conception. So the diet that the parents eat even before the baby is conceived affects a child’s risk of cancer. For example. And also the exposure to luncheon meats like hot dogs and bacon, not even during pregnancy, but even prior to the pregnancy, affects a child’s risk of developing cancer.
01:01:31:08 – 01:01:58:23
So I’m saying it’s not just the diet we eat because our eggs that make us are living in our in our mother’s body her whole life that she’s alive. So when she’s five years old and ten years old and 15 years old, the egg that made you was living there and has the chance to be somewhat damaged. Should she be exposed to top two carcinogenic substances or eat a very poor diet or eating luncheon meats and fast foods?
01:01:58:25 – 01:02:33:28
So the worst your diet, your parents were before they even conceived you when you were born could affect your health as well. So we’re going to get a lot more into diet and nutrition and what what you recommend in a little bit. And before we do, I want to one, just clarify to hear from you this notion that a lot of people seem to believe that cancer is something you can catch like a cold or flu and that’s often how our medical industry treats it, right.
01:02:33:29 – 01:02:59:00
They try to get it and take it out of you versus recognizing that it’s something that your body is creating because of the diet and lifestyle and habits and environment and toxins and so forth. What is your take on that? What have you seen in regards to to that understanding and helping people recognize and identify? It’s not something you catch.
01:02:59:01 – 01:03:21:22
It’s something that you create in the body. That’s right. But but I think that’s what you’re saying is generally well accepted or not controversial. In other words, I don’t think that traditional medical doctors believe it’s something we catch and they recognize that cancer has known causes. And those causes are a combination of environmental toxins and also for diet and nutrition.
01:03:21:22 – 01:03:46:09
I think that I think that’s generally recognized that that what we eat has an effect on cancer. And certain foods have more powerful anti-cancer effects than others. In other words, what I’m saying right now is that even when we talked about angiogenesis, we know that certain foods like mushrooms have antiangiogenic effects and they also have effects that are anti-Roma tastes to lower estrogen.
01:03:46:11 – 01:04:08:10
And I saw, for example, I mean, it’s well recognized that higher levels of circulating estrogen and higher levels of localized estrogen in breast tissue increases risk of breast cancer. It’s not luck. It’s a biochemical and hormonal adjustment That’s something abnormal that we know that when a person is overweight, for example, let’s say you have an extra £25 of fat on your body.
01:04:08:12 – 01:04:29:27
Well, those fat cells are somewhat hypoxic, which means they don’t have an excellent blood supply. They have a marginal blood supply. The fat cells secrete angiogenesis promoters try to claim a fat supply, and in doing so, they permit fat cells and more permissive to allow other tumors to grow in your body and in thinking fat like a tumor.
01:04:29:29 – 01:04:57:21
But the fat on your body makes you insulin resistance. In other words, the insulin insulin can’t be uptake by cells as readily by fat. So now the pancreas has to create more insulin response to every carbohydrate you eat. And the high level of insulin has growth promoting and angiogenesis promotion effects. And because fat cells also secrete more cytokines in inflammatory process, inflammatory mediators, they stimulate aromatase production.
01:04:57:24 – 01:05:31:28
And so that means you produce more estrogen. So a person who’s eating poorly and overweight, their breast exposure to estrogen can be ten times the level of localized estrogen exposure in the breast tissue compared to somebody that was relatively slim, meaning a healthy diet with lots of vegetables and mushrooms and onions. So what? So what I’m saying is that the scientific literature is giving us a ton of information about this today, and it’s becoming more generally accepted that we can win the war on cancer and I make the statement often I say to people that we’ve landed the man on the moon already.
01:05:32:00 – 01:05:53:28
And what I mean by that is we already know what what causes cancer and we already know how to prevent it. More than 90% of cancers, we can look back 100 years ago and see even relatively recent history. Countries had 1/50 to 100th the amount of cancers we had in this country. And even today, even in modern times, we have populations of the world with much less cancer.
01:05:53:28 – 01:06:14:20
When they move here and they eat the way we eat, they so they develop the same rate of cancer we do. So what I’m saying right now is we have enough information today to win the war on breast cancer and prostate cancer. These common cancers, and by that, by win the war, I mean to teach the population a way to live and to eat so we could so we wouldn’t see these cancers occur.
01:06:14:23 – 01:06:40:19
You know, it’s a different story when we’re talking about using nutrition to treat cancer. Then we have obviously some early stage cancers that are more response to nutritional interventions. And we do see a lot of scientific data showing the same factors that prevent cancer, increase longevity and interfere with cancer cells, cancer cell replication, and prevent cancer recurrence in people who already have cancer.
01:06:40:21 – 01:07:06:19
But as cancers become more advanced and more advanced and people get close to their death, there’s obviously much more difficulty in reversing these diseases nutritionally. So it’s not a black and white issue. But as you may know from my 30 year experience sings patients. I’m working in this in Libby’s family of people with medical with serious medical conditions, using nutritional excellence as a primary modality.
01:07:06:19 – 01:07:31:18
It’s been very so incredibly rewarding and touching to see people with cancer make a complete recovery. I can’t say it’s happened. What happens all the time where you can predict when it’s you know, but I can give some examples of one of my patients. Her name was Pam. She was had a metastatic ovarian cancer that went into her lung and she had four liters of fluid from the middle from a and given about 3 to 4 months to live.
01:07:31:18 – 01:08:16:00
And she’s thriving and alive today, 17 years later. And we can just go to one another person with stage four lymphoma, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma that responded within 6 to 9 months of having these masses shrink up and disappear and following a new territory. This approach, which includes, of course, the high nutrient diet with some additional juices and things. So it’s just you know, so we have in our community, as you know, that that ignoring nutrition and not placing nutritional excellence in the tool box is is not doing the best for the person’s opportunity to get well even when they want to have a very even when to have an advanced cancer.
01:08:16:02 – 01:08:43:27
So nutrition is an absolute key factor. And like I said, we’re going to we’re going to really explore that in this interview. And before we do, you had said about you had mentioned that there are generally recognized causes of cancer, scientifically validated causes of cancer. Can you can you state what those are? Yes, we mentioned one of them.
01:08:43:29 – 01:09:20:28
One of them is is eating a diet with excessive amounts of calories, becoming overweight. And you people are aware that becoming diabetic increases your risk of cancer as well, because being diabetic means you have metabolic problems with sugar and insulin, which increases your risk of cancer. So we’re saying here that these things that increase risk of cancer are our fried foods, processed foods, a diet with a very high glycemic diet is well established that more white flour and white rice and sugars and soft drinks and marshmallows and donuts and cookies and crackers are dangerous and increased risk of cancer.
01:09:21:02 – 01:09:47:26
And because they do not contain nutrients in them, they strip the body of nutrients. When we process calories that don’t have a significant micronutrient load, we create a stream of free radicals and other toxic compounds. And then the American diet also has a huge amount of animal products. And as the high glycaemic carbohydrates raise growth promoting insulin, which is a growth hormone, especially in excess, it’s promoting excessive growth and excessive angiogenesis.
01:09:47:28 – 01:10:16:04
Also, IGF one insulin like growth factor one in excess also is a growth hormone that works as a sandwich with insulin to be very permissive in allowing cancers to replicate. So IGF one is a primary growth hormone in childhood. It raises up to could raise up to unfavorable level in adulthood, especially if we eat too much animal protein, not just the fat and saturated fat in our product, but actually what we’re talking here about skim milk and egg whites and lean and lean meats fishes.
01:10:16:04 – 01:10:39:25
We’re talking about if you as you ovary protein, protein drives growth and growth most cancer and too much protein, the diet can increase risk of IGF one. And also a diet with a lot of animal protein per say creates a lot of gram negative bacteria in the gut that then they produce certain toxic compounds such as TMJ over trimethylamine oxide and other.
01:10:39:28 – 01:10:59:19
So what I’m seeing right now is the right type of hormonal and biochemical events happen when we have a diet that’s rich in processed foods and animal products. I always make the joke and I say, The American diet is designed by ice. It’s okay because we have this diet was high in animal products and high in processed foods simultaneously.
01:10:59:24 – 01:11:20:25
And the American foods they like to eat like pizza and macaroni and cheese and hamburgers and mixing together our white flour, sugar products with a slab of animal products is probably the most dangerous dinosaur you could eat, except when you add fried foods to it. Now you cook oils at high temperature and you cause rancid and damaging compounds like French fries on top of that meal.
01:11:21:01 – 01:11:52:11
And you’ve really got a cancer bomb ready to explode. You know that even the link between even one serving of fast food French fries per week increases risk of breast cancer, for example, by 26%. Even the moderate intake of these dangerous foods dramatically increases the risk of cancer. And we’re on a death wish in America as much to make the diet as cancer promoting as we’ve seen it possibly can be because we’ve designed it to the exact diets that’s most cancer promoting we could possibly have done.
01:11:52:14 – 01:12:28:19
So talking a little bit more about meat and dairy animal products, you had said that too much protein is directly linked to higher exposure to cancer rates. But also you mentioned the meat itself causing a type of bacteria in the gut. What other kinds of evidence or literature have you seen in terms of how meat and dairy in animal products, aside from the protein side of that promote higher, higher, higher exposure to cancer?
01:12:28:22 – 01:12:57:02
Well, keep in mind the foundational principle or primary principle of a new tearing diet to extend lifespan and protect against cancer is moderate caloric restriction is not overeating. Maintaining a relatively lean body through you as you age in the environment or in the context of micronutrient excellence. In other words, when and the opposite is also valid here. Because when you die with more micronutrients and fiber, it naturally suppresses our appetites.
01:12:57:02 – 01:13:35:18
We don’t have to overeat when your diet is low in nutrients and low in antioxidants and phytochemicals and low in these micronutrients, you become a calorie consuming monster like a food addict who can’t control the food intake. So what I’m saying right now is that this that foundationally the foods that have the high amounts of micronutrients, our colorful plants have a lot of natural anti oxidants and phytonutrients that protect against cancer devouring utilizes to harm our protective immune system, both processed foods like pasta, bread, standard oil, mayonnaise, donuts, crackers, cookies, soft drinks, breakfast for us.
01:13:35:20 – 01:13:57:29
Those foods do not contain a significant micronutrient load. They don’t contain the fibers that promote the good bacteria. And they don’t protect contain these phytonutrients. They’re so critical. And animal products also have a low micronutrient exposure because they have some vitamins in some minerals, but they do not contain the fiber, chemicals and antioxidants that arm the immune system protect against cancer.
01:13:58:04 – 01:14:29:21
We put that diet together with only 2% of vegetables. We can’t have adequate protection, immune system support. So what I’m saying right now is that where the money’s at, the foods that are most protective or the natural plants, especially G bonds, and that acronym G bombs, gb0 MVS stands for grains, beans, onions, mushrooms, berries and seeds, which are identified by the sign.
01:14:29:21 – 01:14:54:08
The literature as having dramatic protection against all types of cancers and reduction of cancer death in people who already have cancer. For example, studies on women who already have breast cancer checked when they have flax seed muffins or flax seeds in their diet are shown to have longer lifespan, less death rate from cancer over the ten year period that followed and less chance of the occurrence of cancer.
01:14:54:10 – 01:15:27:21
Or they eat the flax seeds. What I’m saying women with mushroom seed mushrooms have 64% lower risk of breast cancer occurrence one Asian study. In other words, there’s for each one of these foods, there’s a whole there’s scores of studies that show how protected these foods are, these plant foods against cancer. Likewise, we have the same data collection on animal product consumption as animal products go up in the diet as a percent of total calories, like the blue zones, there are less than 10% to areas of the world.
01:15:27:21 – 01:15:55:29
They’re eating 20%, 30% or more. We look at all the epidemiologic studies, including the Seventh Day Adventist study, which is the only real blue zone in the United States. The longest lived population in the United States of all, because about 30% of them are vegetarians at some time and they eat generally less animal products. But we can they’re able to do studies on them to measure how much animal products they eat because there’s a diverse amount of animal plant consumption group compared to the other Americans.
01:15:56:06 – 01:16:23:10
And they can measure and see as animal products go up. So that’s of of short lifespan, increased cardiovascular mortality and cancer mortality. But in generally speaking, your question about the animal protein versus the animal fat, I mean, certainly if you barbecue, you fry, you darken or bake or cook animal products under high heat, it forms more dangerous compounds, more towards heterocyclic amines and nitrosamine compounds.
01:16:23:10 – 01:16:55:13
And in other types of, you know, we all have these dangerous compounds being formed when meats or cooked at high temperature. But we also see from the studies we have available that as people eat more plant protein, the rate of cancer and heart attack that goes down, that means wheat, hemp seeds and green vegetables and beans. And so and soybeans, whatever, when we’re seeing plant high protein plant foods go up, its lifespan extending and high protein animal products go up, its lifespan shortening.
01:16:55:15 – 01:17:28:23
And I think it’s it’s not just the fact that the plant proteins are associated with a high amount of fibers and phytochemicals. That’s, of course, very true. But it’s also that when a body, the plant proteins are not as biologically complete, So the body is not going to make an excessive amount of growth hormone. It’s going to complete the protein in order to make the amount of hormone it needs by taking, you know, amino acids that are stored in the interstitial lining of the eye or looking to absorb some of the bacteria in the gut or some of the extra food.
01:17:28:23 – 01:17:52:07
So we’re going to complete the protein to make sufficient amount of hormones for our sustenance health and growth rate, animal protein. There’s no regulating the hormonal production. When you eat excess animal protein, the excess animal products you eat is turned into hormone. And we make excessive amounts that we don’t need. And it’s the excessive amount of hormone production that we didn’t need to have made.
01:17:52:09 – 01:18:10:13
That can then be promises to promote growth, that when you should be growing as an adult. So it’s a little complicated. There’s a lot of factors involved. I’m just going over some of the factors to make it more clear to people the excess animal protein, like what actually happens with that in the body, What does the body do with that?
01:18:10:13 – 01:18:36:07
Is a store it you said it turns into hormones, that is hormones. Then do what? Where where do they go? How does that affect the body? How does that directly relate to cancer either gross etc.. Right. Because the American diet is highly growth promoting. And, you know, so and then in conjunction with having these growth promoting hormones that are allowing angiogenesis.
01:18:36:07 – 01:18:59:28
So we’re seeing here that animal products raise IGF one, we to many of them to an unfavorable level in middle age, that could be too high. And that’s going to be allowing cells to replicate that shouldn’t be replicated when a person gets a diagnosis of prostate cancer at age 70 or breast cancer at age 70, they didn’t have these cancer cells start to replicate at 65.
01:19:00:04 – 01:19:16:02
It was usually ten years earlier or more. So it could be that ten or 15 years earlier that you start to have early cells that were becoming abnormal and maybe even ten years prior to that, but the cells becoming dysplastic before they became cancerous. So it’s a 20 years, it’s a long cycle that we’ve got cancer at age 60.
01:19:16:02 – 01:19:34:08
It didn’t happen. So it’s damage that was occurring to these cells all through life. It’s not something that just happened to you right before your lump was discovered. When that lump is first visible to the human eye, the size of a head of a pin, even, it’s had to have replicated slowly over the years to get that big enough so that you and I can see it.
01:19:34:11 – 01:19:54:10
And by that point, a lot of these cells have less that left the nest already. So I’m saying to you now in response to a question about what the body does with the animal products, we’re talking about people eating excessive amounts of animal products for many years. So they’re getting so they’re getting a dietary and chemical framework in the body.
01:19:54:12 – 01:20:27:11
We are getting lack of nutrients, excessive production of free radicals. The cells become bathed in reactive oxygen species from the diet, which is high in processed foods and animal products and lowland vegetation. So they’re bathing themselves in free radicals and other toxic species. And we don’t have enough of the antioxidants and phytonutrients to remove toxins, even the fighting gases in grains and in beans and nuts and even the fight against it finds toxic metals like cadmium, arsenic lead and pulls it out of the body.
01:20:27:13 – 01:21:03:24
So we eat more of the soil and we’re getting microplastics now with it. Adapt being in the environment in our fish. So in any case where we’re building up abnormal substances in our body and our bodies, allowing these abnormal substances to stay there and cause damage because the diet is not the dietary quality is too poor to allow it to repair itself, remove the buildup and slow accumulation of these metabolic toxins while at the same time we have extent excessive exposure to hormones that are promoting growth.
01:21:03:26 – 01:21:36:12
So while we’re in the framework of a cell that’s building up metabolic toxins, eating a diet with too much high glycaemic carbohydrates like honey and maple sirup and marshmallows, which is producing excessive insulin and too much animal protein, which is producing growth, IGF one. And this IGF one insulin like growth factor one and insulin package, when both those hormones are elevated, they activate enter, which then further promotes damage to the cells and then is permissive for for cancer.
01:21:36:12 – 01:22:05:07
A lot of mechanisms happening, you know, when we have a large exposure to nutrients. In other words, we’re not just talking about the vitamin C in the taco tree and also controls and genes. We’re not just talking about enough nutrients to prevent scurvy in enough niacin to prevent coagulate enough. We’re talking about enough nutrients to stabilize longevity proteins, to protect the telomeres, to keep our stem cells healthy in later life.
01:22:05:09 – 01:22:32:21
In other words, when we have excellent nutrition and excellent exposure to nutritional two nutritional substances for decades, that then that that is that’s the protection we need for these. So inhibiting or not permitting the abnormalities to build up and lead to cancer. Cancer didn’t happen overnight. It was a slow process that people allowed to have happen. And it starts in childhood when people are fed fast food and junk food and give it a poor diet.
01:22:32:21 – 01:22:54:04
In childhood, we start to see the damage begin to accumulate. Then we see, even, for example, the age of puberty in women affecting the risk of breast cancer 60 years later, now the age of puberty, early puberty increases risk of breast cancer. So let’s say a normal puberty for women, let’s say is age 16. The average puberty is age 12, 12 years old.
01:22:54:04 – 01:23:12:18
But some people get it through puberty. Younger than that. When was when did you eat the diet that affected whether it went to privilege? Tanner, age 14, once that occurred, what’s the diet you ate when you were two and three and four and five and six years old that affected what you age, what you went through? Puberty and age of puberty affects whether you have prostate cancer or breast cancer when you’re 60.
01:23:12:23 – 01:23:37:22
What I’m saying right now is that it’s your lifetime exposure to you and these factors that affect your risk. And it’s even your exposure to these factors before you were born, because there’s even some exposure to bad health and bad nutrition. What your parents eat before you, even before they even gave birth, see? So what do you say to what’s your response to people who’ve been told by their medical doctors?
01:23:37:22 – 01:24:02:19
Because I’ve met a number of these people I even see very respected, very intelligent experts, authors up on stage are speaking about like the blood type diet and that they can’t do an all plant based diet or their doctor told them they have to have meat and dairy because of various reasons, because their blood type, etc.. What is your take on that?
01:24:02:19 – 01:24:27:06
What’s your response to people who have either been told that from a doctor or they believe that because of something they’ve read? Well, there’s no science or even clinical evidence? No. We once we have two things, we have a body of scientific literature that we have to really investigate and look at in depth. And then we have a really clinical experience with people and patients seeing what happens over the years.
01:24:27:06 – 01:24:46:00
And I’m lucky to have 30 years of, you know, thousands of people with experience and seeing what what goes on in this community. So there’s no data to suggest that certain people, because of their blood type, corresponds with the diet. It’s better for them. You know, that’s that’s just there’s no evidence in the scientific literature. There’s no clinical evidence either.
01:24:46:02 – 01:25:28:07
So that’s a completely nonsensical hypothesis. And no more than a person’s eye color, shoe size and mother’s mother’s maiden name. So backwards to check what they should be eating. Now, that doesn’t mean that some people are not thriving on a diet or vegan. That’s a completely different issue, that to do their blood type, for example, there are some people, for a lot of reasons, there are some people, for example, who don’t convert the alpha in fat in, let’s say, nuts and seeds and greens into first and DHEA sufficiently for adequate brain function in later life, putting they’re at high risk of depression that is genetically determined by the conversion enzymes.
01:25:28:07 – 01:25:45:01
It’s not by their blood type. You know, we have to investigate that. There are some people who, because of their earlier life, they may there are some children who are going to thrive on a vegan diet. You know, they they their diet needs more protein and more fat because of the way they assimilate and digest protein is different from somebody else.
01:25:45:03 – 01:26:10:11
And there are some elderly people who require more. They’re digested. The ability to handle protein goes down with aging and they get their IGF one can become too low. And if it gets too low, it can suppress immunity. Also increasing risk of cancer. And therefore, the diet has to be designed to be more than protein adequate. In some cases, animal products might be advisable in small amounts to help these people bring their IGF one up to an acceptable level.
01:26:10:19 – 01:26:32:12
What I’m saying is there are individual differences. Yes. That make for the necessity to, in some cases, adjust the diet to individual needs. But in no way is that based on can be based on what type it has to be a more detailed and thorough investigation and and history and knowing the person and just go and reading a book and saying my blood type means or should eat meat, that’s just insane.
01:26:32:14 – 01:26:55:13
So is that is that a in your experience, is that a high percentage of people middle low percentage of people that that need that kind of, you know, customized tailor addition to their diet because of their genetic predisposition, that’s not allowing them to process certain nutrients in certain ways that high percentage low percent. What’s been your experience with that?
01:26:55:15 – 01:27:13:13
It depends on what we’re looking at. You know, a lot of people as they get older, may be poor, may have different abilities to process zinc, and some people may do better with more zinc, could help them move. So I think that’s somewhat variable. But I think generally speaking, there is more people as they age that require more zinc.
01:27:13:13 – 01:27:40:02
With regard to, for example, I think it’s about half the population on vegan diets get a level that’s not optimal and about a quarter get levels that are potentially dangerous if they don’t supplement or do or do something. I think with regard to, you know, a new territory in diet, which I recommend is generally mostly vegan, but a person can use animal products in small amounts, but the design of the diet is so protein favorable already.
01:27:40:10 – 01:27:59:28
It’s a type of plant based diet. It’s very protein favorable compared to other plant based diets. So it’s less likely to get a ton with failure to thrive for an elderly person with low levels of IGF one. But that doesn’t mean those people don’t exist. And you don’t just willy nilly thrust a diet on a child who wasn’t thriving and gaining weight or doing well and say, Well, I think the site is best for him.
01:27:59:28 – 01:28:26:23
It’s not thriving. Some kids need to examine their diet or animal protein, and that’s why they’re going to be designed, just like some elderly people do, who are starting to get muscle wasting and lack of thriving because their IGF one goes to low. And there’s even some people whose cholesterol gets excessively low, whose brain is sensitive to low cholesterol and can develop more anxiety or depression or more or not, not from a diet.
01:28:26:23 – 01:28:53:16
It’s too low that that’s completely vague. So there’s unusual circumstances that happen to individuals. Your question about when that happens, I would say not that often. Probably is not Not five and a hundred people would have that concern. Maybe maybe it’s more like two and 100 that require some modification to that. But we want to at least see what’s the word, aware that every person doesn’t fit the same ideal mold.
01:28:53:16 – 01:29:09:02
And we have to look at people and check them and see how they’re doing, make sure they’re thriving on the advice they’re given. But one thing we know that when a person does need some animal products in the diet and is otherwise not thriving on a vegan diet, we don’t want to switch to like a paleo diet in a lot of animal products.
01:29:09:08 – 01:29:36:11
We want to regulate the amount of animal products so they get just enough to bring their IGF one in the normal range, not to push it up high to create damage. So, you know, there’s a for example, there was a study of 6000 people found for 80 years, and they showed that the highest threshold of animal protein consumption there was a 75% increase overall death rate over that 18 year period and a 400% increased risk of cancer over that 18 year period.
01:29:36:11 – 01:29:59:07
In the 50 to 65 year olds. We looked at the elderly people who are like 70 and 80 years, followed them for 18 years, then in the highest social of animal product compared with traditional, you did not see the danger from the high amounts of our products as animal products because they were counteracting each other because some people in the elderly category don’t thrive on a diet that low protein.
01:29:59:10 – 01:30:18:01
What I’m saying right now is the healthier you are and the more you’re eating right, the more you keep your youthful vigor or your digestion is normal. You can say that your body’s ability to assimilate, that it’s protein stays adequate. There is. But if the more you eat unhealthy the all through your life, the more you can become more dependent on animal products when you’re older.
01:30:18:06 – 01:30:48:14
Because you’re right, because you’re not handling protein, you cause some problems because you allow yourself, you just attract to age faster. So it’s complicated and we have to just be a little cautious and aware that it’s not quite one fits all, could it? And could it also be that that small percent, that one or 2% or 3% of people who who have a challenge on it, on a vegan diet, could it be that they’re not getting enough diversity in their diet?
01:30:48:14 – 01:31:19:23
Because we do know so far, I think the latest statistic I saw was there’s at least 150,000 different types of edible medicinal plants that have been identified on the planet so far. If you go to the grocery store, you’re usually only going to see maybe a couple of dozen out of 150,000. Right. So could it potentially be that those people are just not getting enough diversity of different types of the plants to support the wholeness and healing of their body?
01:31:19:25 – 01:31:46:11
Probably Not because. Absolutely. I’m agreeing with what you’re saying, that on this on my nutrient carrion program, one of the benefits, one of the things we’re striving for is a wide variety, an assortment of different plant species and natural plants, including microgreens and baby vegetables and sprouts. And so we’re so definitely nutritional variety of all the time. It’s definitely an asset to longevity and for a product’s ability to resist disease and immune system strength.
01:31:46:14 – 01:32:13:29
But what I’m seeing right now is I’m looking at a population of people already doing, you know, a really a diet that’s not just cutting it out of products, but going after more excellent nutrition. The question is, if they’re getting into trouble on these vegan diets, one of these are what are they possibly missing? But the vegan diet is giving them and it’s true, it’s usually DHEA, zinc could be iodine if they’re not eating seafood of seaweed, it could be K2, but usually not.
01:32:13:29 – 01:32:39:00
That could be vitamin D, but usually not. It’s usually the most often decreasing. And then, of course, what we’re seeing now is that the protein issue and what if they’re needing more protein isn’t coming from nutritional diversity or plant diversity? We’re measuring IGF one and we’re saying that their IGF one levels are dangerously low and they’re having body wasting.
01:32:39:03 – 01:32:59:12
So it’s a combination of muscle wasting muscle atrophy because sarcopenia, in conjunction with very low levels of IGF one, we can regulate that IGF one with the amount of protein and we can’t get it up to an adequate level. It’s a dangerously low level with enough plant protein diets. Then we have to consider adding some animal products to that person.
01:32:59:14 – 01:33:14:14
So it’s not you know, we’re not going to raise the IGF one when it’s very low. And I’m saying admittedly, this is not common, but it’s just something that as a health professionals taking care of people with the issues that, you know, that we’re aware of, that if a person is not thriving, we’re looking at blood tests to evaluate why they’re not.
01:33:14:14 – 01:34:01:20
Right. So majority of the people that come to you to heal with chronic diseases such as cancer, what so what is that the best diet that you recommend for people, for majority of people, if you or a loved one has a chronic disease such as cancer, autoimmunity, diabetes, heart disease, or mental and emotional health challenges such as depression or anxiety, then it’s time to listen to the world leading integrative, holistic and natural health doctors and experts who can help you on your path to preventing and reversing chronic health conditions at any age.
01:34:01:22 – 01:34:28:23
Visit Health and Healing Club Wwe.com for more details. That’s WW dot Health and Healing Club Wwe.com to sign up for your free trial today right that’s right the standard time to recommend two to people who have early stage cancer so who want to extend their life span is the same diet basically I recommend for people with autoimmune conditions who want to get well from lupus and Soraya’s cysts and rheumatoid arthritis.
01:34:28:25 – 01:34:50:29
And so when syndromes and pandemics, connective tissue disease and autoimmune hepatitis, it’s the same immune system strengthening diets with the G balms with two glasses of fresh squeezed vegetable juice a day in the vegetable juice. I The reason I’m getting a vegetable juice, of course, is because by eating right, you’re taking in those nutrients, but you can’t consume as much of the nutrients as you could by adding the juices.
01:34:51:05 – 01:35:17:25
And it takes these people six and nine months to get the levels of nutrients in the cells, in the tissues that level with it where mine are, for example, in just four years. So we give them juices to bring them up quicker, to give them more. And the juice has one third cruciferous like bok choy, cabbage kale. One third is something like carrots beet, and the other third is something like lettuce, dark green lettuces, celery or cucumber.
01:35:18:00 – 01:35:35:23
So we’re giving them this one third, one third, one third juice twice a day. And they still have a large salad that they chew with the onions, the mushrooms, the cooked mushrooms. Of course, mushrooms are very powerful in the cancer protocol, but they should be cooked because they have a mild carcinogen called a guarantee that have blown off with cooking.
01:35:35:27 – 01:36:15:20
We want them to be exposed to multiple mushroom species. We want them to even eat them. I even give my patients with cancer a mixed mushroom supplement with different with 14 different mushroom species in it they usually have. Some are exposed to green tea, extracts of green tea, and they of course are having this plant based diet with exposure to large exposure to onions and mushrooms and berries and seeds, and they’re using muscle seeds as a source of fat and not using oil because they’re that we want to, because there is there’s beneficial anti-inflammatory and an immune system supporting nutrients in the nuts and seeds and they’re absorbed very, very slowly, whereas oil is absorbed
01:36:15:20 – 01:36:47:13
very rapidly and leads to more body fat production and more cytokine and pro-inflammatory modulation and response by the body. So their fat intake and the little bit of fat and so it’s like a half an ounce with each meal helps facilitate the green vegetables that the greens, the other nutrients they’re eating. So they’re getting a very we’re trying to give them a very wide spectrum of natural foods, lots of different types of vegetables, a big salad every day, a bowl of actually bean soup and and of exposure to other other beneficial foods as well.
01:36:47:15 – 01:37:13:15
What’s your take on the ketogenic diet. My take is that it’s been proven to be lifespan shortening already and in large scale immunologic studies every diet looked at when you start to get a diet restricting fruit and restricting plant carbohydrates, you restrict restricting fiber and you’re restricting exposure to phytochemicals. And we know that it causes a acidosis. The ketogenic is ketoacidosis.
01:37:13:15 – 01:37:35:12
It comes some degree of acidosis in the system. So it may be so in every short term study, you could do a short term study on a ketogenic diet showing benefits to lowering triglycerides, a body weight reduction or diabetes reduction due to weight loss. But every study looking at large scale numbers with high amounts going on for decades, we see there was a study published in 2018, the can.
01:37:35:15 – 01:38:03:15
There was actually one study in 2019 two that looked at long term people on fruit restriction or ketogenic diet saw higher causes of death. What I’m saying right now is the scientific literature is pretty comprehensively showing that ketogenic may be dangerous long term. Now, that doesn’t mean that we’re not going to find certain cancers that may be responsive to what may be a combination of chemotherapy with the ketogenic diet.
01:38:03:21 – 01:38:20:05
In other words, let’s say, for example, we may believe a cancer, a certain type of lymphoma or a certain type of soft tissue glioma, like a brain tumor, and these tumors are insulin. You need insulin to fuel the growth of these tumors. And we completely restrict insulin by putting them on a ketogenic diet. It makes them more sensitive to chemotherapy.
01:38:20:11 – 01:38:53:07
Given the chemotherapy with the ketogenic diet, it knocks the tumor out, less chance of recurrence. So even though I’m suggesting that a ketogenic diet is not safe for the long term for people’s health and longevity and certainly not a diet I’m recommending, I’m saying it may be the case, which because it would more scientific investigate. And there are some scientists investigating this in New York City, for example, that are putting people with cancer on a combination of ketogenic diets with chemotherapy and see better response to the chemo than people who were not put on that.
01:38:53:07 – 01:39:15:28
We’re not. So I’m not saying there might be. There may not be and there may be a therapeutic indication for a ketogenic diet for certain conditions and certain types of cancers that we will discover in the future. And I’m not wiping out that possibility, but I am saying we have to take care about that because the long term utilization of ketogenic diet is not lifespan favorable.
01:39:16:00 – 01:39:41:25
Follow me. Absolutely. Yes. So it’s not something you would recommend to to your patients and clients at this time, but something worth continuing to see to investigate. Right? Absolutely. So you have patients that come to your retreat center in San Diego. Right. And people stay with you for weeks or months at a time. And tell me a little bit more about that process.
01:39:41:25 – 01:40:04:25
What does that look like? Somebody has cancer or chronic disease or wants to heal. They come and stay with you. What what does that person experience? What kind of things can they hope for? Share a little bit more about that. You know, I think and you probably would agree I think I was already watching would agree there are a lot of people that know they should be healthier.
01:40:04:25 – 01:40:31:28
They want to eat healthier. But that’s having trouble doing it, that processed foods and eating unhealthy is just too attractive. And they’re so ingrained into their social environment that it becomes part of their their recreation, part of their social lifestyle. So what I’m seeing right now is food is physically unhealthy, food is physically addicting, and it also is socially addicting and people so they be unable to comply with what they think they know they should do.
01:40:32:00 – 01:40:50:19
And so what I’m saying right now is we have people that are overweight, they have heart disease, they have diabetes, they have autoimmune disease, they have cancers, and they want to get well and they real. And they’re also somewhat suffering from food addiction. We put them we put them when they bring them into activity retreat. We have three incredible chefs.
01:40:50:22 – 01:41:06:27
Show them how great healthy food can taste. We keep them there long enough to we train their taste buds so they’re not constantly eating all the salt and having sweets or junk food. They can’t quit. So it’s like it’s like going away to come off Cigarets You’ve got to spend time away from not having cigarets So we’re going to keep wanting more nicotine.
01:41:07:02 – 01:41:29:07
You’ve got to go get away from your cooking. If you start not want to snort anymore, you’ve got to get away from the truly addictive pull of this illicit love affair you have with unhealthy foods to build, to enjoy it, guava and kumquat, and to enjoy eating salads with pomegranate on healthy dressing. So we show them how food can taste great.
