79-Year-Old Vegan Cancer Conqueror Sets Powerlifting World Records: Pat Reeves, Nathan Crane Podcast

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Meet 79-year-old Pat Reeves, a vegan cancer conqueror and powerlifting record holder. Pat’s journey through bone cancer to setting world records in powerlifting is nothing short of miraculous. Dive into the life of a long-term vegan who’s not only survived cancer but thrived by setting global benchmarks in powerlifting.

Pat’s story is a testament to the power of plant-based diets and resilience. Learn how she overcame osteosarcoma and transformed her life through strength training. From marathons to powerlifting, Pat’s athletic journey is an incredible inspiration to us all. Don’t miss out on her strategies for maintaining health and vigor as a septuagenarian athlete.

Your host, Nathan Crane, is a Certified Holistic Cancer Coach, Best-Selling Author, Inspirational Speaker, Cancer-Health Researcher and Educator, and 20X Award Winning Documentary Filmmaker with Over 15 Years in the Health Field.

Visit The Nathan Crane Podcast on YouTube to watch the full podcast!

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#VeganStrength #CancerSurvivor #Powerlifting

Audio Transcript


(This transcript was auto-generated so there may be some errors)


00:00:00:01 – 00:00:36:15
Nathan Crane
Welcome back to the podcast. I am really excited for today’s interview. Today we have Pat Reeves with us, who is an incredibly inspiring world champion, power lifting plant based athlete. And her story is incredible. Not only has she set world records in powerlifting for the last 40 or so years, before that was a marathon runner and has been a long term vegan, but also battled with osteosarcoma, bone cancer and has come out the other side of that.

00:00:36:23 – 00:01:01:18
Nathan Crane
Written a book called A Living Miracle, which kind of goes into depth on all the things she’s learned and practices. But I’m excited. Yeah. Hey, Pat, I’m excited for you to come on the podcast today and for us to kind of dove into your story. I mean, I’m I want to learn more about how you, you know, have lived so healthy and strong, battled cancer and set world records.

00:01:01:18 – 00:01:21:11
Nathan Crane
Now, I think you’re getting close to 80 years young at the time we’re recording this. Am I right next year? Yeah. And still going strong. It’s amazing. It’s amazing. I mean, you’re truly an incredible inspiration. And so thanks for coming on the podcast and so happy that you’re able to do this.

00:01:21:18 – 00:01:23:10
Pat Reeves
Yes, so am I. Yes.

00:01:23:23 – 00:01:36:08
Nathan Crane
So I wanted to talk about your cancer experience first, your cancer journey. When were you diagnosed and and what happened? What was the diagnosis? What was the prognosis?

00:01:36:08 – 00:02:23:01
Pat Reeves
First, cancer was a type of brain tumor meningioma, which was 1928. They gave me six months and said I could have chemotherapy, but they didn’t think it would work. And that started me on the journey to say that, okay, that doesn’t work. What else can I find? Journey has been long. I looked at lots and lots of different things, so there at that time I changed what I.

00:02:23:15 – 00:02:40:00
Pat Reeves
According to the Bristol Cancer Place in Bristol in the United Kingdom, that was the only place then that was doing anything. We’ve done it for cancer or the M.B.A..

00:02:40:17 – 00:02:43:17
Nathan Crane
What was that, what was the recommended diet back then from them?

00:02:44:09 – 00:03:15:06
Pat Reeves
Um, back then it was I mean, before I think we coined the word vegan and plant based, but ironically it was mostly plant based. That was a start for me. And the reason I became plant based is basically I did a lot of research on what was the best foods that could help me fight back, which ironically they just happened to be plant based.

00:03:16:23 – 00:03:55:07
Pat Reeves
So that’s the reason I have remained plant based now for about 57 years. But then obviously I hadn’t heard of living foods, no one to coin ketogenic show intermittent fasting and those are the three things I use a lot with patients in this situation that so yes, they all happen to be plant based. So if it was animal products, they had more gang signs for me than outside.

00:03:55:07 – 00:03:58:03
Pat Reeves
So that’s why I stopped eating this.

00:03:58:09 – 00:04:09:24
Nathan Crane
This was this was brain cancer. This was advanced because they gave you six months left to live and you didn’t do chemo, radiation and surgery or did you do anything conventional?

