Champion Vegan Bodybuilder Torre Washington Defying the Odds | Nathan Crane Podcast

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Discover the Secrets of a Champion Vegan Bodybuilder!

We delve into the journey of Torre Washington, a long-time vegan bodybuilder who defies stereotypes and thrives at 50!

Learn how he crushes the myth that plant-based diets lack muscle-building power and discover the keys to sustainable health and fitness.

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Your host, Nathan Crane, is a Certified Holistic Cancer Coach, Best-Selling Author, Inspirational Speaker, Cancer-Health Researcher and Educator, and 20X Award Winning Documentary Filmmaker with Over 15 Years in the Health Field.

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Audio Transcript


(This transcript was auto-generated so there may be some errors)


00:00:00:01 – 00:00:25:24
Nathan Crane
Hey, welcome back to the podcast today. I am excited to have Tori Washington here with us. Tori is a long time vegan bodybuilder who still crushing it and putting out a lot of good content on social media. He’s also an Nasim certified coach and a IFB pro and Tori. Hey brother man, thanks so much for coming on the podcast and looking forward to it.

00:00:26:00 – 00:00:27:18
Nathan Crane
Getting into the nitty gritty with you.

00:00:29:14 – 00:00:49:04
Torre Washington
Thank you so much for having me. You know, it’s always a welcome opportunity to be able to share my journey and my story with. But people who have not heard or witnessed or seen anybody who’s been able to do what I do with the lifestyle that I’m living. So thank you again for giving me this opportunity.

00:00:49:16 – 00:01:09:12
Nathan Crane
Yeah, for sure. I mean, we were just talking offline that, you know, there’s not in the fitness community, there’s still so many people who have no idea that you can be plant based, you can be vegetarian, you can be vegan, and you can be a professional bodybuilder. You can pack on lean muscle. You can do this for years and years and years and thrive.

00:01:09:12 – 00:01:15:05
Nathan Crane
And you’re such a perfect example of that. I mean, you’ve been vegetarian vegan since, what, 98?

00:01:16:08 – 00:01:51:06
Torre Washington
Yeah. So I went vegan in 98. I’ve raised vegetarian by my mom from birth, and that was all due to her upbringing alone, her transition into the Seventh Day Adventist lifestyle from being Catholic. And, you know, in the Seventh Day Adventist, the devout or the I don’t know if you want to call it the ones that truly take it to the next level are vegan, vegetarian, and they really are all about the health message of eating what the biblical standards were in the days of Adam and Eve.

00:01:51:11 – 00:01:59:09
Torre Washington
So that’s how my mother raised me. And then we eventually, you know, I made the transition myself prior to my mom and everybody else going 98.

00:02:00:21 – 00:02:05:09
Nathan Crane
So you’ve actually been vegetarian your whole life and then vegan since 98.

00:02:05:19 – 00:02:05:24
Torre Washington

00:02:06:13 – 00:02:32:13
Torre Washington
So, you know, the the irony to that is, you know, when I was a vegetarian and then eventually my mom being a single mother, you know, she unfortunately ran into a situation where once she was separated from my father at the time financially, it was hard for her. And living in the U.S., you know, she was strapped for what she was going to do because, you know, you want to feed your kids, but you also want to take care of yourself.

00:02:33:01 – 00:02:53:19
Torre Washington
So her parents gave it her an idea, which tends to happen a lot in the community. Black community is that the grandparents will take up the upbringing for a short time or for the entire time, depending on what the situation is involved. And so my mom reluctantly sent me and my brother to Jamaica to live with my grandparents.

00:02:54:09 – 00:03:21:00
Torre Washington
And at that time, my grandparents, you know, they have no idea about this lifestyle being seven Adventists because they were they raised my mom Catholic. And so being Catholic, you know, Catholic has. No, not that I know of any dietary restrictions when it comes to what they can eat. And then in Jamaica, Jamaica is a lot of meat and Jamaica, but there’s also a lot of vegetables and fruits.

00:03:21:09 – 00:03:45:11
Torre Washington
But they don’t know how to change or switch that up. Some my mother just asked them, being that she was a very devout Christian, the Seventh Adventist. She said, please don’t feed them pork because pork was considered an unclean meat, you know, so the utmost. And so that’s the one thing that they never fed us. So we ate pretty much everything for that time.

00:03:45:11 – 00:04:07:17
Torre Washington
We were Jamaican ranch for Jamaica for almost three years. And then upon moving back to the U.S., you know, I still was eating that way. But then eventually I made the transition into not eating anything that came from animal after really diving deep into the lifestyle of being a Rastafarian.

00:04:08:03 – 00:04:27:06
Nathan Crane
Yeah, yeah. It’s funny you bring that up because well, for people who are doing the math, we’re recording this in 2024. So that’s 26 years vegan. Right. And you’re still thriving, by the way, for people who don’t know, you’re 50 years old this year. Right.

00:04:28:21 – 00:04:29:18
Torre Washington
You know, so great.

00:04:30:01 – 00:04:34:05
Torre Washington
Is that is that. I never used to promote that because I always.

00:04:34:17 – 00:04:37:16
Torre Washington
You know.

00:04:37:16 – 00:04:52:23
Torre Washington
I’m a I’m a guy, you know, like women. And so and, you know, at times I was thinking my age would deter women and then would only push me into women that were into the older age. Right. But a lot of people don’t.

00:04:52:23 – 00:04:55:09
Nathan Crane
Talk to young ladies who like an older guy, you know?

00:04:55:20 – 00:05:24:19
Torre Washington
Yeah. Well, at whole, you know. So then I, I never really thought that as a way to showcase myself because I didn’t think of age. Age was not something I really paid attention to because I felt good. I look good. And I did do so many things still that people at my age couldn’t do. And so but, yes, you know, turning 50 this year is like, wow, half a century now and being 26 years vegan.

00:05:25:01 – 00:05:59:13
Torre Washington
And it was interesting, as just yesterday, someone sent me somebody who’s now down to earth, 27 years vegan. We’re eating meat again. It’s like, wow, you know, that’s that still happens. And to me, I find it interesting that body of denounce it just go ahead and go about your business. Move on. You know, it’s it’s it’s very interesting that now in this day and age of social media, we’re always announcing announcing everything, you know, that changes in our life, even if it’s a personal choice.

00:05:59:24 – 00:06:22:03
Torre Washington
You know, we put everything not everybody, but people put almost their entire life on social media for validation. And so, you know, I, I never really wanted to push my age so that it validated. It was always interesting to me. And when when I met people, they automatically associate the white man, bro. Like, how old are you? Probably like, what, 32 at the moment.

00:06:22:19 – 00:06:24:14
Torre Washington
And now I see my age and I.

00:06:25:19 – 00:06:26:11
Torre Washington

00:06:27:14 – 00:06:37:11
Torre Washington
Girls, man? Men, older people, people my age were just flabbergasted that I was that age.

00:06:38:04 – 00:06:47:16
Nathan Crane
Well, so you people watch it and let me let me let me show some photos. So as I just Googled your name and this is what pops up.

00:06:47:16 – 00:06:48:00
Torre Washington

00:06:48:09 – 00:07:22:11
Nathan Crane
You’re like them. You can look like that at 50, right? Like it’s on a vegan diet. Like that’s the other thing, right? On a vegan diet. And that’s that’s really what I think is pretty cool for the fitness community to know. You and I were talking about like how many people in the fitness community don’t realize that one, you can build lean muscle, you can compete as a professional bodybuilder, you can sustain it, you can maintain it, and you can thrive for many, many years down the road.

00:07:22:11 – 00:07:56:17
Nathan Crane
Look at that. Look at that back. Holy cow. You know, on a vegan diet, like vegetarian or vegan diet, that’s just it’s people don’t realize it’s possible. And so people who are considering like, hey, you know what? I really don’t feel that I want to contribute to the to the unnecessary suffering and death of animals. I really don’t feel that I want to contribute to, you know, the destruction of rainforests to raise cattle, you know, I, I but I want to be healthy.

00:07:56:17 – 00:08:20:16
Nathan Crane
I want to be strong. I want to live whatever you know is good for them to know that as possible, for yourself. You know, as an example, there are multiple examples out there. You know, I’ve been vegan slash vegetarian for the last 13, 14 years now, I think, and I’ve only gotten healthier and fitter and stronger year after year after year.

00:08:20:20 – 00:08:49:12
Nathan Crane
Right. And it’s totally possible. But you have to know what you’re doing. You know, this is the problem that happens is people and I, you know, as a as a nutrition and health coach and I’ve literally coached thousands of people over the years. One of the things I see that’s so common, why people quit a vegan diet or they tell me they failed on a vegan diet or, you know, vegetarian or plant based is I didn’t work for me and every time I ask questions and dig in, it’s always because they didn’t know what they were doing.

00:08:49:17 – 00:09:17:24
Nathan Crane
Here’s an example. One woman, all I ate was fruits and vegetables. That’s it. Nothing else. No legumes, no nuts and seeds. No, you know, no whole grains. Right. So no wonder she ended up with anemia. No wonder she ended up too skinny and couldn’t hold on. Wait, no wonder she ran out of energy. If you only eat fruits and vegetables for years and years and years, some people can actually do well on that, but they still need more amino acid content.

00:09:18:00 – 00:09:37:14
Nathan Crane
They really want to thrive for most people. But you know, people think, oh, fruits and vegetables, that’s all you eat. I’ve eaten. That is totally not the case at all. And you’re not getting your I enough iron for most people. If you’re not getting any legumes or beans. Right, you’re not getting enough amino acids, you’re not getting, you know, a lot of those proteins that your body needs.

00:09:37:14 – 00:09:58:20
Nathan Crane
And so it’s about eating a diverse diet. And so many people fell or they go down to vegan junk food path, right? They just start getting all the processed meats and the fake meats and all the frozen foods and like then they feel like shit, their guts torn up. They’ve got a leaky gut, you know, they’ve got autoimmune disease, they feel terrible and they go, It’s the vegan diet that was the problem.

00:09:58:20 – 00:10:27:04
Nathan Crane
I go, Carnivore and I feel great. Yeah, you feel great because you’re actually getting amino acids in protein you weren’t getting when you weren’t eating beans and you cut out all the crap that was causing toxicity and destruction to your body. Of course, you’re going to feel good for a short time. And then now we hear a lot of these case studies, people been on the carnivore diet for months or years, and they’re getting, you know, all kinds of fatty build up tissues under their eyes are getting, you know, heart rate’s elevated exponentially, blood pressure elevated.

00:10:27:04 – 00:10:47:00
Nathan Crane
Like I’m seeing all these case studies now, which you could predict that, you know, it’s like carnivore diet is really in my opinion, it’s an elimination diet. Like, yeah, get the crap out of your body, you’re going to feel good. But can you do that for 26 years, you know, as a professional bodybuilder and keep thriving at 50 years old?