01:41:29:10 – 01:41:51:10
We have food addiction counselors. They have groups. So we’re giving them groups to try to deal with their emotional eating problems that led them to become overweight severely begin with. And they’re learning through my lectures and through the staff. You know what? There’s a lot of fun things to do there. So it’s a beautiful place. You like a sort of pool and hiking and biking and exercise classes and yoga and all the other things going on, cooking classes.
01:41:51:12 – 01:42:09:23
But they’re really there to get an education too. And the thing cared for by me and getting on the learning about and getting motivated, informed, so they really learn how to do this, make it work most effectively, and enjoy the process so they can replicate it when they go home. So they learn to take off, if you will.
01:42:09:23 – 01:42:29:13
If you’re £150 overweight, you’re not going to lose £150 with me for two months. You’ll lose about £50. Right? So so I had like one woman, of course, she was £50 when she was there. But the year she went home, she lost 150 more, you know, because she knew what to do. When you want to replicate this in our home, it’s very hard for people to grasp how to do this.
01:42:29:16 – 01:42:47:01
If you’ve got my sister in law who had breast cancer, for example, she didn’t follow my program at all. She thought it was a little too extreme. And no, it wasn’t for her. And, you know, but then she got cancer and now the question is, how do we do this? How do you make it taste good? I want to do it now.
01:42:47:01 – 01:43:06:05
I realize my mistake. And then and now, of course, this is decade. You know, this is she’s doing great. She has no cancer. She’s fine. She you know, she’s she changed her life and her sister lives. But the point is, it was great that I was here and my wife and I could show her how to make the food taste great, how to do it, how to incorporate this in your life.
01:43:06:11 – 01:43:26:00
You know, So we have this place that it’s really very rewarding to be able to see people, facilitate them getting better, to watch the transformation curves to a curve. And so they get healthy. And I’m you know, I have people that are come in where they’re almost ready to have a heart attack and they get their blood pressure and cholesterol down and get the weight off.
01:43:26:02 – 01:43:45:29
And we have people come in who have prostate cancer or breast cancer and they and they want to start to change the way they’re eating and really learn this way of life. And it’s just it works great when you can put it in a separate them from the fast food and negative social environment in at home and really get them to retrain their taste buds.
01:43:45:29 – 01:44:05:29
They love eating this way and they realize what they can learn to defer this over their unhealthy diet. So thank you for sharing all that. Your retreat sounds incredible. And as we talked offline and look forward to coming and visiting you there in San Diego, as I said, I used to live there for about ten years and love the area.
01:44:06:02 – 01:44:38:12
And as we wrap up, kind of final thoughts, what maybe three or so steps for those tuning in who are serious about wanting to prevent cancer or heal or reverse cancer in their own bodies. What kind of steps could people take right now to start on that journey and what do they need to think about to support the longevity of that journey?
01:44:38:15 – 01:45:06:12
Well, that’s that’s some, you know, a big question that could go on another hour about. But basically, I’m going to keep it real simple. I want people have a big salad with mixed green vegetables, with onions, tomatoes and cooked mushrooms on it with a dressing made of nuts and seeds. I might make a dressing, for example, with a pill navel orange with sesame seeds and cashews with blood orange get a squeeze, a lemon or roasted tomatoes with roasted garlic and some almond butter mashed together with a little thick vinegar.
01:45:06:18 – 01:45:25:07
In other words, you make a nut based salad and you have a bowl of vegetable bean soup and a piece of fruit. For dessert, lunch is the most important meal with a salad, vegetable bean soup and the soup should be like an anti-cancer soup made with the zucchinis and the onions, leeks and the bok choy and all, all the different beneficial nutrients.
01:45:25:07 – 01:45:50:13
And if you can make it on the weekend so you can have the same soup for four or five days and then breakfast, you should have a glass of fresh squeezed vegetable juice with a little bit of intact grain, a small amount of intact salt, green water with the flax seeds, with the chia seeds and some berries like wild blueberries or low sugar berry like blackberries, blueberries or guava, or some kind of low sugar fruit mixed in with that for flavor with the seeds.
01:45:50:13 – 01:46:07:07
Because the seeds they happen, the tree reflects. It’s a vehicle with a glass of vegetable juice and then dinner should be at an earlier and later dinner. We should not be one of the secrets to fighting disease and increasing longevity. Fighting cancer is going to bed on an empty stomach. You don’t want to eat a big meal at night.
01:46:07:14 – 01:46:21:19
You want to eat your meals earlier in the day and you want to go to bed. So you haven’t eaten food, at least probably for hours. Will you go to bed at night? So you go to sleep on an empty stomach and you sleep and rest and then when you’re not congested through the season. So that’s a rough round up of what?
01:46:21:24 – 01:46:43:06
Of the diet it could be then adjusting to individual needs and differences. But that’s basically where we start from. Well, thank you so much. I know on your website we’ll share that link with everybody. It’s doctor firm income. You can look on the web page for this videos hosted. We’ll also write out the link for you. You can click it or type it in.
01:46:43:06 – 01:47:09:28
Go to the website. I know you have great recipes in your books and you have great videos and free resources on your website. I know that you have an online e e-learning area as well as online courses and so forth. So for people who are very interested in learning more about this, I encourage you to go to Dr. Freeman’s website and again, you can find that website on this page.
01:47:09:28 – 01:47:38:28
So Dr. Forrest, thank you so much for joining us today, for being here, for sharing your wisdom. As you said, I know we could talk about a lot of these subjects for another one or 2 hours and like to maybe do a follow up interview with you at some point in the future. We can after this summit airs and people have questions and things like that, we could bring those questions to a future interview and be great as well.
01:47:38:28 – 01:47:57:26
So those of you tuning in, let us know what other things you’d like to hear in the future. And again, Dr. Freeman Dkb go to his website to get his retreats, books, online courses and so forth. So yeah, just want to say thank you so much for for sharing. You’re such a wealth of knowledge. My pleasure. And wishing you of course, for you and all.
01:47:57:26 – 01:48:37:29
He was just great health and much happiness. Thank you for listening to Natural Health with Nathan Crane. Make sure to subscribe to this podcast on iTunes or your favorite podcast site and share it on all your social media sites to get this transformational information out to people who need it around the world. If you or a loved one has a chronic disease such as cancer, autoimmunity, diabetes, heart disease, or mental and emotional health challenges such as depression or anxiety, then it’s time to listen to the world leading integrative, holistic and natural health doctors and experts who can help you on your path of preventing and reversing any of these chronic health conditions.
01:48:38:01 – 01:49:10:18
Visit WW W Health and Healing Club dot com for more details at the Health and Healing Club. You can join a global community of like minded people who are empowering themselves each week to learn how to prevent and reverse chronic diseases like cancer, autoimmunity, diabetes, heart disease and mental and emotional health challenges. Go to WW dot Health and Healing club icon where you can sign up for a free trial today.
01:49:10:18 – 01:50:00:26
Hello and welcome to Natural Health with Nathan Crane. Today, I’m really excited to share this interview I did not too long ago with a true pioneer in the field of natural, holistic, integrative medicine. Dr. Joel Furman. Dr. Furman is a board certified family physician. Six time New York Times bestselling author and an internationally recognized expert on nutrition and natural healing who specializes in helping people learn how to prevent reverse chronic diseases using nutritional methods.
01:50:00:27 – 01:50:25:01
Dr. Furman coined the term nutritive terrine to describe a nutrient dense eating style designed to prevent cancer, slow aging and extend life span. I’ve done a number of incredible interviews with Dr. Furman over the years. Every time I get to sit with him and ask him questions, I learn something new. If you’ve listened to him, read his books, heard from him, watched his PBS specials.
01:50:25:04 – 01:50:50:06
You’ve already learned quite a bit. And I promise you, you watch this. You’re still going to learn something new. He has a wealth of knowledge. So without further ado, Dr. Jill Furman. Enjoy. My pleasure. Great to be here. So diving right in, from your experience, you have a lot of it. Can you share with us what exactly is cancer and how does it show up in the human body?
01:50:50:09 – 01:51:16:07
Well, keep in mind, I’m not just speaking from experience. I’m speaking from a degree of scientific literature and studying the what happens to the human body and the human body essentially has the ability to protect against damage from cancer developing. We can repair broken DNA cross links. The body has the ability to repair methylation defects, prevent the accumulation of metabolic toxins and reactive oxygen species.
01:51:16:07 – 01:51:42:21
In other words, what I’m seeing right now is that cancer is something that human accumulates over time with inflammation, with irritation, inflammation, and then it gets to the point where it overwhelming the cells defense, the cell’s defenses to keep itself clean and then the it expects to replicate uncontrollably. And how do you know? Obviously, people know how cancer appears, but it usually appears with promoting angiogenesis.
01:51:42:21 – 01:52:05:25
In other words, these cells, in order to replicate rapidly, have to call a blood supply. So our normal blood supply has to be activated to perfused these cells that want to replicate a lot. And so cancer cells secrete angiogenesis promoters the word angiogenesis means to promote the growth of new blood vessels. And so the promotion of these cells is starting to excrete.
01:52:06:01 – 01:52:37:29
Angiogenesis promoters in our blood vessels grow new tributaries, new branches to fuel cancers, to counter growth of cancers. So when we have cancer growth, we always have these longevity proteins like Sirt one and AMP kinase are diminished and mTOR, which is an unfavorable protein buildup, is is heightened in almost all invasive of metastatic cancers. So what I’m seeing right now is that there’s a certain abnormality going on that is permissive, allowing cancers to replicate.
01:52:38:03 – 01:52:59:15
We eat a diet rich in phytochemicals with the full spectrum of nutrients humans need. And without putting in toxic substances into our body, our body is essentially already cancer proof. Cancer represents some defect or some abnormality that was in the lifestyle or the environment that allowed it to, because it’s not the inevitable consequence of aging. It’s not normal.
01:52:59:19 – 01:53:25:23
It’s hardly even occurred in human history. The first cancers that were noted in the medical literature that were written about were scrotal cancers, written a film that we noticed happening. A chimney sweeps in the early 1700s. So even on studies on mummified remains from thousands of years ago, hardly saw any cancers in human species. It was just not not a cause of death, you know, eons ago.
01:53:25:25 – 01:53:59:28
So in layman’s terms, in terms of what is cancer, I hear you saying is it’s if the body is, well, let’s say mind, emotions, body, the whole human experience is functioning as it’s supposed to. Then cancer does not show up. And if body’s out of balance or the systems of the body or out of balance are out of whack or out of their original, let’s say, heal their whole state, then cancer is a result of that.
01:54:00:03 – 01:54:26:14
Is that is that what I hear you saying? Yes. It’s that cells become damaged and they’re damaged due to it by something abnormal. For example, people you know, so there’s something the American diet is exceedingly abnormal. We’re consuming carcinogenic substances. We’re not eating that enough. Natural plant foods with the full exposure to phytochemicals that fuel the A or E, the antioxidant response element in the cell.
01:54:26:17 – 01:54:50:09
Its job is to remove free radicals and toxins and to repair methylation defects, the DNA, and essentially protect ourselves from cancer. And that mechanism is fueled by phytochemicals, especially from green vegetables. And without exposure to the for these nutrients humans need. We’re green vegetable dependent animals and we’re the American population is only eating 2% of calories from vegetables.
01:54:50:12 – 01:55:13:29
And we’re eating a diet with a lot of sweets in it with a lot of animal products, and that’s with insufficient amount of plant vegetation. As a primate that our immune system is dependent on. So I’m saying that when you have a diet that’s well designed the way humans are supposed to maximize human longevity, the cell becomes almost cancer proof, even removing exposure to environmental toxins.
01:55:14:05 – 01:55:41:17
Even it has the ability to suppress genetic alterations in genetic defects that, if not suppressed, would lead to increased risk of cancer. A healthy cell in a healthy body has the ability to suppress those genic genetic alterations like the GCP one gene that increases the risk of breast cancer, for example. And let me just say that, for example, the leading cause of cancer death, the leading cause of death in children, other than accidents is acute blast acidic leukemia.
01:55:41:19 – 01:56:06:12
And it’s already been linked in scientific studies to the lack of green vegetables in the mother’s diet even two years prior conception. So the diet that the parents eat even before the baby is conceived affects a child’s risk of cancer. For example. And also the exposure to luncheon meats like hot dogs and bacon, not even during pregnancy, but even prior to the pregnancy, affects a child’s risk of developing cancer.
01:56:06:17 – 01:56:34:02
So I’m saying it’s not just the diet we eat because our eggs that make us are living in our in our mother’s body her whole life that she’s alive. So when she’s five years old and ten years old and 15 years old, the egg that made you was living there and has the chance to be somewhat damaged. Should she be exposed to top two carcinogenic substances or eat a very poor diet or eating luncheon meats and fast foods?
01:56:34:04 – 01:57:09:07
So the worst your diet, your parents were before they even conceived you when you were born could affect your health as well. So we’re going to get a lot more into diet and nutrition and what what you recommend in a little bit. And before we do, I want to one, just clarify to hear from you this notion that a lot of people seem to believe that cancer is something you can catch like a cold or flu and that’s often how our medical industry treats it, right.
01:57:09:08 – 01:57:34:09
They try to get it and take it out of you versus recognizing that it’s something that your body is creating because of the diet and lifestyle and habits and environment and toxins and so forth. What is your take on that? What have you seen in regards to to that understanding and helping people recognize and identify? It’s not something you catch.
01:57:34:10 – 01:57:57:01
It’s something that you create in the body. That’s right. But but I think that’s what you’re saying is generally well accepted or not controversial. In other words, I don’t think that traditional medical doctors believe it’s something we catch and they recognize that cancer has known causes. And those causes are a combination of environmental toxins and also for diet and nutrition.
01:57:57:01 – 01:58:21:18
I think that I think that’s generally recognized that that what we eat has an effect on cancer. And certain foods have more powerful anti-cancer effects than others. In other words, what I’m saying right now is that even when we talked about angiogenesis, we know that certain foods like mushrooms have antiangiogenic effects and they also have effects that are anti-Roma tastes to lower estrogen.
01:58:21:20 – 01:58:43:19
And I saw, for example, I mean, it’s well recognized that higher levels of circulating estrogen and higher levels of localized estrogen in breast tissue increases risk of breast cancer. It’s not luck. It’s a biochemical and hormonal adjustment That’s something abnormal that we know that when a person is overweight, for example, let’s say you have an extra £25 of fat on your body.
01:58:43:21 – 01:59:05:06
Well, those fat cells are somewhat hypoxic, which means they don’t have an excellent blood supply. They have a marginal blood supply. The fat cells secrete angiogenesis promoters try to claim a fat supply, and in doing so, they permit fat cells and more permissive to allow other tumors to grow in your body and in thinking fat like a tumor.
01:59:05:08 – 01:59:33:00
But the fat on your body makes you insulin resistance. In other words, the insulin insulin can’t be uptake by cells as readily by fat. So now the pancreas has to create more insulin response to every carbohydrate you eat. And the high level of insulin has growth promoting and angiogenesis promotion effects. And because fat cells also secrete more cytokines in inflammatory process, inflammatory mediators, they stimulate aromatase production.
01:59:33:03 – 02:00:07:07
And so that means you produce more estrogen. So a person who’s eating poorly and overweight, their breast exposure to estrogen can be ten times the level of localized estrogen exposure in the breast tissue compared to somebody that was relatively slim, meaning a healthy diet with lots of vegetables and mushrooms and onions. So what? So what I’m saying is that the scientific literature is giving us a ton of information about this today, and it’s becoming more generally accepted that we can win the war on cancer and I make the statement often I say to people that we’ve landed the man on the moon already.
02:00:07:09 – 02:00:29:07
And what I mean by that is we already know what what causes cancer and we already know how to prevent it. More than 90% of cancers, we can look back 100 years ago and see even relatively recent history. Countries had 1/50 to 100th the amount of cancers we had in this country. And even today, even in modern times, we have populations of the world with much less cancer.
02:00:29:07 – 02:00:49:29
When they move here and they eat the way we eat, they so they develop the same rate of cancer we do. So what I’m saying right now is we have enough information today to win the war on breast cancer and prostate cancer. These common cancers, and by that, by win the war, I mean to teach the population a way to live and to eat so we could so we wouldn’t see these cancers occur.
02:00:50:02 – 02:01:15:28
You know, it’s a different story when we’re talking about using nutrition to treat cancer. Then we have obviously some early stage cancers that are more response to nutritional interventions. And we do see a lot of scientific data showing the same factors that prevent cancer, increase longevity and interfere with cancer cells, cancer cell replication, and prevent cancer recurrence in people who already have cancer.
02:01:16:00 – 02:01:41:28
But as cancers become more advanced and more advanced and people get close to their death, there’s obviously much more difficulty in reversing these diseases nutritionally. So it’s not a black and white issue. But as you may know from my 30 year experience sings patients. I’m working in this in Libby’s family of people with medical with serious medical conditions, using nutritional excellence as a primary modality.
02:01:41:28 – 02:02:06:27
It’s been very so incredibly rewarding and touching to see people with cancer make a complete recovery. I can’t say it’s happened. What happens all the time where you can predict when it’s you know, but I can give some examples of one of my patients. Her name was Pam. She was had a metastatic ovarian cancer that went into her lung and she had four liters of fluid from the middle from a and given about 3 to 4 months to live.
02:02:06:27 – 02:02:51:09
And she’s thriving and alive today, 17 years later. And we can just go to one another person with stage four lymphoma, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma that responded within 6 to 9 months of having these masses shrink up and disappear and following a new territory. This approach, which includes, of course, the high nutrient diet with some additional juices and things. So it’s just you know, so we have in our community, as you know, that that ignoring nutrition and not placing nutritional excellence in the tool box is is not doing the best for the person’s opportunity to get well even when they want to have a very even when to have an advanced cancer.
02:02:51:11 – 02:03:19:06
So nutrition is an absolute key factor. And like I said, we’re going to we’re going to really explore that in this interview. And before we do, you had said about you had mentioned that there are generally recognized causes of cancer, scientifically validated causes of cancer. Can you can you state what those are? Yes, we mentioned one of them.
02:03:19:08 – 02:03:56:07
One of them is is eating a diet with excessive amounts of calories, becoming overweight. And you people are aware that becoming diabetic increases your risk of cancer as well, because being diabetic means you have metabolic problems with sugar and insulin, which increases your risk of cancer. So we’re saying here that these things that increase risk of cancer are our fried foods, processed foods, a diet with a very high glycemic diet is well established that more white flour and white rice and sugars and soft drinks and marshmallows and donuts and cookies and crackers are dangerous and increased risk of cancer.
02:03:56:11 – 02:04:23:05
And because they do not contain nutrients in them, they strip the body of nutrients. When we process calories that don’t have a significant micronutrient load, we create a stream of free radicals and other toxic compounds. And then the American diet also has a huge amount of animal products. And as the high glycaemic carbohydrates raise growth promoting insulin, which is a growth hormone, especially in excess, it’s promoting excessive growth and excessive angiogenesis.
02:04:23:07 – 02:04:51:13
Also, IGF one insulin like growth factor one in excess also is a growth hormone that works as a sandwich with insulin to be very permissive in allowing cancers to replicate. So IGF one is a primary growth hormone in childhood. It raises up to could raise up to unfavorable level in adulthood, especially if we eat too much animal protein, not just the fat and saturated fat in our product, but actually what we’re talking here about skim milk and egg whites and lean and lean meats fishes.
02:04:51:13 – 02:05:15:04
We’re talking about if you as you ovary protein, protein drives growth and growth most cancer and too much protein, the diet can increase risk of IGF one. And also a diet with a lot of animal protein per say creates a lot of gram negative bacteria in the gut that then they produce certain toxic compounds such as TMJ over trimethylamine oxide and other.
02:05:15:07 – 02:05:34:28
So what I’m seeing right now is the right type of hormonal and biochemical events happen when we have a diet that’s rich in processed foods and animal products. I always make the joke and I say, The American diet is designed by ice. It’s okay because we have this diet was high in animal products and high in processed foods simultaneously.
02:05:35:03 – 02:05:56:04
And the American foods they like to eat like pizza and macaroni and cheese and hamburgers and mixing together our white flour, sugar products with a slab of animal products is probably the most dangerous dinosaur you could eat, except when you add fried foods to it. Now you cook oils at high temperature and you cause rancid and damaging compounds like French fries on top of that meal.
02:05:56:10 – 02:06:27:20
And you’ve really got a cancer bomb ready to explode. You know that even the link between even one serving of fast food French fries per week increases risk of breast cancer, for example, by 26%. Even the moderate intake of these dangerous foods dramatically increases the risk of cancer. And we’re on a death wish in America as much to make the diet as cancer promoting as we’ve seen it possibly can be because we’ve designed it to the exact diets that’s most cancer promoting we could possibly have done.
02:06:27:23 – 02:07:03:28
So talking a little bit more about meat and dairy animal products, you had said that too much protein is directly linked to higher exposure to cancer rates. But also you mentioned the meat itself causing a type of bacteria in the gut. What other kinds of evidence or literature have you seen in terms of how meat and dairy in animal products, aside from the protein side of that promote higher, higher, higher exposure to cancer?
02:07:04:01 – 02:07:32:11
Well, keep in mind the foundational principle or primary principle of a new tearing diet to extend lifespan and protect against cancer is moderate caloric restriction is not overeating. Maintaining a relatively lean body through you as you age in the environment or in the context of micronutrient excellence. In other words, when and the opposite is also valid here. Because when you die with more micronutrients and fiber, it naturally suppresses our appetites.
02:07:32:11 – 02:08:10:27
We don’t have to overeat when your diet is low in nutrients and low in antioxidants and phytochemicals and low in these micronutrients, you become a calorie consuming monster like a food addict who can’t control the food intake. So what I’m saying right now is that this that foundationally the foods that have the high amounts of micronutrients, our colorful plants have a lot of natural anti oxidants and phytonutrients that protect against cancer devouring utilizes to harm our protective immune system, both processed foods like pasta, bread, standard oil, mayonnaise, donuts, crackers, cookies, soft drinks, breakfast for us.
02:08:10:29 – 02:08:33:08
Those foods do not contain a significant micronutrient load. They don’t contain the fibers that promote the good bacteria. And they don’t protect contain these phytonutrients. They’re so critical. And animal products also have a low micronutrient exposure because they have some vitamins in some minerals, but they do not contain the fiber, chemicals and antioxidants that arm the immune system protect against cancer.
02:08:33:13 – 02:09:05:00
We put that diet together with only 2% of vegetables. We can’t have adequate protection, immune system support. So what I’m saying right now is that where the money’s at, the foods that are most protective or the natural plants, especially G bonds, and that acronym G bombs, gb0 MVS stands for grains, beans, onions, mushrooms, berries and seeds, which are identified by the sign.
02:09:05:00 – 02:09:29:17
The literature as having dramatic protection against all types of cancers and reduction of cancer death in people who already have cancer. For example, studies on women who already have breast cancer checked when they have flax seed muffins or flax seeds in their diet are shown to have longer lifespan, less death rate from cancer over the ten year period that followed and less chance of the occurrence of cancer.
02:09:29:19 – 02:10:03:00
Or they eat the flax seeds. What I’m saying women with mushroom seed mushrooms have 64% lower risk of breast cancer occurrence one Asian study. In other words, there’s for each one of these foods, there’s a whole there’s scores of studies that show how protected these foods are, these plant foods against cancer. Likewise, we have the same data collection on animal product consumption as animal products go up in the diet as a percent of total calories, like the blue zones, there are less than 10% to areas of the world.
02:10:03:00 – 02:10:31:08
They’re eating 20%, 30% or more. We look at all the epidemiologic studies, including the Seventh Day Adventist study, which is the only real blue zone in the United States. The longest lived population in the United States of all, because about 30% of them are vegetarians at some time and they eat generally less animal products. But we can they’re able to do studies on them to measure how much animal products they eat because there’s a diverse amount of animal plant consumption group compared to the other Americans.
02:10:31:15 – 02:10:58:19
And they can measure and see as animal products go up. So that’s of of short lifespan, increased cardiovascular mortality and cancer mortality. But in generally speaking, your question about the animal protein versus the animal fat, I mean, certainly if you barbecue, you fry, you darken or bake or cook animal products under high heat, it forms more dangerous compounds, more towards heterocyclic amines and nitrosamine compounds.
02:10:58:19 – 02:11:30:22
And in other types of, you know, we all have these dangerous compounds being formed when meats or cooked at high temperature. But we also see from the studies we have available that as people eat more plant protein, the rate of cancer and heart attack that goes down, that means wheat, hemp seeds and green vegetables and beans. And so and soybeans, whatever, when we’re seeing plant high protein plant foods go up, its lifespan extending and high protein animal products go up, its lifespan shortening.
02:11:30:24 – 02:12:04:02
And I think it’s it’s not just the fact that the plant proteins are associated with a high amount of fibers and phytochemicals. That’s, of course, very true. But it’s also that when a body, the plant proteins are not as biologically complete, So the body is not going to make an excessive amount of growth hormone. It’s going to complete the protein in order to make the amount of hormone it needs by taking, you know, amino acids that are stored in the interstitial lining of the eye or looking to absorb some of the bacteria in the gut or some of the extra food.
02:12:04:02 – 02:12:27:16
So we’re going to complete the protein to make sufficient amount of hormones for our sustenance health and growth rate, animal protein. There’s no regulating the hormonal production. When you eat excess animal protein, the excess animal products you eat is turned into hormone. And we make excessive amounts that we don’t need. And it’s the excessive amount of hormone production that we didn’t need to have made.
02:12:27:18 – 02:12:45:22
That can then be promises to promote growth, that when you should be growing as an adult. So it’s a little complicated. There’s a lot of factors involved. I’m just going over some of the factors to make it more clear to people the excess animal protein, like what actually happens with that in the body, What does the body do with that?
02:12:45:22 – 02:13:11:16
Is a store it you said it turns into hormones, that is hormones. Then do what? Where where do they go? How does that affect the body? How does that directly relate to cancer either gross etc.. Right. Because the American diet is highly growth promoting. And, you know, so and then in conjunction with having these growth promoting hormones that are allowing angiogenesis.
02:13:11:16 – 02:13:35:07
So we’re seeing here that animal products raise IGF one, we to many of them to an unfavorable level in middle age, that could be too high. And that’s going to be allowing cells to replicate that shouldn’t be replicated when a person gets a diagnosis of prostate cancer at age 70 or breast cancer at age 70, they didn’t have these cancer cells start to replicate at 65.
02:13:35:13 – 02:13:51:11
It was usually ten years earlier or more. So it could be that ten or 15 years earlier that you start to have early cells that were becoming abnormal and maybe even ten years prior to that, but the cells becoming dysplastic before they became cancerous. So it’s a 20 years, it’s a long cycle that we’ve got cancer at age 60.
02:13:51:11 – 02:14:09:17
It didn’t happen. So it’s damage that was occurring to these cells all through life. It’s not something that just happened to you right before your lump was discovered. When that lump is first visible to the human eye, the size of a head of a pin, even, it’s had to have replicated slowly over the years to get that big enough so that you and I can see it.
02:14:09:20 – 02:14:29:19
And by that point, a lot of these cells have less that left the nest already. So I’m saying to you now in response to a question about what the body does with the animal products, we’re talking about people eating excessive amounts of animal products for many years. So they’re getting so they’re getting a dietary and chemical framework in the body.
02:14:29:21 – 02:15:02:20
We are getting lack of nutrients, excessive production of free radicals. The cells become bathed in reactive oxygen species from the diet, which is high in processed foods and animal products and lowland vegetation. So they’re bathing themselves in free radicals and other toxic species. And we don’t have enough of the antioxidants and phytonutrients to remove toxins, even the fighting gases in grains and in beans and nuts and even the fight against it finds toxic metals like cadmium, arsenic lead and pulls it out of the body.
02:15:02:22 – 02:15:39:03
So we eat more of the soil and we’re getting microplastics now with it. Adapt being in the environment in our fish. So in any case where we’re building up abnormal substances in our body and our bodies, allowing these abnormal substances to stay there and cause damage because the diet is not the dietary quality is too poor to allow it to repair itself, remove the buildup and slow accumulation of these metabolic toxins while at the same time we have extent excessive exposure to hormones that are promoting growth.
02:15:39:05 – 02:16:11:21
So while we’re in the framework of a cell that’s building up metabolic toxins, eating a diet with too much high glycaemic carbohydrates like honey and maple sirup and marshmallows, which is producing excessive insulin and too much animal protein, which is producing growth, IGF one. And this IGF one insulin like growth factor one and insulin package, when both those hormones are elevated, they activate enter, which then further promotes damage to the cells and then is permissive for for cancer.
02:16:11:21 – 02:16:40:16
A lot of mechanisms happening, you know, when we have a large exposure to nutrients. In other words, we’re not just talking about the vitamin C in the taco tree and also controls and genes. We’re not just talking about enough nutrients to prevent scurvy in enough niacin to prevent coagulate enough. We’re talking about enough nutrients to stabilize longevity proteins, to protect the telomeres, to keep our stem cells healthy in later life.
02:16:40:18 – 02:17:08:00
In other words, when we have excellent nutrition and excellent exposure to nutritional two nutritional substances for decades, that then that that is that’s the protection we need for these. So inhibiting or not permitting the abnormalities to build up and lead to cancer. Cancer didn’t happen overnight. It was a slow process that people allowed to have happen. And it starts in childhood when people are fed fast food and junk food and give it a poor diet.
02:17:08:00 – 02:17:29:13
In childhood, we start to see the damage begin to accumulate. Then we see, even, for example, the age of puberty in women affecting the risk of breast cancer 60 years later, now the age of puberty, early puberty increases risk of breast cancer. So let’s say a normal puberty for women, let’s say is age 16. The average puberty is age 12, 12 years old.
02:17:29:13 – 02:17:47:27
But some people get it through puberty. Younger than that. When was when did you eat the diet that affected whether it went to privilege? Tanner, age 14, once that occurred, what’s the diet you ate when you were two and three and four and five and six years old that affected what you age, what you went through? Puberty and age of puberty affects whether you have prostate cancer or breast cancer when you’re 60.
02:17:48:02 – 02:18:13:01
What I’m saying right now is that it’s your lifetime exposure to you and these factors that affect your risk. And it’s even your exposure to these factors before you were born, because there’s even some exposure to bad health and bad nutrition. What your parents eat before you, even before they even gave birth, see? So what do you say to what’s your response to people who’ve been told by their medical doctors?
02:18:13:01 – 02:18:37:28
Because I’ve met a number of these people I even see very respected, very intelligent experts, authors up on stage are speaking about like the blood type diet and that they can’t do an all plant based diet or their doctor told them they have to have meat and dairy because of various reasons, because their blood type, etc.. What is your take on that?
02:18:37:28 – 02:19:02:15
What’s your response to people who have either been told that from a doctor or they believe that because of something they’ve read? Well, there’s no science or even clinical evidence? No. We once we have two things, we have a body of scientific literature that we have to really investigate and look at in depth. And then we have a really clinical experience with people and patients seeing what happens over the years.
02:19:02:15 – 02:19:21:09
And I’m lucky to have 30 years of, you know, thousands of people with experience and seeing what what goes on in this community. So there’s no data to suggest that certain people, because of their blood type, corresponds with the diet. It’s better for them. You know, that’s that’s just there’s no evidence in the scientific literature. There’s no clinical evidence either.
02:19:21:11 – 02:20:03:16
So that’s a completely nonsensical hypothesis. And no more than a person’s eye color, shoe size and mother’s mother’s maiden name. So backwards to check what they should be eating. Now, that doesn’t mean that some people are not thriving on a diet or vegan. That’s a completely different issue, that to do their blood type, for example, there are some people, for a lot of reasons, there are some people, for example, who don’t convert the alpha in fat in, let’s say, nuts and seeds and greens into first and DHEA sufficiently for adequate brain function in later life, putting they’re at high risk of depression that is genetically determined by the conversion enzymes.
02:20:03:16 – 02:20:20:10
It’s not by their blood type. You know, we have to investigate that. There are some people who, because of their earlier life, they may there are some children who are going to thrive on a vegan diet. You know, they they their diet needs more protein and more fat because of the way they assimilate and digest protein is different from somebody else.
02:20:20:12 – 02:20:45:20
And there are some elderly people who require more. They’re digested. The ability to handle protein goes down with aging and they get their IGF one can become too low. And if it gets too low, it can suppress immunity. Also increasing risk of cancer. And therefore, the diet has to be designed to be more than protein adequate. In some cases, animal products might be advisable in small amounts to help these people bring their IGF one up to an acceptable level.
02:20:45:28 – 02:21:07:21
What I’m saying is there are individual differences. Yes. That make for the necessity to, in some cases, adjust the diet to individual needs. But in no way is that based on can be based on what type it has to be a more detailed and thorough investigation and and history and knowing the person and just go and reading a book and saying my blood type means or should eat meat, that’s just insane.
02:21:07:23 – 02:21:30:22
So is that is that a in your experience, is that a high percentage of people middle low percentage of people that that need that kind of, you know, customized tailor addition to their diet because of their genetic predisposition, that’s not allowing them to process certain nutrients in certain ways that high percentage low percent. What’s been your experience with that?
02:21:30:24 – 02:21:48:22
It depends on what we’re looking at. You know, a lot of people as they get older, may be poor, may have different abilities to process zinc, and some people may do better with more zinc, could help them move. So I think that’s somewhat variable. But I think generally speaking, there is more people as they age that require more zinc.
02:21:48:22 – 02:22:15:11
With regard to, for example, I think it’s about half the population on vegan diets get a level that’s not optimal and about a quarter get levels that are potentially dangerous if they don’t supplement or do or do something. I think with regard to, you know, a new territory in diet, which I recommend is generally mostly vegan, but a person can use animal products in small amounts, but the design of the diet is so protein favorable already.