00:04:10:11 – 00:04:53:00
Pat Reeves
No, I’ve never done anything conventional other than surgery, which actually happened because of things like EDTA, which initially I thought would help. The problem with the was that they said typographical error in the prescription and that was done in the U.S. and over here, but increased to 30,000 milligrams a day that he should be so that ripped my kidneys and I had to be on dialysis for a long time.

00:04:54:06 – 00:05:09:03
Pat Reeves
It also was responsible for a couple of heart attacks. So things like that were, well, the result of compli conventional things.

00:05:09:10 – 00:05:22:23
Nathan Crane
That’s a big that’s a big mistake to make. I mean eating to get a don’t know it’s it’s a heavy metal chelating agent when you start to pull heavy metals out of the body, you want to do it slowly and mindfully and make sure you have good binders.

00:05:23:24 – 00:05:53:18
Pat Reeves
So it should it was done on my body weight, which is pretty low anyway. I mean, I know you ask because when us members come over here, I know you are working pounds and not kilos, but I know I’m only about seven stone, so hundred pounds or so and so the amount was worked at on my body weight and that’s what got me in the get.

00:05:54:06 – 00:06:11:24
Nathan Crane
Wow. Wow. So, so aside from that, you had brain cancer and you adopted a mostly plant based diet at that time. What happened? Did you did you implement additional protocols? Did the brain cancer eventually go away on its own? Like tell us about that.

00:06:12:24 – 00:06:49:14
Pat Reeves
Yes, I followed lots of different things to different ideas. I did the Bruce fast for 42 days on water. And actually, like the first time I did that, it wasn’t that successful, but it was later on. So about 14 months after the diagnosis, the brain tumor was virtually not able to be farmed. It was so small they couldn’t actually find me.

00:06:49:14 – 00:07:03:21
Pat Reeves
And so, yeah, that was the food, my thought process, all my studying definitely had a magical effect on that. Burnt. Yeah.

00:07:04:11 – 00:07:15:06
Nathan Crane
When you say your thought process, what were some of the things? Were you were you doing mental, emotional healing? We’re healing past traumas. What what was your thinking like? What was your mental emotional state like?

00:07:15:18 – 00:07:48:15
Pat Reeves
Yes. So I did all the mind body meditation, which obviously was very new then, but wasn’t I mean, there was no Internet for me, so it was tough communicating. But I mean, one of the big symptoms I had and while I went to the doctors was extreme headaches with the bone cancer. And then 6 to 8 months into what I was doing, I didn’t have any more headaches.

00:07:48:24 – 00:08:29:04
Pat Reeves
Hmm. That’s a good sign. I’m thinking I must be on the right track. Yeah, but yes, it was a complete success. And following the I think I had about ten years before the diagnosis of osteosarcoma. Now this got missed because at that time I was running marathons and winning marathons all over the world, and it was I had a problem with my knee, my right knee.

00:08:29:06 – 00:09:07:21
Pat Reeves
That was the first tumor of which I have 14 bone tumors. And it was just looked at as you doing too much running. So it was running on the way to win marathons. And I did do 25 also. So to get that sort of time, I was doing 100 miles a week running, but I also around about that time had osteoporosis and that got missed for a long time.

00:09:07:21 – 00:09:34:07
Pat Reeves
And then when they took that one out, they said, well, you know, the bone treating knees and your hip is now most likely to do the opposite. So it took them a long time to work out what we did actually find that option had a couple of accidents. I was a motor, I rode a motorcycle, then came off that a couple of times.

00:09:35:20 – 00:10:13:08
Pat Reeves
Every time I broke something, I developed another German and eventually I didn’t think of amputation of my leg and they decided they wouldn’t do that because anything to do with bones and working on bones or by accident. So then cutting into them, we should not be surprised. I know the German. So eventually I ended up with 14 bone tumors, arms and legs.

00:10:15:03 – 00:10:28:11
Pat Reeves
They’re still there because I’ve never had anything done to remove them. But what I have done is deactivated them so they’re not a problem to me anymore.

00:10:30:03 – 00:10:37:10
Nathan Crane
So this was these were diagnosed in 1990, would you say?

00:10:38:01 – 00:10:43:13
Pat Reeves
Yeah, just a bit like in the 1990, 90 to 93 maybe.

00:10:43:19 – 00:10:47:20
Nathan Crane
And so you think you think they were there originally when the brain cancer was there?

00:10:48:06 – 00:10:54:10
Pat Reeves
I don’t think so, because I had no symptoms at all. So basically I had ten good years.