00:10:47:07 – 00:10:52:19
Nathan Crane
I don’t think so. But can you do that on a vegan diet? Well, you’re a clear example of that exact thing.

00:10:54:11 – 00:11:19:12
Torre Washington
That, you know, that’s saying that it’s you know, things are always in alignment. I was just talking to someone about the same exact conversation you were having this last 2 minutes. And I said to them, you blamed a vegan lifestyle. You did it for what they said, like two months. Right. And I was like, it wasn’t really that long.

00:11:19:12 – 00:11:52:00
Torre Washington
You weren’t actually vegan. They were just attempting to emulate me to almost to in a sense, not, not validate, but get my support right, because they wanted to do what I did. And so that I would be like, yes, you know, you’re good. But the thing is, now that they’re eating meat, they feel they’re actually in a situation where they’re not feeling good again and I said, But you’re not blaming your current lifestyle.

00:11:52:17 – 00:12:12:24
Torre Washington
You blamed vegan when you weren’t feeling great, but now you’re not feeling great. But you’re not claiming it. So what are you eating? And I said, See, you see the the hypocrisy there. And people tend to do that, you know, especially like you just mentioned as well, that most people don’t realize you can’t do something the same way as someone else because your body is going to be a little different, you know?

00:12:12:24 – 00:12:31:10
Torre Washington
So like you said, someone can probably do well on vegetables and fruits and they might be able to thrive, but someone else might not be able to because their body is not able to absorb them. They know that they need in order to feel the way they need to, in order to feel good, because of when people come to me and ask me and I tell them, I sometimes they’re like, What?

00:12:32:15 – 00:13:04:12
Torre Washington
And they want to do it. Then they don’t get the same exact results. It doesn’t work, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t work. That’s just because body is different than mine as far as how they metabolize their food. So yeah. So yeah, it’s it’s I’m glad, you know, coming from that nutritionist aspect, you know, a lot of people don’t go that route because they just feel like they want to really just want to try it.

00:13:04:19 – 00:13:07:23
Torre Washington
They don’t they’re not necessarily committed to it, you know?

00:13:08:21 – 00:13:16:12
Nathan Crane
Yeah. Yeah. What was that? What was that kind of impetus that got you, like fully committed to going vegan?

00:13:18:03 – 00:13:49:03
Torre Washington
Well, you know, it’s interesting. My I’m a lot of people, when they meet me, they they see that I’m an individual, that I’m committed to something or I jump on something, I really get on it. And so when I like I said, I’m a vegetarian. And, you know, even in that lifestyle that I was in, I question a lot of the ideology, you know, and at the time, you know, Seventh Day Adventist ideology, you know, it’s just a lot of it didn’t make sense.

00:13:49:13 – 00:14:10:02
Torre Washington
And so I didn’t take away the nutritional aspect or the food, the dietary, because I don’t say diet. Diet to me is something to jump off of. They can get on, get on and off. Right. And so and also when I look at the word diet, it the way it spell diet is, I’m not ready to die yet, you know, so that’s not me.

00:14:10:13 – 00:14:37:06
Torre Washington
And so I and once I started after living in Jamaica, moved back to South Florida to move from Alabama to Jamaica to make it to South Florida. And I on living in South Florida at the time, relatives and friends who were also Jamaican and I had my Jamaican heritage. So we started really studying Rastafari and while we studied Rastafarian lifestyle, I got deeper into it and saw that they were very much into eating off the land.

00:14:37:20 – 00:14:57:01
Torre Washington
And I said, Well, I’m not going to call myself a Rasta. We’re still consuming part animal, flesh eating eggs that’s not arrested. So I saw a lot of Rastas doing that. So I said, I’m gonna go all the way. I’m not going to be a hypocrite. And so I changed my way of eating, not to be hip and hypocrite.

00:14:57:13 – 00:15:18:18
Torre Washington
So then as I’m learning more about the lifestyle, because I didn’t really know much about this lifestyle, because living in Alabama and in Jamaica, you didn’t hear much about figure that wasn’t a term that was used, that wasn’t just thrown around. And so when I was told that that’s what I am, I had to look into like, What are you talking about?

00:15:18:18 – 00:15:46:17
Torre Washington
And recognizing my one story that I always give to everybody. When I was in Atlanta and I was at a vegan veg fest at the time, and so I go to the Jazz Fest, got a food truck. Now, mind you, I’m in college, so most of my friends were from New York. And so I’m carrying this New York type of swag somewhere in New York style gear.

00:15:46:23 – 00:16:08:14
Torre Washington
You know, back in the nineties, New Yorkers were a lot of leather jackets and timberlands. Timberlands are made from leather. And so at the time, I had Timberlands on timberlands and jeans, and I’m standing in line waiting for my food. And this lady proceeded to ask me, oh, those those boots are very nice. Are they look bigger? And I looked at her kind of both like what are you talking about?

00:16:08:23 – 00:16:16:06
Torre Washington
Because to me, vegan only meant to me with what I ate. And so I was thinking, I’m not going to eat my shoes or my shoes be here.

00:16:16:15 – 00:16:17:14
Torre Washington

00:16:17:14 – 00:16:42:15
Torre Washington
And then when I understood later, right. So I understood later that vegan encompasses what you wear, what you do. You know, you do as much as you can to not cause harm to animals and the environment and what have you. And that’s when I started learning more about it and I took it to the next level. Okay? And I watch Earthlings and all these different documentaries to, you know, to see what was going on.

00:16:42:15 – 00:17:08:04
Torre Washington
So, so yeah. So once that happened to me, I was you know, committed fully and even more so not even to the term because the term itself, it’s just a label, you know, the label that’s placed upon individuals to put them in a box. So then we can therefore say, Oh, these people are this way. And so I have never been one into that, but I understand when it comes to being able to explain something to someone, they need something to hang on to.

00:17:09:08 – 00:17:39:01
Nathan Crane
You know, what I find really interesting is that generally, like the most spiritually advanced people on the planet adopt a vegetarian or vegan diet. And, you know, the Rastafarians, the Charlene Monks and the shout, you know, the kung fu. So if you’re like a legit Shaolin Kung Fu master or monk or even like disciple, you know, they don’t need any meat the in India.

00:17:39:12 – 00:18:01:13
Nathan Crane
So Buddhism as well. So like if you’re most Buddhists traditionally don’t eat any meat or animal products and this is primarily through the practice of compassion, right? So for I haven’t studied, you know, Rastafarianism that much other than a little bits I’ve picked up here and there. And so I’m, I want, I’m interested in learning more about it from you.

00:18:01:20 – 00:18:21:14
Nathan Crane
But what I’ve learned from like Buddhism and what I’ve learned from, you know, Shaolin monks and these kinds of things. And by the way, these Shaolin Kung Fu masters are like the Fed, as strong as crazy as people you ever see in your life. And they don’t eat any meat at all. They don’t need any, you know, very little dairy or eggs at all.

00:18:21:14 – 00:18:49:15
Nathan Crane
Most of them are vegan or vegetarian pigs and they’re like crazy, fit and strong and like just, you know, looking at human potential at some of the highest level, the also very spiritually advanced. And a lot of it is about the practice of compassion, right? The compassion for animals. So people who who practice compassion for animals generally open their hearts to have compassion for other people and compassion for themselves.

00:18:50:00 – 00:19:16:15
Nathan Crane
And the more compassion we have for animals, for people, for ourselves, the better world we live in, right? The more peace we have, the less war we have, the more kindness and generosity we have, the more love we experience, which all leads to more happiness, more joy, more abundance, you know, more equanimity. All these things that everybody’s chasing in their lives, everybody’s chasing happiness, everyone’s chasing, you know, contentment.

00:19:16:15 – 00:19:37:15
Nathan Crane
Everybody’s chasing some level of peace or fulfillment. The problem is we we far too often do it in the wrong places. We’re trying to generate power and and influence, and we think that’ll make us happy. Right? Or we’re trying to generate more money and we think there’s nothing wrong with money, but we think money brings us happiness. And you realize when you attain a lot of money for the sake of money, it doesn’t bring you happiness.

00:19:37:15 – 00:19:58:00
Nathan Crane
And in fact, a lot of the, you know, very wealthy, influential people, movie stars and so forth end up depressed, addicted to drugs and alcohol, you know, committing, you know, ending their life. This sort of thing has nothing to do with those things. It’s the where the mental focus is. You know, you think this thing is going to bring you happiness, but it doesn’t.

00:19:58:00 – 00:20:19:08
Nathan Crane
Happiness comes from inside in these spiritual traditions. Knew that and know that and teach that. And one of the core underlying foundations is compassion for animals. So we don’t eat animals and people go, well, you know, we don’t kill animals, but people go, Well, I don’t kill them. I just buy it at the grocery store. Right? And it’s like, yeah, you’re paying somebody to raise and kill that animal.

00:20:19:12 – 00:20:42:16
Nathan Crane
So you’re contributing in Buddhism. You call it, you know, your karma. You’re contributing to the suffering and killing of that animal for your own pleasure, because meat’s really, you know, it’s a pleasure. We don’t need it. And we proven that for thousands of years. Nobody really needs meat. And that’s not judgment. Like, I don’t care if people eat meat, of course, choice, you know, it’s just stating the facts.

00:20:42:16 – 00:21:02:19
Nathan Crane
Nobody really needs it. And so it’s a it’s more of a pleasure. It’s more of an enjoyment. And and you contribute to the suffering and killing of that because you’re buying that meat that was killed for you to buy it. And so, you know, the compassion aspect, I I’m guessing in the little bit I know about, you know, Rastas is is very similar.

00:21:02:19 – 00:21:03:06
Nathan Crane
Is that right?

00:21:04:02 – 00:21:16:14
Torre Washington
Yes. Because, you know, it’s based off of the Christian Christianity. All right. So if you think about Christianity, the number one commandment is what does not kill you.

00:21:16:14 – 00:21:16:22
Nathan Crane

00:21:17:18 – 00:21:31:24
Torre Washington
Right. And it doesn’t say, thou shalt not kill this. It just says thou shalt not kill. And so, you know, I’m glad you said most Buddhists because, you know, I don’t know if you saw price piercing when it came out.

00:21:32:04 – 00:21:37:07
Nathan Crane
I did. It was great. It was amazing. So everyone should go watch it. Like, what a freak.

00:21:37:07 – 00:22:02:10
Torre Washington
I’m glad because one of the things the guys in the movie, the documentary, the gentleman that did a lot of the saving of the dogs from the dog trade, we have a very similar thought process, you know, but you know, of course, that’s not the most of the world because the majority of the world follows a set religious practice, you know, but me and him had a very similar ideology, which I won’t delve into here.