02:22:15:19 – 02:22:35:07
It’s a type of plant based diet. It’s very protein favorable compared to other plant based diets. So it’s less likely to get a ton with failure to thrive for an elderly person with low levels of IGF one. But that doesn’t mean those people don’t exist. And you don’t just willy nilly thrust a diet on a child who wasn’t thriving and gaining weight or doing well and say, Well, I think the site is best for him.
02:22:35:07 – 02:23:02:02
It’s not thriving. Some kids need to examine their diet or animal protein, and that’s why they’re going to be designed, just like some elderly people do, who are starting to get muscle wasting and lack of thriving because their IGF one goes to low. And there’s even some people whose cholesterol gets excessively low, whose brain is sensitive to low cholesterol and can develop more anxiety or depression or more or not, not from a diet.
02:23:02:02 – 02:23:28:25
It’s too low that that’s completely vague. So there’s unusual circumstances that happen to individuals. Your question about when that happens, I would say not that often. Probably is not Not five and a hundred people would have that concern. Maybe maybe it’s more like two and 100 that require some modification to that. But we want to at least see what’s the word, aware that every person doesn’t fit the same ideal mold.
02:23:28:25 – 02:23:44:11
And we have to look at people and check them and see how they’re doing, make sure they’re thriving on the advice they’re given. But one thing we know that when a person does need some animal products in the diet and is otherwise not thriving on a vegan diet, we don’t want to switch to like a paleo diet in a lot of animal products.
02:23:44:17 – 02:24:11:20
We want to regulate the amount of animal products so they get just enough to bring their IGF one in the normal range, not to push it up high to create damage. So, you know, there’s a for example, there was a study of 6000 people found for 80 years, and they showed that the highest threshold of animal protein consumption there was a 75% increase overall death rate over that 18 year period and a 400% increased risk of cancer over that 18 year period.
02:24:11:20 – 02:24:34:16
In the 50 to 65 year olds. We looked at the elderly people who are like 70 and 80 years, followed them for 18 years, then in the highest social of animal product compared with traditional, you did not see the danger from the high amounts of our products as animal products because they were counteracting each other because some people in the elderly category don’t thrive on a diet that low protein.
02:24:34:19 – 02:24:53:10
What I’m saying right now is the healthier you are and the more you’re eating right, the more you keep your youthful vigor or your digestion is normal. You can say that your body’s ability to assimilate, that it’s protein stays adequate. There is. But if the more you eat unhealthy the all through your life, the more you can become more dependent on animal products when you’re older.
02:24:53:15 – 02:25:23:23
Because you’re right, because you’re not handling protein, you cause some problems because you allow yourself, you just attract to age faster. So it’s complicated and we have to just be a little cautious and aware that it’s not quite one fits all, could it? And could it also be that that small percent, that one or 2% or 3% of people who who have a challenge on it, on a vegan diet, could it be that they’re not getting enough diversity in their diet?
02:25:23:23 – 02:25:55:02
Because we do know so far, I think the latest statistic I saw was there’s at least 150,000 different types of edible medicinal plants that have been identified on the planet so far. If you go to the grocery store, you’re usually only going to see maybe a couple of dozen out of 150,000. Right. So could it potentially be that those people are just not getting enough diversity of different types of the plants to support the wholeness and healing of their body?
02:25:55:04 – 02:26:21:20
Probably Not because. Absolutely. I’m agreeing with what you’re saying, that on this on my nutrient carrion program, one of the benefits, one of the things we’re striving for is a wide variety, an assortment of different plant species and natural plants, including microgreens and baby vegetables and sprouts. And so we’re so definitely nutritional variety of all the time. It’s definitely an asset to longevity and for a product’s ability to resist disease and immune system strength.
02:26:21:23 – 02:26:49:08
But what I’m seeing right now is I’m looking at a population of people already doing, you know, a really a diet that’s not just cutting it out of products, but going after more excellent nutrition. The question is, if they’re getting into trouble on these vegan diets, one of these are what are they possibly missing? But the vegan diet is giving them and it’s true, it’s usually DHEA, zinc could be iodine if they’re not eating seafood of seaweed, it could be K2, but usually not.
02:26:49:08 – 02:27:14:09
That could be vitamin D, but usually not. It’s usually the most often decreasing. And then, of course, what we’re seeing now is that the protein issue and what if they’re needing more protein isn’t coming from nutritional diversity or plant diversity? We’re measuring IGF one and we’re saying that their IGF one levels are dangerously low and they’re having body wasting.
02:27:14:12 – 02:27:34:21
So it’s a combination of muscle wasting muscle atrophy because sarcopenia, in conjunction with very low levels of IGF one, we can regulate that IGF one with the amount of protein and we can’t get it up to an adequate level. It’s a dangerously low level with enough plant protein diets. Then we have to consider adding some animal products to that person.
02:27:34:23 – 02:27:49:23
So it’s not you know, we’re not going to raise the IGF one when it’s very low. And I’m saying admittedly, this is not common, but it’s just something that as a health professionals taking care of people with the issues that, you know, that we’re aware of, that if a person is not thriving, we’re looking at blood tests to evaluate why they’re not.
02:27:49:23 – 02:28:36:29
Right. So majority of the people that come to you to heal with chronic diseases such as cancer, what so what is that the best diet that you recommend for people, for majority of people, if you or a loved one has a chronic disease such as cancer, autoimmunity, diabetes, heart disease, or mental and emotional health challenges such as depression or anxiety, then it’s time to listen to the world leading integrative, holistic and natural health doctors and experts who can help you on your path to preventing and reversing chronic health conditions at any age.
02:28:37:01 – 02:29:04:02
Visit Health and Healing Club Wwe.com for more details. That’s WW dot Health and Healing Club Wwe.com to sign up for your free trial today right that’s right the standard time to recommend two to people who have early stage cancer so who want to extend their life span is the same diet basically I recommend for people with autoimmune conditions who want to get well from lupus and Soraya’s cysts and rheumatoid arthritis.
02:29:04:04 – 02:29:26:08
And so when syndromes and pandemics, connective tissue disease and autoimmune hepatitis, it’s the same immune system strengthening diets with the G balms with two glasses of fresh squeezed vegetable juice a day in the vegetable juice. I The reason I’m getting a vegetable juice, of course, is because by eating right, you’re taking in those nutrients, but you can’t consume as much of the nutrients as you could by adding the juices.
02:29:26:14 – 02:29:53:04
And it takes these people six and nine months to get the levels of nutrients in the cells, in the tissues that level with it where mine are, for example, in just four years. So we give them juices to bring them up quicker, to give them more. And the juice has one third cruciferous like bok choy, cabbage kale. One third is something like carrots beet, and the other third is something like lettuce, dark green lettuces, celery or cucumber.
02:29:53:09 – 02:30:11:02
So we’re giving them this one third, one third, one third juice twice a day. And they still have a large salad that they chew with the onions, the mushrooms, the cooked mushrooms. Of course, mushrooms are very powerful in the cancer protocol, but they should be cooked because they have a mild carcinogen called a guarantee that have blown off with cooking.
02:30:11:06 – 02:30:50:29
We want them to be exposed to multiple mushroom species. We want them to even eat them. I even give my patients with cancer a mixed mushroom supplement with different with 14 different mushroom species in it they usually have. Some are exposed to green tea, extracts of green tea, and they of course are having this plant based diet with exposure to large exposure to onions and mushrooms and berries and seeds, and they’re using muscle seeds as a source of fat and not using oil because they’re that we want to, because there is there’s beneficial anti-inflammatory and an immune system supporting nutrients in the nuts and seeds and they’re absorbed very, very slowly, whereas oil is absorbed
02:30:50:29 – 02:31:22:22
very rapidly and leads to more body fat production and more cytokine and pro-inflammatory modulation and response by the body. So their fat intake and the little bit of fat and so it’s like a half an ounce with each meal helps facilitate the green vegetables that the greens, the other nutrients they’re eating. So they’re getting a very we’re trying to give them a very wide spectrum of natural foods, lots of different types of vegetables, a big salad every day, a bowl of actually bean soup and and of exposure to other other beneficial foods as well.
02:31:22:24 – 02:31:48:24
What’s your take on the ketogenic diet. My take is that it’s been proven to be lifespan shortening already and in large scale immunologic studies every diet looked at when you start to get a diet restricting fruit and restricting plant carbohydrates, you restrict restricting fiber and you’re restricting exposure to phytochemicals. And we know that it causes a acidosis. The ketogenic is ketoacidosis.
02:31:48:24 – 02:32:10:21
It comes some degree of acidosis in the system. So it may be so in every short term study, you could do a short term study on a ketogenic diet showing benefits to lowering triglycerides, a body weight reduction or diabetes reduction due to weight loss. But every study looking at large scale numbers with high amounts going on for decades, we see there was a study published in 2018, the can.
02:32:10:24 – 02:32:38:24
There was actually one study in 2019 two that looked at long term people on fruit restriction or ketogenic diet saw higher causes of death. What I’m saying right now is the scientific literature is pretty comprehensively showing that ketogenic may be dangerous long term. Now, that doesn’t mean that we’re not going to find certain cancers that may be responsive to what may be a combination of chemotherapy with the ketogenic diet.
02:32:39:00 – 02:32:55:14
In other words, let’s say, for example, we may believe a cancer, a certain type of lymphoma or a certain type of soft tissue glioma, like a brain tumor, and these tumors are insulin. You need insulin to fuel the growth of these tumors. And we completely restrict insulin by putting them on a ketogenic diet. It makes them more sensitive to chemotherapy.
02:32:55:20 – 02:33:28:16
Given the chemotherapy with the ketogenic diet, it knocks the tumor out, less chance of recurrence. So even though I’m suggesting that a ketogenic diet is not safe for the long term for people’s health and longevity and certainly not a diet I’m recommending, I’m saying it may be the case, which because it would more scientific investigate. And there are some scientists investigating this in New York City, for example, that are putting people with cancer on a combination of ketogenic diets with chemotherapy and see better response to the chemo than people who were not put on that.
02:33:28:16 – 02:33:51:07
We’re not. So I’m not saying there might be. There may not be and there may be a therapeutic indication for a ketogenic diet for certain conditions and certain types of cancers that we will discover in the future. And I’m not wiping out that possibility, but I am saying we have to take care about that because the long term utilization of ketogenic diet is not lifespan favorable.
02:33:51:09 – 02:34:17:04
Follow me. Absolutely. Yes. So it’s not something you would recommend to to your patients and clients at this time, but something worth continuing to see to investigate. Right? Absolutely. So you have patients that come to your retreat center in San Diego. Right. And people stay with you for weeks or months at a time. And tell me a little bit more about that process.
02:34:17:04 – 02:34:40:04
What does that look like? Somebody has cancer or chronic disease or wants to heal. They come and stay with you. What what does that person experience? What kind of things can they hope for? Share a little bit more about that. You know, I think and you probably would agree I think I was already watching would agree there are a lot of people that know they should be healthier.
02:34:40:04 – 02:35:07:07
They want to eat healthier. But that’s having trouble doing it, that processed foods and eating unhealthy is just too attractive. And they’re so ingrained into their social environment that it becomes part of their their recreation, part of their social lifestyle. So what I’m seeing right now is food is physically unhealthy, food is physically addicting, and it also is socially addicting and people so they be unable to comply with what they think they know they should do.
02:35:07:09 – 02:35:25:28
And so what I’m saying right now is we have people that are overweight, they have heart disease, they have diabetes, they have autoimmune disease, they have cancers, and they want to get well and they real. And they’re also somewhat suffering from food addiction. We put them we put them when they bring them into activity retreat. We have three incredible chefs.
02:35:26:01 – 02:35:42:06
Show them how great healthy food can taste. We keep them there long enough to we train their taste buds so they’re not constantly eating all the salt and having sweets or junk food. They can’t quit. So it’s like it’s like going away to come off Cigarets You’ve got to spend time away from not having cigarets So we’re going to keep wanting more nicotine.
02:35:42:11 – 02:36:04:16
You’ve got to go get away from your cooking. If you start not want to snort anymore, you’ve got to get away from the truly addictive pull of this illicit love affair you have with unhealthy foods to build, to enjoy it, guava and kumquat, and to enjoy eating salads with pomegranate on healthy dressing. So we show them how food can taste great.
02:36:04:19 – 02:36:26:19
We have food addiction counselors. They have groups. So we’re giving them groups to try to deal with their emotional eating problems that led them to become overweight severely begin with. And they’re learning through my lectures and through the staff. You know what? There’s a lot of fun things to do there. So it’s a beautiful place. You like a sort of pool and hiking and biking and exercise classes and yoga and all the other things going on, cooking classes.
02:36:26:21 – 02:36:45:02
But they’re really there to get an education too. And the thing cared for by me and getting on the learning about and getting motivated, informed, so they really learn how to do this, make it work most effectively, and enjoy the process so they can replicate it when they go home. So they learn to take off, if you will.
02:36:45:02 – 02:37:04:22
If you’re £150 overweight, you’re not going to lose £150 with me for two months. You’ll lose about £50. Right? So so I had like one woman, of course, she was £50 when she was there. But the year she went home, she lost 150 more, you know, because she knew what to do. When you want to replicate this in our home, it’s very hard for people to grasp how to do this.
02:37:04:25 – 02:37:22:10
If you’ve got my sister in law who had breast cancer, for example, she didn’t follow my program at all. She thought it was a little too extreme. And no, it wasn’t for her. And, you know, but then she got cancer and now the question is, how do we do this? How do you make it taste good? I want to do it now.
02:37:22:10 – 02:37:41:14
I realize my mistake. And then and now, of course, this is decade. You know, this is she’s doing great. She has no cancer. She’s fine. She you know, she’s she changed her life and her sister lives. But the point is, it was great that I was here and my wife and I could show her how to make the food taste great, how to do it, how to incorporate this in your life.
02:37:41:20 – 02:38:01:09
You know, So we have this place that it’s really very rewarding to be able to see people, facilitate them getting better, to watch the transformation curves to a curve. And so they get healthy. And I’m you know, I have people that are come in where they’re almost ready to have a heart attack and they get their blood pressure and cholesterol down and get the weight off.
02:38:01:11 – 02:38:21:08
And we have people come in who have prostate cancer or breast cancer and they and they want to start to change the way they’re eating and really learn this way of life. And it’s just it works great when you can put it in a separate them from the fast food and negative social environment in at home and really get them to retrain their taste buds.
02:38:21:08 – 02:38:41:08
They love eating this way and they realize what they can learn to defer this over their unhealthy diet. So thank you for sharing all that. Your retreat sounds incredible. And as we talked offline and look forward to coming and visiting you there in San Diego, as I said, I used to live there for about ten years and love the area.
02:38:41:11 – 02:39:13:21
And as we wrap up, kind of final thoughts, what maybe three or so steps for those tuning in who are serious about wanting to prevent cancer or heal or reverse cancer in their own bodies. What kind of steps could people take right now to start on that journey and what do they need to think about to support the longevity of that journey?
02:39:13:24 – 02:39:41:21
Well, that’s that’s some, you know, a big question that could go on another hour about. But basically, I’m going to keep it real simple. I want people have a big salad with mixed green vegetables, with onions, tomatoes and cooked mushrooms on it with a dressing made of nuts and seeds. I might make a dressing, for example, with a pill navel orange with sesame seeds and cashews with blood orange get a squeeze, a lemon or roasted tomatoes with roasted garlic and some almond butter mashed together with a little thick vinegar.
02:39:41:27 – 02:40:00:16
In other words, you make a nut based salad and you have a bowl of vegetable bean soup and a piece of fruit. For dessert, lunch is the most important meal with a salad, vegetable bean soup and the soup should be like an anti-cancer soup made with the zucchinis and the onions, leeks and the bok choy and all, all the different beneficial nutrients.
02:40:00:16 – 02:40:25:22
And if you can make it on the weekend so you can have the same soup for four or five days and then breakfast, you should have a glass of fresh squeezed vegetable juice with a little bit of intact grain, a small amount of intact salt, green water with the flax seeds, with the chia seeds and some berries like wild blueberries or low sugar berry like blackberries, blueberries or guava, or some kind of low sugar fruit mixed in with that for flavor with the seeds.
02:40:25:22 – 02:40:42:16
Because the seeds they happen, the tree reflects. It’s a vehicle with a glass of vegetable juice and then dinner should be at an earlier and later dinner. We should not be one of the secrets to fighting disease and increasing longevity. Fighting cancer is going to bed on an empty stomach. You don’t want to eat a big meal at night.
02:40:42:23 – 02:40:56:28
You want to eat your meals earlier in the day and you want to go to bed. So you haven’t eaten food, at least probably for hours. Will you go to bed at night? So you go to sleep on an empty stomach and you sleep and rest and then when you’re not congested through the season. So that’s a rough round up of what?
02:40:57:03 – 02:41:18:15
Of the diet it could be then adjusting to individual needs and differences. But that’s basically where we start from. Well, thank you so much. I know on your website we’ll share that link with everybody. It’s doctor firm income. You can look on the web page for this videos hosted. We’ll also write out the link for you. You can click it or type it in.
02:41:18:15 – 02:41:45:07
Go to the website. I know you have great recipes in your books and you have great videos and free resources on your website. I know that you have an online e e-learning area as well as online courses and so forth. So for people who are very interested in learning more about this, I encourage you to go to Dr. Freeman’s website and again, you can find that website on this page.
02:41:45:07 – 02:42:14:07
So Dr. Forrest, thank you so much for joining us today, for being here, for sharing your wisdom. As you said, I know we could talk about a lot of these subjects for another one or 2 hours and like to maybe do a follow up interview with you at some point in the future. We can after this summit airs and people have questions and things like that, we could bring those questions to a future interview and be great as well.
02:42:14:07 – 02:42:33:05
So those of you tuning in, let us know what other things you’d like to hear in the future. And again, Dr. Freeman Dkb go to his website to get his retreats, books, online courses and so forth. So yeah, just want to say thank you so much for for sharing. You’re such a wealth of knowledge. My pleasure. And wishing you of course, for you and all.
02:42:33:05 – 02:43:13:08
He was just great health and much happiness. Thank you for listening to Natural Health with Nathan Crane. Make sure to subscribe to this podcast on iTunes or your favorite podcast site and share it on all your social media sites to get this transformational information out to people who need it around the world. If you or a loved one has a chronic disease such as cancer, autoimmunity, diabetes, heart disease, or mental and emotional health challenges such as depression or anxiety, then it’s time to listen to the world leading integrative, holistic and natural health doctors and experts who can help you on your path of preventing and reversing any of these chronic health conditions.
02:43:13:10 – 02:43:45:27
Visit WW W Health and Healing Club dot com for more details at the Health and Healing Club. You can join a global community of like minded people who are empowering themselves each week to learn how to prevent and reverse chronic diseases like cancer, autoimmunity, diabetes, heart disease and mental and emotional health challenges. Go to WW dot Health and Healing club icon where you can sign up for a free trial today.
02:43:45:27 – 02:44:36:05
Hello and welcome to Natural Health with Nathan Crane. Today, I’m really excited to share this interview I did not too long ago with a true pioneer in the field of natural, holistic, integrative medicine. Dr. Joel Furman. Dr. Furman is a board certified family physician. Six time New York Times bestselling author and an internationally recognized expert on nutrition and natural healing who specializes in helping people learn how to prevent reverse chronic diseases using nutritional methods.
02:44:36:06 – 02:45:00:10
Dr. Furman coined the term nutritive terrine to describe a nutrient dense eating style designed to prevent cancer, slow aging and extend life span. I’ve done a number of incredible interviews with Dr. Furman over the years. Every time I get to sit with him and ask him questions, I learn something new. If you’ve listened to him, read his books, heard from him, watched his PBS specials.
02:45:00:13 – 02:45:25:15
You’ve already learned quite a bit. And I promise you, you watch this. You’re still going to learn something new. He has a wealth of knowledge. So without further ado, Dr. Jill Furman. Enjoy. My pleasure. Great to be here. So diving right in, from your experience, you have a lot of it. Can you share with us what exactly is cancer and how does it show up in the human body?
02:45:25:18 – 02:45:51:16
Well, keep in mind, I’m not just speaking from experience. I’m speaking from a degree of scientific literature and studying the what happens to the human body and the human body essentially has the ability to protect against damage from cancer developing. We can repair broken DNA cross links. The body has the ability to repair methylation defects, prevent the accumulation of metabolic toxins and reactive oxygen species.
02:45:51:16 – 02:46:18:00
In other words, what I’m seeing right now is that cancer is something that human accumulates over time with inflammation, with irritation, inflammation, and then it gets to the point where it overwhelming the cells defense, the cell’s defenses to keep itself clean and then the it expects to replicate uncontrollably. And how do you know? Obviously, people know how cancer appears, but it usually appears with promoting angiogenesis.
02:46:18:00 – 02:46:41:04
In other words, these cells, in order to replicate rapidly, have to call a blood supply. So our normal blood supply has to be activated to perfused these cells that want to replicate a lot. And so cancer cells secrete angiogenesis promoters the word angiogenesis means to promote the growth of new blood vessels. And so the promotion of these cells is starting to excrete.
02:46:41:10 – 02:47:13:08
Angiogenesis promoters in our blood vessels grow new tributaries, new branches to fuel cancers, to counter growth of cancers. So when we have cancer growth, we always have these longevity proteins like Sirt one and AMP kinase are diminished and mTOR, which is an unfavorable protein buildup, is is heightened in almost all invasive of metastatic cancers. So what I’m seeing right now is that there’s a certain abnormality going on that is permissive, allowing cancers to replicate.
02:47:13:12 – 02:47:34:24
We eat a diet rich in phytochemicals with the full spectrum of nutrients humans need. And without putting in toxic substances into our body, our body is essentially already cancer proof. Cancer represents some defect or some abnormality that was in the lifestyle or the environment that allowed it to, because it’s not the inevitable consequence of aging. It’s not normal.
02:47:34:28 – 02:48:01:02
It’s hardly even occurred in human history. The first cancers that were noted in the medical literature that were written about were scrotal cancers, written a film that we noticed happening. A chimney sweeps in the early 1700s. So even on studies on mummified remains from thousands of years ago, hardly saw any cancers in human species. It was just not not a cause of death, you know, eons ago.
02:48:01:04 – 02:48:35:07
So in layman’s terms, in terms of what is cancer, I hear you saying is it’s if the body is, well, let’s say mind, emotions, body, the whole human experience is functioning as it’s supposed to. Then cancer does not show up. And if body’s out of balance or the systems of the body or out of balance are out of whack or out of their original, let’s say, heal their whole state, then cancer is a result of that.
02:48:35:12 – 02:49:01:23
Is that is that what I hear you saying? Yes. It’s that cells become damaged and they’re damaged due to it by something abnormal. For example, people you know, so there’s something the American diet is exceedingly abnormal. We’re consuming carcinogenic substances. We’re not eating that enough. Natural plant foods with the full exposure to phytochemicals that fuel the A or E, the antioxidant response element in the cell.
02:49:01:26 – 02:49:25:18
Its job is to remove free radicals and toxins and to repair methylation defects, the DNA, and essentially protect ourselves from cancer. And that mechanism is fueled by phytochemicals, especially from green vegetables. And without exposure to the for these nutrients humans need. We’re green vegetable dependent animals and we’re the American population is only eating 2% of calories from vegetables.
02:49:25:21 – 02:49:49:08
And we’re eating a diet with a lot of sweets in it with a lot of animal products, and that’s with insufficient amount of plant vegetation. As a primate that our immune system is dependent on. So I’m saying that when you have a diet that’s well designed the way humans are supposed to maximize human longevity, the cell becomes almost cancer proof, even removing exposure to environmental toxins.
02:49:49:14 – 02:50:16:26
Even it has the ability to suppress genetic alterations in genetic defects that, if not suppressed, would lead to increased risk of cancer. A healthy cell in a healthy body has the ability to suppress those genic genetic alterations like the GCP one gene that increases the risk of breast cancer, for example. And let me just say that, for example, the leading cause of cancer death, the leading cause of death in children, other than accidents is acute blast acidic leukemia.
02:50:16:28 – 02:50:41:21
And it’s already been linked in scientific studies to the lack of green vegetables in the mother’s diet even two years prior conception. So the diet that the parents eat even before the baby is conceived affects a child’s risk of cancer. For example. And also the exposure to luncheon meats like hot dogs and bacon, not even during pregnancy, but even prior to the pregnancy, affects a child’s risk of developing cancer.
02:50:41:26 – 02:51:09:11
So I’m saying it’s not just the diet we eat because our eggs that make us are living in our in our mother’s body her whole life that she’s alive. So when she’s five years old and ten years old and 15 years old, the egg that made you was living there and has the chance to be somewhat damaged. Should she be exposed to top two carcinogenic substances or eat a very poor diet or eating luncheon meats and fast foods?
02:51:09:13 – 02:51:44:16
So the worst your diet, your parents were before they even conceived you when you were born could affect your health as well. So we’re going to get a lot more into diet and nutrition and what what you recommend in a little bit. And before we do, I want to one, just clarify to hear from you this notion that a lot of people seem to believe that cancer is something you can catch like a cold or flu and that’s often how our medical industry treats it, right.
02:51:44:17 – 02:52:09:18
They try to get it and take it out of you versus recognizing that it’s something that your body is creating because of the diet and lifestyle and habits and environment and toxins and so forth. What is your take on that? What have you seen in regards to to that understanding and helping people recognize and identify? It’s not something you catch.
02:52:09:19 – 02:52:32:10
It’s something that you create in the body. That’s right. But but I think that’s what you’re saying is generally well accepted or not controversial. In other words, I don’t think that traditional medical doctors believe it’s something we catch and they recognize that cancer has known causes. And those causes are a combination of environmental toxins and also for diet and nutrition.
02:52:32:10 – 02:52:56:27
I think that I think that’s generally recognized that that what we eat has an effect on cancer. And certain foods have more powerful anti-cancer effects than others. In other words, what I’m saying right now is that even when we talked about angiogenesis, we know that certain foods like mushrooms have antiangiogenic effects and they also have effects that are anti-Roma tastes to lower estrogen.
02:52:56:29 – 02:53:18:28
And I saw, for example, I mean, it’s well recognized that higher levels of circulating estrogen and higher levels of localized estrogen in breast tissue increases risk of breast cancer. It’s not luck. It’s a biochemical and hormonal adjustment That’s something abnormal that we know that when a person is overweight, for example, let’s say you have an extra £25 of fat on your body.
02:53:19:00 – 02:53:40:15
Well, those fat cells are somewhat hypoxic, which means they don’t have an excellent blood supply. They have a marginal blood supply. The fat cells secrete angiogenesis promoters try to claim a fat supply, and in doing so, they permit fat cells and more permissive to allow other tumors to grow in your body and in thinking fat like a tumor.
02:53:40:17 – 02:54:08:09
But the fat on your body makes you insulin resistance. In other words, the insulin insulin can’t be uptake by cells as readily by fat. So now the pancreas has to create more insulin response to every carbohydrate you eat. And the high level of insulin has growth promoting and angiogenesis promotion effects. And because fat cells also secrete more cytokines in inflammatory process, inflammatory mediators, they stimulate aromatase production.
02:54:08:12 – 02:54:42:16
And so that means you produce more estrogen. So a person who’s eating poorly and overweight, their breast exposure to estrogen can be ten times the level of localized estrogen exposure in the breast tissue compared to somebody that was relatively slim, meaning a healthy diet with lots of vegetables and mushrooms and onions. So what? So what I’m saying is that the scientific literature is giving us a ton of information about this today, and it’s becoming more generally accepted that we can win the war on cancer and I make the statement often I say to people that we’ve landed the man on the moon already.
02:54:42:18 – 02:55:04:16
And what I mean by that is we already know what what causes cancer and we already know how to prevent it. More than 90% of cancers, we can look back 100 years ago and see even relatively recent history. Countries had 1/50 to 100th the amount of cancers we had in this country. And even today, even in modern times, we have populations of the world with much less cancer.
02:55:04:16 – 02:55:25:08
When they move here and they eat the way we eat, they so they develop the same rate of cancer we do. So what I’m saying right now is we have enough information today to win the war on breast cancer and prostate cancer. These common cancers, and by that, by win the war, I mean to teach the population a way to live and to eat so we could so we wouldn’t see these cancers occur.
02:55:25:11 – 02:55:51:07
You know, it’s a different story when we’re talking about using nutrition to treat cancer. Then we have obviously some early stage cancers that are more response to nutritional interventions. And we do see a lot of scientific data showing the same factors that prevent cancer, increase longevity and interfere with cancer cells, cancer cell replication, and prevent cancer recurrence in people who already have cancer.
02:55:51:09 – 02:56:17:07
But as cancers become more advanced and more advanced and people get close to their death, there’s obviously much more difficulty in reversing these diseases nutritionally. So it’s not a black and white issue. But as you may know from my 30 year experience sings patients. I’m working in this in Libby’s family of people with medical with serious medical conditions, using nutritional excellence as a primary modality.
02:56:17:07 – 02:56:42:06
It’s been very so incredibly rewarding and touching to see people with cancer make a complete recovery. I can’t say it’s happened. What happens all the time where you can predict when it’s you know, but I can give some examples of one of my patients. Her name was Pam. She was had a metastatic ovarian cancer that went into her lung and she had four liters of fluid from the middle from a and given about 3 to 4 months to live.
02:56:42:06 – 02:57:26:18
And she’s thriving and alive today, 17 years later. And we can just go to one another person with stage four lymphoma, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma that responded within 6 to 9 months of having these masses shrink up and disappear and following a new territory. This approach, which includes, of course, the high nutrient diet with some additional juices and things. So it’s just you know, so we have in our community, as you know, that that ignoring nutrition and not placing nutritional excellence in the tool box is is not doing the best for the person’s opportunity to get well even when they want to have a very even when to have an advanced cancer.
02:57:26:20 – 02:57:54:15
So nutrition is an absolute key factor. And like I said, we’re going to we’re going to really explore that in this interview. And before we do, you had said about you had mentioned that there are generally recognized causes of cancer, scientifically validated causes of cancer. Can you can you state what those are? Yes, we mentioned one of them.
02:57:54:17 – 02:58:31:16
One of them is is eating a diet with excessive amounts of calories, becoming overweight. And you people are aware that becoming diabetic increases your risk of cancer as well, because being diabetic means you have metabolic problems with sugar and insulin, which increases your risk of cancer. So we’re saying here that these things that increase risk of cancer are our fried foods, processed foods, a diet with a very high glycemic diet is well established that more white flour and white rice and sugars and soft drinks and marshmallows and donuts and cookies and crackers are dangerous and increased risk of cancer.
02:58:31:20 – 02:58:58:14
And because they do not contain nutrients in them, they strip the body of nutrients. When we process calories that don’t have a significant micronutrient load, we create a stream of free radicals and other toxic compounds. And then the American diet also has a huge amount of animal products. And as the high glycaemic carbohydrates raise growth promoting insulin, which is a growth hormone, especially in excess, it’s promoting excessive growth and excessive angiogenesis.
02:58:58:16 – 02:59:26:22
Also, IGF one insulin like growth factor one in excess also is a growth hormone that works as a sandwich with insulin to be very permissive in allowing cancers to replicate. So IGF one is a primary growth hormone in childhood. It raises up to could raise up to unfavorable level in adulthood, especially if we eat too much animal protein, not just the fat and saturated fat in our product, but actually what we’re talking here about skim milk and egg whites and lean and lean meats fishes.
02:59:26:22 – 02:59:50:13
We’re talking about if you as you ovary protein, protein drives growth and growth most cancer and too much protein, the diet can increase risk of IGF one. And also a diet with a lot of animal protein per say creates a lot of gram negative bacteria in the gut that then they produce certain toxic compounds such as TMJ over trimethylamine oxide and other.
02:59:50:16 – 03:00:10:07
So what I’m seeing right now is the right type of hormonal and biochemical events happen when we have a diet that’s rich in processed foods and animal products. I always make the joke and I say, The American diet is designed by ice. It’s okay because we have this diet was high in animal products and high in processed foods simultaneously.
03:00:10:12 – 03:00:31:13
And the American foods they like to eat like pizza and macaroni and cheese and hamburgers and mixing together our white flour, sugar products with a slab of animal products is probably the most dangerous dinosaur you could eat, except when you add fried foods to it. Now you cook oils at high temperature and you cause rancid and damaging compounds like French fries on top of that meal.
03:00:31:19 – 03:01:02:29
And you’ve really got a cancer bomb ready to explode. You know that even the link between even one serving of fast food French fries per week increases risk of breast cancer, for example, by 26%. Even the moderate intake of these dangerous foods dramatically increases the risk of cancer. And we’re on a death wish in America as much to make the diet as cancer promoting as we’ve seen it possibly can be because we’ve designed it to the exact diets that’s most cancer promoting we could possibly have done.
03:01:03:02 – 03:01:39:07
So talking a little bit more about meat and dairy animal products, you had said that too much protein is directly linked to higher exposure to cancer rates. But also you mentioned the meat itself causing a type of bacteria in the gut. What other kinds of evidence or literature have you seen in terms of how meat and dairy in animal products, aside from the protein side of that promote higher, higher, higher exposure to cancer?
03:01:39:10 – 03:02:07:20
Well, keep in mind the foundational principle or primary principle of a new tearing diet to extend lifespan and protect against cancer is moderate caloric restriction is not overeating. Maintaining a relatively lean body through you as you age in the environment or in the context of micronutrient excellence. In other words, when and the opposite is also valid here. Because when you die with more micronutrients and fiber, it naturally suppresses our appetites.