00:10:55:00 – 00:10:57:14
Nathan Crane
Okay. So you think they came after the brain cancer?

00:10:58:02 – 00:10:58:11
Pat Reeves

00:10:59:07 – 00:11:04:23
Nathan Crane
And what do you what? And you think they were caused from accidents that you went through.

00:11:06:11 – 00:11:48:09
Pat Reeves
Implant but you in those ten years I had some major emotional problems with breaking up for my husband. So a lot of stress and one I’ve found since then that stress, if you can go back to when cancer or heart disease or whatever it is started, is normally around a stressful situation in your life. And that was exactly the same for me, but mine was always considered a genetic cancer because my entire family have died of cancer.

00:11:49:08 – 00:12:06:09
Pat Reeves
So on the only remaining person that well, it’s interesting that you can blame genetics if you like a little bit, but it’s not as much as people think, right? Yeah, they a lifestyle situation.

00:12:06:24 – 00:12:41:22
Nathan Crane
Absolutely. I have an entire documentary series called Conquering Cancer The Missing Link, interviewing nearly three dozen cancer experts, scientists, doctors in multiple cancer conquers, and thrivers like yourself who’ve overcome, beaten the odds, overcome the prognosis they were given and have healed themselves from cancer. And a huge portion of that series is focused on the science and the evidence and the case studies of people who are diagnosed with cancers and and the traumatic experiences they had in their lives.

00:12:42:03 – 00:13:14:24
Nathan Crane
The stress the chronic stress, the overwork, the the challenging relationships, the loss of a loved one, the childhood adverse events, the the rapes, the the traumas, all of these things that so many of us experience in our lives and how they were directly affecting the wellbeing, mental, emotional and physical wellbeing of the person. And the evidence we have behind that is very, very substantial neuropeptides get released, they get stored in various tissues in the body.

00:13:14:24 – 00:13:36:06
Nathan Crane
They can cause chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation causes cancer. We know that that’s that’s very well documented in the research. And if we don’t learn to heal these emotional experiences, these traumas, these adverse childhood events that we hold on to subconsciously, even then we’re down regulating our immune system and we’re creating an environment in which cancer can thrive in the body.

00:13:36:06 – 00:13:59:08
Nathan Crane
So the fact that you’re very in tune with how you went through these traumatic experiences and break up with your husband and so forth, you know, and how that may have been an instigator, even if you have genetics that predispose you to cancer, you still need the environment for those genetics to express themselves. We still need the trigger, we need the environmental trigger.

00:13:59:08 – 00:14:31:08
Nathan Crane
And it’s different for different people. But very often there is very likely a stress or traumatic experience as the trigger that leads to those genetics being expressed, not to mention diet, lifestyle, food, toxins, toxic burden, nutritional deficiencies that can lead to DNA damage and mitochondrial dysfunction. You know, all this recover in depth, you know, over ten episodes in my documentary series called The Missing Link.

00:14:31:20 – 00:14:51:18
Nathan Crane
But just as you said yourself, I mean, you realize this 30 plus years ago and you’re living today that you said the tumors are still there. But they don’t you don’t they don’t bother you. You don’t know they’re there. They haven’t spread. Like what? Can you talk more about them now?

00:14:51:18 – 00:15:19:11
Pat Reeves
They’re they’re just completely deactivated. I mean, one of the reasons we didn’t we decided not to surgically remove them is back to that situation. If you invite me in some way, I’m likely to develop more of that. So I’m much happier with having them there and being deactivated. Then somebody trying to remove them and starting, you know, the chain of events potentially.

00:15:19:11 – 00:15:20:21
Pat Reeves
Well, yeah.

00:15:21:09 – 00:15:34:22
Nathan Crane
Yeah. I mean, it makes sense and seems like you’re living a pretty good quality of life. I mean, you’re you’re getting ready to break your own world record, deadlifting record coming up. Is that is that accurate what you told me?

00:15:35:08 – 00:15:46:23
Pat Reeves
I increased it last month at our National singles. And so I intend to raise that a little bit more at the world singles in Amsterdam.

00:15:47:11 – 00:15:55:05
Nathan Crane
Wow. And so your sevens about seven stones. About £100.

00:15:56:01 – 00:16:10:08
Pat Reeves
Yes, a little bit more than maybe 105. No, but I competing on now it’s back into kilos for you but under 50.5 and I’m not bad 48 kilo.