00:22:02:10 – 00:22:27:05
Torre Washington
But, you know, it’s it was really good to see it because that whole premise behind the documentary is a lot of what I talk about to people because, you know, a lot of people will use their religious upbringing to justify their eating of animals, you know, and but then I always go back to the first one, thou shall not kill, thou shalt not kill.

00:22:27:05 – 00:22:43:11
Torre Washington
Doesn’t say Thou shalt not kill animals, not kill humans and not kill it says Thou shalt not kill first commandment. And that’s a based on what we were just talking about, compassion, because if you’re not killing, you got to have compassion.

00:22:43:11 – 00:22:47:24
Nathan Crane
So Rastafarianism is actually like stems from Christianity.

00:22:48:13 – 00:22:50:14
Torre Washington
Correct? And the only thing that’s like.

00:22:50:24 – 00:22:53:09
Nathan Crane
Is that, you know, the history of that, like how did that happen?

00:22:53:11 – 00:23:40:02
Torre Washington
So so Marcus Garvey was the he’s from out of Jamaica and Africa and he really was a he was talking about the black start of where he wanted people to to board a ship, go back to Africa. And he called him Bright Starlight Starlight. Now, what he also talked about, which is just roughly is that in the I think I forget what book in the Bible it is, but basically if was talked about a king arising out of Ethiopia, who will fight against the the colonialization from the Italian monarch.

00:23:40:04 – 00:24:05:10
Torre Washington
So we’ll have it. Might I say monarchs, but Mussolini would have. And at the time after he I think he passed so high, the Selassie was Rastafari and market is the name of the king that was an Ethiopian time, his name being Rastafari. His name is tough. Ari Roth, meaning head or king. So they put that together, Rastafari, and that’s how that was created.

00:24:05:19 – 00:24:28:24
Torre Washington
And Safa Mokoena is his name. And so Emperor Haile Selassie and they the Rastas took him as the second coming of Christ. And so that’s where the whole Christianity comes together. So Jesus pastors and Rastafari had too far a mark of a second coming of Christ, and that’s how it all started.

00:24:29:13 – 00:24:34:17
Nathan Crane
Interesting interest just kept that was so is that Haile Selassie.

00:24:34:20 – 00:24:36:07
Torre Washington
Ali selected highly Selassie.

00:24:36:15 – 00:24:50:10
Nathan Crane
Selassie so that’s that’s his original name was that right. So he was born in 1892 and he came to power, what, in 1930 he became emperor. So this was the early this is early 1900s.

00:24:51:07 – 00:25:02:13
Torre Washington
The Rastas will use the picture that you see right there with the beard and the crown a lot. One, yes. Say Rastafari.

00:25:03:23 – 00:25:24:03
Nathan Crane
Interesting. And so he is so he was considered the second coming of Christ. That’s pretty amazing. Which actually if you look at I mean, look at his this is hard his black and white photo. But if you look at his face and his complexion and things like that, it’s this is really interesting because this is what Jesus would have looked like.

00:25:24:03 – 00:25:44:17
Nathan Crane
It would have looked more like this guy than the typical white guy, blue eyes. That’s now shown in church is today like there was no white guy, no white blue eye guys in northern Africa which which that’s where, you know, Jesus was. Jesus was from northern Africa. He would have looked more I’m not saying this guy a certain kind of Christ.

00:25:44:17 – 00:25:48:17
Nathan Crane
I’m just saying he would have looked more like this guy than anybody else, you know?

00:25:49:23 – 00:25:58:13
Torre Washington
And, you know, that’s what that’s what’s so interesting because now the justification well, it doesn’t matter what he looks like. Okay. You know, so there we go.

00:25:58:14 – 00:26:23:22
Nathan Crane
That’s how but point being so so so the Rastafari took the concept of the Ten Commandments very seriously. Thou shalt not kill, right? Which is commandment number one, which is really interesting because, you know, staying on the religious topic, if you read the Bible and you read Genesis and you look at the first you know, the first texts in there, it basically talks about the Garden of Eden.

00:26:24:03 – 00:26:45:06
Nathan Crane
Right? And it says, I have given you the plants, you know, the seeds and the plants and the fruit bearing plants as your food. It didn’t say, I gave you animals as your food. It didn’t say I gave you, you know, deer and elk and whatever and cows as your fruits that I gave you, the plants and the seed bearing fruits, something like that as your food.

00:26:45:20 – 00:27:10:23
Nathan Crane
Then you have this big flood, right? And then Noah saves saves all the animals, you know, which is very interesting. And then basically if you were like, let’s say the flood was real, which is very interesting because there’s also all the stories of a major flood from, you know, Mesoamerica. Yeah, yeah. Ancient Mexico. Like all these similar stories of a similar flood.

00:27:10:23 – 00:27:37:04
Nathan Crane
And let’s say, you know, let’s say the whole area where you possibly can see for miles and miles, there’s literally no plants anywhere. So then like then after that in the Bible says, you know, you can eat, you know, these animals were not these was not the cloven loved ones and whatever it says, right. So it’s like I feel like that was kind of a if if you want to believe in that timeline.

00:27:37:05 – 00:28:00:23
Nathan Crane
Okay. You were given plants and fruits as your as your food. The flood happened. You need it to survive. So now you can eat animals. And now that the flood ended, hey, if you want to thrive and be a compassionate, spiritual human being, go back to eating plants, stop eating animals. But if that timeline is true, that second part never really happened or that third part but really happened.

00:28:00:23 – 00:28:01:09
Torre Washington

00:28:01:17 – 00:28:16:13
Nathan Crane
Oh, yeah. That’s interesting, man. So I actually had I was speaking on this vegan cruise called Holistic Holiday at Sea recently, and the guys that were running my sound grew up in Jamaica and were Rastafarian and basically told me.

00:28:16:20 – 00:28:17:11
Torre Washington
What was it that.

00:28:17:23 – 00:28:24:03
Nathan Crane
This was on? We were like we were on a cruise, so we were like going down to the Bahamas and like, what did you what did.

00:28:24:03 – 00:28:24:21
Torre Washington
You get on a cruise.

00:28:25:18 – 00:28:33:19
Nathan Crane
Where I went on out of Miami. So this was like a month ago, like a month ago, a month or two ago. I was.

00:28:33:21 – 00:28:34:05
Torre Washington

00:28:34:19 – 00:28:35:13
Nathan Crane
You were on the cruise?

00:28:35:13 – 00:28:36:05
Torre Washington
On the cruise.

00:28:36:14 – 00:28:39:17
Torre Washington
But I met up with them. The met up with them before they did the cruise.

00:28:39:20 – 00:28:42:09
Nathan Crane
Oh did you got to you got to be at it next year then.

00:28:43:19 – 00:28:49:20
Torre Washington
So full disclosure, you know, a lot of times when when those things happen.

00:28:50:05 – 00:28:51:09
Torre Washington
You should be honest about it.

00:28:51:24 – 00:28:56:20
Torre Washington
Not unless I’m not unless I’m invited. I’m not just going to go because I’ll.

00:28:56:20 – 00:29:08:03
Nathan Crane
Get to meet you. I’ll get you invited. I’ll get you invited. I got like I need you. I got like two, two other of my friends on board to be speakers. I was like, did I want my friends on here with me? So we like we had a good time.

00:29:09:00 – 00:29:10:20
Torre Washington
So yeah, I’m surprised because I did.

00:29:10:20 – 00:29:11:23
Torre Washington
A little thing here.

00:29:12:13 – 00:29:15:15
Nathan Crane
Yeah, yeah. Before, like, I think Neil Barnard did something right.

00:29:15:15 – 00:29:16:17
Torre Washington
Right. Yeah. Because I know.

00:29:16:17 – 00:29:35:16
Torre Washington
Neil from long time ago I went out to his house back and they had a party in the Hamptons about two years ago, like 2017 and then I saw him again here and he was like, Man, long time no see. You know, him and Dr. Greger, all of them are here.

00:29:36:08 – 00:29:53:06
Nathan Crane
That’s awesome. Yeah. So it’s like a it’s. I just got connected with them this past year, right? This is my first time speaking on it. I got I got recommended from a friend of mine who’s spoken on it for years. He recommended me and then they reached out and then I was like, well, if I’m going, you got to bring this person, this person.

00:29:53:06 – 00:30:04:21
Nathan Crane
So, you know, so next year I’ll recommend that they bring you. So it kind of like and they have a new production person this year I really connected there she was super sweet so yeah.

00:30:04:22 – 00:30:08:10
Torre Washington
I don’t mean to cut you off. I know you’re talking about you said your sound guys to make it.

00:30:08:13 – 00:30:27:05
Nathan Crane
Oh so anyway, so he was listening to my presentation, right. And like I, the last ten years, I’ve mostly focused on cancer and cancer patients and the research on cancer. And we’ve helped really to reach 3 million people around the world, helping them learn how to prevent and heal cancer. Naturally, using a plant based diet and a lot of lifestyle changes we’ve seen incredible results.

00:30:27:14 – 00:30:41:13
Nathan Crane
So one of my presentations was on that and he, you know, and all the science behind it and he’s watching and you know, at the end he’s like, man, I’ll just plant stuff is for real, huh? You know, it’s like it definitely is for real. So we started talking and I asked him where he grew up and all that.

00:30:41:13 – 00:31:04:16
Nathan Crane
And basically he told me when he grew up, like they mostly only a plant based diet, right? Like he had any meat maybe once a week, maybe once every couple of weeks. It was kind of like it was a really rare thing and and growing up. And so this guy was probably in his fifties, I would guess. And so growing up, he is like, we never saw anybody with cancer.

00:31:04:16 – 00:31:23:06
Nathan Crane
Nobody in my family had cancer. We didn’t know anybody in our community that had cancer, nothing. And now since all these fast food restaurants came to Jamaica and all this and bought food and all this processed shit and now cancer’s exploded, I said, That’s exactly what I covered in my presentation. He’s like, Yeah, man, it’s crazy.

00:31:24:08 – 00:31:38:00
Torre Washington
It is so crazy because you’re really, you know. Yeah. Dumplin green banana, apple, fruits, jackfruit, you know, you know, rice and peas, vegetables.

00:31:38:18 – 00:31:40:16
Torre Washington
Greens, cabbage.

00:31:41:04 – 00:31:44:10
Torre Washington
You know, burger really had they had bulla.

00:31:44:10 – 00:31:54:12
Nathan Crane
Bulla. Yeah. We looked at Boulos like spinach type dish. Right. That’s like super. I’m like, did I look that up? And it’s as like super high protein.

00:31:54:12 – 00:31:55:18
Torre Washington
But you talked about.

00:31:56:20 – 00:31:57:15
Nathan Crane
I mean, it’s different.