03:02:07:20 – 03:02:46:06
We don’t have to overeat when your diet is low in nutrients and low in antioxidants and phytochemicals and low in these micronutrients, you become a calorie consuming monster like a food addict who can’t control the food intake. So what I’m saying right now is that this that foundationally the foods that have the high amounts of micronutrients, our colorful plants have a lot of natural anti oxidants and phytonutrients that protect against cancer devouring utilizes to harm our protective immune system, both processed foods like pasta, bread, standard oil, mayonnaise, donuts, crackers, cookies, soft drinks, breakfast for us.
03:02:46:08 – 03:03:08:17
Those foods do not contain a significant micronutrient load. They don’t contain the fibers that promote the good bacteria. And they don’t protect contain these phytonutrients. They’re so critical. And animal products also have a low micronutrient exposure because they have some vitamins in some minerals, but they do not contain the fiber, chemicals and antioxidants that arm the immune system protect against cancer.
03:03:08:22 – 03:03:40:09
We put that diet together with only 2% of vegetables. We can’t have adequate protection, immune system support. So what I’m saying right now is that where the money’s at, the foods that are most protective or the natural plants, especially G bonds, and that acronym G bombs, gb0 MVS stands for grains, beans, onions, mushrooms, berries and seeds, which are identified by the sign.
03:03:40:09 – 03:04:04:26
The literature as having dramatic protection against all types of cancers and reduction of cancer death in people who already have cancer. For example, studies on women who already have breast cancer checked when they have flax seed muffins or flax seeds in their diet are shown to have longer lifespan, less death rate from cancer over the ten year period that followed and less chance of the occurrence of cancer.
03:04:04:28 – 03:04:38:09
Or they eat the flax seeds. What I’m saying women with mushroom seed mushrooms have 64% lower risk of breast cancer occurrence one Asian study. In other words, there’s for each one of these foods, there’s a whole there’s scores of studies that show how protected these foods are, these plant foods against cancer. Likewise, we have the same data collection on animal product consumption as animal products go up in the diet as a percent of total calories, like the blue zones, there are less than 10% to areas of the world.
03:04:38:09 – 03:05:06:17
They’re eating 20%, 30% or more. We look at all the epidemiologic studies, including the Seventh Day Adventist study, which is the only real blue zone in the United States. The longest lived population in the United States of all, because about 30% of them are vegetarians at some time and they eat generally less animal products. But we can they’re able to do studies on them to measure how much animal products they eat because there’s a diverse amount of animal plant consumption group compared to the other Americans.
03:05:06:24 – 03:05:33:28
And they can measure and see as animal products go up. So that’s of of short lifespan, increased cardiovascular mortality and cancer mortality. But in generally speaking, your question about the animal protein versus the animal fat, I mean, certainly if you barbecue, you fry, you darken or bake or cook animal products under high heat, it forms more dangerous compounds, more towards heterocyclic amines and nitrosamine compounds.
03:05:33:28 – 03:06:06:01
And in other types of, you know, we all have these dangerous compounds being formed when meats or cooked at high temperature. But we also see from the studies we have available that as people eat more plant protein, the rate of cancer and heart attack that goes down, that means wheat, hemp seeds and green vegetables and beans. And so and soybeans, whatever, when we’re seeing plant high protein plant foods go up, its lifespan extending and high protein animal products go up, its lifespan shortening.
03:06:06:03 – 03:06:39:11
And I think it’s it’s not just the fact that the plant proteins are associated with a high amount of fibers and phytochemicals. That’s, of course, very true. But it’s also that when a body, the plant proteins are not as biologically complete, So the body is not going to make an excessive amount of growth hormone. It’s going to complete the protein in order to make the amount of hormone it needs by taking, you know, amino acids that are stored in the interstitial lining of the eye or looking to absorb some of the bacteria in the gut or some of the extra food.
03:06:39:11 – 03:07:02:25
So we’re going to complete the protein to make sufficient amount of hormones for our sustenance health and growth rate, animal protein. There’s no regulating the hormonal production. When you eat excess animal protein, the excess animal products you eat is turned into hormone. And we make excessive amounts that we don’t need. And it’s the excessive amount of hormone production that we didn’t need to have made.
03:07:02:27 – 03:07:21:01
That can then be promises to promote growth, that when you should be growing as an adult. So it’s a little complicated. There’s a lot of factors involved. I’m just going over some of the factors to make it more clear to people the excess animal protein, like what actually happens with that in the body, What does the body do with that?
03:07:21:01 – 03:07:46:25
Is a store it you said it turns into hormones, that is hormones. Then do what? Where where do they go? How does that affect the body? How does that directly relate to cancer either gross etc.. Right. Because the American diet is highly growth promoting. And, you know, so and then in conjunction with having these growth promoting hormones that are allowing angiogenesis.
03:07:46:25 – 03:08:10:16
So we’re seeing here that animal products raise IGF one, we to many of them to an unfavorable level in middle age, that could be too high. And that’s going to be allowing cells to replicate that shouldn’t be replicated when a person gets a diagnosis of prostate cancer at age 70 or breast cancer at age 70, they didn’t have these cancer cells start to replicate at 65.
03:08:10:22 – 03:08:26:20
It was usually ten years earlier or more. So it could be that ten or 15 years earlier that you start to have early cells that were becoming abnormal and maybe even ten years prior to that, but the cells becoming dysplastic before they became cancerous. So it’s a 20 years, it’s a long cycle that we’ve got cancer at age 60.
03:08:26:20 – 03:08:44:26
It didn’t happen. So it’s damage that was occurring to these cells all through life. It’s not something that just happened to you right before your lump was discovered. When that lump is first visible to the human eye, the size of a head of a pin, even, it’s had to have replicated slowly over the years to get that big enough so that you and I can see it.
03:08:44:29 – 03:09:04:28
And by that point, a lot of these cells have less that left the nest already. So I’m saying to you now in response to a question about what the body does with the animal products, we’re talking about people eating excessive amounts of animal products for many years. So they’re getting so they’re getting a dietary and chemical framework in the body.
03:09:05:00 – 03:09:37:29
We are getting lack of nutrients, excessive production of free radicals. The cells become bathed in reactive oxygen species from the diet, which is high in processed foods and animal products and lowland vegetation. So they’re bathing themselves in free radicals and other toxic species. And we don’t have enough of the antioxidants and phytonutrients to remove toxins, even the fighting gases in grains and in beans and nuts and even the fight against it finds toxic metals like cadmium, arsenic lead and pulls it out of the body.
03:09:38:01 – 03:10:14:12
So we eat more of the soil and we’re getting microplastics now with it. Adapt being in the environment in our fish. So in any case where we’re building up abnormal substances in our body and our bodies, allowing these abnormal substances to stay there and cause damage because the diet is not the dietary quality is too poor to allow it to repair itself, remove the buildup and slow accumulation of these metabolic toxins while at the same time we have extent excessive exposure to hormones that are promoting growth.
03:10:14:14 – 03:10:47:00
So while we’re in the framework of a cell that’s building up metabolic toxins, eating a diet with too much high glycaemic carbohydrates like honey and maple sirup and marshmallows, which is producing excessive insulin and too much animal protein, which is producing growth, IGF one. And this IGF one insulin like growth factor one and insulin package, when both those hormones are elevated, they activate enter, which then further promotes damage to the cells and then is permissive for for cancer.
03:10:47:00 – 03:11:15:25
A lot of mechanisms happening, you know, when we have a large exposure to nutrients. In other words, we’re not just talking about the vitamin C in the taco tree and also controls and genes. We’re not just talking about enough nutrients to prevent scurvy in enough niacin to prevent coagulate enough. We’re talking about enough nutrients to stabilize longevity proteins, to protect the telomeres, to keep our stem cells healthy in later life.
03:11:15:27 – 03:11:43:09
In other words, when we have excellent nutrition and excellent exposure to nutritional two nutritional substances for decades, that then that that is that’s the protection we need for these. So inhibiting or not permitting the abnormalities to build up and lead to cancer. Cancer didn’t happen overnight. It was a slow process that people allowed to have happen. And it starts in childhood when people are fed fast food and junk food and give it a poor diet.
03:11:43:09 – 03:12:04:22
In childhood, we start to see the damage begin to accumulate. Then we see, even, for example, the age of puberty in women affecting the risk of breast cancer 60 years later, now the age of puberty, early puberty increases risk of breast cancer. So let’s say a normal puberty for women, let’s say is age 16. The average puberty is age 12, 12 years old.
03:12:04:22 – 03:12:23:06
But some people get it through puberty. Younger than that. When was when did you eat the diet that affected whether it went to privilege? Tanner, age 14, once that occurred, what’s the diet you ate when you were two and three and four and five and six years old that affected what you age, what you went through? Puberty and age of puberty affects whether you have prostate cancer or breast cancer when you’re 60.
03:12:23:11 – 03:12:48:10
What I’m saying right now is that it’s your lifetime exposure to you and these factors that affect your risk. And it’s even your exposure to these factors before you were born, because there’s even some exposure to bad health and bad nutrition. What your parents eat before you, even before they even gave birth, see? So what do you say to what’s your response to people who’ve been told by their medical doctors?
03:12:48:10 – 03:13:13:07
Because I’ve met a number of these people I even see very respected, very intelligent experts, authors up on stage are speaking about like the blood type diet and that they can’t do an all plant based diet or their doctor told them they have to have meat and dairy because of various reasons, because their blood type, etc.. What is your take on that?
03:13:13:07 – 03:13:37:24
What’s your response to people who have either been told that from a doctor or they believe that because of something they’ve read? Well, there’s no science or even clinical evidence? No. We once we have two things, we have a body of scientific literature that we have to really investigate and look at in depth. And then we have a really clinical experience with people and patients seeing what happens over the years.
03:13:37:24 – 03:13:56:18
And I’m lucky to have 30 years of, you know, thousands of people with experience and seeing what what goes on in this community. So there’s no data to suggest that certain people, because of their blood type, corresponds with the diet. It’s better for them. You know, that’s that’s just there’s no evidence in the scientific literature. There’s no clinical evidence either.
03:13:56:20 – 03:14:38:25
So that’s a completely nonsensical hypothesis. And no more than a person’s eye color, shoe size and mother’s mother’s maiden name. So backwards to check what they should be eating. Now, that doesn’t mean that some people are not thriving on a diet or vegan. That’s a completely different issue, that to do their blood type, for example, there are some people, for a lot of reasons, there are some people, for example, who don’t convert the alpha in fat in, let’s say, nuts and seeds and greens into first and DHEA sufficiently for adequate brain function in later life, putting they’re at high risk of depression that is genetically determined by the conversion enzymes.
03:14:38:25 – 03:14:55:19
It’s not by their blood type. You know, we have to investigate that. There are some people who, because of their earlier life, they may there are some children who are going to thrive on a vegan diet. You know, they they their diet needs more protein and more fat because of the way they assimilate and digest protein is different from somebody else.
03:14:55:21 – 03:15:20:29
And there are some elderly people who require more. They’re digested. The ability to handle protein goes down with aging and they get their IGF one can become too low. And if it gets too low, it can suppress immunity. Also increasing risk of cancer. And therefore, the diet has to be designed to be more than protein adequate. In some cases, animal products might be advisable in small amounts to help these people bring their IGF one up to an acceptable level.
03:15:21:07 – 03:15:43:00
What I’m saying is there are individual differences. Yes. That make for the necessity to, in some cases, adjust the diet to individual needs. But in no way is that based on can be based on what type it has to be a more detailed and thorough investigation and and history and knowing the person and just go and reading a book and saying my blood type means or should eat meat, that’s just insane.
03:15:43:02 – 03:16:06:01
So is that is that a in your experience, is that a high percentage of people middle low percentage of people that that need that kind of, you know, customized tailor addition to their diet because of their genetic predisposition, that’s not allowing them to process certain nutrients in certain ways that high percentage low percent. What’s been your experience with that?
03:16:06:03 – 03:16:24:01
It depends on what we’re looking at. You know, a lot of people as they get older, may be poor, may have different abilities to process zinc, and some people may do better with more zinc, could help them move. So I think that’s somewhat variable. But I think generally speaking, there is more people as they age that require more zinc.
03:16:24:01 – 03:16:50:20
With regard to, for example, I think it’s about half the population on vegan diets get a level that’s not optimal and about a quarter get levels that are potentially dangerous if they don’t supplement or do or do something. I think with regard to, you know, a new territory in diet, which I recommend is generally mostly vegan, but a person can use animal products in small amounts, but the design of the diet is so protein favorable already.
03:16:50:28 – 03:17:10:16
It’s a type of plant based diet. It’s very protein favorable compared to other plant based diets. So it’s less likely to get a ton with failure to thrive for an elderly person with low levels of IGF one. But that doesn’t mean those people don’t exist. And you don’t just willy nilly thrust a diet on a child who wasn’t thriving and gaining weight or doing well and say, Well, I think the site is best for him.
03:17:10:16 – 03:17:37:11
It’s not thriving. Some kids need to examine their diet or animal protein, and that’s why they’re going to be designed, just like some elderly people do, who are starting to get muscle wasting and lack of thriving because their IGF one goes to low. And there’s even some people whose cholesterol gets excessively low, whose brain is sensitive to low cholesterol and can develop more anxiety or depression or more or not, not from a diet.
03:17:37:11 – 03:18:04:04
It’s too low that that’s completely vague. So there’s unusual circumstances that happen to individuals. Your question about when that happens, I would say not that often. Probably is not Not five and a hundred people would have that concern. Maybe maybe it’s more like two and 100 that require some modification to that. But we want to at least see what’s the word, aware that every person doesn’t fit the same ideal mold.
03:18:04:04 – 03:18:19:20
And we have to look at people and check them and see how they’re doing, make sure they’re thriving on the advice they’re given. But one thing we know that when a person does need some animal products in the diet and is otherwise not thriving on a vegan diet, we don’t want to switch to like a paleo diet in a lot of animal products.
03:18:19:26 – 03:18:46:29
We want to regulate the amount of animal products so they get just enough to bring their IGF one in the normal range, not to push it up high to create damage. So, you know, there’s a for example, there was a study of 6000 people found for 80 years, and they showed that the highest threshold of animal protein consumption there was a 75% increase overall death rate over that 18 year period and a 400% increased risk of cancer over that 18 year period.
03:18:46:29 – 03:19:09:25
In the 50 to 65 year olds. We looked at the elderly people who are like 70 and 80 years, followed them for 18 years, then in the highest social of animal product compared with traditional, you did not see the danger from the high amounts of our products as animal products because they were counteracting each other because some people in the elderly category don’t thrive on a diet that low protein.
03:19:09:28 – 03:19:28:19
What I’m saying right now is the healthier you are and the more you’re eating right, the more you keep your youthful vigor or your digestion is normal. You can say that your body’s ability to assimilate, that it’s protein stays adequate. There is. But if the more you eat unhealthy the all through your life, the more you can become more dependent on animal products when you’re older.
03:19:28:24 – 03:19:59:02
Because you’re right, because you’re not handling protein, you cause some problems because you allow yourself, you just attract to age faster. So it’s complicated and we have to just be a little cautious and aware that it’s not quite one fits all, could it? And could it also be that that small percent, that one or 2% or 3% of people who who have a challenge on it, on a vegan diet, could it be that they’re not getting enough diversity in their diet?
03:19:59:02 – 03:20:30:11
Because we do know so far, I think the latest statistic I saw was there’s at least 150,000 different types of edible medicinal plants that have been identified on the planet so far. If you go to the grocery store, you’re usually only going to see maybe a couple of dozen out of 150,000. Right. So could it potentially be that those people are just not getting enough diversity of different types of the plants to support the wholeness and healing of their body?
03:20:30:13 – 03:20:56:29
Probably Not because. Absolutely. I’m agreeing with what you’re saying, that on this on my nutrient carrion program, one of the benefits, one of the things we’re striving for is a wide variety, an assortment of different plant species and natural plants, including microgreens and baby vegetables and sprouts. And so we’re so definitely nutritional variety of all the time. It’s definitely an asset to longevity and for a product’s ability to resist disease and immune system strength.
03:20:57:02 – 03:21:24:17
But what I’m seeing right now is I’m looking at a population of people already doing, you know, a really a diet that’s not just cutting it out of products, but going after more excellent nutrition. The question is, if they’re getting into trouble on these vegan diets, one of these are what are they possibly missing? But the vegan diet is giving them and it’s true, it’s usually DHEA, zinc could be iodine if they’re not eating seafood of seaweed, it could be K2, but usually not.
03:21:24:17 – 03:21:49:18
That could be vitamin D, but usually not. It’s usually the most often decreasing. And then, of course, what we’re seeing now is that the protein issue and what if they’re needing more protein isn’t coming from nutritional diversity or plant diversity? We’re measuring IGF one and we’re saying that their IGF one levels are dangerously low and they’re having body wasting.
03:21:49:21 – 03:22:10:00
So it’s a combination of muscle wasting muscle atrophy because sarcopenia, in conjunction with very low levels of IGF one, we can regulate that IGF one with the amount of protein and we can’t get it up to an adequate level. It’s a dangerously low level with enough plant protein diets. Then we have to consider adding some animal products to that person.
03:22:10:02 – 03:22:25:02
So it’s not you know, we’re not going to raise the IGF one when it’s very low. And I’m saying admittedly, this is not common, but it’s just something that as a health professionals taking care of people with the issues that, you know, that we’re aware of, that if a person is not thriving, we’re looking at blood tests to evaluate why they’re not.
03:22:25:02 – 03:23:12:08
Right. So majority of the people that come to you to heal with chronic diseases such as cancer, what so what is that the best diet that you recommend for people, for majority of people, if you or a loved one has a chronic disease such as cancer, autoimmunity, diabetes, heart disease, or mental and emotional health challenges such as depression or anxiety, then it’s time to listen to the world leading integrative, holistic and natural health doctors and experts who can help you on your path to preventing and reversing chronic health conditions at any age.
03:23:12:10 – 03:23:39:11
Visit Health and Healing Club Wwe.com for more details. That’s WW dot Health and Healing Club Wwe.com to sign up for your free trial today right that’s right the standard time to recommend two to people who have early stage cancer so who want to extend their life span is the same diet basically I recommend for people with autoimmune conditions who want to get well from lupus and Soraya’s cysts and rheumatoid arthritis.
03:23:39:13 – 03:24:01:17
And so when syndromes and pandemics, connective tissue disease and autoimmune hepatitis, it’s the same immune system strengthening diets with the G balms with two glasses of fresh squeezed vegetable juice a day in the vegetable juice. I The reason I’m getting a vegetable juice, of course, is because by eating right, you’re taking in those nutrients, but you can’t consume as much of the nutrients as you could by adding the juices.
03:24:01:23 – 03:24:28:13
And it takes these people six and nine months to get the levels of nutrients in the cells, in the tissues that level with it where mine are, for example, in just four years. So we give them juices to bring them up quicker, to give them more. And the juice has one third cruciferous like bok choy, cabbage kale. One third is something like carrots beet, and the other third is something like lettuce, dark green lettuces, celery or cucumber.
03:24:28:18 – 03:24:46:11
So we’re giving them this one third, one third, one third juice twice a day. And they still have a large salad that they chew with the onions, the mushrooms, the cooked mushrooms. Of course, mushrooms are very powerful in the cancer protocol, but they should be cooked because they have a mild carcinogen called a guarantee that have blown off with cooking.
03:24:46:15 – 03:25:26:08
We want them to be exposed to multiple mushroom species. We want them to even eat them. I even give my patients with cancer a mixed mushroom supplement with different with 14 different mushroom species in it they usually have. Some are exposed to green tea, extracts of green tea, and they of course are having this plant based diet with exposure to large exposure to onions and mushrooms and berries and seeds, and they’re using muscle seeds as a source of fat and not using oil because they’re that we want to, because there is there’s beneficial anti-inflammatory and an immune system supporting nutrients in the nuts and seeds and they’re absorbed very, very slowly, whereas oil is absorbed
03:25:26:08 – 03:25:58:01
very rapidly and leads to more body fat production and more cytokine and pro-inflammatory modulation and response by the body. So their fat intake and the little bit of fat and so it’s like a half an ounce with each meal helps facilitate the green vegetables that the greens, the other nutrients they’re eating. So they’re getting a very we’re trying to give them a very wide spectrum of natural foods, lots of different types of vegetables, a big salad every day, a bowl of actually bean soup and and of exposure to other other beneficial foods as well.
03:25:58:03 – 03:26:24:03
What’s your take on the ketogenic diet. My take is that it’s been proven to be lifespan shortening already and in large scale immunologic studies every diet looked at when you start to get a diet restricting fruit and restricting plant carbohydrates, you restrict restricting fiber and you’re restricting exposure to phytochemicals. And we know that it causes a acidosis. The ketogenic is ketoacidosis.
03:26:24:03 – 03:26:46:00
It comes some degree of acidosis in the system. So it may be so in every short term study, you could do a short term study on a ketogenic diet showing benefits to lowering triglycerides, a body weight reduction or diabetes reduction due to weight loss. But every study looking at large scale numbers with high amounts going on for decades, we see there was a study published in 2018, the can.
03:26:46:03 – 03:27:14:03
There was actually one study in 2019 two that looked at long term people on fruit restriction or ketogenic diet saw higher causes of death. What I’m saying right now is the scientific literature is pretty comprehensively showing that ketogenic may be dangerous long term. Now, that doesn’t mean that we’re not going to find certain cancers that may be responsive to what may be a combination of chemotherapy with the ketogenic diet.
03:27:14:09 – 03:27:30:23
In other words, let’s say, for example, we may believe a cancer, a certain type of lymphoma or a certain type of soft tissue glioma, like a brain tumor, and these tumors are insulin. You need insulin to fuel the growth of these tumors. And we completely restrict insulin by putting them on a ketogenic diet. It makes them more sensitive to chemotherapy.
03:27:30:29 – 03:28:03:25
Given the chemotherapy with the ketogenic diet, it knocks the tumor out, less chance of recurrence. So even though I’m suggesting that a ketogenic diet is not safe for the long term for people’s health and longevity and certainly not a diet I’m recommending, I’m saying it may be the case, which because it would more scientific investigate. And there are some scientists investigating this in New York City, for example, that are putting people with cancer on a combination of ketogenic diets with chemotherapy and see better response to the chemo than people who were not put on that.
03:28:03:25 – 03:28:26:16
We’re not. So I’m not saying there might be. There may not be and there may be a therapeutic indication for a ketogenic diet for certain conditions and certain types of cancers that we will discover in the future. And I’m not wiping out that possibility, but I am saying we have to take care about that because the long term utilization of ketogenic diet is not lifespan favorable.
03:28:26:18 – 03:28:52:13
Follow me. Absolutely. Yes. So it’s not something you would recommend to to your patients and clients at this time, but something worth continuing to see to investigate. Right? Absolutely. So you have patients that come to your retreat center in San Diego. Right. And people stay with you for weeks or months at a time. And tell me a little bit more about that process.
03:28:52:13 – 03:29:15:13
What does that look like? Somebody has cancer or chronic disease or wants to heal. They come and stay with you. What what does that person experience? What kind of things can they hope for? Share a little bit more about that. You know, I think and you probably would agree I think I was already watching would agree there are a lot of people that know they should be healthier.
03:29:15:13 – 03:29:42:16
They want to eat healthier. But that’s having trouble doing it, that processed foods and eating unhealthy is just too attractive. And they’re so ingrained into their social environment that it becomes part of their their recreation, part of their social lifestyle. So what I’m seeing right now is food is physically unhealthy, food is physically addicting, and it also is socially addicting and people so they be unable to comply with what they think they know they should do.
03:29:42:18 – 03:30:01:07
And so what I’m saying right now is we have people that are overweight, they have heart disease, they have diabetes, they have autoimmune disease, they have cancers, and they want to get well and they real. And they’re also somewhat suffering from food addiction. We put them we put them when they bring them into activity retreat. We have three incredible chefs.
03:30:01:10 – 03:30:17:15
Show them how great healthy food can taste. We keep them there long enough to we train their taste buds so they’re not constantly eating all the salt and having sweets or junk food. They can’t quit. So it’s like it’s like going away to come off Cigarets You’ve got to spend time away from not having cigarets So we’re going to keep wanting more nicotine.
03:30:17:20 – 03:30:39:25
You’ve got to go get away from your cooking. If you start not want to snort anymore, you’ve got to get away from the truly addictive pull of this illicit love affair you have with unhealthy foods to build, to enjoy it, guava and kumquat, and to enjoy eating salads with pomegranate on healthy dressing. So we show them how food can taste great.
03:30:39:28 – 03:31:01:28
We have food addiction counselors. They have groups. So we’re giving them groups to try to deal with their emotional eating problems that led them to become overweight severely begin with. And they’re learning through my lectures and through the staff. You know what? There’s a lot of fun things to do there. So it’s a beautiful place. You like a sort of pool and hiking and biking and exercise classes and yoga and all the other things going on, cooking classes.
03:31:02:00 – 03:31:20:11
But they’re really there to get an education too. And the thing cared for by me and getting on the learning about and getting motivated, informed, so they really learn how to do this, make it work most effectively, and enjoy the process so they can replicate it when they go home. So they learn to take off, if you will.
03:31:20:11 – 03:31:40:01
If you’re £150 overweight, you’re not going to lose £150 with me for two months. You’ll lose about £50. Right? So so I had like one woman, of course, she was £50 when she was there. But the year she went home, she lost 150 more, you know, because she knew what to do. When you want to replicate this in our home, it’s very hard for people to grasp how to do this.
03:31:40:04 – 03:31:57:19
If you’ve got my sister in law who had breast cancer, for example, she didn’t follow my program at all. She thought it was a little too extreme. And no, it wasn’t for her. And, you know, but then she got cancer and now the question is, how do we do this? How do you make it taste good? I want to do it now.
03:31:57:19 – 03:32:16:23
I realize my mistake. And then and now, of course, this is decade. You know, this is she’s doing great. She has no cancer. She’s fine. She you know, she’s she changed her life and her sister lives. But the point is, it was great that I was here and my wife and I could show her how to make the food taste great, how to do it, how to incorporate this in your life.
03:32:16:29 – 03:32:36:18
You know, So we have this place that it’s really very rewarding to be able to see people, facilitate them getting better, to watch the transformation curves to a curve. And so they get healthy. And I’m you know, I have people that are come in where they’re almost ready to have a heart attack and they get their blood pressure and cholesterol down and get the weight off.
03:32:36:20 – 03:32:56:17
And we have people come in who have prostate cancer or breast cancer and they and they want to start to change the way they’re eating and really learn this way of life. And it’s just it works great when you can put it in a separate them from the fast food and negative social environment in at home and really get them to retrain their taste buds.
03:32:56:17 – 03:33:16:17
They love eating this way and they realize what they can learn to defer this over their unhealthy diet. So thank you for sharing all that. Your retreat sounds incredible. And as we talked offline and look forward to coming and visiting you there in San Diego, as I said, I used to live there for about ten years and love the area.
03:33:16:20 – 03:33:49:00
And as we wrap up, kind of final thoughts, what maybe three or so steps for those tuning in who are serious about wanting to prevent cancer or heal or reverse cancer in their own bodies. What kind of steps could people take right now to start on that journey and what do they need to think about to support the longevity of that journey?
03:33:49:03 – 03:34:17:00
Well, that’s that’s some, you know, a big question that could go on another hour about. But basically, I’m going to keep it real simple. I want people have a big salad with mixed green vegetables, with onions, tomatoes and cooked mushrooms on it with a dressing made of nuts and seeds. I might make a dressing, for example, with a pill navel orange with sesame seeds and cashews with blood orange get a squeeze, a lemon or roasted tomatoes with roasted garlic and some almond butter mashed together with a little thick vinegar.
03:34:17:06 – 03:34:35:25
In other words, you make a nut based salad and you have a bowl of vegetable bean soup and a piece of fruit. For dessert, lunch is the most important meal with a salad, vegetable bean soup and the soup should be like an anti-cancer soup made with the zucchinis and the onions, leeks and the bok choy and all, all the different beneficial nutrients.
03:34:35:25 – 03:35:01:01
And if you can make it on the weekend so you can have the same soup for four or five days and then breakfast, you should have a glass of fresh squeezed vegetable juice with a little bit of intact grain, a small amount of intact salt, green water with the flax seeds, with the chia seeds and some berries like wild blueberries or low sugar berry like blackberries, blueberries or guava, or some kind of low sugar fruit mixed in with that for flavor with the seeds.
03:35:01:01 – 03:35:17:25
Because the seeds they happen, the tree reflects. It’s a vehicle with a glass of vegetable juice and then dinner should be at an earlier and later dinner. We should not be one of the secrets to fighting disease and increasing longevity. Fighting cancer is going to bed on an empty stomach. You don’t want to eat a big meal at night.
03:35:18:02 – 03:35:32:07
You want to eat your meals earlier in the day and you want to go to bed. So you haven’t eaten food, at least probably for hours. Will you go to bed at night? So you go to sleep on an empty stomach and you sleep and rest and then when you’re not congested through the season. So that’s a rough round up of what?
03:35:32:12 – 03:35:53:24
Of the diet it could be then adjusting to individual needs and differences. But that’s basically where we start from. Well, thank you so much. I know on your website we’ll share that link with everybody. It’s doctor firm income. You can look on the web page for this videos hosted. We’ll also write out the link for you. You can click it or type it in.
03:35:53:24 – 03:36:20:16
Go to the website. I know you have great recipes in your books and you have great videos and free resources on your website. I know that you have an online e e-learning area as well as online courses and so forth. So for people who are very interested in learning more about this, I encourage you to go to Dr. Freeman’s website and again, you can find that website on this page.
03:36:20:16 – 03:36:49:16
So Dr. Forrest, thank you so much for joining us today, for being here, for sharing your wisdom. As you said, I know we could talk about a lot of these subjects for another one or 2 hours and like to maybe do a follow up interview with you at some point in the future. We can after this summit airs and people have questions and things like that, we could bring those questions to a future interview and be great as well.
03:36:49:16 – 03:37:08:14
So those of you tuning in, let us know what other things you’d like to hear in the future. And again, Dr. Freeman Dkb go to his website to get his retreats, books, online courses and so forth. So yeah, just want to say thank you so much for for sharing. You’re such a wealth of knowledge. My pleasure. And wishing you of course, for you and all.
03:37:08:14 – 03:37:48:17
He was just great health and much happiness. Thank you for listening to Natural Health with Nathan Crane. Make sure to subscribe to this podcast on iTunes or your favorite podcast site and share it on all your social media sites to get this transformational information out to people who need it around the world. If you or a loved one has a chronic disease such as cancer, autoimmunity, diabetes, heart disease, or mental and emotional health challenges such as depression or anxiety, then it’s time to listen to the world leading integrative, holistic and natural health doctors and experts who can help you on your path of preventing and reversing any of these chronic health conditions.
03:37:48:19 – 03:38:21:06
Visit WW W Health and Healing Club dot com for more details at the Health and Healing Club. You can join a global community of like minded people who are empowering themselves each week to learn how to prevent and reverse chronic diseases like cancer, autoimmunity, diabetes, heart disease and mental and emotional health challenges. Go to WW dot Health and Healing club icon where you can sign up for a free trial today.
03:38:21:06 – 03:39:11:14
Hello and welcome to Natural Health with Nathan Crane. Today, I’m really excited to share this interview I did not too long ago with a true pioneer in the field of natural, holistic, integrative medicine. Dr. Joel Furman. Dr. Furman is a board certified family physician. Six time New York Times bestselling author and an internationally recognized expert on nutrition and natural healing who specializes in helping people learn how to prevent reverse chronic diseases using nutritional methods.
03:39:11:15 – 03:39:35:19
Dr. Furman coined the term nutritive terrine to describe a nutrient dense eating style designed to prevent cancer, slow aging and extend life span. I’ve done a number of incredible interviews with Dr. Furman over the years. Every time I get to sit with him and ask him questions, I learn something new. If you’ve listened to him, read his books, heard from him, watched his PBS specials.
03:39:35:22 – 03:40:00:24
You’ve already learned quite a bit. And I promise you, you watch this. You’re still going to learn something new. He has a wealth of knowledge. So without further ado, Dr. Jill Furman. Enjoy. My pleasure. Great to be here. So diving right in, from your experience, you have a lot of it. Can you share with us what exactly is cancer and how does it show up in the human body?
03:40:00:27 – 03:40:26:25
Well, keep in mind, I’m not just speaking from experience. I’m speaking from a degree of scientific literature and studying the what happens to the human body and the human body essentially has the ability to protect against damage from cancer developing. We can repair broken DNA cross links. The body has the ability to repair methylation defects, prevent the accumulation of metabolic toxins and reactive oxygen species.
03:40:26:25 – 03:40:53:09
In other words, what I’m seeing right now is that cancer is something that human accumulates over time with inflammation, with irritation, inflammation, and then it gets to the point where it overwhelming the cells defense, the cell’s defenses to keep itself clean and then the it expects to replicate uncontrollably. And how do you know? Obviously, people know how cancer appears, but it usually appears with promoting angiogenesis.
03:40:53:09 – 03:41:16:13
In other words, these cells, in order to replicate rapidly, have to call a blood supply. So our normal blood supply has to be activated to perfused these cells that want to replicate a lot. And so cancer cells secrete angiogenesis promoters the word angiogenesis means to promote the growth of new blood vessels. And so the promotion of these cells is starting to excrete.
03:41:16:19 – 03:41:48:17
Angiogenesis promoters in our blood vessels grow new tributaries, new branches to fuel cancers, to counter growth of cancers. So when we have cancer growth, we always have these longevity proteins like Sirt one and AMP kinase are diminished and mTOR, which is an unfavorable protein buildup, is is heightened in almost all invasive of metastatic cancers. So what I’m seeing right now is that there’s a certain abnormality going on that is permissive, allowing cancers to replicate.