00:16:11:02 – 00:16:17:06
Nathan Crane
K and your and what are your what are your lifts what’s your you bend squat and deadlift, right?

00:16:17:17 – 00:16:49:05
Pat Reeves
Yeah. As much as before when I was younger. So my best lived probably around 2004, 2005. I was a, I was in a weight class much lower then. So that would be the 44 kilo weight class. And I way round about 40 to Gaelic and I could squat 90.

00:16:50:13 – 00:16:58:05
Nathan Crane
90 kilos, kilos so double more than double roughly double bodyweight squat which is which is fantastic.

00:16:58:14 – 00:17:04:15
Pat Reeves
Bench 55 kilos and deadlift 135 kilos.

00:17:06:11 – 00:17:13:23
Nathan Crane
Wow. So that was over three time. Yeah. Through over a3x bodyweight on the deadlift which is, which is world class. Yeah.

00:17:14:16 – 00:17:57:14
Pat Reeves
Now is it. And obviously obviously not fit to then. But over the years I think in, in my powerlifting association of which I’m a director and Jen Czech International with a range of other things, we have five year age increments. So my plan since I joined this association in 2005 was to keep increasing my world record over that five year period.

00:17:58:06 – 00:18:37:14
Pat Reeves
Then as you step into your next stage, obviously you qualify as go then thankfully. And so I would then start again as a lower level so that I could build up in those five years to the maximum I could do. So then obviously with various problems and accidents, I decided to specialize in deadlifting. So now I only competed deadlifting and the last time I was in America.

00:18:37:20 – 00:19:09:16
Pat Reeves
But then I did bend and deadlift and got those world records. But for the last few years I’ve mainly just dedicate to one of the big problems was the accident I had in 2008, which has completely changed my life. So when I was working in clinics in Germany, I was sent to work at Detroit Hospital because a lot of work in Detroit hospital.

00:19:10:20 – 00:19:41:14
Pat Reeves
But coming back from the journey from the clinic to Frankfurt Airport, my my driver always picked me up from Frankfurt, drove me to the clinic. He drove in the hospital taxi. And unfortunately, there’s a lot of accidents in this particular area of which I’ve been involved in about 14 times over ten years.

00:19:41:22 – 00:19:46:14
Nathan Crane
14, 14 car accidents. Accidents in the same area.

00:19:47:01 – 00:19:48:00
Pat Reeves
In the same.

00:19:48:00 – 00:19:54:19
Nathan Crane
Area. Oh, my gosh. It might have take a helicopter or something to go around that you can’t go around that area, huh?

00:19:55:24 – 00:20:29:13
Pat Reeves
Well, unfortunately, there’s only really one or two born to go on from Frankfurt to the clinic. She’s stuck with this journey. I’ve flown into Stuttgart and come at it the other direction, but you are still not eligible. And the speeds they drive on up to 150 mile an hour, you can do whenever you like. There’s no restrictions now on this particular occasion we were overtaken.

00:20:30:00 – 00:21:00:06
Pat Reeves
And normally, because I know this area very well, I don’t really want to be looking out of the window because it reminds me of all the previous accidents. So I’m normally working on the laptop, but on this occasion this car overtook this enormous speed and I looked up and he overtook us, hit the central reservation, spun around, and he just head on over where my memory goes.

00:21:00:22 – 00:21:33:07
Pat Reeves
So later on it was fun that he was high on cocaine. He died three days after that accident. It was September 2019. And unfortunately, that killed my driver friend for ten years. Wow. And the what happened with the White heat us crushed the roof of the hospital taxi onto me. And so I had to be cut out and airlifted.

00:21:33:07 – 00:22:03:20
Pat Reeves
And instead of flying home to Birmingham Airport, I ended up at Frankfurt Hospital in an enforced coma for 12 days while they shorted me out. So yes, that smashed me up a lot. I got over that. I got there with the injuries. But in June 2019, my breathing was very bad having that checked and it came back as pulmonary fibrosis.

00:22:04:20 – 00:22:38:22
Pat Reeves
And again, I was given like three months, six months. And unfortunately there is no cure for this either conventionally. Well, whatever I can do and others can do. But, you know, I’m now six years into this and although, yes, my breathing is bad, my mobility is really bad, so I can’t walk very fond. I’ve had to change all my training so I can only do single lifts.