00:31:58:05 – 00:31:59:04
Torre Washington
Color. A little color.

00:31:59:12 – 00:32:00:19
Nathan Crane
Look. A little less so.

00:32:00:21 – 00:32:04:23
Torre Washington
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Right. In the other people. Yeah, yeah.

00:32:05:08 – 00:32:07:10
Torre Washington
Yeah. And so you’re right, man.

00:32:07:10 – 00:32:12:24
Torre Washington
In the morning, that porridge. Yeah. Crackers you had, you didn’t really eat.

00:32:13:05 – 00:32:35:03
Torre Washington
A lot of meat and meat was a delicacy. But, you know, my family, my my grandfather, he was an electrician, so he had money in the set. So there was more meat there, you know. But I have a lot of family that had coal and stuff happening because they enjoyed meat and, you know, to this day, I still have family members.

00:32:35:18 – 00:32:56:18
Torre Washington
I’m like, man, Tory, you look amazing. This is amazing. But okay, cut it. They continue to keep going even though people are passing away left and right, you know, and this is the same. But, you know, like you said and I’m just very similar to that is that I don’t sit there and push you to tell you what to do.

00:32:56:20 – 00:32:58:02
Torre Washington
It’s like, you know, live your life.

00:32:58:12 – 00:33:21:24
Nathan Crane
Yeah. Yeah. I mean, that’s, you know, I’m speaking on health and plant based like, you know, the Adventist Health Study. One of the events is health study to that studied, you know, thousands, tens of thousands of the Seventh Day Adventist. I mean, they found that the people who were vegetarian and vegan had the lowest all cause mortality, had the highest health span.

00:33:21:24 – 00:33:50:19
Nathan Crane
Life span compared to the omnivores. And this was these were great studies because these were people who adopted a healthy lifestyle as part of the religion. Right. And so most of them were exercising. Most of them were, you know, taking care of their health. Most of them were doing a lot of the similar things. And the only difference was from for majority of these thousands of people was, were you eating an omnivore diet pescatarian diet, vegetarian diet, vegan diet or somewhere in between?

00:33:50:19 – 00:34:20:01
Nathan Crane
And they separated all that out. And it was so clear, like the vegans and vegetarians. So you get rid of all the healthy user bias because they’re all basically doing the same stuff and they took all that into account and they, you know, separate out people who aren’t exercising as much and people are exercising more than 150 minutes a week and this sort of thing, and then looked at how long they live the disease risk the, you know, cancers, diabetes, etc. The vegans and vegetarians live the longest with the healthiest life span with the least amount of disease.

00:34:20:11 – 00:34:31:24
Nathan Crane
So, I mean, you look at those two studies and it’s like, how can you not at least open your mind to the reality of, you know, a plant based diet is probably going to be pretty damn good for you.

00:34:32:19 – 00:34:35:11
Torre Washington
Right? Well.

00:34:36:20 – 00:34:56:11
Nathan Crane
You know that you’re speaking to the choir, but I want to get into your I want to get into your diet, your protein. You track macros, kind of what’s your training looking like? What are your upcoming goals? Do you take supplements? A whole bunch stuff I want to ask you about. So where do you want to start?

00:34:56:11 – 00:34:57:19
Torre Washington
So I.

00:34:58:20 – 00:35:29:24
Torre Washington
You know, I was raised on vegetarian and in the Seventh Day Adventist community, you know, there was a very big brand of food that bought purchased from, you know, outside of the everyday rice and beans and things of that nature. There was this thing by a company called Loma Linda. Loma Linda made Swiss steaks, got us now, made this all plant based, you know.

00:35:29:24 – 00:35:54:05
Torre Washington
And so those things were kind of to to mimic foods that were based of animal flesh until so sodium, you know, they were in cans and so things like that. And so we would do that for a little while. And so soy based products, textured vegetable protein, TVP, all that type of stuff. So I was raised on soy for a long, long, long time.

00:35:54:05 – 00:36:18:03
Torre Washington
And so once I went vegan, my typical means of eating because Nathan, I never really looked at food like animal protein cut and things like that. I just was eating. And so once I really took up bodybuilding, like for as long as I had taken it up, I started reading on it and learning about it because I really wanted to be a superhero in a sense.

00:36:18:17 – 00:36:41:21
Torre Washington
And I found that you can build your physique and look like them. I started doing it and that’s when I started to kind of emphasis on protein, but not even protein per se, like eating foods that were high in protein, not tracking. And so then as a vegan, I just started in more tofu with I was always already eating rice, tofu beans and mom tempeh.

00:36:42:08 – 00:36:59:02
Torre Washington
Those are the thing that had the most because at the time just the all the food was available. I’d never really heard of Satan. I didn’t know if they dump Satan could have been around then, but I never heard of it. And so I did that for a long time. And so even to this day, I have to wait until tofu is one of my main sources.

00:36:59:02 – 00:37:21:15
Torre Washington
Now I’m doing a different one called FAVA Beans. Tofu because it’s higher, it’s just protein, straight protein without the carbs and the fat. So it’s easier for me to do when it comes to me prepping for a competition because now that I do competitions differently, because I used to be when I used to compete in the beginning phases, I never took supplements, I didn’t take any supplies meaning.

00:37:21:15 – 00:37:52:22
Torre Washington
I didn’t do protein powder, I didn’t do the creatine and I didn’t do the amino acids, things of that nature because I want it to go as natural as possible. I thought to me in my mind those weren’t natural, but then I had to realize that everything has its place. And now fast forward 2018, I started with a coach and this coach suggested such a high protein intake that I wasn’t used to because well, I actually tracked to see what I was eating at the time.

00:37:52:22 – 00:38:02:11
Torre Washington
When I was first competing, I was doing probably about 50 to 100 grams of protein a day, which to people like, that’s not a lot for the look.

00:38:02:11 – 00:38:04:17
Nathan Crane
Along the way. Well, what did you way back then?

00:38:05:11 – 00:38:10:23
Torre Washington
So my first competition, I weighed about one six feet, but I wasn’t as ripped. Yeah.

00:38:10:23 – 00:38:14:22
Nathan Crane
Wasn’t addressed in what year was that like what was your what year like your first competition.

00:38:15:18 – 00:38:16:19
Torre Washington
Or 2009.

00:38:17:04 – 00:38:21:12
Nathan Crane
2009. Okay. And so you were bodybuilding for like how long that.

00:38:22:15 – 00:38:46:14
Torre Washington
Before that I was working out, I started working. I was like 15 years old. Okay. So then I went to my first gym because I was in high school and I went to Gold’s Gym and I remember seeing all the bodybuilders there and I was just like enamored with like Warhol and physiques. But, you know, at the time I didn’t really think about steroids or drugs, you know, because I figured you could just look like that.

00:38:46:14 – 00:39:15:06
Torre Washington
I didn’t know how what they were doing. And then I once I learned that, but that’s not something I wanted to do because I didn’t want to take protein powder or creatine. And creatine was around. Creatine has been around for a long time. And I never really thought about taking it until recently. I started taking creatine probably in the last three or four years and so I remember when people found out that I didn’t do that stuff and they were just amazed, like, you don’t take.

00:39:15:11 – 00:39:18:12
Torre Washington
Those, you don’t take it, and you look like that.

00:39:19:06 – 00:39:21:21
Torre Washington
And it’s like, Yeah, and I’ll eat it and then.

00:39:21:21 – 00:39:22:24
Torre Washington
You just eat plants.

00:39:23:13 – 00:39:48:17
Torre Washington
Bro, I got to talk to you, man. I’m so tired of just eating chicken and fish and, you know, and it’s crazy because you’re I’m in the top of the league when it came to the natural bodybuilding world, because I was always winning or placing in the top three, you know, and there are people that had been competing years before me and still eating a whole bunch of animal flesh.

00:39:48:17 – 00:40:13:08
Torre Washington
I couldn’t get the look that I had. And so, like I said, to donate and I had to coach increase my protein intake because he was he was he wanted me to maximize my muscle size. Once I understood the science behind the increased protein intake and the calorie deficit, it made sense because I was going in a calorie deficit, but I wasn’t increasing my protein intake, so I was losing some muscle in the process.

00:40:13:12 – 00:40:30:06
Torre Washington
Right? So once we changed that up, it made a big difference because now I’m maximize that minimizing the loss and maintaining more muscle like opposed to me being on stage. So now I’m weighing a roughly about £5 more than I did for my first ever show. But I look ten times bigger.

00:40:30:13 – 00:40:30:20
Torre Washington

00:40:30:24 – 00:40:54:07
Torre Washington
And more defined and better. And and to him, he was truly amazed because being I was like one of his first, I believe one of his first vegan competitors. But it’s it’s such a testament that it can be done regardless of your needs dietary restrictions, we call it, because people sometimes claim it. That’s an extreme diet or restriction.

00:40:54:18 – 00:41:30:21
Torre Washington
So the supplements that I’m only taking right now and usually it’s during my prep of competition is protein powder when I need to creatine and amino sometimes. But protein powder and creatine are like my main two of the most important ones that I did. And I do that basically because out of the protein is really out of convenience because there are times when I say my carbs are and let’s say about end of the day, my carbs ten I have ten carbs, ten grams of carbs remaining, but I need 30 to 40 grams of protein.

00:41:31:14 – 00:41:47:11
Torre Washington
I get to a shape and therefore I’m able to get it without the almond milk. So I have to use it. But the water so I don’t get the extra added taste of the almond milk. So but you know that’s my factor low and I need to up my fat so then I can add an almond milk.

00:41:48:08 – 00:41:56:01
Nathan Crane
So you were so what is your like protein? What’s your number now? Like, what’s the number you’re going for each day?

00:41:56:01 – 00:41:59:18
Torre Washington
Roughly an 85 today. Today is 185. Right.

00:41:59:23 – 00:42:00:15
Nathan Crane
And what do you weigh?

00:42:02:13 – 00:42:07:02
Torre Washington
Right now? We’re about 165 positive versus five.

00:42:07:07 – 00:42:15:03
Nathan Crane
So you’re a little over a girl. So you’re like 1.1, 1.2 grams per pound of body weight and you’re. Because you’re probably in a cut then, right?

00:42:16:03 – 00:42:28:00
Torre Washington
Yeah. So I’m getting down to you go down to about 150 down. I cut down to that low and at that low I’m super lean and then once I once I get back on stage, I’m about 162.

00:42:29:19 – 00:42:43:08
Nathan Crane
And then let’s just say like regular training, you’re not prepping for a comp, you’re just kind of training throughout the year, are you? Do you do like a general kind of bulk and cut, bulk and cut, bulk and cut? Or do you have like what’s that cycle look like?