03:41:48:21 – 03:42:10:03
We eat a diet rich in phytochemicals with the full spectrum of nutrients humans need. And without putting in toxic substances into our body, our body is essentially already cancer proof. Cancer represents some defect or some abnormality that was in the lifestyle or the environment that allowed it to, because it’s not the inevitable consequence of aging. It’s not normal.
03:42:10:07 – 03:42:36:11
It’s hardly even occurred in human history. The first cancers that were noted in the medical literature that were written about were scrotal cancers, written a film that we noticed happening. A chimney sweeps in the early 1700s. So even on studies on mummified remains from thousands of years ago, hardly saw any cancers in human species. It was just not not a cause of death, you know, eons ago.
03:42:36:13 – 03:43:10:16
So in layman’s terms, in terms of what is cancer, I hear you saying is it’s if the body is, well, let’s say mind, emotions, body, the whole human experience is functioning as it’s supposed to. Then cancer does not show up. And if body’s out of balance or the systems of the body or out of balance are out of whack or out of their original, let’s say, heal their whole state, then cancer is a result of that.
03:43:10:21 – 03:43:37:02
Is that is that what I hear you saying? Yes. It’s that cells become damaged and they’re damaged due to it by something abnormal. For example, people you know, so there’s something the American diet is exceedingly abnormal. We’re consuming carcinogenic substances. We’re not eating that enough. Natural plant foods with the full exposure to phytochemicals that fuel the A or E, the antioxidant response element in the cell.
03:43:37:05 – 03:44:00:27
Its job is to remove free radicals and toxins and to repair methylation defects, the DNA, and essentially protect ourselves from cancer. And that mechanism is fueled by phytochemicals, especially from green vegetables. And without exposure to the for these nutrients humans need. We’re green vegetable dependent animals and we’re the American population is only eating 2% of calories from vegetables.
03:44:01:00 – 03:44:24:17
And we’re eating a diet with a lot of sweets in it with a lot of animal products, and that’s with insufficient amount of plant vegetation. As a primate that our immune system is dependent on. So I’m saying that when you have a diet that’s well designed the way humans are supposed to maximize human longevity, the cell becomes almost cancer proof, even removing exposure to environmental toxins.
03:44:24:23 – 03:44:52:05
Even it has the ability to suppress genetic alterations in genetic defects that, if not suppressed, would lead to increased risk of cancer. A healthy cell in a healthy body has the ability to suppress those genic genetic alterations like the GCP one gene that increases the risk of breast cancer, for example. And let me just say that, for example, the leading cause of cancer death, the leading cause of death in children, other than accidents is acute blast acidic leukemia.
03:44:52:07 – 03:45:17:00
And it’s already been linked in scientific studies to the lack of green vegetables in the mother’s diet even two years prior conception. So the diet that the parents eat even before the baby is conceived affects a child’s risk of cancer. For example. And also the exposure to luncheon meats like hot dogs and bacon, not even during pregnancy, but even prior to the pregnancy, affects a child’s risk of developing cancer.
03:45:17:05 – 03:45:44:20
So I’m saying it’s not just the diet we eat because our eggs that make us are living in our in our mother’s body her whole life that she’s alive. So when she’s five years old and ten years old and 15 years old, the egg that made you was living there and has the chance to be somewhat damaged. Should she be exposed to top two carcinogenic substances or eat a very poor diet or eating luncheon meats and fast foods?
03:45:44:22 – 03:46:19:25
So the worst your diet, your parents were before they even conceived you when you were born could affect your health as well. So we’re going to get a lot more into diet and nutrition and what what you recommend in a little bit. And before we do, I want to one, just clarify to hear from you this notion that a lot of people seem to believe that cancer is something you can catch like a cold or flu and that’s often how our medical industry treats it, right.
03:46:19:26 – 03:46:44:27
They try to get it and take it out of you versus recognizing that it’s something that your body is creating because of the diet and lifestyle and habits and environment and toxins and so forth. What is your take on that? What have you seen in regards to to that understanding and helping people recognize and identify? It’s not something you catch.
03:46:44:28 – 03:47:07:19
It’s something that you create in the body. That’s right. But but I think that’s what you’re saying is generally well accepted or not controversial. In other words, I don’t think that traditional medical doctors believe it’s something we catch and they recognize that cancer has known causes. And those causes are a combination of environmental toxins and also for diet and nutrition.
03:47:07:19 – 03:47:32:06
I think that I think that’s generally recognized that that what we eat has an effect on cancer. And certain foods have more powerful anti-cancer effects than others. In other words, what I’m saying right now is that even when we talked about angiogenesis, we know that certain foods like mushrooms have antiangiogenic effects and they also have effects that are anti-Roma tastes to lower estrogen.
03:47:32:08 – 03:47:54:07
And I saw, for example, I mean, it’s well recognized that higher levels of circulating estrogen and higher levels of localized estrogen in breast tissue increases risk of breast cancer. It’s not luck. It’s a biochemical and hormonal adjustment That’s something abnormal that we know that when a person is overweight, for example, let’s say you have an extra £25 of fat on your body.
03:47:54:09 – 03:48:15:24
Well, those fat cells are somewhat hypoxic, which means they don’t have an excellent blood supply. They have a marginal blood supply. The fat cells secrete angiogenesis promoters try to claim a fat supply, and in doing so, they permit fat cells and more permissive to allow other tumors to grow in your body and in thinking fat like a tumor.
03:48:15:26 – 03:48:43:18
But the fat on your body makes you insulin resistance. In other words, the insulin insulin can’t be uptake by cells as readily by fat. So now the pancreas has to create more insulin response to every carbohydrate you eat. And the high level of insulin has growth promoting and angiogenesis promotion effects. And because fat cells also secrete more cytokines in inflammatory process, inflammatory mediators, they stimulate aromatase production.
03:48:43:21 – 03:49:17:25
And so that means you produce more estrogen. So a person who’s eating poorly and overweight, their breast exposure to estrogen can be ten times the level of localized estrogen exposure in the breast tissue compared to somebody that was relatively slim, meaning a healthy diet with lots of vegetables and mushrooms and onions. So what? So what I’m saying is that the scientific literature is giving us a ton of information about this today, and it’s becoming more generally accepted that we can win the war on cancer and I make the statement often I say to people that we’ve landed the man on the moon already.
03:49:17:27 – 03:49:39:25
And what I mean by that is we already know what what causes cancer and we already know how to prevent it. More than 90% of cancers, we can look back 100 years ago and see even relatively recent history. Countries had 1/50 to 100th the amount of cancers we had in this country. And even today, even in modern times, we have populations of the world with much less cancer.
03:49:39:25 – 03:50:00:17
When they move here and they eat the way we eat, they so they develop the same rate of cancer we do. So what I’m saying right now is we have enough information today to win the war on breast cancer and prostate cancer. These common cancers, and by that, by win the war, I mean to teach the population a way to live and to eat so we could so we wouldn’t see these cancers occur.
03:50:00:20 – 03:50:26:16
You know, it’s a different story when we’re talking about using nutrition to treat cancer. Then we have obviously some early stage cancers that are more response to nutritional interventions. And we do see a lot of scientific data showing the same factors that prevent cancer, increase longevity and interfere with cancer cells, cancer cell replication, and prevent cancer recurrence in people who already have cancer.
03:50:26:18 – 03:50:52:16
But as cancers become more advanced and more advanced and people get close to their death, there’s obviously much more difficulty in reversing these diseases nutritionally. So it’s not a black and white issue. But as you may know from my 30 year experience sings patients. I’m working in this in Libby’s family of people with medical with serious medical conditions, using nutritional excellence as a primary modality.
03:50:52:16 – 03:51:17:15
It’s been very so incredibly rewarding and touching to see people with cancer make a complete recovery. I can’t say it’s happened. What happens all the time where you can predict when it’s you know, but I can give some examples of one of my patients. Her name was Pam. She was had a metastatic ovarian cancer that went into her lung and she had four liters of fluid from the middle from a and given about 3 to 4 months to live.
03:51:17:15 – 03:52:01:27
And she’s thriving and alive today, 17 years later. And we can just go to one another person with stage four lymphoma, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma that responded within 6 to 9 months of having these masses shrink up and disappear and following a new territory. This approach, which includes, of course, the high nutrient diet with some additional juices and things. So it’s just you know, so we have in our community, as you know, that that ignoring nutrition and not placing nutritional excellence in the tool box is is not doing the best for the person’s opportunity to get well even when they want to have a very even when to have an advanced cancer.
03:52:01:29 – 03:52:29:24
So nutrition is an absolute key factor. And like I said, we’re going to we’re going to really explore that in this interview. And before we do, you had said about you had mentioned that there are generally recognized causes of cancer, scientifically validated causes of cancer. Can you can you state what those are? Yes, we mentioned one of them.
03:52:29:26 – 03:53:06:25
One of them is is eating a diet with excessive amounts of calories, becoming overweight. And you people are aware that becoming diabetic increases your risk of cancer as well, because being diabetic means you have metabolic problems with sugar and insulin, which increases your risk of cancer. So we’re saying here that these things that increase risk of cancer are our fried foods, processed foods, a diet with a very high glycemic diet is well established that more white flour and white rice and sugars and soft drinks and marshmallows and donuts and cookies and crackers are dangerous and increased risk of cancer.
03:53:06:29 – 03:53:33:23
And because they do not contain nutrients in them, they strip the body of nutrients. When we process calories that don’t have a significant micronutrient load, we create a stream of free radicals and other toxic compounds. And then the American diet also has a huge amount of animal products. And as the high glycaemic carbohydrates raise growth promoting insulin, which is a growth hormone, especially in excess, it’s promoting excessive growth and excessive angiogenesis.
03:53:33:25 – 03:54:02:01
Also, IGF one insulin like growth factor one in excess also is a growth hormone that works as a sandwich with insulin to be very permissive in allowing cancers to replicate. So IGF one is a primary growth hormone in childhood. It raises up to could raise up to unfavorable level in adulthood, especially if we eat too much animal protein, not just the fat and saturated fat in our product, but actually what we’re talking here about skim milk and egg whites and lean and lean meats fishes.
03:54:02:01 – 03:54:25:22
We’re talking about if you as you ovary protein, protein drives growth and growth most cancer and too much protein, the diet can increase risk of IGF one. And also a diet with a lot of animal protein per say creates a lot of gram negative bacteria in the gut that then they produce certain toxic compounds such as TMJ over trimethylamine oxide and other.
03:54:25:25 – 03:54:45:16
So what I’m seeing right now is the right type of hormonal and biochemical events happen when we have a diet that’s rich in processed foods and animal products. I always make the joke and I say, The American diet is designed by ice. It’s okay because we have this diet was high in animal products and high in processed foods simultaneously.
03:54:45:21 – 03:55:06:22
And the American foods they like to eat like pizza and macaroni and cheese and hamburgers and mixing together our white flour, sugar products with a slab of animal products is probably the most dangerous dinosaur you could eat, except when you add fried foods to it. Now you cook oils at high temperature and you cause rancid and damaging compounds like French fries on top of that meal.
03:55:06:28 – 03:55:38:08
And you’ve really got a cancer bomb ready to explode. You know that even the link between even one serving of fast food French fries per week increases risk of breast cancer, for example, by 26%. Even the moderate intake of these dangerous foods dramatically increases the risk of cancer. And we’re on a death wish in America as much to make the diet as cancer promoting as we’ve seen it possibly can be because we’ve designed it to the exact diets that’s most cancer promoting we could possibly have done.
03:55:38:11 – 03:56:14:16
So talking a little bit more about meat and dairy animal products, you had said that too much protein is directly linked to higher exposure to cancer rates. But also you mentioned the meat itself causing a type of bacteria in the gut. What other kinds of evidence or literature have you seen in terms of how meat and dairy in animal products, aside from the protein side of that promote higher, higher, higher exposure to cancer?
03:56:14:19 – 03:56:42:29
Well, keep in mind the foundational principle or primary principle of a new tearing diet to extend lifespan and protect against cancer is moderate caloric restriction is not overeating. Maintaining a relatively lean body through you as you age in the environment or in the context of micronutrient excellence. In other words, when and the opposite is also valid here. Because when you die with more micronutrients and fiber, it naturally suppresses our appetites.
03:56:42:29 – 03:57:21:15
We don’t have to overeat when your diet is low in nutrients and low in antioxidants and phytochemicals and low in these micronutrients, you become a calorie consuming monster like a food addict who can’t control the food intake. So what I’m saying right now is that this that foundationally the foods that have the high amounts of micronutrients, our colorful plants have a lot of natural anti oxidants and phytonutrients that protect against cancer devouring utilizes to harm our protective immune system, both processed foods like pasta, bread, standard oil, mayonnaise, donuts, crackers, cookies, soft drinks, breakfast for us.
03:57:21:17 – 03:57:43:26
Those foods do not contain a significant micronutrient load. They don’t contain the fibers that promote the good bacteria. And they don’t protect contain these phytonutrients. They’re so critical. And animal products also have a low micronutrient exposure because they have some vitamins in some minerals, but they do not contain the fiber, chemicals and antioxidants that arm the immune system protect against cancer.
03:57:44:01 – 03:58:15:18
We put that diet together with only 2% of vegetables. We can’t have adequate protection, immune system support. So what I’m saying right now is that where the money’s at, the foods that are most protective or the natural plants, especially G bonds, and that acronym G bombs, gb0 MVS stands for grains, beans, onions, mushrooms, berries and seeds, which are identified by the sign.
03:58:15:18 – 03:58:40:05
The literature as having dramatic protection against all types of cancers and reduction of cancer death in people who already have cancer. For example, studies on women who already have breast cancer checked when they have flax seed muffins or flax seeds in their diet are shown to have longer lifespan, less death rate from cancer over the ten year period that followed and less chance of the occurrence of cancer.
03:58:40:07 – 03:59:13:18
Or they eat the flax seeds. What I’m saying women with mushroom seed mushrooms have 64% lower risk of breast cancer occurrence one Asian study. In other words, there’s for each one of these foods, there’s a whole there’s scores of studies that show how protected these foods are, these plant foods against cancer. Likewise, we have the same data collection on animal product consumption as animal products go up in the diet as a percent of total calories, like the blue zones, there are less than 10% to areas of the world.
03:59:13:18 – 03:59:41:26
They’re eating 20%, 30% or more. We look at all the epidemiologic studies, including the Seventh Day Adventist study, which is the only real blue zone in the United States. The longest lived population in the United States of all, because about 30% of them are vegetarians at some time and they eat generally less animal products. But we can they’re able to do studies on them to measure how much animal products they eat because there’s a diverse amount of animal plant consumption group compared to the other Americans.
03:59:42:03 – 04:00:09:07
And they can measure and see as animal products go up. So that’s of of short lifespan, increased cardiovascular mortality and cancer mortality. But in generally speaking, your question about the animal protein versus the animal fat, I mean, certainly if you barbecue, you fry, you darken or bake or cook animal products under high heat, it forms more dangerous compounds, more towards heterocyclic amines and nitrosamine compounds.
04:00:09:07 – 04:00:41:10
And in other types of, you know, we all have these dangerous compounds being formed when meats or cooked at high temperature. But we also see from the studies we have available that as people eat more plant protein, the rate of cancer and heart attack that goes down, that means wheat, hemp seeds and green vegetables and beans. And so and soybeans, whatever, when we’re seeing plant high protein plant foods go up, its lifespan extending and high protein animal products go up, its lifespan shortening.
04:00:41:12 – 04:01:14:20
And I think it’s it’s not just the fact that the plant proteins are associated with a high amount of fibers and phytochemicals. That’s, of course, very true. But it’s also that when a body, the plant proteins are not as biologically complete, So the body is not going to make an excessive amount of growth hormone. It’s going to complete the protein in order to make the amount of hormone it needs by taking, you know, amino acids that are stored in the interstitial lining of the eye or looking to absorb some of the bacteria in the gut or some of the extra food.
04:01:14:20 – 04:01:38:04
So we’re going to complete the protein to make sufficient amount of hormones for our sustenance health and growth rate, animal protein. There’s no regulating the hormonal production. When you eat excess animal protein, the excess animal products you eat is turned into hormone. And we make excessive amounts that we don’t need. And it’s the excessive amount of hormone production that we didn’t need to have made.
04:01:38:06 – 04:01:56:10
That can then be promises to promote growth, that when you should be growing as an adult. So it’s a little complicated. There’s a lot of factors involved. I’m just going over some of the factors to make it more clear to people the excess animal protein, like what actually happens with that in the body, What does the body do with that?
04:01:56:10 – 04:02:22:04
Is a store it you said it turns into hormones, that is hormones. Then do what? Where where do they go? How does that affect the body? How does that directly relate to cancer either gross etc.. Right. Because the American diet is highly growth promoting. And, you know, so and then in conjunction with having these growth promoting hormones that are allowing angiogenesis.
04:02:22:04 – 04:02:45:25
So we’re seeing here that animal products raise IGF one, we to many of them to an unfavorable level in middle age, that could be too high. And that’s going to be allowing cells to replicate that shouldn’t be replicated when a person gets a diagnosis of prostate cancer at age 70 or breast cancer at age 70, they didn’t have these cancer cells start to replicate at 65.
04:02:46:01 – 04:03:01:29
It was usually ten years earlier or more. So it could be that ten or 15 years earlier that you start to have early cells that were becoming abnormal and maybe even ten years prior to that, but the cells becoming dysplastic before they became cancerous. So it’s a 20 years, it’s a long cycle that we’ve got cancer at age 60.
04:03:01:29 – 04:03:20:05
It didn’t happen. So it’s damage that was occurring to these cells all through life. It’s not something that just happened to you right before your lump was discovered. When that lump is first visible to the human eye, the size of a head of a pin, even, it’s had to have replicated slowly over the years to get that big enough so that you and I can see it.
04:03:20:08 – 04:03:40:07
And by that point, a lot of these cells have less that left the nest already. So I’m saying to you now in response to a question about what the body does with the animal products, we’re talking about people eating excessive amounts of animal products for many years. So they’re getting so they’re getting a dietary and chemical framework in the body.
04:03:40:09 – 04:04:13:08
We are getting lack of nutrients, excessive production of free radicals. The cells become bathed in reactive oxygen species from the diet, which is high in processed foods and animal products and lowland vegetation. So they’re bathing themselves in free radicals and other toxic species. And we don’t have enough of the antioxidants and phytonutrients to remove toxins, even the fighting gases in grains and in beans and nuts and even the fight against it finds toxic metals like cadmium, arsenic lead and pulls it out of the body.
04:04:13:10 – 04:04:49:21
So we eat more of the soil and we’re getting microplastics now with it. Adapt being in the environment in our fish. So in any case where we’re building up abnormal substances in our body and our bodies, allowing these abnormal substances to stay there and cause damage because the diet is not the dietary quality is too poor to allow it to repair itself, remove the buildup and slow accumulation of these metabolic toxins while at the same time we have extent excessive exposure to hormones that are promoting growth.
04:04:49:23 – 04:05:22:09
So while we’re in the framework of a cell that’s building up metabolic toxins, eating a diet with too much high glycaemic carbohydrates like honey and maple sirup and marshmallows, which is producing excessive insulin and too much animal protein, which is producing growth, IGF one. And this IGF one insulin like growth factor one and insulin package, when both those hormones are elevated, they activate enter, which then further promotes damage to the cells and then is permissive for for cancer.
04:05:22:09 – 04:05:51:04
A lot of mechanisms happening, you know, when we have a large exposure to nutrients. In other words, we’re not just talking about the vitamin C in the taco tree and also controls and genes. We’re not just talking about enough nutrients to prevent scurvy in enough niacin to prevent coagulate enough. We’re talking about enough nutrients to stabilize longevity proteins, to protect the telomeres, to keep our stem cells healthy in later life.
04:05:51:06 – 04:06:18:18
In other words, when we have excellent nutrition and excellent exposure to nutritional two nutritional substances for decades, that then that that is that’s the protection we need for these. So inhibiting or not permitting the abnormalities to build up and lead to cancer. Cancer didn’t happen overnight. It was a slow process that people allowed to have happen. And it starts in childhood when people are fed fast food and junk food and give it a poor diet.
04:06:18:18 – 04:06:40:01
In childhood, we start to see the damage begin to accumulate. Then we see, even, for example, the age of puberty in women affecting the risk of breast cancer 60 years later, now the age of puberty, early puberty increases risk of breast cancer. So let’s say a normal puberty for women, let’s say is age 16. The average puberty is age 12, 12 years old.
04:06:40:01 – 04:06:58:15
But some people get it through puberty. Younger than that. When was when did you eat the diet that affected whether it went to privilege? Tanner, age 14, once that occurred, what’s the diet you ate when you were two and three and four and five and six years old that affected what you age, what you went through? Puberty and age of puberty affects whether you have prostate cancer or breast cancer when you’re 60.
04:06:58:20 – 04:07:23:19
What I’m saying right now is that it’s your lifetime exposure to you and these factors that affect your risk. And it’s even your exposure to these factors before you were born, because there’s even some exposure to bad health and bad nutrition. What your parents eat before you, even before they even gave birth, see? So what do you say to what’s your response to people who’ve been told by their medical doctors?
04:07:23:19 – 04:07:48:16
Because I’ve met a number of these people I even see very respected, very intelligent experts, authors up on stage are speaking about like the blood type diet and that they can’t do an all plant based diet or their doctor told them they have to have meat and dairy because of various reasons, because their blood type, etc.. What is your take on that?
04:07:48:16 – 04:08:13:03
What’s your response to people who have either been told that from a doctor or they believe that because of something they’ve read? Well, there’s no science or even clinical evidence? No. We once we have two things, we have a body of scientific literature that we have to really investigate and look at in depth. And then we have a really clinical experience with people and patients seeing what happens over the years.
04:08:13:03 – 04:08:31:27
And I’m lucky to have 30 years of, you know, thousands of people with experience and seeing what what goes on in this community. So there’s no data to suggest that certain people, because of their blood type, corresponds with the diet. It’s better for them. You know, that’s that’s just there’s no evidence in the scientific literature. There’s no clinical evidence either.
04:08:31:29 – 04:09:14:04
So that’s a completely nonsensical hypothesis. And no more than a person’s eye color, shoe size and mother’s mother’s maiden name. So backwards to check what they should be eating. Now, that doesn’t mean that some people are not thriving on a diet or vegan. That’s a completely different issue, that to do their blood type, for example, there are some people, for a lot of reasons, there are some people, for example, who don’t convert the alpha in fat in, let’s say, nuts and seeds and greens into first and DHEA sufficiently for adequate brain function in later life, putting they’re at high risk of depression that is genetically determined by the conversion enzymes.
04:09:14:04 – 04:09:30:28
It’s not by their blood type. You know, we have to investigate that. There are some people who, because of their earlier life, they may there are some children who are going to thrive on a vegan diet. You know, they they their diet needs more protein and more fat because of the way they assimilate and digest protein is different from somebody else.
04:09:31:00 – 04:09:56:08
And there are some elderly people who require more. They’re digested. The ability to handle protein goes down with aging and they get their IGF one can become too low. And if it gets too low, it can suppress immunity. Also increasing risk of cancer. And therefore, the diet has to be designed to be more than protein adequate. In some cases, animal products might be advisable in small amounts to help these people bring their IGF one up to an acceptable level.
04:09:56:16 – 04:10:18:09
What I’m saying is there are individual differences. Yes. That make for the necessity to, in some cases, adjust the diet to individual needs. But in no way is that based on can be based on what type it has to be a more detailed and thorough investigation and and history and knowing the person and just go and reading a book and saying my blood type means or should eat meat, that’s just insane.
04:10:18:11 – 04:10:41:10
So is that is that a in your experience, is that a high percentage of people middle low percentage of people that that need that kind of, you know, customized tailor addition to their diet because of their genetic predisposition, that’s not allowing them to process certain nutrients in certain ways that high percentage low percent. What’s been your experience with that?
04:10:41:12 – 04:10:59:10
It depends on what we’re looking at. You know, a lot of people as they get older, may be poor, may have different abilities to process zinc, and some people may do better with more zinc, could help them move. So I think that’s somewhat variable. But I think generally speaking, there is more people as they age that require more zinc.
04:10:59:10 – 04:11:25:29
With regard to, for example, I think it’s about half the population on vegan diets get a level that’s not optimal and about a quarter get levels that are potentially dangerous if they don’t supplement or do or do something. I think with regard to, you know, a new territory in diet, which I recommend is generally mostly vegan, but a person can use animal products in small amounts, but the design of the diet is so protein favorable already.
04:11:26:07 – 04:11:45:25
It’s a type of plant based diet. It’s very protein favorable compared to other plant based diets. So it’s less likely to get a ton with failure to thrive for an elderly person with low levels of IGF one. But that doesn’t mean those people don’t exist. And you don’t just willy nilly thrust a diet on a child who wasn’t thriving and gaining weight or doing well and say, Well, I think the site is best for him.
04:11:45:25 – 04:12:12:20
It’s not thriving. Some kids need to examine their diet or animal protein, and that’s why they’re going to be designed, just like some elderly people do, who are starting to get muscle wasting and lack of thriving because their IGF one goes to low. And there’s even some people whose cholesterol gets excessively low, whose brain is sensitive to low cholesterol and can develop more anxiety or depression or more or not, not from a diet.
04:12:12:20 – 04:12:39:13
It’s too low that that’s completely vague. So there’s unusual circumstances that happen to individuals. Your question about when that happens, I would say not that often. Probably is not Not five and a hundred people would have that concern. Maybe maybe it’s more like two and 100 that require some modification to that. But we want to at least see what’s the word, aware that every person doesn’t fit the same ideal mold.
04:12:39:13 – 04:12:54:29
And we have to look at people and check them and see how they’re doing, make sure they’re thriving on the advice they’re given. But one thing we know that when a person does need some animal products in the diet and is otherwise not thriving on a vegan diet, we don’t want to switch to like a paleo diet in a lot of animal products.
04:12:55:05 – 04:13:22:08
We want to regulate the amount of animal products so they get just enough to bring their IGF one in the normal range, not to push it up high to create damage. So, you know, there’s a for example, there was a study of 6000 people found for 80 years, and they showed that the highest threshold of animal protein consumption there was a 75% increase overall death rate over that 18 year period and a 400% increased risk of cancer over that 18 year period.
04:13:22:08 – 04:13:45:04
In the 50 to 65 year olds. We looked at the elderly people who are like 70 and 80 years, followed them for 18 years, then in the highest social of animal product compared with traditional, you did not see the danger from the high amounts of our products as animal products because they were counteracting each other because some people in the elderly category don’t thrive on a diet that low protein.
04:13:45:07 – 04:14:03:28
What I’m saying right now is the healthier you are and the more you’re eating right, the more you keep your youthful vigor or your digestion is normal. You can say that your body’s ability to assimilate, that it’s protein stays adequate. There is. But if the more you eat unhealthy the all through your life, the more you can become more dependent on animal products when you’re older.
04:14:04:03 – 04:14:34:11
Because you’re right, because you’re not handling protein, you cause some problems because you allow yourself, you just attract to age faster. So it’s complicated and we have to just be a little cautious and aware that it’s not quite one fits all, could it? And could it also be that that small percent, that one or 2% or 3% of people who who have a challenge on it, on a vegan diet, could it be that they’re not getting enough diversity in their diet?
04:14:34:11 – 04:15:05:20
Because we do know so far, I think the latest statistic I saw was there’s at least 150,000 different types of edible medicinal plants that have been identified on the planet so far. If you go to the grocery store, you’re usually only going to see maybe a couple of dozen out of 150,000. Right. So could it potentially be that those people are just not getting enough diversity of different types of the plants to support the wholeness and healing of their body?
04:15:05:22 – 04:15:32:08
Probably Not because. Absolutely. I’m agreeing with what you’re saying, that on this on my nutrient carrion program, one of the benefits, one of the things we’re striving for is a wide variety, an assortment of different plant species and natural plants, including microgreens and baby vegetables and sprouts. And so we’re so definitely nutritional variety of all the time. It’s definitely an asset to longevity and for a product’s ability to resist disease and immune system strength.
04:15:32:11 – 04:15:59:26
But what I’m seeing right now is I’m looking at a population of people already doing, you know, a really a diet that’s not just cutting it out of products, but going after more excellent nutrition. The question is, if they’re getting into trouble on these vegan diets, one of these are what are they possibly missing? But the vegan diet is giving them and it’s true, it’s usually DHEA, zinc could be iodine if they’re not eating seafood of seaweed, it could be K2, but usually not.
04:15:59:26 – 04:16:24:27
That could be vitamin D, but usually not. It’s usually the most often decreasing. And then, of course, what we’re seeing now is that the protein issue and what if they’re needing more protein isn’t coming from nutritional diversity or plant diversity? We’re measuring IGF one and we’re saying that their IGF one levels are dangerously low and they’re having body wasting.
04:16:25:00 – 04:16:45:09
So it’s a combination of muscle wasting muscle atrophy because sarcopenia, in conjunction with very low levels of IGF one, we can regulate that IGF one with the amount of protein and we can’t get it up to an adequate level. It’s a dangerously low level with enough plant protein diets. Then we have to consider adding some animal products to that person.
04:16:45:11 – 04:17:00:11
So it’s not you know, we’re not going to raise the IGF one when it’s very low. And I’m saying admittedly, this is not common, but it’s just something that as a health professionals taking care of people with the issues that, you know, that we’re aware of, that if a person is not thriving, we’re looking at blood tests to evaluate why they’re not.
04:17:00:11 – 04:17:47:17
Right. So majority of the people that come to you to heal with chronic diseases such as cancer, what so what is that the best diet that you recommend for people, for majority of people, if you or a loved one has a chronic disease such as cancer, autoimmunity, diabetes, heart disease, or mental and emotional health challenges such as depression or anxiety, then it’s time to listen to the world leading integrative, holistic and natural health doctors and experts who can help you on your path to preventing and reversing chronic health conditions at any age.
04:17:47:19 – 04:18:14:20
Visit Health and Healing Club Wwe.com for more details. That’s WW dot Health and Healing Club Wwe.com to sign up for your free trial today right that’s right the standard time to recommend two to people who have early stage cancer so who want to extend their life span is the same diet basically I recommend for people with autoimmune conditions who want to get well from lupus and Soraya’s cysts and rheumatoid arthritis.
04:18:14:22 – 04:18:36:26
And so when syndromes and pandemics, connective tissue disease and autoimmune hepatitis, it’s the same immune system strengthening diets with the G balms with two glasses of fresh squeezed vegetable juice a day in the vegetable juice. I The reason I’m getting a vegetable juice, of course, is because by eating right, you’re taking in those nutrients, but you can’t consume as much of the nutrients as you could by adding the juices.
04:18:37:02 – 04:19:03:22
And it takes these people six and nine months to get the levels of nutrients in the cells, in the tissues that level with it where mine are, for example, in just four years. So we give them juices to bring them up quicker, to give them more. And the juice has one third cruciferous like bok choy, cabbage kale. One third is something like carrots beet, and the other third is something like lettuce, dark green lettuces, celery or cucumber.
04:19:03:27 – 04:19:21:20
So we’re giving them this one third, one third, one third juice twice a day. And they still have a large salad that they chew with the onions, the mushrooms, the cooked mushrooms. Of course, mushrooms are very powerful in the cancer protocol, but they should be cooked because they have a mild carcinogen called a guarantee that have blown off with cooking.
04:19:21:24 – 04:20:01:17
We want them to be exposed to multiple mushroom species. We want them to even eat them. I even give my patients with cancer a mixed mushroom supplement with different with 14 different mushroom species in it they usually have. Some are exposed to green tea, extracts of green tea, and they of course are having this plant based diet with exposure to large exposure to onions and mushrooms and berries and seeds, and they’re using muscle seeds as a source of fat and not using oil because they’re that we want to, because there is there’s beneficial anti-inflammatory and an immune system supporting nutrients in the nuts and seeds and they’re absorbed very, very slowly, whereas oil is absorbed
04:20:01:17 – 04:20:33:10
very rapidly and leads to more body fat production and more cytokine and pro-inflammatory modulation and response by the body. So their fat intake and the little bit of fat and so it’s like a half an ounce with each meal helps facilitate the green vegetables that the greens, the other nutrients they’re eating. So they’re getting a very we’re trying to give them a very wide spectrum of natural foods, lots of different types of vegetables, a big salad every day, a bowl of actually bean soup and and of exposure to other other beneficial foods as well.
04:20:33:12 – 04:20:59:12
What’s your take on the ketogenic diet. My take is that it’s been proven to be lifespan shortening already and in large scale immunologic studies every diet looked at when you start to get a diet restricting fruit and restricting plant carbohydrates, you restrict restricting fiber and you’re restricting exposure to phytochemicals. And we know that it causes a acidosis. The ketogenic is ketoacidosis.
04:20:59:12 – 04:21:21:09
It comes some degree of acidosis in the system. So it may be so in every short term study, you could do a short term study on a ketogenic diet showing benefits to lowering triglycerides, a body weight reduction or diabetes reduction due to weight loss. But every study looking at large scale numbers with high amounts going on for decades, we see there was a study published in 2018, the can.
04:21:21:12 – 04:21:49:12
There was actually one study in 2019 two that looked at long term people on fruit restriction or ketogenic diet saw higher causes of death. What I’m saying right now is the scientific literature is pretty comprehensively showing that ketogenic may be dangerous long term. Now, that doesn’t mean that we’re not going to find certain cancers that may be responsive to what may be a combination of chemotherapy with the ketogenic diet.
04:21:49:18 – 04:22:06:02
In other words, let’s say, for example, we may believe a cancer, a certain type of lymphoma or a certain type of soft tissue glioma, like a brain tumor, and these tumors are insulin. You need insulin to fuel the growth of these tumors. And we completely restrict insulin by putting them on a ketogenic diet. It makes them more sensitive to chemotherapy.