00:22:38:22 – 00:23:08:04
Pat Reeves
Now, if you asked me to pick up the deadly ball three times, I would definitely need oxygen. Now, one interesting thing with oxygen is that I definitely say that this is a big help for me. So I use oxygen here twice a day. Not necessarily because I need it. So I’m using it prophylactically and it definitely helps me.

00:23:10:00 – 00:23:43:08
Pat Reeves
So yeah, that’s the worst accident I’ve ever had and something that definitely affected how I live now. Wow. So, so, so from flying to Detroit Hospital to two clinics in Germany, my practice in the UK, flying all over the world, doing international activities and competing. I know basically at home, sadly. So I’ve had made changes. I’ve had to work.

00:23:44:02 – 00:23:44:22
Nathan Crane
Oh my gosh.

00:23:45:05 – 00:23:51:11
Pat Reeves
I have to do all my patients on Zoom. No, in other countries because I found so I.

00:23:51:11 – 00:24:21:03
Nathan Crane
Wow. I mean that’s you’ve gone through so many massive challenges in your life. I’m just barely getting to know you. And it’s already brain cancer. Bone cancer, 14 accidents, you know, nearly dying in an accident like crazy. And yet here you are still going, still lifting, you know, still making your body stronger, setting goals, being resilient, clearly, you know, positive minded.

00:24:22:17 – 00:24:24:11
Nathan Crane
I mean, what is inspiration?

00:24:25:24 – 00:24:54:07
Pat Reeves
Well, I always said, you know, with these types of things, you either sink or swim. And I chose to swim. Yes, it’s been a lot of hard work. But the information I gained over this period of time and can take to my own patients is amazing. I often wonder that if I had never had cancer, what would my life be like now?

00:24:54:21 – 00:25:26:17
Pat Reeves
I wouldn’t have taken up this profession. I doubt very much. Potentially I wouldn’t be a powerlifter because on top of fitness, when when I’d sorted out what to make of what to do and how to live and how to think, I feel like I need to get fit here. And exercise was something that I never enjoyed but didn’t take up until I was 38.

00:25:26:17 – 00:26:01:13
Pat Reeves
And it’s interesting, this brought the competitive side of me because I was involved with a group of keep fitters, if you like, and we put on a big display at the Albert Hall in London, Massey Place, and we won the Black Country Olympics with that same routine. And I think that’s what sparked this woman off and running was the first thing I did.

00:26:01:22 – 00:26:29:04
Pat Reeves
And then I realized that that was sort of only getting me fitter from the waist down and maybe I’ll look at waist up. And so then I discovered strength training. I joined a local gym here, paid a year up front. I went every single day for the whole year I paid for. And during that time I developed my own gym fare.

00:26:29:05 – 00:27:00:10
Pat Reeves
So I have a big gym here at my home and at the end of that year I was all completely set up at home. But powerlifting was not something I instantly thought of. I did complete a bodybuilding and ironically it was my bodybuilding coach who himself was a powerlifter that said, I actually think you ought to take up powerlifting because you are getting very strong.

00:27:01:08 – 00:27:18:06
Pat Reeves
So I’m thinking, what’s powerlifting? And so he showed me the whole idea of it. He got me into the first competition which I won and a lot of pictures.

00:27:18:06 – 00:27:32:09
Nathan Crane
And yeah, for anyone watching, I’m sharing some of your photos online, winning different awards. And you know, there’s there was a deadlift there British was that British drug free powerlifting association.

00:27:32:18 – 00:27:33:01
Pat Reeves

00:27:34:05 – 00:27:38:06
Nathan Crane
That was three years ago I guess you were 76. It says.

00:27:38:06 – 00:27:53:20
Pat Reeves
Yes, some of those some of those bit women, but mainly that point. Recent ones. Yes. Now that first one with a lot of weight on the bar that was taken by my son.

00:27:54:03 – 00:27:54:13
Nathan Crane
This one.

00:27:55:07 – 00:28:13:18
Pat Reeves
This picture now that he’s on the top right hand side. Hmm, that’s actually the cellar of the house. I still live in now. And that was taken by my son, and that was when I was first started as a powerlifter.

00:28:14:01 – 00:28:15:03
Nathan Crane
So that’s like.

00:28:15:08 – 00:28:16:12
Pat Reeves
Yeah, picture.

00:28:17:23 – 00:28:33:14
Nathan Crane
Just looks. I got a couple of 30 fives, a few, 25, some tens and fives. So if I were to guess 180, 95 to 85 to 70 to 75 three, that’s that’s got to be over £300 right there.