00:42:44:03 – 00:43:02:14
Torre Washington
So I don’t even do that I just I just go back to my regular lifestyle. And for me, I put on probably about £8, you know, so I don’t go to no drastic 16 to £20 where people look totally different. I don’t like that.

00:43:02:22 – 00:43:03:15
Torre Washington
I like to.

00:43:04:02 – 00:43:07:08
Torre Washington
Either maintain a lean physique pretty much year round.

00:43:07:16 – 00:43:07:23
Torre Washington

00:43:08:16 – 00:43:15:11
Nathan Crane
So during that time let’s say you’re not cutting or prepping your, what’s your, what’s your protein per day.

00:43:16:14 – 00:43:26:18
Torre Washington
Maybe 130 to 160 grams. You know I’m not really tracking, but if I can just base it off a my average eating habits during the day.

00:43:26:23 – 00:43:53:18
Nathan Crane
So you’re so you’re right at what I what I coined is what I call the protein sweet spot for plant based athletes. And that’s basically 0.8 grams per pound of body weight. And that kind of covers every kind of athlete, no matter what your goals are. You know, all the science we have, all the research we have, you know, from Dr. Stewart out to all the, you know, high protein diet studies to the cutting and holding lean muscle mass.

00:43:53:18 – 00:44:27:24
Nathan Crane
And it’s like if you’re hitting around that 0.8 grams per pound, you’re generally going to be covered and just about everything that you do. And so that’s why I was wondering if you’re right there and yet you’re like, right there between .7.9. That’s like point eight. It’s just is I think it helps people, especially on a plant based diet, like if your goals are maintaining lean muscle mass, you want to build muscle, you know, whether you’re a powerlifter, you know, bodybuilder, you’re a competitive athlete or you just want to even as you age, we know as you age, people need a little bit more protein and there’s so much shit online about protein.

00:44:27:24 – 00:44:50:06
Nathan Crane
It’s insane. Like they have all these doctors saying, Oh no, you only need .3.4 grams. It’s you know, .36 is the RDA and I’m talking £10 here, right? That’s the RDA. But the RDA was based on nitrogen studies which are highly flawed and not totally, you know, this was like early 1900s, you know, 1940s research up to 1970s and eighties.

00:44:50:06 – 00:45:08:18
Nathan Crane
And now we know that research is not accurate and and it was never taking into account athletes or as you age. So if you’re sedentary and you’re 30 or you’re you’re a high intensity athlete or you’re 80 years old, it was the exact same RDA protein for everybody, which we know all the studies have been done in the last 30 years.

00:45:08:18 – 00:45:30:15
Nathan Crane
That’s not that’s not ideal at all. And we know true. But we also know that like, oh yeah, you need two grams. Yeah. If you’re like heavily jacked up on steroids and you know, doing that whole thing, then, you know, higher protein to, to help those guys more. But for like the average athlete, you know, that 0.8 grams seems to be the sweet spot across the board.

00:45:31:20 – 00:45:55:06
Torre Washington
You know, it’s interesting because once I really understood what steroids do, it it made sense because I was like, oh, it increases muscle protein synthesis. So therefore, you put in more, you lift weights, you’re going to build bigger muscle, you know, because it increases it more than your natural individual. And so that’s all I’ve heard.

00:45:56:15 – 00:46:01:06
Nathan Crane
Have you ever tried any steroids or peds or testosterone or anything like that?

00:46:01:06 – 00:46:32:10
Torre Washington
That’s a thing I, I couldn’t do it and say I’m natural because I have too much integrity for that, you know? So me going vegan was being a hypocrite and not being a hypocrite and and having integrity because that’s so important to me, you know? So when I get these claims later, it’s really a compliment because for you to think that I’m using and in the way I look, if you really understood, man, that feels good.

00:46:32:10 – 00:46:33:14
Torre Washington
Like you think I’m.

00:46:33:14 – 00:46:33:22
Torre Washington

00:46:35:02 – 00:46:36:05
Nathan Crane
How well I see it.

00:46:36:11 – 00:46:36:17
Torre Washington

00:46:36:19 – 00:46:52:15
Nathan Crane
I’m like I’m like, that is jacked. I would never like I see your physique and I’m like, he’s not on steroids, right? Like and you can’t tell. Yeah, you can tell by looking at someone, but someone like yourself who trains every day. I’ve been training for years and years. If you were using PEDs, you’d be like twice your size, you know?

00:46:52:20 – 00:46:53:12
Torre Washington
It’s like, Oh.

00:46:54:00 – 00:47:15:10
Torre Washington
It’s crazy. I tell them. I say that to people. I’ll say, Listen, if I was, I’m using the wrong stuff. It’s not real. Or if I truly was, I wouldn’t look like this. You’d be talking to Mr. Olympia right now. I’m like, So welcome, guys. I’m a ten time Mr. Olympia, right? And it’s all the different ballgame. I would lose my hair.

00:47:16:08 – 00:47:17:04
Torre Washington
In 50 years.

00:47:19:01 – 00:47:28:14
Nathan Crane
So do you ever take any other supplements? Protein powder? Once in a while. Creatine aminos. What about like vitamin D3, B12, omegas? You know, like that.

00:47:29:16 – 00:47:34:20
Torre Washington
So it’s funny, I was never into all of that stuff. So when that stuff started.

00:47:34:20 – 00:47:35:07
Torre Washington

00:47:35:23 – 00:48:02:10
Torre Washington
The dividing line between being vegan and not, I was like, What is all this? Because I never had these issues where they’re talking about if you’re it’s just happens. And so I was like, Huh. So when vegan was first big protein, protein was this main thing. Like, you’re not to get enough protein this tiny the other so people wouldn’t do it.

00:48:02:22 – 00:48:22:14
Torre Washington
So then protein was all right, protein seemed like at that or you’re not going to get your B12, B12 as far as a vegan B12, it’s going to be hard to do because you only get it from animals. And people were that I knew were not getting B12 and they were omnivores too, like, right. So it’s not a vegan thing.

00:48:23:01 – 00:48:27:00
Torre Washington
Then B12 going to die down then. Then they picked up.

00:48:27:08 – 00:48:28:17
Torre Washington

00:48:28:17 – 00:48:48:04
Torre Washington
Picked up. And it’s just like every day there was something new that you’re not going to get it, the vegan. And so I looked at it like, Oh, now you only just want people to be hyped up on all these supplements. And so I every now and then I take me, take B12, every now and then I’ll take something else.

00:48:48:04 – 00:49:07:16
Torre Washington
Just for once in a while to see. But I noticed one thing, Nathan. When I would take them, I would never felt different or better. And I remember I went to Mexico and I said, you know, you want to do a trip, you’re going to feel like a new man. And it was also it was a good place, legit.

00:49:07:16 – 00:49:09:16
Torre Washington
Did it change anything? And I felt the same way.

00:49:09:24 – 00:49:15:21
Nathan Crane
I know a couple like vitamin IVs and like I didn’t feel anything. It’s not that.

00:49:16:10 – 00:49:17:05
Torre Washington

00:49:17:05 – 00:49:25:02
Nathan Crane
You know, there’s is a lot of benefits to it. But it was yeah, it wasn’t like game changing, you know, in that moment.

00:49:25:02 – 00:49:46:18
Torre Washington
So I don’t know my body. I think I’m very prone to if it’s going to affect me, I’m going to feel. But usually, you know, I don’t so I don’t press them. But I have had friends who are doctors. They try these, take some B12, you know, this idea, then do it. So I do it sometimes once in a while if I think about it most of the time, no.

00:49:47:02 – 00:50:10:20
Nathan Crane
So the reality is like our most many vegan foods today, so like the kind of processed meat, some of the ones you were talking about, most almond milk, you know, a lot of the soy milk, nutritional yeast, a lot of these things are fortified. They have vitamin D and they have vitamin B12 like those are two essential nutrients for all humans.

00:50:11:03 – 00:50:31:11
Nathan Crane
And yes, you can get them from eggs. Yes, you can get them for meat. Yes, you can get them from fortified vegan foods. So like my wife never, rarely ever takes a B12 supplement, but we drink almond milk and things like that, and she’ll have nutritional yeast once in a while, but not not that much. But we test her B12 recently and it was like through the roof.

00:50:31:11 – 00:50:53:01
Nathan Crane
And I was like, There’s no way she’s getting that just from the fortified foods because she’s not eating very many fortified foods, whereas most, you know, many vegans do, which is great. You know, there are studies that have shown a definitely deficiency in a lot of vegans in B12 and vitamin D. Same thing as you said, it’s not the same percentage.

00:50:53:01 – 00:51:14:22
Nathan Crane
There’s still a high percentage. Vitamin D is actually the most efficient vitamin. It’s actually a hormone in all people around the world. It’s something like 60% of people doesn’t matter what diet you’re on are deficient in vitamin D. And that’s primarily because we spend way too much time indoors. You spend time outdoors and get sunshine. You’ll have plenty of vitamin D.

00:51:15:11 – 00:51:37:18
Torre Washington
And I love that because for me, the sun is like my superpower. Yeah, I’m in it as much as I possibly can. And when I notice the difference, when I’m in it, my mood, my everything feels better. And so when I’m not going to be this of Florida, it’s that’s the beauty of it. You know, I find the time to carve out 30 minutes or more.

00:51:37:23 – 00:52:03:03
Torre Washington
I lay in the sun what I noticed when I was younger, you know, I had a I had a thing where I wanted to be Caucasian, you know, because it was deemed as being a having a better lifestyle, being white. And so I used to hide from the sun because I didn’t want to get my skin darker. You know, now, as I came into my own, my being of who I am, you know, I love it, you know?

00:52:03:03 – 00:52:23:04
Torre Washington
And then I noticed that a lot of people of my skin pigmentation don’t like the sun. They don’t want to be in the sun. They want to hide in the shade. And most of the times, more than often, they’re vitamin D deficient because they’re not in the sun, because the darker skin, you have to be in the sun more in order to get the reaction, the hormone.

00:52:23:04 – 00:52:46:24
Torre Washington
And it’s it’s crazy when you learn that it’s a hormone, you know, because a lot of times people don’t know that, you know, so over their hormones, although I don’t need one of those armor that can be out of watch. So so yes. And every now and then when I, I would take, you know, like if I see it and I’ll take it somewhere, but I love the sun and it’s just for me, it’s just one of the main things for me.

00:52:47:20 – 00:53:11:23
Nathan Crane
Yeah. I mean the amount of energy you get from just spending 20, 30 minutes out in the sun each day, you know, it’s like you just you literally feel better. We know it, you know, increases, you know, positive dopamine and serotonin. You literally feel better. Neurochemicals that make you feel better. But then it enhances your immune system, improves the other hormone responses, including testosterone in the body.