04:22:06:08 – 04:22:39:04
Given the chemotherapy with the ketogenic diet, it knocks the tumor out, less chance of recurrence. So even though I’m suggesting that a ketogenic diet is not safe for the long term for people’s health and longevity and certainly not a diet I’m recommending, I’m saying it may be the case, which because it would more scientific investigate. And there are some scientists investigating this in New York City, for example, that are putting people with cancer on a combination of ketogenic diets with chemotherapy and see better response to the chemo than people who were not put on that.
04:22:39:04 – 04:23:01:25
We’re not. So I’m not saying there might be. There may not be and there may be a therapeutic indication for a ketogenic diet for certain conditions and certain types of cancers that we will discover in the future. And I’m not wiping out that possibility, but I am saying we have to take care about that because the long term utilization of ketogenic diet is not lifespan favorable.
04:23:01:27 – 04:23:27:22
Follow me. Absolutely. Yes. So it’s not something you would recommend to to your patients and clients at this time, but something worth continuing to see to investigate. Right? Absolutely. So you have patients that come to your retreat center in San Diego. Right. And people stay with you for weeks or months at a time. And tell me a little bit more about that process.
04:23:27:22 – 04:23:50:22
What does that look like? Somebody has cancer or chronic disease or wants to heal. They come and stay with you. What what does that person experience? What kind of things can they hope for? Share a little bit more about that. You know, I think and you probably would agree I think I was already watching would agree there are a lot of people that know they should be healthier.
04:23:50:22 – 04:24:17:25
They want to eat healthier. But that’s having trouble doing it, that processed foods and eating unhealthy is just too attractive. And they’re so ingrained into their social environment that it becomes part of their their recreation, part of their social lifestyle. So what I’m seeing right now is food is physically unhealthy, food is physically addicting, and it also is socially addicting and people so they be unable to comply with what they think they know they should do.
04:24:17:27 – 04:24:36:16
And so what I’m saying right now is we have people that are overweight, they have heart disease, they have diabetes, they have autoimmune disease, they have cancers, and they want to get well and they real. And they’re also somewhat suffering from food addiction. We put them we put them when they bring them into activity retreat. We have three incredible chefs.
04:24:36:19 – 04:24:52:24
Show them how great healthy food can taste. We keep them there long enough to we train their taste buds so they’re not constantly eating all the salt and having sweets or junk food. They can’t quit. So it’s like it’s like going away to come off Cigarets You’ve got to spend time away from not having cigarets So we’re going to keep wanting more nicotine.
04:24:52:29 – 04:25:15:04
You’ve got to go get away from your cooking. If you start not want to snort anymore, you’ve got to get away from the truly addictive pull of this illicit love affair you have with unhealthy foods to build, to enjoy it, guava and kumquat, and to enjoy eating salads with pomegranate on healthy dressing. So we show them how food can taste great.
04:25:15:07 – 04:25:37:07
We have food addiction counselors. They have groups. So we’re giving them groups to try to deal with their emotional eating problems that led them to become overweight severely begin with. And they’re learning through my lectures and through the staff. You know what? There’s a lot of fun things to do there. So it’s a beautiful place. You like a sort of pool and hiking and biking and exercise classes and yoga and all the other things going on, cooking classes.
04:25:37:09 – 04:25:55:20
But they’re really there to get an education too. And the thing cared for by me and getting on the learning about and getting motivated, informed, so they really learn how to do this, make it work most effectively, and enjoy the process so they can replicate it when they go home. So they learn to take off, if you will.
04:25:55:20 – 04:26:15:10
If you’re £150 overweight, you’re not going to lose £150 with me for two months. You’ll lose about £50. Right? So so I had like one woman, of course, she was £50 when she was there. But the year she went home, she lost 150 more, you know, because she knew what to do. When you want to replicate this in our home, it’s very hard for people to grasp how to do this.
04:26:15:13 – 04:26:32:28
If you’ve got my sister in law who had breast cancer, for example, she didn’t follow my program at all. She thought it was a little too extreme. And no, it wasn’t for her. And, you know, but then she got cancer and now the question is, how do we do this? How do you make it taste good? I want to do it now.
04:26:32:28 – 04:26:52:02
I realize my mistake. And then and now, of course, this is decade. You know, this is she’s doing great. She has no cancer. She’s fine. She you know, she’s she changed her life and her sister lives. But the point is, it was great that I was here and my wife and I could show her how to make the food taste great, how to do it, how to incorporate this in your life.
04:26:52:08 – 04:27:11:27
You know, So we have this place that it’s really very rewarding to be able to see people, facilitate them getting better, to watch the transformation curves to a curve. And so they get healthy. And I’m you know, I have people that are come in where they’re almost ready to have a heart attack and they get their blood pressure and cholesterol down and get the weight off.
04:27:11:29 – 04:27:31:26
And we have people come in who have prostate cancer or breast cancer and they and they want to start to change the way they’re eating and really learn this way of life. And it’s just it works great when you can put it in a separate them from the fast food and negative social environment in at home and really get them to retrain their taste buds.
04:27:31:26 – 04:27:51:26
They love eating this way and they realize what they can learn to defer this over their unhealthy diet. So thank you for sharing all that. Your retreat sounds incredible. And as we talked offline and look forward to coming and visiting you there in San Diego, as I said, I used to live there for about ten years and love the area.
04:27:51:29 – 04:28:24:09
And as we wrap up, kind of final thoughts, what maybe three or so steps for those tuning in who are serious about wanting to prevent cancer or heal or reverse cancer in their own bodies. What kind of steps could people take right now to start on that journey and what do they need to think about to support the longevity of that journey?
04:28:24:12 – 04:28:52:09
Well, that’s that’s some, you know, a big question that could go on another hour about. But basically, I’m going to keep it real simple. I want people have a big salad with mixed green vegetables, with onions, tomatoes and cooked mushrooms on it with a dressing made of nuts and seeds. I might make a dressing, for example, with a pill navel orange with sesame seeds and cashews with blood orange get a squeeze, a lemon or roasted tomatoes with roasted garlic and some almond butter mashed together with a little thick vinegar.
04:28:52:15 – 04:29:11:04
In other words, you make a nut based salad and you have a bowl of vegetable bean soup and a piece of fruit. For dessert, lunch is the most important meal with a salad, vegetable bean soup and the soup should be like an anti-cancer soup made with the zucchinis and the onions, leeks and the bok choy and all, all the different beneficial nutrients.
04:29:11:04 – 04:29:36:10
And if you can make it on the weekend so you can have the same soup for four or five days and then breakfast, you should have a glass of fresh squeezed vegetable juice with a little bit of intact grain, a small amount of intact salt, green water with the flax seeds, with the chia seeds and some berries like wild blueberries or low sugar berry like blackberries, blueberries or guava, or some kind of low sugar fruit mixed in with that for flavor with the seeds.
04:29:36:10 – 04:29:53:04
Because the seeds they happen, the tree reflects. It’s a vehicle with a glass of vegetable juice and then dinner should be at an earlier and later dinner. We should not be one of the secrets to fighting disease and increasing longevity. Fighting cancer is going to bed on an empty stomach. You don’t want to eat a big meal at night.
04:29:53:11 – 04:30:07:16
You want to eat your meals earlier in the day and you want to go to bed. So you haven’t eaten food, at least probably for hours. Will you go to bed at night? So you go to sleep on an empty stomach and you sleep and rest and then when you’re not congested through the season. So that’s a rough round up of what?
04:30:07:21 – 04:30:29:03
Of the diet it could be then adjusting to individual needs and differences. But that’s basically where we start from. Well, thank you so much. I know on your website we’ll share that link with everybody. It’s doctor firm income. You can look on the web page for this videos hosted. We’ll also write out the link for you. You can click it or type it in.
04:30:29:03 – 04:30:55:25
Go to the website. I know you have great recipes in your books and you have great videos and free resources on your website. I know that you have an online e e-learning area as well as online courses and so forth. So for people who are very interested in learning more about this, I encourage you to go to Dr. Freeman’s website and again, you can find that website on this page.
04:30:55:25 – 04:31:24:25
So Dr. Forrest, thank you so much for joining us today, for being here, for sharing your wisdom. As you said, I know we could talk about a lot of these subjects for another one or 2 hours and like to maybe do a follow up interview with you at some point in the future. We can after this summit airs and people have questions and things like that, we could bring those questions to a future interview and be great as well.
04:31:24:25 – 04:31:43:23
So those of you tuning in, let us know what other things you’d like to hear in the future. And again, Dr. Freeman Dkb go to his website to get his retreats, books, online courses and so forth. So yeah, just want to say thank you so much for for sharing. You’re such a wealth of knowledge. My pleasure. And wishing you of course, for you and all.
04:31:43:23 – 04:32:23:26
He was just great health and much happiness. Thank you for listening to Natural Health with Nathan Crane. Make sure to subscribe to this podcast on iTunes or your favorite podcast site and share it on all your social media sites to get this transformational information out to people who need it around the world. If you or a loved one has a chronic disease such as cancer, autoimmunity, diabetes, heart disease, or mental and emotional health challenges such as depression or anxiety, then it’s time to listen to the world leading integrative, holistic and natural health doctors and experts who can help you on your path of preventing and reversing any of these chronic health conditions.
04:32:23:28 – 04:32:56:15
Visit WW W Health and Healing Club dot com for more details at the Health and Healing Club. You can join a global community of like minded people who are empowering themselves each week to learn how to prevent and reverse chronic diseases like cancer, autoimmunity, diabetes, heart disease and mental and emotional health challenges. Go to WW dot Health and Healing club icon where you can sign up for a free trial today.
04:32:56:15 – 04:33:46:23
Hello and welcome to Natural Health with Nathan Crane. Today, I’m really excited to share this interview I did not too long ago with a true pioneer in the field of natural, holistic, integrative medicine. Dr. Joel Furman. Dr. Furman is a board certified family physician. Six time New York Times bestselling author and an internationally recognized expert on nutrition and natural healing who specializes in helping people learn how to prevent reverse chronic diseases using nutritional methods.
04:33:46:24 – 04:34:10:28
Dr. Furman coined the term nutritive terrine to describe a nutrient dense eating style designed to prevent cancer, slow aging and extend life span. I’ve done a number of incredible interviews with Dr. Furman over the years. Every time I get to sit with him and ask him questions, I learn something new. If you’ve listened to him, read his books, heard from him, watched his PBS specials.
04:34:11:01 – 04:34:36:03
You’ve already learned quite a bit. And I promise you, you watch this. You’re still going to learn something new. He has a wealth of knowledge. So without further ado, Dr. Jill Furman. Enjoy. My pleasure. Great to be here. So diving right in, from your experience, you have a lot of it. Can you share with us what exactly is cancer and how does it show up in the human body?
04:34:36:06 – 04:35:02:04
Well, keep in mind, I’m not just speaking from experience. I’m speaking from a degree of scientific literature and studying the what happens to the human body and the human body essentially has the ability to protect against damage from cancer developing. We can repair broken DNA cross links. The body has the ability to repair methylation defects, prevent the accumulation of metabolic toxins and reactive oxygen species.
04:35:02:04 – 04:35:28:18
In other words, what I’m seeing right now is that cancer is something that human accumulates over time with inflammation, with irritation, inflammation, and then it gets to the point where it overwhelming the cells defense, the cell’s defenses to keep itself clean and then the it expects to replicate uncontrollably. And how do you know? Obviously, people know how cancer appears, but it usually appears with promoting angiogenesis.
04:35:28:18 – 04:35:51:22
In other words, these cells, in order to replicate rapidly, have to call a blood supply. So our normal blood supply has to be activated to perfused these cells that want to replicate a lot. And so cancer cells secrete angiogenesis promoters the word angiogenesis means to promote the growth of new blood vessels. And so the promotion of these cells is starting to excrete.
04:35:51:28 – 04:36:23:26
Angiogenesis promoters in our blood vessels grow new tributaries, new branches to fuel cancers, to counter growth of cancers. So when we have cancer growth, we always have these longevity proteins like Sirt one and AMP kinase are diminished and mTOR, which is an unfavorable protein buildup, is is heightened in almost all invasive of metastatic cancers. So what I’m seeing right now is that there’s a certain abnormality going on that is permissive, allowing cancers to replicate.
04:36:24:00 – 04:36:45:12
We eat a diet rich in phytochemicals with the full spectrum of nutrients humans need. And without putting in toxic substances into our body, our body is essentially already cancer proof. Cancer represents some defect or some abnormality that was in the lifestyle or the environment that allowed it to, because it’s not the inevitable consequence of aging. It’s not normal.
04:36:45:16 – 04:37:11:20
It’s hardly even occurred in human history. The first cancers that were noted in the medical literature that were written about were scrotal cancers, written a film that we noticed happening. A chimney sweeps in the early 1700s. So even on studies on mummified remains from thousands of years ago, hardly saw any cancers in human species. It was just not not a cause of death, you know, eons ago.
04:37:11:22 – 04:37:45:25
So in layman’s terms, in terms of what is cancer, I hear you saying is it’s if the body is, well, let’s say mind, emotions, body, the whole human experience is functioning as it’s supposed to. Then cancer does not show up. And if body’s out of balance or the systems of the body or out of balance are out of whack or out of their original, let’s say, heal their whole state, then cancer is a result of that.
04:37:46:00 – 04:38:12:11
Is that is that what I hear you saying? Yes. It’s that cells become damaged and they’re damaged due to it by something abnormal. For example, people you know, so there’s something the American diet is exceedingly abnormal. We’re consuming carcinogenic substances. We’re not eating that enough. Natural plant foods with the full exposure to phytochemicals that fuel the A or E, the antioxidant response element in the cell.
04:38:12:14 – 04:38:36:06
Its job is to remove free radicals and toxins and to repair methylation defects, the DNA, and essentially protect ourselves from cancer. And that mechanism is fueled by phytochemicals, especially from green vegetables. And without exposure to the for these nutrients humans need. We’re green vegetable dependent animals and we’re the American population is only eating 2% of calories from vegetables.
04:38:36:09 – 04:38:59:26
And we’re eating a diet with a lot of sweets in it with a lot of animal products, and that’s with insufficient amount of plant vegetation. As a primate that our immune system is dependent on. So I’m saying that when you have a diet that’s well designed the way humans are supposed to maximize human longevity, the cell becomes almost cancer proof, even removing exposure to environmental toxins.
04:39:00:02 – 04:39:27:14
Even it has the ability to suppress genetic alterations in genetic defects that, if not suppressed, would lead to increased risk of cancer. A healthy cell in a healthy body has the ability to suppress those genic genetic alterations like the GCP one gene that increases the risk of breast cancer, for example. And let me just say that, for example, the leading cause of cancer death, the leading cause of death in children, other than accidents is acute blast acidic leukemia.
04:39:27:16 – 04:39:52:09
And it’s already been linked in scientific studies to the lack of green vegetables in the mother’s diet even two years prior conception. So the diet that the parents eat even before the baby is conceived affects a child’s risk of cancer. For example. And also the exposure to luncheon meats like hot dogs and bacon, not even during pregnancy, but even prior to the pregnancy, affects a child’s risk of developing cancer.
04:39:52:14 – 04:40:19:29
So I’m saying it’s not just the diet we eat because our eggs that make us are living in our in our mother’s body her whole life that she’s alive. So when she’s five years old and ten years old and 15 years old, the egg that made you was living there and has the chance to be somewhat damaged. Should she be exposed to top two carcinogenic substances or eat a very poor diet or eating luncheon meats and fast foods?
04:40:20:01 – 04:40:55:04
So the worst your diet, your parents were before they even conceived you when you were born could affect your health as well. So we’re going to get a lot more into diet and nutrition and what what you recommend in a little bit. And before we do, I want to one, just clarify to hear from you this notion that a lot of people seem to believe that cancer is something you can catch like a cold or flu and that’s often how our medical industry treats it, right.
04:40:55:05 – 04:41:20:06
They try to get it and take it out of you versus recognizing that it’s something that your body is creating because of the diet and lifestyle and habits and environment and toxins and so forth. What is your take on that? What have you seen in regards to to that understanding and helping people recognize and identify? It’s not something you catch.
04:41:20:07 – 04:41:42:28
It’s something that you create in the body. That’s right. But but I think that’s what you’re saying is generally well accepted or not controversial. In other words, I don’t think that traditional medical doctors believe it’s something we catch and they recognize that cancer has known causes. And those causes are a combination of environmental toxins and also for diet and nutrition.
04:41:42:28 – 04:42:07:15
I think that I think that’s generally recognized that that what we eat has an effect on cancer. And certain foods have more powerful anti-cancer effects than others. In other words, what I’m saying right now is that even when we talked about angiogenesis, we know that certain foods like mushrooms have antiangiogenic effects and they also have effects that are anti-Roma tastes to lower estrogen.
04:42:07:17 – 04:42:29:16
And I saw, for example, I mean, it’s well recognized that higher levels of circulating estrogen and higher levels of localized estrogen in breast tissue increases risk of breast cancer. It’s not luck. It’s a biochemical and hormonal adjustment That’s something abnormal that we know that when a person is overweight, for example, let’s say you have an extra £25 of fat on your body.
04:42:29:18 – 04:42:51:03
Well, those fat cells are somewhat hypoxic, which means they don’t have an excellent blood supply. They have a marginal blood supply. The fat cells secrete angiogenesis promoters try to claim a fat supply, and in doing so, they permit fat cells and more permissive to allow other tumors to grow in your body and in thinking fat like a tumor.
04:42:51:05 – 04:43:18:27
But the fat on your body makes you insulin resistance. In other words, the insulin insulin can’t be uptake by cells as readily by fat. So now the pancreas has to create more insulin response to every carbohydrate you eat. And the high level of insulin has growth promoting and angiogenesis promotion effects. And because fat cells also secrete more cytokines in inflammatory process, inflammatory mediators, they stimulate aromatase production.
04:43:19:00 – 04:43:53:04
And so that means you produce more estrogen. So a person who’s eating poorly and overweight, their breast exposure to estrogen can be ten times the level of localized estrogen exposure in the breast tissue compared to somebody that was relatively slim, meaning a healthy diet with lots of vegetables and mushrooms and onions. So what? So what I’m saying is that the scientific literature is giving us a ton of information about this today, and it’s becoming more generally accepted that we can win the war on cancer and I make the statement often I say to people that we’ve landed the man on the moon already.
04:43:53:06 – 04:44:15:04
And what I mean by that is we already know what what causes cancer and we already know how to prevent it. More than 90% of cancers, we can look back 100 years ago and see even relatively recent history. Countries had 1/50 to 100th the amount of cancers we had in this country. And even today, even in modern times, we have populations of the world with much less cancer.
04:44:15:04 – 04:44:35:26
When they move here and they eat the way we eat, they so they develop the same rate of cancer we do. So what I’m saying right now is we have enough information today to win the war on breast cancer and prostate cancer. These common cancers, and by that, by win the war, I mean to teach the population a way to live and to eat so we could so we wouldn’t see these cancers occur.
04:44:35:29 – 04:45:01:25
You know, it’s a different story when we’re talking about using nutrition to treat cancer. Then we have obviously some early stage cancers that are more response to nutritional interventions. And we do see a lot of scientific data showing the same factors that prevent cancer, increase longevity and interfere with cancer cells, cancer cell replication, and prevent cancer recurrence in people who already have cancer.
04:45:01:27 – 04:45:27:25
But as cancers become more advanced and more advanced and people get close to their death, there’s obviously much more difficulty in reversing these diseases nutritionally. So it’s not a black and white issue. But as you may know from my 30 year experience sings patients. I’m working in this in Libby’s family of people with medical with serious medical conditions, using nutritional excellence as a primary modality.
04:45:27:25 – 04:45:52:24
It’s been very so incredibly rewarding and touching to see people with cancer make a complete recovery. I can’t say it’s happened. What happens all the time where you can predict when it’s you know, but I can give some examples of one of my patients. Her name was Pam. She was had a metastatic ovarian cancer that went into her lung and she had four liters of fluid from the middle from a and given about 3 to 4 months to live.
04:45:52:24 – 04:46:37:06
And she’s thriving and alive today, 17 years later. And we can just go to one another person with stage four lymphoma, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma that responded within 6 to 9 months of having these masses shrink up and disappear and following a new territory. This approach, which includes, of course, the high nutrient diet with some additional juices and things. So it’s just you know, so we have in our community, as you know, that that ignoring nutrition and not placing nutritional excellence in the tool box is is not doing the best for the person’s opportunity to get well even when they want to have a very even when to have an advanced cancer.
04:46:37:08 – 04:47:05:03
So nutrition is an absolute key factor. And like I said, we’re going to we’re going to really explore that in this interview. And before we do, you had said about you had mentioned that there are generally recognized causes of cancer, scientifically validated causes of cancer. Can you can you state what those are? Yes, we mentioned one of them.
04:47:05:05 – 04:47:42:04
One of them is is eating a diet with excessive amounts of calories, becoming overweight. And you people are aware that becoming diabetic increases your risk of cancer as well, because being diabetic means you have metabolic problems with sugar and insulin, which increases your risk of cancer. So we’re saying here that these things that increase risk of cancer are our fried foods, processed foods, a diet with a very high glycemic diet is well established that more white flour and white rice and sugars and soft drinks and marshmallows and donuts and cookies and crackers are dangerous and increased risk of cancer.
04:47:42:08 – 04:48:09:02
And because they do not contain nutrients in them, they strip the body of nutrients. When we process calories that don’t have a significant micronutrient load, we create a stream of free radicals and other toxic compounds. And then the American diet also has a huge amount of animal products. And as the high glycaemic carbohydrates raise growth promoting insulin, which is a growth hormone, especially in excess, it’s promoting excessive growth and excessive angiogenesis.
04:48:09:04 – 04:48:37:10
Also, IGF one insulin like growth factor one in excess also is a growth hormone that works as a sandwich with insulin to be very permissive in allowing cancers to replicate. So IGF one is a primary growth hormone in childhood. It raises up to could raise up to unfavorable level in adulthood, especially if we eat too much animal protein, not just the fat and saturated fat in our product, but actually what we’re talking here about skim milk and egg whites and lean and lean meats fishes.
04:48:37:10 – 04:49:01:01
We’re talking about if you as you ovary protein, protein drives growth and growth most cancer and too much protein, the diet can increase risk of IGF one. And also a diet with a lot of animal protein per say creates a lot of gram negative bacteria in the gut that then they produce certain toxic compounds such as TMJ over trimethylamine oxide and other.
04:49:01:04 – 04:49:20:25
So what I’m seeing right now is the right type of hormonal and biochemical events happen when we have a diet that’s rich in processed foods and animal products. I always make the joke and I say, The American diet is designed by ice. It’s okay because we have this diet was high in animal products and high in processed foods simultaneously.
04:49:21:00 – 04:49:42:01
And the American foods they like to eat like pizza and macaroni and cheese and hamburgers and mixing together our white flour, sugar products with a slab of animal products is probably the most dangerous dinosaur you could eat, except when you add fried foods to it. Now you cook oils at high temperature and you cause rancid and damaging compounds like French fries on top of that meal.
04:49:42:07 – 04:50:13:17
And you’ve really got a cancer bomb ready to explode. You know that even the link between even one serving of fast food French fries per week increases risk of breast cancer, for example, by 26%. Even the moderate intake of these dangerous foods dramatically increases the risk of cancer. And we’re on a death wish in America as much to make the diet as cancer promoting as we’ve seen it possibly can be because we’ve designed it to the exact diets that’s most cancer promoting we could possibly have done.
04:50:13:20 – 04:50:49:25
So talking a little bit more about meat and dairy animal products, you had said that too much protein is directly linked to higher exposure to cancer rates. But also you mentioned the meat itself causing a type of bacteria in the gut. What other kinds of evidence or literature have you seen in terms of how meat and dairy in animal products, aside from the protein side of that promote higher, higher, higher exposure to cancer?
04:50:49:28 – 04:51:18:08
Well, keep in mind the foundational principle or primary principle of a new tearing diet to extend lifespan and protect against cancer is moderate caloric restriction is not overeating. Maintaining a relatively lean body through you as you age in the environment or in the context of micronutrient excellence. In other words, when and the opposite is also valid here. Because when you die with more micronutrients and fiber, it naturally suppresses our appetites.
04:51:18:08 – 04:51:56:24
We don’t have to overeat when your diet is low in nutrients and low in antioxidants and phytochemicals and low in these micronutrients, you become a calorie consuming monster like a food addict who can’t control the food intake. So what I’m saying right now is that this that foundationally the foods that have the high amounts of micronutrients, our colorful plants have a lot of natural anti oxidants and phytonutrients that protect against cancer devouring utilizes to harm our protective immune system, both processed foods like pasta, bread, standard oil, mayonnaise, donuts, crackers, cookies, soft drinks, breakfast for us.
04:51:56:26 – 04:52:19:05
Those foods do not contain a significant micronutrient load. They don’t contain the fibers that promote the good bacteria. And they don’t protect contain these phytonutrients. They’re so critical. And animal products also have a low micronutrient exposure because they have some vitamins in some minerals, but they do not contain the fiber, chemicals and antioxidants that arm the immune system protect against cancer.
04:52:19:10 – 04:52:50:27
We put that diet together with only 2% of vegetables. We can’t have adequate protection, immune system support. So what I’m saying right now is that where the money’s at, the foods that are most protective or the natural plants, especially G bonds, and that acronym G bombs, gb0 MVS stands for grains, beans, onions, mushrooms, berries and seeds, which are identified by the sign.
04:52:50:27 – 04:53:15:14
The literature as having dramatic protection against all types of cancers and reduction of cancer death in people who already have cancer. For example, studies on women who already have breast cancer checked when they have flax seed muffins or flax seeds in their diet are shown to have longer lifespan, less death rate from cancer over the ten year period that followed and less chance of the occurrence of cancer.
04:53:15:16 – 04:53:48:27
Or they eat the flax seeds. What I’m saying women with mushroom seed mushrooms have 64% lower risk of breast cancer occurrence one Asian study. In other words, there’s for each one of these foods, there’s a whole there’s scores of studies that show how protected these foods are, these plant foods against cancer. Likewise, we have the same data collection on animal product consumption as animal products go up in the diet as a percent of total calories, like the blue zones, there are less than 10% to areas of the world.
04:53:48:27 – 04:54:17:05
They’re eating 20%, 30% or more. We look at all the epidemiologic studies, including the Seventh Day Adventist study, which is the only real blue zone in the United States. The longest lived population in the United States of all, because about 30% of them are vegetarians at some time and they eat generally less animal products. But we can they’re able to do studies on them to measure how much animal products they eat because there’s a diverse amount of animal plant consumption group compared to the other Americans.
04:54:17:12 – 04:54:44:16
And they can measure and see as animal products go up. So that’s of of short lifespan, increased cardiovascular mortality and cancer mortality. But in generally speaking, your question about the animal protein versus the animal fat, I mean, certainly if you barbecue, you fry, you darken or bake or cook animal products under high heat, it forms more dangerous compounds, more towards heterocyclic amines and nitrosamine compounds.
04:54:44:16 – 04:55:16:19
And in other types of, you know, we all have these dangerous compounds being formed when meats or cooked at high temperature. But we also see from the studies we have available that as people eat more plant protein, the rate of cancer and heart attack that goes down, that means wheat, hemp seeds and green vegetables and beans. And so and soybeans, whatever, when we’re seeing plant high protein plant foods go up, its lifespan extending and high protein animal products go up, its lifespan shortening.
04:55:16:21 – 04:55:49:29
And I think it’s it’s not just the fact that the plant proteins are associated with a high amount of fibers and phytochemicals. That’s, of course, very true. But it’s also that when a body, the plant proteins are not as biologically complete, So the body is not going to make an excessive amount of growth hormone. It’s going to complete the protein in order to make the amount of hormone it needs by taking, you know, amino acids that are stored in the interstitial lining of the eye or looking to absorb some of the bacteria in the gut or some of the extra food.
04:55:49:29 – 04:56:13:13
So we’re going to complete the protein to make sufficient amount of hormones for our sustenance health and growth rate, animal protein. There’s no regulating the hormonal production. When you eat excess animal protein, the excess animal products you eat is turned into hormone. And we make excessive amounts that we don’t need. And it’s the excessive amount of hormone production that we didn’t need to have made.
04:56:13:15 – 04:56:31:19
That can then be promises to promote growth, that when you should be growing as an adult. So it’s a little complicated. There’s a lot of factors involved. I’m just going over some of the factors to make it more clear to people the excess animal protein, like what actually happens with that in the body, What does the body do with that?
04:56:31:19 – 04:56:57:13
Is a store it you said it turns into hormones, that is hormones. Then do what? Where where do they go? How does that affect the body? How does that directly relate to cancer either gross etc.. Right. Because the American diet is highly growth promoting. And, you know, so and then in conjunction with having these growth promoting hormones that are allowing angiogenesis.
04:56:57:13 – 04:57:21:04
So we’re seeing here that animal products raise IGF one, we to many of them to an unfavorable level in middle age, that could be too high. And that’s going to be allowing cells to replicate that shouldn’t be replicated when a person gets a diagnosis of prostate cancer at age 70 or breast cancer at age 70, they didn’t have these cancer cells start to replicate at 65.
04:57:21:10 – 04:57:37:08
It was usually ten years earlier or more. So it could be that ten or 15 years earlier that you start to have early cells that were becoming abnormal and maybe even ten years prior to that, but the cells becoming dysplastic before they became cancerous. So it’s a 20 years, it’s a long cycle that we’ve got cancer at age 60.
04:57:37:08 – 04:57:55:14
It didn’t happen. So it’s damage that was occurring to these cells all through life. It’s not something that just happened to you right before your lump was discovered. When that lump is first visible to the human eye, the size of a head of a pin, even, it’s had to have replicated slowly over the years to get that big enough so that you and I can see it.
04:57:55:17 – 04:58:15:16
And by that point, a lot of these cells have less that left the nest already. So I’m saying to you now in response to a question about what the body does with the animal products, we’re talking about people eating excessive amounts of animal products for many years. So they’re getting so they’re getting a dietary and chemical framework in the body.
04:58:15:18 – 04:58:48:17
We are getting lack of nutrients, excessive production of free radicals. The cells become bathed in reactive oxygen species from the diet, which is high in processed foods and animal products and lowland vegetation. So they’re bathing themselves in free radicals and other toxic species. And we don’t have enough of the antioxidants and phytonutrients to remove toxins, even the fighting gases in grains and in beans and nuts and even the fight against it finds toxic metals like cadmium, arsenic lead and pulls it out of the body.
04:58:48:19 – 04:59:25:00
So we eat more of the soil and we’re getting microplastics now with it. Adapt being in the environment in our fish. So in any case where we’re building up abnormal substances in our body and our bodies, allowing these abnormal substances to stay there and cause damage because the diet is not the dietary quality is too poor to allow it to repair itself, remove the buildup and slow accumulation of these metabolic toxins while at the same time we have extent excessive exposure to hormones that are promoting growth.
04:59:25:02 – 04:59:57:18
So while we’re in the framework of a cell that’s building up metabolic toxins, eating a diet with too much high glycaemic carbohydrates like honey and maple sirup and marshmallows, which is producing excessive insulin and too much animal protein, which is producing growth, IGF one. And this IGF one insulin like growth factor one and insulin package, when both those hormones are elevated, they activate enter, which then further promotes damage to the cells and then is permissive for for cancer.
04:59:57:18 – 05:00:26:13
A lot of mechanisms happening, you know, when we have a large exposure to nutrients. In other words, we’re not just talking about the vitamin C in the taco tree and also controls and genes. We’re not just talking about enough nutrients to prevent scurvy in enough niacin to prevent coagulate enough. We’re talking about enough nutrients to stabilize longevity proteins, to protect the telomeres, to keep our stem cells healthy in later life.
05:00:26:15 – 05:00:53:27
In other words, when we have excellent nutrition and excellent exposure to nutritional two nutritional substances for decades, that then that that is that’s the protection we need for these. So inhibiting or not permitting the abnormalities to build up and lead to cancer. Cancer didn’t happen overnight. It was a slow process that people allowed to have happen. And it starts in childhood when people are fed fast food and junk food and give it a poor diet.
05:00:53:27 – 05:01:15:10
In childhood, we start to see the damage begin to accumulate. Then we see, even, for example, the age of puberty in women affecting the risk of breast cancer 60 years later, now the age of puberty, early puberty increases risk of breast cancer. So let’s say a normal puberty for women, let’s say is age 16. The average puberty is age 12, 12 years old.
05:01:15:10 – 05:01:33:24
But some people get it through puberty. Younger than that. When was when did you eat the diet that affected whether it went to privilege? Tanner, age 14, once that occurred, what’s the diet you ate when you were two and three and four and five and six years old that affected what you age, what you went through? Puberty and age of puberty affects whether you have prostate cancer or breast cancer when you’re 60.
05:01:33:29 – 05:01:58:28
What I’m saying right now is that it’s your lifetime exposure to you and these factors that affect your risk. And it’s even your exposure to these factors before you were born, because there’s even some exposure to bad health and bad nutrition. What your parents eat before you, even before they even gave birth, see? So what do you say to what’s your response to people who’ve been told by their medical doctors?
05:01:58:28 – 05:02:23:25
Because I’ve met a number of these people I even see very respected, very intelligent experts, authors up on stage are speaking about like the blood type diet and that they can’t do an all plant based diet or their doctor told them they have to have meat and dairy because of various reasons, because their blood type, etc.. What is your take on that?
05:02:23:25 – 05:02:48:12
What’s your response to people who have either been told that from a doctor or they believe that because of something they’ve read? Well, there’s no science or even clinical evidence? No. We once we have two things, we have a body of scientific literature that we have to really investigate and look at in depth. And then we have a really clinical experience with people and patients seeing what happens over the years.