00:28:35:01 – 00:28:46:14
Pat Reeves
Yes. But that was basically I wasn’t going to pick that up. Now I idea to pile on the weight on with it.

00:28:46:23 – 00:28:57:06
Nathan Crane
So yeah I got yeah well that’s close to that’s close to your your lifetime PR You say your lifetime PR is 135 kilos, which is £297.

00:28:57:09 – 00:28:58:17
Pat Reeves
Yes. Wow.

00:28:59:05 – 00:29:17:13
Nathan Crane
Wow. And, and you were weighing 44 kilos. That’s like 90 something pounds. Let’s see, £96. And you did it. You lifted basically £300. That’s that’s pretty incredible. And you were probably in your what, your fifties when you did that sixties.

00:29:17:17 – 00:29:22:02
Pat Reeves
Yes, yes, yes. 54, I would think. Yes.

00:29:22:23 – 00:29:51:06
Nathan Crane
So what what would you say has kept you motivated to keep lifting all these years, even after so many accidents and, you know, being in hospitals and, you know, car wrecks and all these setbacks and injuries and problems that you’ve experienced and yet you’re still lifting you’re still keeping your body strong. You’re still going to the gym. You’re still trying to set records.

00:29:51:06 – 00:29:57:03
Nathan Crane
Like what? Where’s that motivation come from? What keeps you going?

00:29:57:03 – 00:30:28:20
Pat Reeves
Yeah, just the fact that I can do it and I have been able to do it. Okay, not as much now as I could. But the other thing is, I am the oldest competing powerlifter, certainly new up possibly in America. Now at my age and body weight. So I don’t actually compete against anyone else I can see behind me.

00:30:29:07 – 00:31:01:12
Pat Reeves
And the important issue for me, this is where I mean, the moment I come back from the national singles, which was in the north of England or North Midlands early last month, I took two days off and then I increase the record. I got them in preparation for next month, so as soon as I’ve done one thing, I have the next plan.

00:31:01:22 – 00:31:40:21
Pat Reeves
So that’s what to do with me on. But yeah, I mean, it’s great to be part of the sport and obviously I coach, I put events on here in the West Midlands, so I put qualifying events on to the Nationals. So powerlifting BD FBA is a family of people, you know, I know President very, very well. I worked with the previous president for eight years to increase the membership and we did a great job on that.

00:31:42:03 – 00:32:16:11
Pat Reeves
So it’s long been like having, you know, the family. I mean, obviously we don’t have as many members now as before the pandemic. We currently approach 600, whereas we had about a thousand before the pandemic, but we are slowly each year since the pandemic, we are getting more people join us. So hopefully we’ll get back to where we were before.

00:32:16:11 – 00:32:45:15
Nathan Crane
Yeah, I’ve found that, you know, as, as people age, a lot of clients that we work with, it’s really important to have have some goals that you’re working towards and find something you enjoy, right? Like I tell people, look, if you hate going to the gym, you just hate going, there’s nothing you like about it. Then take up tennis, take up swimming, take up cycling, take up something, try new sports, try new activities, try crossfit, try different.

00:32:45:15 – 00:33:07:10
Nathan Crane
Try boxing and try yoga. Try different things until you find something you like. You know what? Actually, I could get into this. This is interesting. This is kind of fun. It’s challenging, it’s unique. I’m enjoying it. Like find something that you can actually enjoy and then stick with it, right? Like you yourself, you know, kind of accidentally or synchronistic.

00:33:07:11 – 00:33:26:01
Nathan Crane
Lee found powerlifting. You never thought you’d be a powerlifter, but had you not had cancer and then realized, Hey, I need to exercise to take care of my health and then get recommended, you know, you went in for bodybuilding and then some recommended powerlifting. You try powerlifting and something about it kind of got you hooked. AM I right?

00:33:26:13 – 00:33:28:07
Pat Reeves
Yes, definitely. Yeah.

00:33:28:08 – 00:33:46:02
Nathan Crane
And that’s how it is. You like you do it, you try different things until you get hooked and you’re like, okay, this is I could do this. And then and then you stick with it. And if that fades, often it’s you’re not setting goals to keep you going, right? And it’s like like you, it could be breaking your own records.