00:53:12:17 – 00:53:32:19
Nathan Crane
You know, if you have a low testosterone, like one of the things you can look at is vitamin D deficiency. It’s really easy to test for these things. And I recommend if you’re vegan or vegetarian, definitely test vitamin D, vitamin B12 like minimum. You know, they’re not super expensive. It’s worth doing just to see like I never recommend people, Oh, go out and take all these supplements.

00:53:33:06 – 00:53:51:11
Nathan Crane
It’s like we know if you look at the research, vegans generally are deficient in a few and these are people who are not mindful about their diet. They’re usually on a junk food diet. They’re not eating fortified foods. They don’t take any supplements. Right. It’s like it’s not like you who’s like really you’re getting sunshine, you’re eating real whole foods.

00:53:51:11 – 00:54:09:19
Nathan Crane
You’re, you know, eating some of these fortified foods. Like, you’re not gonna have to worry about any of that. That’s not the general population of vegans, unfortunately, today. Right. And that’s a big part of the education is like, look, eat more real foods, more whole foods, more natural foods and diversity in those foods. And then most people don’t have to worry about it.

00:54:09:19 – 00:54:35:05
Nathan Crane
Maybe a couple of things. Vitamin D, vitamin B12, DHEA and EPA. We do know that. Yeah, we get so much, you know, omega threes from vegetables and vegetable oil. The problem is, is not everyone can convert Alpha into EPA and then DHEA. Not everyone has the ability to do that for whatever reason, genetic thing or whatever. We know not everyone can do it.

00:54:35:05 – 00:54:59:04
Nathan Crane
So, you know, you can get where can you get that in plants? You can get it from algae. And we know a lot of the sea communities, people who’ve lived near the sea have eaten algae and nori and seaweed, which have another essential nutrient that some vegans are deficient in, which is iodine. And so there are, again, vegan foods that are, you know, enforced with iodine.

00:54:59:04 – 00:55:17:02
Nathan Crane
But, you know, if you’re eating as close to nature as possible, you’re eating sea vegetables. You know, you’re eating you know you’re going to get iodine. If you’re eating nori, if you’re eating mushrooms, you will get a little B12. And I actually think there are still people who have the bacteria in their guts because B12 comes from bacteria.

00:55:17:02 – 00:55:24:13
Nathan Crane
Right. Correct. And their guts that produce B12 is just not right. Not everybody. And in fact, it’s probably not that many people.

00:55:24:13 – 00:55:26:15
Torre Washington
But I do think that people who do it.

00:55:26:15 – 00:55:48:12
Nathan Crane
So it is I mean, you can do some simple tests and find out, okay, yeah, I need a supplement or I don’t, you know, not difficult, but those are like essential nutrients that do make a big difference. So by vitamin B12, by the way, can take and same with Omegas, DHEA and EPA. It can take like three or four months for levels to get to a healthy level to where you actually notice a difference.

00:55:50:01 – 00:56:06:17
Nathan Crane
And I’m not about like, oh, take a hundred supplements. I’m about like just optimize your health so you can live a long, healthy life and if you want to do it on plants, that’s awesome. You know, like you don’t have to contribute to the suffering and killing of innocent animals. Nobody has to do that means you take one or two, sometimes big deal.

00:56:06:17 – 00:56:17:14
Torre Washington
Yeah. You know, and that’s the thing because, you know, it’s funny. People say, oh, he looks like that. But he’d probably take a hell of a lot of protein supplements and then they’re like, Wait a sec, you take them, too?

00:56:19:07 – 00:56:19:15
Torre Washington

00:56:19:23 – 00:56:24:02
Nathan Crane
And then they find out like, oh, you use a little bit of protein powder. You use a little bit of.

00:56:24:02 – 00:56:24:14
Torre Washington

00:56:24:23 – 00:56:34:24
Nathan Crane
And it’s like, yeah, like not very much at all, but probably less than what most people are taking who are in the bodybuilding and powerlifting stuff.

00:56:34:24 – 00:56:37:05
Torre Washington

00:56:37:05 – 00:56:48:19
Nathan Crane
So that’s cool, man. That’s cool. I was going to ask you also about like you’re training like are you you prepping for a competition? Like what is your kind of typical training day look like?

00:56:49:18 – 00:57:17:22
Torre Washington
So my training actually doesn’t change. What changes is just like, like, you know, the calorie deficit. You know, I train just as intense as I have when I’m not it’s obviously prep. So I’m actually pushed more because, you know, we know what it does. It helps boost the testosterone. It helps to tip where my goal is to replenish with deplete glycogen stores as much as possible.

00:57:18:05 – 00:57:43:06
Torre Washington
So I need to be where they need to be replenished, but they replenish minimally because, you know, I cut my carbohydrates, start to decrease as we get closer to the competition. And you know, with the tactic that we use is that they get closer about a week out from the competition, my glycogen stores are so much lower than 3 to 4 days out from the competition will start to increase that.

00:57:43:21 – 00:58:11:23
Torre Washington
As we increase them. Because my stores are so low, it goes directly to where we need it to where is filling out the muscle. And then I depleted again the muscle depleted again. And then the day of the show is just more about increasing. And then as you pump up, it gets so pumped out because your body, the muscles are just enjoying all this consumption.

00:58:12:02 – 00:58:19:01
Torre Washington
And now a little like two times, ten times bigger than you did before. And that’s what people say. Steroids.

00:58:20:23 – 00:58:25:14
Nathan Crane
Well, and you’re probably are you doing water manipulation as well with the glycogen in my.

00:58:25:20 – 00:58:32:01
Torre Washington
Hand every day. So I am I drink more, right? I never cut it.

00:58:32:11 – 00:58:46:19
Nathan Crane
You never cut yourself. Yeah. You just load up, load up, load up. And that you don’t do like a water manipulation where like there’s like a sequence of how to, like, load and cut and then load, you know, right? And then cut like right before there’s like a, it’s like a tiny thing.

00:58:46:19 – 00:58:56:24
Torre Washington
I then load all the way up. Yeah. And then I don’t, the only thing is the day of the show, I don’t drink as much because you know, then I’ll be on stage wanting to pee.

00:58:57:12 – 00:58:58:04
Torre Washington
But it’s like.

00:58:58:23 – 00:59:09:03
Nathan Crane
You have their pose and you’re like, Oh shit, I got it. I need a break. And and what are your like how many hours a day do you train typically?

00:59:09:20 – 00:59:27:07
Torre Washington
So some by myself. And I’m not having a siesta every every week I do train with one guy, then with Paul Bakery, then I have people from the past and but it no, I remember I trained with him once back in 2013 and I couldn’t walk right after and I was like, okay, I need it.

00:59:27:08 – 00:59:28:01
Torre Washington
The guys get it.

00:59:29:08 – 01:00:00:01
Torre Washington
So we started training again and because I didn’t know what I do so well by myself, but I realize that it took me time to recognize the fact that every great coach has a coach. And so I did that with when it came to manipulate my Microsoft will take a look at me. That’s why I did that. And then eventually I was like, you know, I need someone to push me because, you know, one of my weak areas that I can set as my back, I want my back to have more 3D, more depth than because I can have a wide I have a good taper because of a small waist.

01:00:00:10 – 01:00:31:23
Torre Washington
But I wanted that more does, you know, 3D effect basically. And I wanted to just have a better overall package, you know, because I noticed one thing with myself. I love to improve and I like to see my improvements every year. You know, the Japanese say Kaizen is continuous improvement, so that’s what we do. So if I’m training with him, man, sometimes I look up like do we’ve been training for 3 hours.

01:00:31:23 – 01:00:33:13
Torre Washington
They’re like, welcome. That’s good when.

01:00:33:13 – 01:00:34:20
Torre Washington
I have that time, you know?

01:00:35:11 – 01:00:35:17
Torre Washington

01:00:36:04 – 01:00:54:21
Torre Washington
And that’s why I do it once a week because 3 hours, that’s a lot of time, you know. But those older guys, that, that’s all they do is their career to work out. But you know, then of course I spending money on the drugs keep up with the look that they need, you know. And so it’s understandable. But yeah, most of the time it’s just an hour for myself.

01:00:55:05 – 01:01:04:17
Torre Washington
I’m by myself and when I’m with him, it’s at least 2 hours. I don’t think we’ve ever trained for that.

01:01:04:17 – 01:01:08:12
Nathan Crane
Do you do you deal with injuries at all? Like have you had to deal with injuries?

01:01:09:12 – 01:01:31:05
Torre Washington
Man out? I have said no. All the way up to this point. But then, you know, you hire a trainer, they go and push you and then go to L.A. and go work out with 400 and well Michael Herr is going to do is going to push the Mike Ahern is a strong dude and you know you want to look good on the camera too.

01:01:32:00 – 01:02:01:03
Torre Washington
So coupled with training with the new guy doing things a little differently because when you have injuries, usually it’s just a movement that you’re not used to and you’re doing it more right. So my shoulder, I didn’t really have anything wrong with it. It’s not until after I went to L.A. worked out with Mike Ahern that we pushed Artem biceps and knowing that the bicep tendons attach in the shoulder and chest attaches in the shoulder and back.

01:02:01:03 – 01:02:24:21
Torre Washington
It touches on the shoulder, chest and back are some of the things that work. I’ve been working on a lot with the trainer and so then coupled with the with the Mike Ahern, after I did that one session with Mike, my biceps were sore for almost two weeks that I’ve never had that. And so I knew I really pushed him so hard that I think I aggravated the tendon more.

01:02:25:02 – 01:02:34:00
Torre Washington
Yeah and so I think I got a little bicep tend to not to be in there you know where certain movements it was hard for me, I couldn’t put my arm back to do.

01:02:34:06 – 01:02:34:24
Torre Washington

01:02:35:04 – 01:02:55:23
Torre Washington
You know, so I can go further back with this one that I can hear. It’s getting a lot better, but I’m able to. And as bodybuilders we push through, you know, we find ways to work around it. And in the end, the process of rehabilitating it still like I’m doing more preventative stuff that I used to do way back then I stopped.

01:02:56:10 – 01:03:02:13
Torre Washington
But now I feel I realize that it’s important to do stretch, you know, he’s like that.

01:03:02:13 – 01:03:03:06
Nathan Crane
So yeah.

01:03:03:06 – 01:03:07:20
Torre Washington
So unfortunately, yes. You know, after 50 years, I finally have one.

01:03:08:10 – 01:03:32:16
Nathan Crane
So it’s so funny, man. It’s it’s, I’m literally dealing with the exact same thing right now and my sports CrossFit. And so, you know, in seven years of doing CrossFit, like I’ve had multiple injuries and most of it’s just because my body was so tight and so messed up by so many years of damage. And I had no mobility, no flexibility, and just pushing too hard and then pushing through pain.