05:02:48:12 – 05:03:07:06
And I’m lucky to have 30 years of, you know, thousands of people with experience and seeing what what goes on in this community. So there’s no data to suggest that certain people, because of their blood type, corresponds with the diet. It’s better for them. You know, that’s that’s just there’s no evidence in the scientific literature. There’s no clinical evidence either.
05:03:07:08 – 05:03:49:13
So that’s a completely nonsensical hypothesis. And no more than a person’s eye color, shoe size and mother’s mother’s maiden name. So backwards to check what they should be eating. Now, that doesn’t mean that some people are not thriving on a diet or vegan. That’s a completely different issue, that to do their blood type, for example, there are some people, for a lot of reasons, there are some people, for example, who don’t convert the alpha in fat in, let’s say, nuts and seeds and greens into first and DHEA sufficiently for adequate brain function in later life, putting they’re at high risk of depression that is genetically determined by the conversion enzymes.
05:03:49:13 – 05:04:06:07
It’s not by their blood type. You know, we have to investigate that. There are some people who, because of their earlier life, they may there are some children who are going to thrive on a vegan diet. You know, they they their diet needs more protein and more fat because of the way they assimilate and digest protein is different from somebody else.
05:04:06:09 – 05:04:31:17
And there are some elderly people who require more. They’re digested. The ability to handle protein goes down with aging and they get their IGF one can become too low. And if it gets too low, it can suppress immunity. Also increasing risk of cancer. And therefore, the diet has to be designed to be more than protein adequate. In some cases, animal products might be advisable in small amounts to help these people bring their IGF one up to an acceptable level.
05:04:31:25 – 05:04:53:18
What I’m saying is there are individual differences. Yes. That make for the necessity to, in some cases, adjust the diet to individual needs. But in no way is that based on can be based on what type it has to be a more detailed and thorough investigation and and history and knowing the person and just go and reading a book and saying my blood type means or should eat meat, that’s just insane.
05:04:53:20 – 05:05:16:19
So is that is that a in your experience, is that a high percentage of people middle low percentage of people that that need that kind of, you know, customized tailor addition to their diet because of their genetic predisposition, that’s not allowing them to process certain nutrients in certain ways that high percentage low percent. What’s been your experience with that?
05:05:16:21 – 05:05:34:19
It depends on what we’re looking at. You know, a lot of people as they get older, may be poor, may have different abilities to process zinc, and some people may do better with more zinc, could help them move. So I think that’s somewhat variable. But I think generally speaking, there is more people as they age that require more zinc.
05:05:34:19 – 05:06:01:08
With regard to, for example, I think it’s about half the population on vegan diets get a level that’s not optimal and about a quarter get levels that are potentially dangerous if they don’t supplement or do or do something. I think with regard to, you know, a new territory in diet, which I recommend is generally mostly vegan, but a person can use animal products in small amounts, but the design of the diet is so protein favorable already.
05:06:01:16 – 05:06:21:04
It’s a type of plant based diet. It’s very protein favorable compared to other plant based diets. So it’s less likely to get a ton with failure to thrive for an elderly person with low levels of IGF one. But that doesn’t mean those people don’t exist. And you don’t just willy nilly thrust a diet on a child who wasn’t thriving and gaining weight or doing well and say, Well, I think the site is best for him.
05:06:21:04 – 05:06:47:29
It’s not thriving. Some kids need to examine their diet or animal protein, and that’s why they’re going to be designed, just like some elderly people do, who are starting to get muscle wasting and lack of thriving because their IGF one goes to low. And there’s even some people whose cholesterol gets excessively low, whose brain is sensitive to low cholesterol and can develop more anxiety or depression or more or not, not from a diet.
05:06:47:29 – 05:07:14:22
It’s too low that that’s completely vague. So there’s unusual circumstances that happen to individuals. Your question about when that happens, I would say not that often. Probably is not Not five and a hundred people would have that concern. Maybe maybe it’s more like two and 100 that require some modification to that. But we want to at least see what’s the word, aware that every person doesn’t fit the same ideal mold.
05:07:14:22 – 05:07:30:08
And we have to look at people and check them and see how they’re doing, make sure they’re thriving on the advice they’re given. But one thing we know that when a person does need some animal products in the diet and is otherwise not thriving on a vegan diet, we don’t want to switch to like a paleo diet in a lot of animal products.
05:07:30:14 – 05:07:57:17
We want to regulate the amount of animal products so they get just enough to bring their IGF one in the normal range, not to push it up high to create damage. So, you know, there’s a for example, there was a study of 6000 people found for 80 years, and they showed that the highest threshold of animal protein consumption there was a 75% increase overall death rate over that 18 year period and a 400% increased risk of cancer over that 18 year period.
05:07:57:17 – 05:08:20:13
In the 50 to 65 year olds. We looked at the elderly people who are like 70 and 80 years, followed them for 18 years, then in the highest social of animal product compared with traditional, you did not see the danger from the high amounts of our products as animal products because they were counteracting each other because some people in the elderly category don’t thrive on a diet that low protein.
05:08:20:16 – 05:08:39:07
What I’m saying right now is the healthier you are and the more you’re eating right, the more you keep your youthful vigor or your digestion is normal. You can say that your body’s ability to assimilate, that it’s protein stays adequate. There is. But if the more you eat unhealthy the all through your life, the more you can become more dependent on animal products when you’re older.
05:08:39:12 – 05:09:09:20
Because you’re right, because you’re not handling protein, you cause some problems because you allow yourself, you just attract to age faster. So it’s complicated and we have to just be a little cautious and aware that it’s not quite one fits all, could it? And could it also be that that small percent, that one or 2% or 3% of people who who have a challenge on it, on a vegan diet, could it be that they’re not getting enough diversity in their diet?
05:09:09:20 – 05:09:40:29
Because we do know so far, I think the latest statistic I saw was there’s at least 150,000 different types of edible medicinal plants that have been identified on the planet so far. If you go to the grocery store, you’re usually only going to see maybe a couple of dozen out of 150,000. Right. So could it potentially be that those people are just not getting enough diversity of different types of the plants to support the wholeness and healing of their body?
05:09:41:01 – 05:10:07:17
Probably Not because. Absolutely. I’m agreeing with what you’re saying, that on this on my nutrient carrion program, one of the benefits, one of the things we’re striving for is a wide variety, an assortment of different plant species and natural plants, including microgreens and baby vegetables and sprouts. And so we’re so definitely nutritional variety of all the time. It’s definitely an asset to longevity and for a product’s ability to resist disease and immune system strength.
05:10:07:20 – 05:10:35:05
But what I’m seeing right now is I’m looking at a population of people already doing, you know, a really a diet that’s not just cutting it out of products, but going after more excellent nutrition. The question is, if they’re getting into trouble on these vegan diets, one of these are what are they possibly missing? But the vegan diet is giving them and it’s true, it’s usually DHEA, zinc could be iodine if they’re not eating seafood of seaweed, it could be K2, but usually not.
05:10:35:05 – 05:11:00:06
That could be vitamin D, but usually not. It’s usually the most often decreasing. And then, of course, what we’re seeing now is that the protein issue and what if they’re needing more protein isn’t coming from nutritional diversity or plant diversity? We’re measuring IGF one and we’re saying that their IGF one levels are dangerously low and they’re having body wasting.
05:11:00:09 – 05:11:20:18
So it’s a combination of muscle wasting muscle atrophy because sarcopenia, in conjunction with very low levels of IGF one, we can regulate that IGF one with the amount of protein and we can’t get it up to an adequate level. It’s a dangerously low level with enough plant protein diets. Then we have to consider adding some animal products to that person.
05:11:20:20 – 05:11:35:20
So it’s not you know, we’re not going to raise the IGF one when it’s very low. And I’m saying admittedly, this is not common, but it’s just something that as a health professionals taking care of people with the issues that, you know, that we’re aware of, that if a person is not thriving, we’re looking at blood tests to evaluate why they’re not.
05:11:35:20 – 05:12:22:26
Right. So majority of the people that come to you to heal with chronic diseases such as cancer, what so what is that the best diet that you recommend for people, for majority of people, if you or a loved one has a chronic disease such as cancer, autoimmunity, diabetes, heart disease, or mental and emotional health challenges such as depression or anxiety, then it’s time to listen to the world leading integrative, holistic and natural health doctors and experts who can help you on your path to preventing and reversing chronic health conditions at any age.
05:12:22:28 – 05:12:49:29
Visit Health and Healing Club Wwe.com for more details. That’s WW dot Health and Healing Club Wwe.com to sign up for your free trial today right that’s right the standard time to recommend two to people who have early stage cancer so who want to extend their life span is the same diet basically I recommend for people with autoimmune conditions who want to get well from lupus and Soraya’s cysts and rheumatoid arthritis.
05:12:50:01 – 05:13:12:05
And so when syndromes and pandemics, connective tissue disease and autoimmune hepatitis, it’s the same immune system strengthening diets with the G balms with two glasses of fresh squeezed vegetable juice a day in the vegetable juice. I The reason I’m getting a vegetable juice, of course, is because by eating right, you’re taking in those nutrients, but you can’t consume as much of the nutrients as you could by adding the juices.
05:13:12:11 – 05:13:39:01
And it takes these people six and nine months to get the levels of nutrients in the cells, in the tissues that level with it where mine are, for example, in just four years. So we give them juices to bring them up quicker, to give them more. And the juice has one third cruciferous like bok choy, cabbage kale. One third is something like carrots beet, and the other third is something like lettuce, dark green lettuces, celery or cucumber.
05:13:39:06 – 05:13:56:29
So we’re giving them this one third, one third, one third juice twice a day. And they still have a large salad that they chew with the onions, the mushrooms, the cooked mushrooms. Of course, mushrooms are very powerful in the cancer protocol, but they should be cooked because they have a mild carcinogen called a guarantee that have blown off with cooking.
05:13:57:03 – 05:14:36:26
We want them to be exposed to multiple mushroom species. We want them to even eat them. I even give my patients with cancer a mixed mushroom supplement with different with 14 different mushroom species in it they usually have. Some are exposed to green tea, extracts of green tea, and they of course are having this plant based diet with exposure to large exposure to onions and mushrooms and berries and seeds, and they’re using muscle seeds as a source of fat and not using oil because they’re that we want to, because there is there’s beneficial anti-inflammatory and an immune system supporting nutrients in the nuts and seeds and they’re absorbed very, very slowly, whereas oil is absorbed
05:14:36:26 – 05:15:08:19
very rapidly and leads to more body fat production and more cytokine and pro-inflammatory modulation and response by the body. So their fat intake and the little bit of fat and so it’s like a half an ounce with each meal helps facilitate the green vegetables that the greens, the other nutrients they’re eating. So they’re getting a very we’re trying to give them a very wide spectrum of natural foods, lots of different types of vegetables, a big salad every day, a bowl of actually bean soup and and of exposure to other other beneficial foods as well.
05:15:08:21 – 05:15:34:21
What’s your take on the ketogenic diet. My take is that it’s been proven to be lifespan shortening already and in large scale immunologic studies every diet looked at when you start to get a diet restricting fruit and restricting plant carbohydrates, you restrict restricting fiber and you’re restricting exposure to phytochemicals. And we know that it causes a acidosis. The ketogenic is ketoacidosis.
05:15:34:21 – 05:15:56:18
It comes some degree of acidosis in the system. So it may be so in every short term study, you could do a short term study on a ketogenic diet showing benefits to lowering triglycerides, a body weight reduction or diabetes reduction due to weight loss. But every study looking at large scale numbers with high amounts going on for decades, we see there was a study published in 2018, the can.
05:15:56:21 – 05:16:24:21
There was actually one study in 2019 two that looked at long term people on fruit restriction or ketogenic diet saw higher causes of death. What I’m saying right now is the scientific literature is pretty comprehensively showing that ketogenic may be dangerous long term. Now, that doesn’t mean that we’re not going to find certain cancers that may be responsive to what may be a combination of chemotherapy with the ketogenic diet.
05:16:24:27 – 05:16:41:11
In other words, let’s say, for example, we may believe a cancer, a certain type of lymphoma or a certain type of soft tissue glioma, like a brain tumor, and these tumors are insulin. You need insulin to fuel the growth of these tumors. And we completely restrict insulin by putting them on a ketogenic diet. It makes them more sensitive to chemotherapy.
05:16:41:17 – 05:17:14:13
Given the chemotherapy with the ketogenic diet, it knocks the tumor out, less chance of recurrence. So even though I’m suggesting that a ketogenic diet is not safe for the long term for people’s health and longevity and certainly not a diet I’m recommending, I’m saying it may be the case, which because it would more scientific investigate. And there are some scientists investigating this in New York City, for example, that are putting people with cancer on a combination of ketogenic diets with chemotherapy and see better response to the chemo than people who were not put on that.
05:17:14:13 – 05:17:37:04
We’re not. So I’m not saying there might be. There may not be and there may be a therapeutic indication for a ketogenic diet for certain conditions and certain types of cancers that we will discover in the future. And I’m not wiping out that possibility, but I am saying we have to take care about that because the long term utilization of ketogenic diet is not lifespan favorable.
05:17:37:06 – 05:18:03:01
Follow me. Absolutely. Yes. So it’s not something you would recommend to to your patients and clients at this time, but something worth continuing to see to investigate. Right? Absolutely. So you have patients that come to your retreat center in San Diego. Right. And people stay with you for weeks or months at a time. And tell me a little bit more about that process.
05:18:03:01 – 05:18:26:01
What does that look like? Somebody has cancer or chronic disease or wants to heal. They come and stay with you. What what does that person experience? What kind of things can they hope for? Share a little bit more about that. You know, I think and you probably would agree I think I was already watching would agree there are a lot of people that know they should be healthier.
05:18:26:01 – 05:18:53:04
They want to eat healthier. But that’s having trouble doing it, that processed foods and eating unhealthy is just too attractive. And they’re so ingrained into their social environment that it becomes part of their their recreation, part of their social lifestyle. So what I’m seeing right now is food is physically unhealthy, food is physically addicting, and it also is socially addicting and people so they be unable to comply with what they think they know they should do.
05:18:53:06 – 05:19:11:25
And so what I’m saying right now is we have people that are overweight, they have heart disease, they have diabetes, they have autoimmune disease, they have cancers, and they want to get well and they real. And they’re also somewhat suffering from food addiction. We put them we put them when they bring them into activity retreat. We have three incredible chefs.
05:19:11:28 – 05:19:28:03
Show them how great healthy food can taste. We keep them there long enough to we train their taste buds so they’re not constantly eating all the salt and having sweets or junk food. They can’t quit. So it’s like it’s like going away to come off Cigarets You’ve got to spend time away from not having cigarets So we’re going to keep wanting more nicotine.
05:19:28:08 – 05:19:50:13
You’ve got to go get away from your cooking. If you start not want to snort anymore, you’ve got to get away from the truly addictive pull of this illicit love affair you have with unhealthy foods to build, to enjoy it, guava and kumquat, and to enjoy eating salads with pomegranate on healthy dressing. So we show them how food can taste great.
05:19:50:16 – 05:20:12:16
We have food addiction counselors. They have groups. So we’re giving them groups to try to deal with their emotional eating problems that led them to become overweight severely begin with. And they’re learning through my lectures and through the staff. You know what? There’s a lot of fun things to do there. So it’s a beautiful place. You like a sort of pool and hiking and biking and exercise classes and yoga and all the other things going on, cooking classes.
05:20:12:18 – 05:20:30:29
But they’re really there to get an education too. And the thing cared for by me and getting on the learning about and getting motivated, informed, so they really learn how to do this, make it work most effectively, and enjoy the process so they can replicate it when they go home. So they learn to take off, if you will.
05:20:30:29 – 05:20:50:19
If you’re £150 overweight, you’re not going to lose £150 with me for two months. You’ll lose about £50. Right? So so I had like one woman, of course, she was £50 when she was there. But the year she went home, she lost 150 more, you know, because she knew what to do. When you want to replicate this in our home, it’s very hard for people to grasp how to do this.
05:20:50:22 – 05:21:08:07
If you’ve got my sister in law who had breast cancer, for example, she didn’t follow my program at all. She thought it was a little too extreme. And no, it wasn’t for her. And, you know, but then she got cancer and now the question is, how do we do this? How do you make it taste good? I want to do it now.
05:21:08:07 – 05:21:27:11
I realize my mistake. And then and now, of course, this is decade. You know, this is she’s doing great. She has no cancer. She’s fine. She you know, she’s she changed her life and her sister lives. But the point is, it was great that I was here and my wife and I could show her how to make the food taste great, how to do it, how to incorporate this in your life.
05:21:27:17 – 05:21:47:06
You know, So we have this place that it’s really very rewarding to be able to see people, facilitate them getting better, to watch the transformation curves to a curve. And so they get healthy. And I’m you know, I have people that are come in where they’re almost ready to have a heart attack and they get their blood pressure and cholesterol down and get the weight off.
05:21:47:08 – 05:22:07:05
And we have people come in who have prostate cancer or breast cancer and they and they want to start to change the way they’re eating and really learn this way of life. And it’s just it works great when you can put it in a separate them from the fast food and negative social environment in at home and really get them to retrain their taste buds.
05:22:07:05 – 05:22:27:05
They love eating this way and they realize what they can learn to defer this over their unhealthy diet. So thank you for sharing all that. Your retreat sounds incredible. And as we talked offline and look forward to coming and visiting you there in San Diego, as I said, I used to live there for about ten years and love the area.
05:22:27:08 – 05:22:59:18
And as we wrap up, kind of final thoughts, what maybe three or so steps for those tuning in who are serious about wanting to prevent cancer or heal or reverse cancer in their own bodies. What kind of steps could people take right now to start on that journey and what do they need to think about to support the longevity of that journey?
05:22:59:21 – 05:23:27:18
Well, that’s that’s some, you know, a big question that could go on another hour about. But basically, I’m going to keep it real simple. I want people have a big salad with mixed green vegetables, with onions, tomatoes and cooked mushrooms on it with a dressing made of nuts and seeds. I might make a dressing, for example, with a pill navel orange with sesame seeds and cashews with blood orange get a squeeze, a lemon or roasted tomatoes with roasted garlic and some almond butter mashed together with a little thick vinegar.
05:23:27:24 – 05:23:46:13
In other words, you make a nut based salad and you have a bowl of vegetable bean soup and a piece of fruit. For dessert, lunch is the most important meal with a salad, vegetable bean soup and the soup should be like an anti-cancer soup made with the zucchinis and the onions, leeks and the bok choy and all, all the different beneficial nutrients.
05:23:46:13 – 05:24:11:19
And if you can make it on the weekend so you can have the same soup for four or five days and then breakfast, you should have a glass of fresh squeezed vegetable juice with a little bit of intact grain, a small amount of intact salt, green water with the flax seeds, with the chia seeds and some berries like wild blueberries or low sugar berry like blackberries, blueberries or guava, or some kind of low sugar fruit mixed in with that for flavor with the seeds.
05:24:11:19 – 05:24:28:13
Because the seeds they happen, the tree reflects. It’s a vehicle with a glass of vegetable juice and then dinner should be at an earlier and later dinner. We should not be one of the secrets to fighting disease and increasing longevity. Fighting cancer is going to bed on an empty stomach. You don’t want to eat a big meal at night.
05:24:28:20 – 05:24:42:25
You want to eat your meals earlier in the day and you want to go to bed. So you haven’t eaten food, at least probably for hours. Will you go to bed at night? So you go to sleep on an empty stomach and you sleep and rest and then when you’re not congested through the season. So that’s a rough round up of what?
05:24:43:00 – 05:25:04:12
Of the diet it could be then adjusting to individual needs and differences. But that’s basically where we start from. Well, thank you so much. I know on your website we’ll share that link with everybody. It’s doctor firm income. You can look on the web page for this videos hosted. We’ll also write out the link for you. You can click it or type it in.
05:25:04:12 – 05:25:31:04
Go to the website. I know you have great recipes in your books and you have great videos and free resources on your website. I know that you have an online e e-learning area as well as online courses and so forth. So for people who are very interested in learning more about this, I encourage you to go to Dr. Freeman’s website and again, you can find that website on this page.
05:25:31:04 – 05:26:00:04
So Dr. Forrest, thank you so much for joining us today, for being here, for sharing your wisdom. As you said, I know we could talk about a lot of these subjects for another one or 2 hours and like to maybe do a follow up interview with you at some point in the future. We can after this summit airs and people have questions and things like that, we could bring those questions to a future interview and be great as well.
05:26:00:04 – 05:26:19:02
So those of you tuning in, let us know what other things you’d like to hear in the future. And again, Dr. Freeman Dkb go to his website to get his retreats, books, online courses and so forth. So yeah, just want to say thank you so much for for sharing. You’re such a wealth of knowledge. My pleasure. And wishing you of course, for you and all.
05:26:19:02 – 05:26:59:05
He was just great health and much happiness. Thank you for listening to Natural Health with Nathan Crane. Make sure to subscribe to this podcast on iTunes or your favorite podcast site and share it on all your social media sites to get this transformational information out to people who need it around the world. If you or a loved one has a chronic disease such as cancer, autoimmunity, diabetes, heart disease, or mental and emotional health challenges such as depression or anxiety, then it’s time to listen to the world leading integrative, holistic and natural health doctors and experts who can help you on your path of preventing and reversing any of these chronic health conditions.
05:26:59:07 – 05:27:31:24
Visit WW W Health and Healing Club dot com for more details at the Health and Healing Club. You can join a global community of like minded people who are empowering themselves each week to learn how to prevent and reverse chronic diseases like cancer, autoimmunity, diabetes, heart disease and mental and emotional health challenges. Go to WW dot Health and Healing club icon where you can sign up for a free trial today.
05:27:31:24 – 05:28:22:02
Hello and welcome to Natural Health with Nathan Crane. Today, I’m really excited to share this interview I did not too long ago with a true pioneer in the field of natural, holistic, integrative medicine. Dr. Joel Furman. Dr. Furman is a board certified family physician. Six time New York Times bestselling author and an internationally recognized expert on nutrition and natural healing who specializes in helping people learn how to prevent reverse chronic diseases using nutritional methods.
05:28:22:03 – 05:28:46:07
Dr. Furman coined the term nutritive terrine to describe a nutrient dense eating style designed to prevent cancer, slow aging and extend life span. I’ve done a number of incredible interviews with Dr. Furman over the years. Every time I get to sit with him and ask him questions, I learn something new. If you’ve listened to him, read his books, heard from him, watched his PBS specials.
05:28:46:10 – 05:29:11:12
You’ve already learned quite a bit. And I promise you, you watch this. You’re still going to learn something new. He has a wealth of knowledge. So without further ado, Dr. Jill Furman. Enjoy. My pleasure. Great to be here. So diving right in, from your experience, you have a lot of it. Can you share with us what exactly is cancer and how does it show up in the human body?
05:29:11:15 – 05:29:37:13
Well, keep in mind, I’m not just speaking from experience. I’m speaking from a degree of scientific literature and studying the what happens to the human body and the human body essentially has the ability to protect against damage from cancer developing. We can repair broken DNA cross links. The body has the ability to repair methylation defects, prevent the accumulation of metabolic toxins and reactive oxygen species.
05:29:37:13 – 05:30:03:27
In other words, what I’m seeing right now is that cancer is something that human accumulates over time with inflammation, with irritation, inflammation, and then it gets to the point where it overwhelming the cells defense, the cell’s defenses to keep itself clean and then the it expects to replicate uncontrollably. And how do you know? Obviously, people know how cancer appears, but it usually appears with promoting angiogenesis.
05:30:03:27 – 05:30:27:01
In other words, these cells, in order to replicate rapidly, have to call a blood supply. So our normal blood supply has to be activated to perfused these cells that want to replicate a lot. And so cancer cells secrete angiogenesis promoters the word angiogenesis means to promote the growth of new blood vessels. And so the promotion of these cells is starting to excrete.
05:30:27:07 – 05:30:59:05
Angiogenesis promoters in our blood vessels grow new tributaries, new branches to fuel cancers, to counter growth of cancers. So when we have cancer growth, we always have these longevity proteins like Sirt one and AMP kinase are diminished and mTOR, which is an unfavorable protein buildup, is is heightened in almost all invasive of metastatic cancers. So what I’m seeing right now is that there’s a certain abnormality going on that is permissive, allowing cancers to replicate.
05:30:59:09 – 05:31:20:21
We eat a diet rich in phytochemicals with the full spectrum of nutrients humans need. And without putting in toxic substances into our body, our body is essentially already cancer proof. Cancer represents some defect or some abnormality that was in the lifestyle or the environment that allowed it to, because it’s not the inevitable consequence of aging. It’s not normal.
05:31:20:25 – 05:31:46:29
It’s hardly even occurred in human history. The first cancers that were noted in the medical literature that were written about were scrotal cancers, written a film that we noticed happening. A chimney sweeps in the early 1700s. So even on studies on mummified remains from thousands of years ago, hardly saw any cancers in human species. It was just not not a cause of death, you know, eons ago.
05:31:47:01 – 05:32:21:04
So in layman’s terms, in terms of what is cancer, I hear you saying is it’s if the body is, well, let’s say mind, emotions, body, the whole human experience is functioning as it’s supposed to. Then cancer does not show up. And if body’s out of balance or the systems of the body or out of balance are out of whack or out of their original, let’s say, heal their whole state, then cancer is a result of that.
05:32:21:09 – 05:32:47:20
Is that is that what I hear you saying? Yes. It’s that cells become damaged and they’re damaged due to it by something abnormal. For example, people you know, so there’s something the American diet is exceedingly abnormal. We’re consuming carcinogenic substances. We’re not eating that enough. Natural plant foods with the full exposure to phytochemicals that fuel the A or E, the antioxidant response element in the cell.
05:32:47:23 – 05:33:11:15
Its job is to remove free radicals and toxins and to repair methylation defects, the DNA, and essentially protect ourselves from cancer. And that mechanism is fueled by phytochemicals, especially from green vegetables. And without exposure to the for these nutrients humans need. We’re green vegetable dependent animals and we’re the American population is only eating 2% of calories from vegetables.
05:33:11:18 – 05:33:35:05
And we’re eating a diet with a lot of sweets in it with a lot of animal products, and that’s with insufficient amount of plant vegetation. As a primate that our immune system is dependent on. So I’m saying that when you have a diet that’s well designed the way humans are supposed to maximize human longevity, the cell becomes almost cancer proof, even removing exposure to environmental toxins.
05:33:35:11 – 05:34:02:23
Even it has the ability to suppress genetic alterations in genetic defects that, if not suppressed, would lead to increased risk of cancer. A healthy cell in a healthy body has the ability to suppress those genic genetic alterations like the GCP one gene that increases the risk of breast cancer, for example. And let me just say that, for example, the leading cause of cancer death, the leading cause of death in children, other than accidents is acute blast acidic leukemia.
05:34:02:25 – 05:34:27:18
And it’s already been linked in scientific studies to the lack of green vegetables in the mother’s diet even two years prior conception. So the diet that the parents eat even before the baby is conceived affects a child’s risk of cancer. For example. And also the exposure to luncheon meats like hot dogs and bacon, not even during pregnancy, but even prior to the pregnancy, affects a child’s risk of developing cancer.
05:34:27:23 – 05:34:55:08
So I’m saying it’s not just the diet we eat because our eggs that make us are living in our in our mother’s body her whole life that she’s alive. So when she’s five years old and ten years old and 15 years old, the egg that made you was living there and has the chance to be somewhat damaged. Should she be exposed to top two carcinogenic substances or eat a very poor diet or eating luncheon meats and fast foods?
05:34:55:10 – 05:35:30:13
So the worst your diet, your parents were before they even conceived you when you were born could affect your health as well. So we’re going to get a lot more into diet and nutrition and what what you recommend in a little bit. And before we do, I want to one, just clarify to hear from you this notion that a lot of people seem to believe that cancer is something you can catch like a cold or flu and that’s often how our medical industry treats it, right.
05:35:30:14 – 05:35:55:15
They try to get it and take it out of you versus recognizing that it’s something that your body is creating because of the diet and lifestyle and habits and environment and toxins and so forth. What is your take on that? What have you seen in regards to to that understanding and helping people recognize and identify? It’s not something you catch.
05:35:55:16 – 05:36:18:07
It’s something that you create in the body. That’s right. But but I think that’s what you’re saying is generally well accepted or not controversial. In other words, I don’t think that traditional medical doctors believe it’s something we catch and they recognize that cancer has known causes. And those causes are a combination of environmental toxins and also for diet and nutrition.
05:36:18:07 – 05:36:42:24
I think that I think that’s generally recognized that that what we eat has an effect on cancer. And certain foods have more powerful anti-cancer effects than others. In other words, what I’m saying right now is that even when we talked about angiogenesis, we know that certain foods like mushrooms have antiangiogenic effects and they also have effects that are anti-Roma tastes to lower estrogen.
05:36:42:26 – 05:37:04:25
And I saw, for example, I mean, it’s well recognized that higher levels of circulating estrogen and higher levels of localized estrogen in breast tissue increases risk of breast cancer. It’s not luck. It’s a biochemical and hormonal adjustment That’s something abnormal that we know that when a person is overweight, for example, let’s say you have an extra £25 of fat on your body.
05:37:04:27 – 05:37:26:12
Well, those fat cells are somewhat hypoxic, which means they don’t have an excellent blood supply. They have a marginal blood supply. The fat cells secrete angiogenesis promoters try to claim a fat supply, and in doing so, they permit fat cells and more permissive to allow other tumors to grow in your body and in thinking fat like a tumor.
05:37:26:14 – 05:37:54:06
But the fat on your body makes you insulin resistance. In other words, the insulin insulin can’t be uptake by cells as readily by fat. So now the pancreas has to create more insulin response to every carbohydrate you eat. And the high level of insulin has growth promoting and angiogenesis promotion effects. And because fat cells also secrete more cytokines in inflammatory process, inflammatory mediators, they stimulate aromatase production.
05:37:54:09 – 05:38:28:13
And so that means you produce more estrogen. So a person who’s eating poorly and overweight, their breast exposure to estrogen can be ten times the level of localized estrogen exposure in the breast tissue compared to somebody that was relatively slim, meaning a healthy diet with lots of vegetables and mushrooms and onions. So what? So what I’m saying is that the scientific literature is giving us a ton of information about this today, and it’s becoming more generally accepted that we can win the war on cancer and I make the statement often I say to people that we’ve landed the man on the moon already.
05:38:28:15 – 05:38:50:13
And what I mean by that is we already know what what causes cancer and we already know how to prevent it. More than 90% of cancers, we can look back 100 years ago and see even relatively recent history. Countries had 1/50 to 100th the amount of cancers we had in this country. And even today, even in modern times, we have populations of the world with much less cancer.
05:38:50:13 – 05:39:11:05
When they move here and they eat the way we eat, they so they develop the same rate of cancer we do. So what I’m saying right now is we have enough information today to win the war on breast cancer and prostate cancer. These common cancers, and by that, by win the war, I mean to teach the population a way to live and to eat so we could so we wouldn’t see these cancers occur.
05:39:11:08 – 05:39:37:04
You know, it’s a different story when we’re talking about using nutrition to treat cancer. Then we have obviously some early stage cancers that are more response to nutritional interventions. And we do see a lot of scientific data showing the same factors that prevent cancer, increase longevity and interfere with cancer cells, cancer cell replication, and prevent cancer recurrence in people who already have cancer.
05:39:37:06 – 05:40:03:04
But as cancers become more advanced and more advanced and people get close to their death, there’s obviously much more difficulty in reversing these diseases nutritionally. So it’s not a black and white issue. But as you may know from my 30 year experience sings patients. I’m working in this in Libby’s family of people with medical with serious medical conditions, using nutritional excellence as a primary modality.
05:40:03:04 – 05:40:28:03
It’s been very so incredibly rewarding and touching to see people with cancer make a complete recovery. I can’t say it’s happened. What happens all the time where you can predict when it’s you know, but I can give some examples of one of my patients. Her name was Pam. She was had a metastatic ovarian cancer that went into her lung and she had four liters of fluid from the middle from a and given about 3 to 4 months to live.
05:40:28:03 – 05:41:12:15
And she’s thriving and alive today, 17 years later. And we can just go to one another person with stage four lymphoma, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma that responded within 6 to 9 months of having these masses shrink up and disappear and following a new territory. This approach, which includes, of course, the high nutrient diet with some additional juices and things. So it’s just you know, so we have in our community, as you know, that that ignoring nutrition and not placing nutritional excellence in the tool box is is not doing the best for the person’s opportunity to get well even when they want to have a very even when to have an advanced cancer.
05:41:12:17 – 05:41:40:12
So nutrition is an absolute key factor. And like I said, we’re going to we’re going to really explore that in this interview. And before we do, you had said about you had mentioned that there are generally recognized causes of cancer, scientifically validated causes of cancer. Can you can you state what those are? Yes, we mentioned one of them.
05:41:40:14 – 05:42:17:13
One of them is is eating a diet with excessive amounts of calories, becoming overweight. And you people are aware that becoming diabetic increases your risk of cancer as well, because being diabetic means you have metabolic problems with sugar and insulin, which increases your risk of cancer. So we’re saying here that these things that increase risk of cancer are our fried foods, processed foods, a diet with a very high glycemic diet is well established that more white flour and white rice and sugars and soft drinks and marshmallows and donuts and cookies and crackers are dangerous and increased risk of cancer.
05:42:17:17 – 05:42:44:11
And because they do not contain nutrients in them, they strip the body of nutrients. When we process calories that don’t have a significant micronutrient load, we create a stream of free radicals and other toxic compounds. And then the American diet also has a huge amount of animal products. And as the high glycaemic carbohydrates raise growth promoting insulin, which is a growth hormone, especially in excess, it’s promoting excessive growth and excessive angiogenesis.