00:33:46:02 – 00:34:12:07
Nathan Crane
It could be setting pictures, it could be competing at local competitions just to have something that pulls you forward. Signing up for a5k or a ten K race. But I find having a sport or an activity that you enjoy and setting ongoing goals that are pulling you forward will keep you moving. It will keep your body moving to keep you strong and healthy for many, many years to come.

00:34:12:24 – 00:34:44:15
Pat Reeves
Yes, I think the word exercise for most people think, oh, hike me, Steph. I mean, I don’t consider powerlifting as exercise. It’s what I do, you know. So as you say, you find something you enjoy and you want to do it. It’s got nothing to do with X deciding to lose weight and sit on an exercise biking tactic, bored to death, you know, I mean, that’s purgatory.

00:34:44:15 – 00:35:14:22
Pat Reeves
No going to keep doing that. Right. It’s interesting that body movement will cool. It is almost on a par with what you eat and what you think to keep you healthy. Yeah, you can eat wonderfully, but if you don’t move your body, you’re missing edge on optimum health. So, you know, it’s about getting people, as you say, to find something.

00:35:14:22 – 00:35:38:21
Pat Reeves
You know, if you play tennis or you swim, you just do that because you like it. Not because I must do it because it’s exercise. So it’s different mindset than just saying people should exercise for half an hour every single day if they should actually. But I think it’s a good exercise. It puts people off.

00:35:39:12 – 00:36:01:15
Nathan Crane
Yeah, because they haven’t found something that they enjoy and everybody did at one point, or I should say most people did at one point when you were a kid, right? When you were a kid, you didn’t have to exercise. It never was in your mindset because as a kid you’re always running everywhere and jumping and climbing. And now if you had parents that said, don’t jump on the couch, don’t climb the tree, don’t run in the house.

00:36:02:03 – 00:36:29:18
Nathan Crane
Now that obviously starts to squash any motivation to keep moving. And we have a lot of parents who unfortunately, you know, have raised our kids that way. You know, I have to catch myself even though I don’t really want my son jumping on the couch because I know it’s damaging it. I also don’t really stop him from doing it, you know, because I know what it’s doing for his mind and his body.

00:36:30:00 – 00:36:38:02
Nathan Crane
Like, Yeah, maybe he’s ruining the furniture long term, but I care more about his health and wellbeing long term than I do that. Couch So.

00:36:38:18 – 00:36:39:11
Pat Reeves
They know.

00:36:39:14 – 00:36:41:06
Nathan Crane
Nathan What’s that?

00:36:41:18 – 00:36:45:03
Pat Reeves
They just give him a big trampoline outside.

00:36:45:06 – 00:36:50:04
Nathan Crane
So we have a big trampoline outside and we have a small one inside, but he still chooses to jump on the couch.

00:36:50:04 – 00:36:53:04
Pat Reeves
So I tried.

00:36:54:00 – 00:37:16:17
Nathan Crane
Well, me too. But I’ve learned, you know, I learned to pick my battles. Right. And so as parents, it’s it is important to pay attention and go, what are we doing for the long term health and psychological and subconscious conditioning of our children? Don’t climb that don’t run, don’t jump on that. And really, that’s what that’s what the nature of human beings want to do.

00:37:16:17 – 00:37:35:17
Nathan Crane
We want to climb, we want to jump. We want to run. We want to swim. We want to move our bodies. But in the house, you’re told, no, no, no, no, no. In school you’re told, no, no, no, no, no. You get one hour a day to go play outside and then the rest day you’re sitting, you know, you get one hour a day here to go play recess or whatever the rest of your sitting.

00:37:36:01 – 00:37:56:03
Nathan Crane
So what are we teaching kids as parents and and as society and in schools we’re teaching them, sit on your butt all day long, go run around for an hour and then sit on your butt the rest of the time. No wonder we have an obesity epidemic. You know, it’s like people hate exercise because then it becomes a chore.

00:37:56:03 – 00:38:18:05
Nathan Crane
Oh, I have to go do that thing. I’d rather sit here and do nothing. Yeah. When you were a kid, you loved moving, you loved playing, you loved some kind of sport that you were involved in. You know, we all loved something about movement, even if it was squashed inside of us. And so part of it is connecting to that child aspect of ourselves again and finding out what do you really love?

00:38:18:05 – 00:38:45:11
Nathan Crane
And now athletes who tuning in, you know, many of you have found the sport that you love and have the motivation to keep going. But maybe you’re struggling with diet or hitting protein numbers or with lots of injuries or or, you know, other aspects of that. So I want to talk with you a little bit more about your diet, especially, you know, you’ve been on a vegan diet for a long time, what, 40 plus years.