01:03:32:16 – 01:03:41:16
Nathan Crane
And then, you know, a little injury turns to a big one because it’s like I just would train through a train, through a train through it. It’s really hard for me to back off right. And so.

01:03:41:16 – 01:03:42:01
Torre Washington

01:03:42:07 – 01:03:59:12
Nathan Crane
I’ve gotten better over the years and like I got really focused on mobility and body work and stretching and all that stuff and like same thing the last couple of years I kind of like still do a warm up and still do some stretching and stuff, but way less than what I was doing the previous like four years.

01:03:59:22 – 01:04:16:04
Nathan Crane
And I on this training program, it was, you know, 5 hours a day. It was two sessions a day. You know, it’s for professional CrossFit athletes. I’m five or six months in. My whole body actually feels great and then all of a sudden little bicep thing, you know, knee thing starts flaring up, knee tendonitis and a little bicep.

01:04:16:04 – 01:04:33:22
Nathan Crane
And it’s like, I’ll just keep trying. It’ll go away, you know, like two months of training through it. It just got worse and worse and worse and worse. It got to the point where, like, I literally just took 30 days and and and did nothing for 30 days because I was doing it for a couple of months. Things weren’t getting better.

01:04:33:22 – 01:04:52:04
Nathan Crane
I was doing bodybuilding for a couple of months, you know, things were getting better. And then my other bicep tendon started flaring up, you know, from like the bodybuilding stuff because I’m like not used to it and I’m just like, okay, I got to do something different. So I just the last two days have been my first days back in.

01:04:52:10 – 01:05:14:16
Nathan Crane
So I took three days and did nothing, just like sauna, ice baths, you know, recovery and massage, stuff like that. And it’s mostly healed. Things are like 80% there, but there’s like a 20% to go. So, you know, now I’m just focusing on, you know, physical therapy, something block therapy, which helps release all the fascia that’s not add up all over the body from a colleague and friend of mine, Diana Hansen.

01:05:14:16 – 01:05:15:24
Torre Washington
I did. Amazing.

01:05:15:24 – 01:05:35:20
Nathan Crane
The block therapy stuff is incredible in physical therapy and then just super light stuff and cardio as I’m getting back into it. But it’s the same realizations. It’s like I needed to add back in more of the preventative stuff, more of the body work, more of the stretching, you know, before and after training, because all that stuff makes a huge difference for long.

01:05:36:02 – 01:05:36:10
Torre Washington

01:05:37:12 – 01:05:42:06
Nathan Crane
It and it sucks having a freaking injury where you can’t train the way you want to train it.

01:05:42:06 – 01:06:00:24
Torre Washington
Yeah, I know. And see, especially for me. But that’s why I was able to recover a good amount of to where, you know, I can still get on stage because, you know, my first show for this year is going to be June 1st here in Miami. So I’m looking forward to it just to just to see how far I’ve come along, you know, as far as my body is concerned.

01:06:01:08 – 01:06:22:17
Torre Washington
So I love getting up there and showing it because people, when they see me, I say they’re like, Damn, I can’t believe you’re freaking right. And you know, and you’re natural for that. You know, when I have guys that are coaches or coach non-natural guys, they automatically assume that I’m not natural too and I find that interesting. Like you just assume it because everybody is.

01:06:23:13 – 01:06:30:12
Torre Washington
But then I also must fit the criteria of the look, just not as big because you know, but still.

01:06:30:20 – 01:06:42:15
Nathan Crane
Well, if you want to believe that Mike O’Hearn is natural, you know, he still wants everyone to believe his natural, right. I mean, that’s that’s apparently what natural looks like.

01:06:42:15 – 01:06:43:06
Torre Washington
I mean, you know.

01:06:43:06 – 01:06:48:00
Torre Washington
And it’s interesting in person, it doesn’t look as big as he does there.

01:06:48:16 – 01:07:00:21
Nathan Crane
Well, these are older photos, right? This is like this is like 20 years ago, probably ten years ago, 15 years ago. Like, I don’t think he’s as big now as he has been, is he? I’ve never met him in person, so I can’t say I don’t know.

01:07:00:22 – 01:07:04:14
Torre Washington
He’s such a good dude, man. He’s so hilarious.

01:07:05:11 – 01:07:09:07
Nathan Crane
He is. He is a character, right. And but he still claims he’s natural, right?

01:07:10:08 – 01:07:11:13
Torre Washington
Yeah. Yeah, yeah.

01:07:11:14 – 01:07:17:05
Nathan Crane
And I don’t want to I mean, I don’t want to take I don’t want to take it away from him. Like, who am I to say, like I someone you know.

01:07:17:10 – 01:07:27:21
Torre Washington
And that’s another thing to have people that I’ll say, you know, man, do you think this guy is just natural? And it’s hard? Because if I say them like.

01:07:28:08 – 01:07:29:06
Torre Washington
They look at me.

01:07:29:16 – 01:07:44:04
Torre Washington
And say, I’m not natural. So, you know, how am how can I know, you know, unless I’m the guy I actually like, you know, because I’ve had people come to me and say, Hey, man, where you get your your stuff from?

01:07:44:13 – 01:07:48:11
Torre Washington
Like stuff where, you know, you went through a friend from.

01:07:48:11 – 01:07:49:14
Nathan Crane
Man, let me get the goods.

01:07:49:14 – 01:07:53:03
Torre Washington
Yeah, like, I like, you know, use it.

01:07:53:14 – 01:08:12:00
Torre Washington
Not all bad and no way. Come on, man. You know, I had a guy say that to me years ago when I was still working in corporate America. And, you know, he said, you look like you live in my world because he also was that lifter. And he said, Where are you getting your went? You’re winning yet like winning.

01:08:12:00 – 01:08:26:12
Torre Washington
What is that, Winstrol? I said, nah, I don’t, I don’t take anything many of the either, you know, when you reach a forties, you got to start taking something. Oh, well, at the time I was already 40. That was like.

01:08:27:02 – 01:08:29:17
Torre Washington
All right. But he didn’t know my age.

01:08:30:00 – 01:08:39:08
Torre Washington
He just assumed that I was so much younger. And by the time I was 40, I’m going to start taking stuff, you know? And to this day, people still think that you’re sure you’re not.

01:08:39:08 – 01:08:41:03
Torre Washington
Taking any turns. Now, how old are you?

01:08:41:14 – 01:08:44:13
Torre Washington
And but no.

01:08:45:08 – 01:09:06:22
Nathan Crane
So I wanted to ask you and you kind of hinted at it, but like, what is I mean, you talked about, you know, Kaizen And like the progress, I think any athlete in any sport, one of the things we love is getting better, right? And it’s true in life, like one of the true keys to actual happiness in life is progress.

01:09:06:22 – 01:09:28:14
Nathan Crane
Like whether you progress, you progress in your meditation practice, you progress in your compassion, you progress in your diet you progress at your work. If you’re not progressing at something and you’re stagnant like you’re going to be so unhappy, you’re going to, you know, not be fulfilled. Like we’re designed to progress. You can just see it in how we respond and react to things.

01:09:29:16 – 01:09:43:02
Nathan Crane
And so, you know, progress obviously makes sense, but Like what would you say is your deeper why for bodybuilding? Like why do you keep doing it? What do you what do you love about it? You know, what is that for you?

01:09:43:02 – 01:10:17:00
Torre Washington
And real simple, I love being motivated by just as you mentioned, improving upon my physique every time and then also showcasing that what it’s it’s like the physical of a desire and like I desire to have this right. And sometimes that doesn’t happen because whatever life gets in the way, but if you desire to have a better bicep, you can work harder and change it.

01:10:17:08 – 01:10:42:19
Torre Washington
And it’s right there physically in front of you. And as you putting forth effort is not, you can’t put the blame on anybody else but you, you know, it’s directly related to the efforts to give it. And so that to me is what keeps me going because. Yes. You know, I get out on stage and of course, I tell people I don’t come to support me, to watch me win because the chances of winning in this organization are very slim.

01:10:43:11 – 01:10:54:15
Torre Washington
But but if you just want to see me up there looking good and improve with an improved physique from last year, then come for that because I don’t want to waste your money. Come and watch me lose.

01:10:55:13 – 01:11:00:17
Nathan Crane
Why, why? Why? Why are that? Why are the chances slim of you winning big?

01:11:00:17 – 01:11:08:03
Torre Washington
Well, I say that because 90% are using drugs.

01:11:08:03 – 01:11:13:16
Nathan Crane
You know, they. This is this drug test. No, no, no. You’re done. No, they’re not drug tests.

01:11:13:16 – 01:11:37:15
Torre Washington
Undeniably pro. I have to be pro is not drug tested. They do have a drug, one that they put on and later on in the year and I do that one as well. But, you know, I’m competitive with myself and I like to, you know, see how I look, you know, what have you when it comes to going against the guys that are in hands as well as, you know, the guy that aren’t.

01:11:37:15 – 01:11:45:21
Torre Washington
And so the one that they put on at the end of the year is good, is also great. And I’ve been doing very well at that one. That one is also given the.

01:11:46:17 – 01:11:47:05
Torre Washington

01:11:49:09 – 01:11:55:07
Torre Washington
The word I’m looking for it. You win that one, you can go to the Olympics.

01:11:55:17 – 01:11:56:01
Torre Washington

01:11:56:19 – 01:12:05:24
Torre Washington
Now mind you, it is just putting a natural guy up against the rest of them but it’s a great is a big accomplishment to say I made it to the Olympics.

01:12:06:03 – 01:12:09:15
Nathan Crane
Yeah. Like that was when I was a wade light hard you know Wade later.

01:12:11:04 – 01:12:11:09
Torre Washington

01:12:12:08 – 01:12:27:20
Nathan Crane
He’s like an 84, like an O.G. vegan bodybuilder. He. He made it to Olympia twice. I think as a natural vegan bodybuilder. I think it was Olympia now. Of course he didn’t. Yeah. Wade Lighthearted. Wade lighthearted. Do you know?

01:12:27:20 – 01:12:29:01
Torre Washington
And from what I know.

01:12:29:09 – 01:12:33:03
Torre Washington
No one has.

01:12:33:03 – 01:12:40:07
Torre Washington
Is it Mr. Olympia like I have PB Pro with Olympia or the Olympia, the natural of Olympia. To show him a natural.

01:12:40:07 – 01:12:42:24
Nathan Crane
I have to. I have to tell you, I have to double check.

01:12:42:24 – 01:12:43:04
Torre Washington

01:12:43:15 – 01:12:47:04
Torre Washington
Now you’re going to have me look it up.