05:42:44:13 – 05:43:12:19
Also, IGF one insulin like growth factor one in excess also is a growth hormone that works as a sandwich with insulin to be very permissive in allowing cancers to replicate. So IGF one is a primary growth hormone in childhood. It raises up to could raise up to unfavorable level in adulthood, especially if we eat too much animal protein, not just the fat and saturated fat in our product, but actually what we’re talking here about skim milk and egg whites and lean and lean meats fishes.
05:43:12:19 – 05:43:36:10
We’re talking about if you as you ovary protein, protein drives growth and growth most cancer and too much protein, the diet can increase risk of IGF one. And also a diet with a lot of animal protein per say creates a lot of gram negative bacteria in the gut that then they produce certain toxic compounds such as TMJ over trimethylamine oxide and other.
05:43:36:13 – 05:43:56:04
So what I’m seeing right now is the right type of hormonal and biochemical events happen when we have a diet that’s rich in processed foods and animal products. I always make the joke and I say, The American diet is designed by ice. It’s okay because we have this diet was high in animal products and high in processed foods simultaneously.
05:43:56:09 – 05:44:17:10
And the American foods they like to eat like pizza and macaroni and cheese and hamburgers and mixing together our white flour, sugar products with a slab of animal products is probably the most dangerous dinosaur you could eat, except when you add fried foods to it. Now you cook oils at high temperature and you cause rancid and damaging compounds like French fries on top of that meal.
05:44:17:16 – 05:44:48:26
And you’ve really got a cancer bomb ready to explode. You know that even the link between even one serving of fast food French fries per week increases risk of breast cancer, for example, by 26%. Even the moderate intake of these dangerous foods dramatically increases the risk of cancer. And we’re on a death wish in America as much to make the diet as cancer promoting as we’ve seen it possibly can be because we’ve designed it to the exact diets that’s most cancer promoting we could possibly have done.
05:44:48:29 – 05:45:25:04
So talking a little bit more about meat and dairy animal products, you had said that too much protein is directly linked to higher exposure to cancer rates. But also you mentioned the meat itself causing a type of bacteria in the gut. What other kinds of evidence or literature have you seen in terms of how meat and dairy in animal products, aside from the protein side of that promote higher, higher, higher exposure to cancer?
05:45:25:07 – 05:45:53:17
Well, keep in mind the foundational principle or primary principle of a new tearing diet to extend lifespan and protect against cancer is moderate caloric restriction is not overeating. Maintaining a relatively lean body through you as you age in the environment or in the context of micronutrient excellence. In other words, when and the opposite is also valid here. Because when you die with more micronutrients and fiber, it naturally suppresses our appetites.
05:45:53:17 – 05:46:32:03
We don’t have to overeat when your diet is low in nutrients and low in antioxidants and phytochemicals and low in these micronutrients, you become a calorie consuming monster like a food addict who can’t control the food intake. So what I’m saying right now is that this that foundationally the foods that have the high amounts of micronutrients, our colorful plants have a lot of natural anti oxidants and phytonutrients that protect against cancer devouring utilizes to harm our protective immune system, both processed foods like pasta, bread, standard oil, mayonnaise, donuts, crackers, cookies, soft drinks, breakfast for us.
05:46:32:05 – 05:46:54:14
Those foods do not contain a significant micronutrient load. They don’t contain the fibers that promote the good bacteria. And they don’t protect contain these phytonutrients. They’re so critical. And animal products also have a low micronutrient exposure because they have some vitamins in some minerals, but they do not contain the fiber, chemicals and antioxidants that arm the immune system protect against cancer.
05:46:54:19 – 05:47:26:06
We put that diet together with only 2% of vegetables. We can’t have adequate protection, immune system support. So what I’m saying right now is that where the money’s at, the foods that are most protective or the natural plants, especially G bonds, and that acronym G bombs, gb0 MVS stands for grains, beans, onions, mushrooms, berries and seeds, which are identified by the sign.
05:47:26:06 – 05:47:50:23
The literature as having dramatic protection against all types of cancers and reduction of cancer death in people who already have cancer. For example, studies on women who already have breast cancer checked when they have flax seed muffins or flax seeds in their diet are shown to have longer lifespan, less death rate from cancer over the ten year period that followed and less chance of the occurrence of cancer.
05:47:50:25 – 05:48:24:06
Or they eat the flax seeds. What I’m saying women with mushroom seed mushrooms have 64% lower risk of breast cancer occurrence one Asian study. In other words, there’s for each one of these foods, there’s a whole there’s scores of studies that show how protected these foods are, these plant foods against cancer. Likewise, we have the same data collection on animal product consumption as animal products go up in the diet as a percent of total calories, like the blue zones, there are less than 10% to areas of the world.
05:48:24:06 – 05:48:52:14
They’re eating 20%, 30% or more. We look at all the epidemiologic studies, including the Seventh Day Adventist study, which is the only real blue zone in the United States. The longest lived population in the United States of all, because about 30% of them are vegetarians at some time and they eat generally less animal products. But we can they’re able to do studies on them to measure how much animal products they eat because there’s a diverse amount of animal plant consumption group compared to the other Americans.
05:48:52:21 – 05:49:19:25
And they can measure and see as animal products go up. So that’s of of short lifespan, increased cardiovascular mortality and cancer mortality. But in generally speaking, your question about the animal protein versus the animal fat, I mean, certainly if you barbecue, you fry, you darken or bake or cook animal products under high heat, it forms more dangerous compounds, more towards heterocyclic amines and nitrosamine compounds.
05:49:19:25 – 05:49:51:28
And in other types of, you know, we all have these dangerous compounds being formed when meats or cooked at high temperature. But we also see from the studies we have available that as people eat more plant protein, the rate of cancer and heart attack that goes down, that means wheat, hemp seeds and green vegetables and beans. And so and soybeans, whatever, when we’re seeing plant high protein plant foods go up, its lifespan extending and high protein animal products go up, its lifespan shortening.
05:49:52:00 – 05:50:25:08
And I think it’s it’s not just the fact that the plant proteins are associated with a high amount of fibers and phytochemicals. That’s, of course, very true. But it’s also that when a body, the plant proteins are not as biologically complete, So the body is not going to make an excessive amount of growth hormone. It’s going to complete the protein in order to make the amount of hormone it needs by taking, you know, amino acids that are stored in the interstitial lining of the eye or looking to absorb some of the bacteria in the gut or some of the extra food.
05:50:25:08 – 05:50:48:22
So we’re going to complete the protein to make sufficient amount of hormones for our sustenance health and growth rate, animal protein. There’s no regulating the hormonal production. When you eat excess animal protein, the excess animal products you eat is turned into hormone. And we make excessive amounts that we don’t need. And it’s the excessive amount of hormone production that we didn’t need to have made.
05:50:48:24 – 05:51:06:28
That can then be promises to promote growth, that when you should be growing as an adult. So it’s a little complicated. There’s a lot of factors involved. I’m just going over some of the factors to make it more clear to people the excess animal protein, like what actually happens with that in the body, What does the body do with that?
05:51:06:28 – 05:51:32:22
Is a store it you said it turns into hormones, that is hormones. Then do what? Where where do they go? How does that affect the body? How does that directly relate to cancer either gross etc.. Right. Because the American diet is highly growth promoting. And, you know, so and then in conjunction with having these growth promoting hormones that are allowing angiogenesis.
05:51:32:22 – 05:51:56:13
So we’re seeing here that animal products raise IGF one, we to many of them to an unfavorable level in middle age, that could be too high. And that’s going to be allowing cells to replicate that shouldn’t be replicated when a person gets a diagnosis of prostate cancer at age 70 or breast cancer at age 70, they didn’t have these cancer cells start to replicate at 65.
05:51:56:19 – 05:52:12:17
It was usually ten years earlier or more. So it could be that ten or 15 years earlier that you start to have early cells that were becoming abnormal and maybe even ten years prior to that, but the cells becoming dysplastic before they became cancerous. So it’s a 20 years, it’s a long cycle that we’ve got cancer at age 60.
05:52:12:17 – 05:52:30:23
It didn’t happen. So it’s damage that was occurring to these cells all through life. It’s not something that just happened to you right before your lump was discovered. When that lump is first visible to the human eye, the size of a head of a pin, even, it’s had to have replicated slowly over the years to get that big enough so that you and I can see it.
05:52:30:26 – 05:52:50:25
And by that point, a lot of these cells have less that left the nest already. So I’m saying to you now in response to a question about what the body does with the animal products, we’re talking about people eating excessive amounts of animal products for many years. So they’re getting so they’re getting a dietary and chemical framework in the body.
05:52:50:27 – 05:53:23:26
We are getting lack of nutrients, excessive production of free radicals. The cells become bathed in reactive oxygen species from the diet, which is high in processed foods and animal products and lowland vegetation. So they’re bathing themselves in free radicals and other toxic species. And we don’t have enough of the antioxidants and phytonutrients to remove toxins, even the fighting gases in grains and in beans and nuts and even the fight against it finds toxic metals like cadmium, arsenic lead and pulls it out of the body.
05:53:23:28 – 05:54:00:09
So we eat more of the soil and we’re getting microplastics now with it. Adapt being in the environment in our fish. So in any case where we’re building up abnormal substances in our body and our bodies, allowing these abnormal substances to stay there and cause damage because the diet is not the dietary quality is too poor to allow it to repair itself, remove the buildup and slow accumulation of these metabolic toxins while at the same time we have extent excessive exposure to hormones that are promoting growth.
05:54:00:11 – 05:54:32:27
So while we’re in the framework of a cell that’s building up metabolic toxins, eating a diet with too much high glycaemic carbohydrates like honey and maple sirup and marshmallows, which is producing excessive insulin and too much animal protein, which is producing growth, IGF one. And this IGF one insulin like growth factor one and insulin package, when both those hormones are elevated, they activate enter, which then further promotes damage to the cells and then is permissive for for cancer.
05:54:32:27 – 05:55:01:22
A lot of mechanisms happening, you know, when we have a large exposure to nutrients. In other words, we’re not just talking about the vitamin C in the taco tree and also controls and genes. We’re not just talking about enough nutrients to prevent scurvy in enough niacin to prevent coagulate enough. We’re talking about enough nutrients to stabilize longevity proteins, to protect the telomeres, to keep our stem cells healthy in later life.
05:55:01:24 – 05:55:29:06
In other words, when we have excellent nutrition and excellent exposure to nutritional two nutritional substances for decades, that then that that is that’s the protection we need for these. So inhibiting or not permitting the abnormalities to build up and lead to cancer. Cancer didn’t happen overnight. It was a slow process that people allowed to have happen. And it starts in childhood when people are fed fast food and junk food and give it a poor diet.
05:55:29:06 – 05:55:50:19
In childhood, we start to see the damage begin to accumulate. Then we see, even, for example, the age of puberty in women affecting the risk of breast cancer 60 years later, now the age of puberty, early puberty increases risk of breast cancer. So let’s say a normal puberty for women, let’s say is age 16. The average puberty is age 12, 12 years old.
05:55:50:19 – 05:56:09:03
But some people get it through puberty. Younger than that. When was when did you eat the diet that affected whether it went to privilege? Tanner, age 14, once that occurred, what’s the diet you ate when you were two and three and four and five and six years old that affected what you age, what you went through? Puberty and age of puberty affects whether you have prostate cancer or breast cancer when you’re 60.
05:56:09:08 – 05:56:34:07
What I’m saying right now is that it’s your lifetime exposure to you and these factors that affect your risk. And it’s even your exposure to these factors before you were born, because there’s even some exposure to bad health and bad nutrition. What your parents eat before you, even before they even gave birth, see? So what do you say to what’s your response to people who’ve been told by their medical doctors?
05:56:34:07 – 05:56:59:04
Because I’ve met a number of these people I even see very respected, very intelligent experts, authors up on stage are speaking about like the blood type diet and that they can’t do an all plant based diet or their doctor told them they have to have meat and dairy because of various reasons, because their blood type, etc.. What is your take on that?
05:56:59:04 – 05:57:23:21
What’s your response to people who have either been told that from a doctor or they believe that because of something they’ve read? Well, there’s no science or even clinical evidence? No. We once we have two things, we have a body of scientific literature that we have to really investigate and look at in depth. And then we have a really clinical experience with people and patients seeing what happens over the years.
05:57:23:21 – 05:57:42:15
And I’m lucky to have 30 years of, you know, thousands of people with experience and seeing what what goes on in this community. So there’s no data to suggest that certain people, because of their blood type, corresponds with the diet. It’s better for them. You know, that’s that’s just there’s no evidence in the scientific literature. There’s no clinical evidence either.
05:57:42:17 – 05:58:24:22
So that’s a completely nonsensical hypothesis. And no more than a person’s eye color, shoe size and mother’s mother’s maiden name. So backwards to check what they should be eating. Now, that doesn’t mean that some people are not thriving on a diet or vegan. That’s a completely different issue, that to do their blood type, for example, there are some people, for a lot of reasons, there are some people, for example, who don’t convert the alpha in fat in, let’s say, nuts and seeds and greens into first and DHEA sufficiently for adequate brain function in later life, putting they’re at high risk of depression that is genetically determined by the conversion enzymes.
05:58:24:22 – 05:58:41:16
It’s not by their blood type. You know, we have to investigate that. There are some people who, because of their earlier life, they may there are some children who are going to thrive on a vegan diet. You know, they they their diet needs more protein and more fat because of the way they assimilate and digest protein is different from somebody else.
05:58:41:18 – 05:59:06:26
And there are some elderly people who require more. They’re digested. The ability to handle protein goes down with aging and they get their IGF one can become too low. And if it gets too low, it can suppress immunity. Also increasing risk of cancer. And therefore, the diet has to be designed to be more than protein adequate. In some cases, animal products might be advisable in small amounts to help these people bring their IGF one up to an acceptable level.
05:59:07:04 – 05:59:28:27
What I’m saying is there are individual differences. Yes. That make for the necessity to, in some cases, adjust the diet to individual needs. But in no way is that based on can be based on what type it has to be a more detailed and thorough investigation and and history and knowing the person and just go and reading a book and saying my blood type means or should eat meat, that’s just insane.
05:59:28:29 – 05:59:51:28
So is that is that a in your experience, is that a high percentage of people middle low percentage of people that that need that kind of, you know, customized tailor addition to their diet because of their genetic predisposition, that’s not allowing them to process certain nutrients in certain ways that high percentage low percent. What’s been your experience with that?
05:59:52:00 – 06:00:09:28
It depends on what we’re looking at. You know, a lot of people as they get older, may be poor, may have different abilities to process zinc, and some people may do better with more zinc, could help them move. So I think that’s somewhat variable. But I think generally speaking, there is more people as they age that require more zinc.
06:00:09:28 – 06:00:36:17
With regard to, for example, I think it’s about half the population on vegan diets get a level that’s not optimal and about a quarter get levels that are potentially dangerous if they don’t supplement or do or do something. I think with regard to, you know, a new territory in diet, which I recommend is generally mostly vegan, but a person can use animal products in small amounts, but the design of the diet is so protein favorable already.
06:00:36:25 – 06:00:56:13
It’s a type of plant based diet. It’s very protein favorable compared to other plant based diets. So it’s less likely to get a ton with failure to thrive for an elderly person with low levels of IGF one. But that doesn’t mean those people don’t exist. And you don’t just willy nilly thrust a diet on a child who wasn’t thriving and gaining weight or doing well and say, Well, I think the site is best for him.
06:00:56:13 – 06:01:23:08
It’s not thriving. Some kids need to examine their diet or animal protein, and that’s why they’re going to be designed, just like some elderly people do, who are starting to get muscle wasting and lack of thriving because their IGF one goes to low. And there’s even some people whose cholesterol gets excessively low, whose brain is sensitive to low cholesterol and can develop more anxiety or depression or more or not, not from a diet.
06:01:23:08 – 06:01:50:01
It’s too low that that’s completely vague. So there’s unusual circumstances that happen to individuals. Your question about when that happens, I would say not that often. Probably is not Not five and a hundred people would have that concern. Maybe maybe it’s more like two and 100 that require some modification to that. But we want to at least see what’s the word, aware that every person doesn’t fit the same ideal mold.
06:01:50:01 – 06:02:05:17
And we have to look at people and check them and see how they’re doing, make sure they’re thriving on the advice they’re given. But one thing we know that when a person does need some animal products in the diet and is otherwise not thriving on a vegan diet, we don’t want to switch to like a paleo diet in a lot of animal products.
06:02:05:23 – 06:02:32:26
We want to regulate the amount of animal products so they get just enough to bring their IGF one in the normal range, not to push it up high to create damage. So, you know, there’s a for example, there was a study of 6000 people found for 80 years, and they showed that the highest threshold of animal protein consumption there was a 75% increase overall death rate over that 18 year period and a 400% increased risk of cancer over that 18 year period.
06:02:32:26 – 06:02:55:22
In the 50 to 65 year olds. We looked at the elderly people who are like 70 and 80 years, followed them for 18 years, then in the highest social of animal product compared with traditional, you did not see the danger from the high amounts of our products as animal products because they were counteracting each other because some people in the elderly category don’t thrive on a diet that low protein.
06:02:55:25 – 06:03:14:16
What I’m saying right now is the healthier you are and the more you’re eating right, the more you keep your youthful vigor or your digestion is normal. You can say that your body’s ability to assimilate, that it’s protein stays adequate. There is. But if the more you eat unhealthy the all through your life, the more you can become more dependent on animal products when you’re older.
06:03:14:21 – 06:03:44:29
Because you’re right, because you’re not handling protein, you cause some problems because you allow yourself, you just attract to age faster. So it’s complicated and we have to just be a little cautious and aware that it’s not quite one fits all, could it? And could it also be that that small percent, that one or 2% or 3% of people who who have a challenge on it, on a vegan diet, could it be that they’re not getting enough diversity in their diet?
06:03:44:29 – 06:04:16:08
Because we do know so far, I think the latest statistic I saw was there’s at least 150,000 different types of edible medicinal plants that have been identified on the planet so far. If you go to the grocery store, you’re usually only going to see maybe a couple of dozen out of 150,000. Right. So could it potentially be that those people are just not getting enough diversity of different types of the plants to support the wholeness and healing of their body?
06:04:16:10 – 06:04:42:26
Probably Not because. Absolutely. I’m agreeing with what you’re saying, that on this on my nutrient carrion program, one of the benefits, one of the things we’re striving for is a wide variety, an assortment of different plant species and natural plants, including microgreens and baby vegetables and sprouts. And so we’re so definitely nutritional variety of all the time. It’s definitely an asset to longevity and for a product’s ability to resist disease and immune system strength.
06:04:42:29 – 06:05:10:14
But what I’m seeing right now is I’m looking at a population of people already doing, you know, a really a diet that’s not just cutting it out of products, but going after more excellent nutrition. The question is, if they’re getting into trouble on these vegan diets, one of these are what are they possibly missing? But the vegan diet is giving them and it’s true, it’s usually DHEA, zinc could be iodine if they’re not eating seafood of seaweed, it could be K2, but usually not.
06:05:10:14 – 06:05:35:15
That could be vitamin D, but usually not. It’s usually the most often decreasing. And then, of course, what we’re seeing now is that the protein issue and what if they’re needing more protein isn’t coming from nutritional diversity or plant diversity? We’re measuring IGF one and we’re saying that their IGF one levels are dangerously low and they’re having body wasting.
06:05:35:18 – 06:05:55:27
So it’s a combination of muscle wasting muscle atrophy because sarcopenia, in conjunction with very low levels of IGF one, we can regulate that IGF one with the amount of protein and we can’t get it up to an adequate level. It’s a dangerously low level with enough plant protein diets. Then we have to consider adding some animal products to that person.
06:05:55:29 – 06:06:10:29
So it’s not you know, we’re not going to raise the IGF one when it’s very low. And I’m saying admittedly, this is not common, but it’s just something that as a health professionals taking care of people with the issues that, you know, that we’re aware of, that if a person is not thriving, we’re looking at blood tests to evaluate why they’re not.
06:06:10:29 – 06:06:58:05
Right. So majority of the people that come to you to heal with chronic diseases such as cancer, what so what is that the best diet that you recommend for people, for majority of people, if you or a loved one has a chronic disease such as cancer, autoimmunity, diabetes, heart disease, or mental and emotional health challenges such as depression or anxiety, then it’s time to listen to the world leading integrative, holistic and natural health doctors and experts who can help you on your path to preventing and reversing chronic health conditions at any age.
06:06:58:07 – 06:07:25:08
Visit Health and Healing Club Wwe.com for more details. That’s WW dot Health and Healing Club Wwe.com to sign up for your free trial today right that’s right the standard time to recommend two to people who have early stage cancer so who want to extend their life span is the same diet basically I recommend for people with autoimmune conditions who want to get well from lupus and Soraya’s cysts and rheumatoid arthritis.
06:07:25:10 – 06:07:47:14
And so when syndromes and pandemics, connective tissue disease and autoimmune hepatitis, it’s the same immune system strengthening diets with the G balms with two glasses of fresh squeezed vegetable juice a day in the vegetable juice. I The reason I’m getting a vegetable juice, of course, is because by eating right, you’re taking in those nutrients, but you can’t consume as much of the nutrients as you could by adding the juices.
06:07:47:20 – 06:08:14:10
And it takes these people six and nine months to get the levels of nutrients in the cells, in the tissues that level with it where mine are, for example, in just four years. So we give them juices to bring them up quicker, to give them more. And the juice has one third cruciferous like bok choy, cabbage kale. One third is something like carrots beet, and the other third is something like lettuce, dark green lettuces, celery or cucumber.
06:08:14:15 – 06:08:32:08
So we’re giving them this one third, one third, one third juice twice a day. And they still have a large salad that they chew with the onions, the mushrooms, the cooked mushrooms. Of course, mushrooms are very powerful in the cancer protocol, but they should be cooked because they have a mild carcinogen called a guarantee that have blown off with cooking.
06:08:32:12 – 06:09:12:05
We want them to be exposed to multiple mushroom species. We want them to even eat them. I even give my patients with cancer a mixed mushroom supplement with different with 14 different mushroom species in it they usually have. Some are exposed to green tea, extracts of green tea, and they of course are having this plant based diet with exposure to large exposure to onions and mushrooms and berries and seeds, and they’re using muscle seeds as a source of fat and not using oil because they’re that we want to, because there is there’s beneficial anti-inflammatory and an immune system supporting nutrients in the nuts and seeds and they’re absorbed very, very slowly, whereas oil is absorbed
06:09:12:05 – 06:09:43:28
very rapidly and leads to more body fat production and more cytokine and pro-inflammatory modulation and response by the body. So their fat intake and the little bit of fat and so it’s like a half an ounce with each meal helps facilitate the green vegetables that the greens, the other nutrients they’re eating. So they’re getting a very we’re trying to give them a very wide spectrum of natural foods, lots of different types of vegetables, a big salad every day, a bowl of actually bean soup and and of exposure to other other beneficial foods as well.
06:09:44:00 – 06:10:10:00
What’s your take on the ketogenic diet. My take is that it’s been proven to be lifespan shortening already and in large scale immunologic studies every diet looked at when you start to get a diet restricting fruit and restricting plant carbohydrates, you restrict restricting fiber and you’re restricting exposure to phytochemicals. And we know that it causes a acidosis. The ketogenic is ketoacidosis.
06:10:10:00 – 06:10:31:27
It comes some degree of acidosis in the system. So it may be so in every short term study, you could do a short term study on a ketogenic diet showing benefits to lowering triglycerides, a body weight reduction or diabetes reduction due to weight loss. But every study looking at large scale numbers with high amounts going on for decades, we see there was a study published in 2018, the can.
06:10:32:00 – 06:11:00:00
There was actually one study in 2019 two that looked at long term people on fruit restriction or ketogenic diet saw higher causes of death. What I’m saying right now is the scientific literature is pretty comprehensively showing that ketogenic may be dangerous long term. Now, that doesn’t mean that we’re not going to find certain cancers that may be responsive to what may be a combination of chemotherapy with the ketogenic diet.
06:11:00:06 – 06:11:16:20
In other words, let’s say, for example, we may believe a cancer, a certain type of lymphoma or a certain type of soft tissue glioma, like a brain tumor, and these tumors are insulin. You need insulin to fuel the growth of these tumors. And we completely restrict insulin by putting them on a ketogenic diet. It makes them more sensitive to chemotherapy.
06:11:16:26 – 06:11:49:22
Given the chemotherapy with the ketogenic diet, it knocks the tumor out, less chance of recurrence. So even though I’m suggesting that a ketogenic diet is not safe for the long term for people’s health and longevity and certainly not a diet I’m recommending, I’m saying it may be the case, which because it would more scientific investigate. And there are some scientists investigating this in New York City, for example, that are putting people with cancer on a combination of ketogenic diets with chemotherapy and see better response to the chemo than people who were not put on that.
06:11:49:22 – 06:12:12:13
We’re not. So I’m not saying there might be. There may not be and there may be a therapeutic indication for a ketogenic diet for certain conditions and certain types of cancers that we will discover in the future. And I’m not wiping out that possibility, but I am saying we have to take care about that because the long term utilization of ketogenic diet is not lifespan favorable.
06:12:12:15 – 06:12:38:10
Follow me. Absolutely. Yes. So it’s not something you would recommend to to your patients and clients at this time, but something worth continuing to see to investigate. Right? Absolutely. So you have patients that come to your retreat center in San Diego. Right. And people stay with you for weeks or months at a time. And tell me a little bit more about that process.
06:12:38:10 – 06:13:01:10
What does that look like? Somebody has cancer or chronic disease or wants to heal. They come and stay with you. What what does that person experience? What kind of things can they hope for? Share a little bit more about that. You know, I think and you probably would agree I think I was already watching would agree there are a lot of people that know they should be healthier.
06:13:01:10 – 06:13:28:13
They want to eat healthier. But that’s having trouble doing it, that processed foods and eating unhealthy is just too attractive. And they’re so ingrained into their social environment that it becomes part of their their recreation, part of their social lifestyle. So what I’m seeing right now is food is physically unhealthy, food is physically addicting, and it also is socially addicting and people so they be unable to comply with what they think they know they should do.
06:13:28:15 – 06:13:47:04
And so what I’m saying right now is we have people that are overweight, they have heart disease, they have diabetes, they have autoimmune disease, they have cancers, and they want to get well and they real. And they’re also somewhat suffering from food addiction. We put them we put them when they bring them into activity retreat. We have three incredible chefs.
06:13:47:07 – 06:14:03:12
Show them how great healthy food can taste. We keep them there long enough to we train their taste buds so they’re not constantly eating all the salt and having sweets or junk food. They can’t quit. So it’s like it’s like going away to come off Cigarets You’ve got to spend time away from not having cigarets So we’re going to keep wanting more nicotine.
06:14:03:17 – 06:14:25:22
You’ve got to go get away from your cooking. If you start not want to snort anymore, you’ve got to get away from the truly addictive pull of this illicit love affair you have with unhealthy foods to build, to enjoy it, guava and kumquat, and to enjoy eating salads with pomegranate on healthy dressing. So we show them how food can taste great.
06:14:25:25 – 06:14:47:25
We have food addiction counselors. They have groups. So we’re giving them groups to try to deal with their emotional eating problems that led them to become overweight severely begin with. And they’re learning through my lectures and through the staff. You know what? There’s a lot of fun things to do there. So it’s a beautiful place. You like a sort of pool and hiking and biking and exercise classes and yoga and all the other things going on, cooking classes.
06:14:47:27 – 06:15:06:08
But they’re really there to get an education too. And the thing cared for by me and getting on the learning about and getting motivated, informed, so they really learn how to do this, make it work most effectively, and enjoy the process so they can replicate it when they go home. So they learn to take off, if you will.
06:15:06:08 – 06:15:25:28
If you’re £150 overweight, you’re not going to lose £150 with me for two months. You’ll lose about £50. Right? So so I had like one woman, of course, she was £50 when she was there. But the year she went home, she lost 150 more, you know, because she knew what to do. When you want to replicate this in our home, it’s very hard for people to grasp how to do this.
06:15:26:01 – 06:15:43:16
If you’ve got my sister in law who had breast cancer, for example, she didn’t follow my program at all. She thought it was a little too extreme. And no, it wasn’t for her. And, you know, but then she got cancer and now the question is, how do we do this? How do you make it taste good? I want to do it now.
06:15:43:16 – 06:16:02:20
I realize my mistake. And then and now, of course, this is decade. You know, this is she’s doing great. She has no cancer. She’s fine. She you know, she’s she changed her life and her sister lives. But the point is, it was great that I was here and my wife and I could show her how to make the food taste great, how to do it, how to incorporate this in your life.
06:16:02:26 – 06:16:22:15
You know, So we have this place that it’s really very rewarding to be able to see people, facilitate them getting better, to watch the transformation curves to a curve. And so they get healthy. And I’m you know, I have people that are come in where they’re almost ready to have a heart attack and they get their blood pressure and cholesterol down and get the weight off.
06:16:22:17 – 06:16:42:14
And we have people come in who have prostate cancer or breast cancer and they and they want to start to change the way they’re eating and really learn this way of life. And it’s just it works great when you can put it in a separate them from the fast food and negative social environment in at home and really get them to retrain their taste buds.
06:16:42:14 – 06:17:02:14
They love eating this way and they realize what they can learn to defer this over their unhealthy diet. So thank you for sharing all that. Your retreat sounds incredible. And as we talked offline and look forward to coming and visiting you there in San Diego, as I said, I used to live there for about ten years and love the area.
06:17:02:17 – 06:17:34:27
And as we wrap up, kind of final thoughts, what maybe three or so steps for those tuning in who are serious about wanting to prevent cancer or heal or reverse cancer in their own bodies. What kind of steps could people take right now to start on that journey and what do they need to think about to support the longevity of that journey?
06:17:35:00 – 06:18:02:27
Well, that’s that’s some, you know, a big question that could go on another hour about. But basically, I’m going to keep it real simple. I want people have a big salad with mixed green vegetables, with onions, tomatoes and cooked mushrooms on it with a dressing made of nuts and seeds. I might make a dressing, for example, with a pill navel orange with sesame seeds and cashews with blood orange get a squeeze, a lemon or roasted tomatoes with roasted garlic and some almond butter mashed together with a little thick vinegar.
06:18:03:03 – 06:18:21:22
In other words, you make a nut based salad and you have a bowl of vegetable bean soup and a piece of fruit. For dessert, lunch is the most important meal with a salad, vegetable bean soup and the soup should be like an anti-cancer soup made with the zucchinis and the onions, leeks and the bok choy and all, all the different beneficial nutrients.
06:18:21:22 – 06:18:46:28
And if you can make it on the weekend so you can have the same soup for four or five days and then breakfast, you should have a glass of fresh squeezed vegetable juice with a little bit of intact grain, a small amount of intact salt, green water with the flax seeds, with the chia seeds and some berries like wild blueberries or low sugar berry like blackberries, blueberries or guava, or some kind of low sugar fruit mixed in with that for flavor with the seeds.
06:18:46:28 – 06:19:03:22
Because the seeds they happen, the tree reflects. It’s a vehicle with a glass of vegetable juice and then dinner should be at an earlier and later dinner. We should not be one of the secrets to fighting disease and increasing longevity. Fighting cancer is going to bed on an empty stomach. You don’t want to eat a big meal at night.
06:19:03:29 – 06:19:18:04
You want to eat your meals earlier in the day and you want to go to bed. So you haven’t eaten food, at least probably for hours. Will you go to bed at night? So you go to sleep on an empty stomach and you sleep and rest and then when you’re not congested through the season. So that’s a rough round up of what?
06:19:18:09 – 06:19:39:21
Of the diet it could be then adjusting to individual needs and differences. But that’s basically where we start from. Well, thank you so much. I know on your website we’ll share that link with everybody. It’s doctor firm income. You can look on the web page for this videos hosted. We’ll also write out the link for you. You can click it or type it in.
06:19:39:21 – 06:20:06:13
Go to the website. I know you have great recipes in your books and you have great videos and free resources on your website. I know that you have an online e e-learning area as well as online courses and so forth. So for people who are very interested in learning more about this, I encourage you to go to Dr. Freeman’s website and again, you can find that website on this page.
06:20:06:13 – 06:20:35:13
So Dr. Forrest, thank you so much for joining us today, for being here, for sharing your wisdom. As you said, I know we could talk about a lot of these subjects for another one or 2 hours and like to maybe do a follow up interview with you at some point in the future. We can after this summit airs and people have questions and things like that, we could bring those questions to a future interview and be great as well.
06:20:35:13 – 06:20:54:11
So those of you tuning in, let us know what other things you’d like to hear in the future. And again, Dr. Freeman Dkb go to his website to get his retreats, books, online courses and so forth. So yeah, just want to say thank you so much for for sharing. You’re such a wealth of knowledge. My pleasure. And wishing you of course, for you and all.
06:20:54:11 – 06:21:34:14
He was just great health and much happiness. Thank you for listening to Natural Health with Nathan Crane. Make sure to subscribe to this podcast on iTunes or your favorite podcast site and share it on all your social media sites to get this transformational information out to people who need it around the world. If you or a loved one has a chronic disease such as cancer, autoimmunity, diabetes, heart disease, or mental and emotional health challenges such as depression or anxiety, then it’s time to listen to the world leading integrative, holistic and natural health doctors and experts who can help you on your path of preventing and reversing any of these chronic health conditions.
06:21:34:16 – 06:22:07:03
Visit WW W Health and Healing Club dot com for more details at the Health and Healing Club. You can join a global community of like minded people who are empowering themselves each week to learn how to prevent and reverse chronic diseases like cancer, autoimmunity, diabetes, heart disease and mental and emotional health challenges. Go to WW dot Health and Healing club icon where you can sign up for a free trial today.