01:12:47:04 – 01:13:14:17
Nathan Crane
Yeah, well, he spoke at my conference years ago, like I used to run a raw like a raw food event. And he was because he initially did it as a raw food, like a raw food vegan, which was like unheard of. But yeah, he because he’s like a three time Canadian bodybuilding champion and then I know he qualifies for some huge thing and some reason I think it was Olympia, but maybe it was something different.

01:13:15:14 – 01:13:17:19
Torre Washington
I think it was for something similar.

01:13:18:17 – 01:13:26:04
Nathan Crane
Yeah, maybe something similar. Let’s see. I’ll tell you right now.

01:13:26:04 – 01:13:28:00
Torre Washington
Uh, no, it’s not there.

01:13:28:04 – 01:13:39:07
Nathan Crane
Let’s see if we can find it. But yeah, so, so from what you know, what you believe is that no vegan has made it to Olympia. Yeah.

01:13:40:12 – 01:13:45:17
Torre Washington
Male, I believe that has been female Let’s see.

01:13:46:01 – 01:13:48:15
Nathan Crane
Qualified All female Do you know who that was?

01:13:49:18 – 01:14:12:02
Torre Washington
Uh, just a girl. And then I think she was a and also they weren’t vegan when they started, but they’re vegan now. Also India, you know, she’s a vegan and she was in the Olympia and.

01:14:13:01 – 01:14:18:00
Nathan Crane
I can tell I already did all this, but it’s in my book. I can, I can look it up right now.

01:14:18:19 – 01:14:19:04
Torre Washington
Yeah, yeah.

01:14:20:00 – 01:14:28:08
Nathan Crane
Let me stop share my screen now because I do want to show people my manuscript. I got a book in progress. Let’s see.

01:14:28:10 – 01:14:59:20
Torre Washington
Speaking of that man up, I’m in the process of writing a book. But, man, I didn’t realize that the if you don’t have the agent or the publishing is hard for. I had an agent, she told me my first proposal was not good enough, so I did another one. And then the next one, the second one, she said, This is great, but now I have a conflict of interest and know I can give you somebody else or you can go look for another agent.

01:14:59:20 – 01:15:14:07
Torre Washington
And so I said, All right, I’ll call up another agent. And so far, so far the four of us for the run into they’re all love it. But they said it’s hard for them to actually market it. I don’t know where they would market it.

01:15:14:07 – 01:15:18:20
Nathan Crane
So what was her what was her conflict?

01:15:18:20 – 01:15:21:20
Torre Washington
I don’t know. I’m a conflict of it. She never told me.

01:15:22:00 – 01:15:24:06
Nathan Crane
She was like she’s like, you’re vegan. That’s a conflict.

01:15:24:06 – 01:15:25:15
Torre Washington
For me or what.

01:15:25:15 – 01:15:29:15
Torre Washington
But she’s already she’s she’s she worked she worked with a lot of because.

01:15:29:15 – 01:15:53:24
Nathan Crane
She already knew what the book was about. Right. So that couldn’t be that couldn’t have been it. So we’d like her. Okay, so this is in my book. He so it was in Olympia. I, I was wrong. It was Mr. Universe. Yeah. He’s one of only a handful of people who have ever qualified as a vegan to Mr. Universe, which is not as far it’s a big deal, but it’s not as big as.

01:15:54:06 – 01:15:57:20
Torre Washington
It is Olympia, right? Yeah, it was back in the day. I have this little round.

01:15:58:02 – 01:15:59:13
Torre Washington
But I don’t know.

01:16:00:15 – 01:16:03:13
Torre Washington
Because I know Lou Ferrigno won Miss Universe, too.

01:16:03:19 – 01:16:09:11
Nathan Crane
Yeah, and, well, Arnold was, you know, in his day, he was. Didn’t he win Mr. Universe like a bunch of times?

01:16:10:09 – 01:16:11:00
Torre Washington

01:16:11:15 – 01:16:13:00
Nathan Crane
He won a whole. He won everything.

01:16:13:19 – 01:16:14:04
Torre Washington
Back and.

01:16:14:07 – 01:16:14:23
Torre Washington

01:16:15:09 – 01:16:20:05
Nathan Crane
Yeah, he won. Mr. Universe at age 20 and then.

01:16:21:15 – 01:16:22:02
Torre Washington

01:16:22:20 – 01:16:40:22
Nathan Crane
At age 20. And then Mr. Olympia seven times. So that would be really interesting. If no vegans have ever no vegan males have ever qualified for Mr. Olympia. And if you were if you’d be the first one, dude, that’d be pretty epic.

01:16:42:17 – 01:16:44:10
Torre Washington
That’s like that’s your video right there.

01:16:44:10 – 01:16:46:11
Nathan Crane
That’s your one of your dreams. There you go.

01:16:46:22 – 01:16:48:11
Torre Washington
Yeah, that’s crazy.

01:16:48:17 – 01:16:53:03
Nathan Crane
I love a lot of cool. Well, I hope you achieve it, man. I really do.

01:16:53:03 – 01:16:58:14
Torre Washington
Yeah. I mean, I spend every night for the think it’d be really nice for the community as well.

01:16:58:20 – 01:17:10:05
Nathan Crane
So you might you might like what would you have to do that would you have to pack on like another £15 of muscle. I would. You just have to be bigger because you’re lean and short cut. But like, do you just have to be bigger to qualify?

01:17:11:09 – 01:17:34:08
Torre Washington
Not necessarily. So that if I won the natural show, the natural so that the front end of the year like last year I did third place. So this year I win. That’s it. I got Olympia. Oh yeah. It doesn’t matter because it, it doesn’t matter on they don’t base it off of weight and size supposedly that’s what they say.

01:17:34:16 – 01:17:43:01
Torre Washington
It’s you know the total package and I’ve been told many times you have a complete package.

01:17:43:01 – 01:17:48:17
Nathan Crane
You got the complete package, brother. Hey, that’s nice. Yeah, you’re like, yes, I do.

01:17:49:03 – 01:17:51:20
Torre Washington
Thank you very.

01:17:51:20 – 01:18:02:19
Nathan Crane
That’s awesome. Dude, I really hope you I hope you win the natural. Now, the thing about the natural two is like, wouldn’t it be more about integrity? Because they’re not like testing you throughout the year, are they? Like they’re just testing.

01:18:02:23 – 01:18:03:08
Torre Washington
And that’s.

01:18:03:08 – 01:18:03:23
Nathan Crane

01:18:04:06 – 01:18:28:04
Torre Washington
It literally has an integrity. So how many of them really have you know what I mean? Because a lot guys look at the show that are enhanced and I like and Tori, I don’t know if all these guys are an edge that’s a they’ll say to me like well you know usually the natural guys are very we are very highly happy about how they are happy.

01:18:28:04 – 01:18:39:00
Torre Washington
We were very much into doing it natural. Whether we love it, would love to show that take our body to that extreme level as far as we can naturally.

01:18:39:07 – 01:18:55:20
Nathan Crane
Right on the same thing. Like with CrossFit, like I my goal is to go as far as I absolutely can and 100% natural in my mind from day one has been like, if I can’t do it naturally, then I do it. But I’m going to try mean it’s like a 99.9, 99% unlikely. And that’s what drives me, right?

01:18:55:20 – 01:19:18:21
Nathan Crane
That .00 1% chance. I’m like, there’s a chance so you’re telling me there’s a chance. Yes. I think you got that reference. Yes. It’s like if if there’s a chance like, I’m going to go for it. But it’s like I know some of those guys use drugs and some don’t. And the reality is, you know, how many of them use?

01:19:18:21 – 01:19:37:23
Nathan Crane
No idea. They don’t test enough people often enough for people to know. So it is really about integrity because it’s supposed to be a drug free sport. But my mind is like if, I can’t make it drug free, then I can’t make it. That’s all there is to it, you know? And there’s just no when you have like that integrity in yourself, I think it gives you a better quality of life.

01:19:37:23 – 01:19:50:24
Nathan Crane
I think feel better about yourself as a human being. I think you just you I would imagine you probably sleep better at night because I sleep pretty good at night knowing, you know, that my integrity is intact.

01:19:51:23 – 01:20:13:20
Torre Washington
But I am. And I mean that. Just before we got on his podcast, I was responding to a whole boatload of comments. Drugs, Ryan’s, I didn’t know vegan I don’t know steroids or vegan. And I just like for us to think that a compliment like and I’ll say, hey, you know, show me how to use them because I’m obviously don’t know what I’m doing.

01:20:14:19 – 01:20:19:15
Nathan Crane
Yeah, yeah. That’s that’s the hard thing, right? It’s like, we got to stop reading comments all together.

01:20:20:01 – 01:20:21:16
Torre Washington
And that to me is funny.

01:20:21:17 – 01:20:27:09
Torre Washington
Because they don’t I don’t take them personally because they don’t know me. And all of the time as a bot, as a real.

01:20:27:09 – 01:20:27:21
Torre Washington

01:20:28:02 – 01:20:30:24
Nathan Crane
Is sometimes like trying to stir up controversy.

01:20:30:24 – 01:20:31:05
Torre Washington
You know?

01:20:32:01 – 01:20:51:17
Torre Washington
And I think it actually is funny because that in our final I hope it helped the the algorithm maybe by commenting and then the response that it just keeps going. Because I noticed that at some of my posts that have continuous comments going on, it’s people are fighting over it. It just keeps it keeps it in there.

01:20:51:18 – 01:21:15:05
Nathan Crane
So awesome. I appreciate appreciate you taking the time. It’s been awesome to know you and yeah, I want to share your website with everyone. You you coach people, right? You’ve got so many programs, you help people achieve their goals, as, you know, plant based athletes. So yeah, if people want to get in touch with you or join in your programs or anything like that was the best place for them to do that story.

01:21:15:06 – 01:21:43:07
Torre Washington
Will Washington dot com That’s my website and also YouTube story wise instead of official, you know, Instagram, you know, all the other platforms alone, they’re just just based on my name. And again, man, Nathan, this is this is fun. Dude, I appreciate you taking the time to actually put this together and interview me because, you know, we take it for granted, but it’s a great opportunity to be on anybody’s platform regardless, you know, or you know, you didn’t have to even know one.

01:21:43:07 – 01:21:58:18
Torre Washington
Okay. Explain to me how many people they reach because me, it’s just if it’s one person, you know, that one person can make a difference in the world that’s far beyond what 10,000 people can look at if they own whatever. And so I appreciate the time and opportunity to be here. So thank you.

01:21:59:03 – 01:22:08:10
Nathan Crane
That’s awesome, dude. Thank you. I appreciate you. And when we launch our plant powered athlete podcast here pretty soon and love to have you come on that and diving deeper into my place.

01:22:09:03 – 01:22:11:13
Torre Washington
Yeah no doubt they are looking forward to.

01:22:12:03 – 01:22:13:08
Nathan Crane
Awesome and appreciate it.



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