00:38:45:11 – 00:38:49:23
Pat Reeves
Longer than 57 years now plant life.

00:38:50:07 – 00:39:01:23
Nathan Crane
57 years, plant based and do you do you try to hit a certain amount of protein? Do you care about that at all? Do you track protein at all? What is protein like for you?

00:39:02:18 – 00:39:40:20
Pat Reeves
Um, I obviously I know how much protein some of my age body like we crunch, I really hit those figures. Um, but it’s not so much about having 44 grams of protein for your average. The danger with woman in the UK, it’s about the quality of that protein and how your body is going to use it. So virtually all of my protein comes through living foods.

00:39:41:07 – 00:40:16:21
Pat Reeves
So this is a lot different from just being plant based. So you can be plant based and eat beans on toast in your lettuce leaf, but that’s not going to do a lot for you. Um, so living foods, aka sprouted foods, so you are creating your life in things like pulses, nuts, seeds, beans, grains. What happens then is you exaggerate all the nutrients.

00:40:17:16 – 00:41:00:12
Pat Reeves
So if you at a dry lentil and I’ve done these tests in Germany, and if you’re looking for how much vitamin C or protein or whatever you want to look for in a lentil, there’s virtually nothing. In fact, we couldn’t find any vitamin C at all in the dry lentil. Now, when you spread them so you start them off in your life again and analyze them at least more vitamin C in a scratchy lentil than most fruit in the soup or any supermarket.

00:41:00:12 – 00:41:46:18
Pat Reeves
So everything becomes exaggerated. And obviously the nutrients in spreading foods all in a form that your body can absorb virtually immediately, it doesn’t take any effort edge of the body as it does with, let’s say, animal foods, which require hours and hours of hard work by the body to absorb and be used. That’s one of the reasons I chose not to do animal products, because once you body is digesting and absorbing, you cut off its ability to heal you.

00:41:48:12 – 00:42:18:15
Pat Reeves
So with living foods, I mean, I did to turn the shotgun finally around, I did five years on 100% living foot. Now one of us in America was handed a paper on and somebody said, What do you think of this new idea? And this was ketogenic and intermittent fasting. The first paper was just stunning to me on intermittent fasting.

00:42:18:15 – 00:42:56:01
Pat Reeves
That’s Right. And it was invented for losing weight. And I read the papers thinking, yes, I can see how this would encourage the body to lose weight because you were shortening your eating window to around 6 hours a day. But in reading that, I realized that really should never be mentioned, never been invented. When I was doing those five years, that’s exactly what happened.

00:42:56:03 – 00:43:14:01
Pat Reeves
I never I to me day, I never stopped to think that everything was rule in living. And so I actually gave my body even more than 18 hours a day, every day for five years to hear.

00:43:14:24 – 00:43:15:07
Nathan Crane

00:43:16:02 – 00:43:57:15
Pat Reeves
So I’ve taken that concept to lots of people. I see ways, if you like, a cellular disease and it works amazingly well. So I reduce the carbohydrate not only to a ketogenic state, but I reduce the carbohydrates, I feed them to the living foods and get them to eat in a restricted time window. And that’s a powerful combination because what you’re doing is giving the body time to fix itself.

00:43:58:11 – 00:44:28:02
Pat Reeves
And strangely, it was something that bugged me for all the years I’ve been in practice now. Why did our creator make it so that when we were digesting, absorbing, we couldn’t fail and the only thing I can come up with is if we could do both at the same time, we’d be here. I don’t know. We’d be saying, How old are you now?

00:44:28:07 – 00:44:51:00
Pat Reeves
Well, I think I’m 850. Well, obviously that was not the intention to keep it that long. But it’s amazing that, you know, when whatever illness you have with it or the common cold or whatever, just stop eating for some time to allow the money to fix itself.

00:44:52:04 – 00:45:21:21
Nathan Crane
Animals do that instinctually. We have the ability to as well. Right. But if you have a dog or a cat that’s sick, they won’t eat for two or three days while they let their body heal. They know instinctually, Hey, I’m not feeling well. I’m not going to eat. And yes, it does switch over your metabolic process. You know, fasting allows your body to go into autophagy, allows your body to spend its energy on healing and tissue repair and regeneration instead of, you know, the energy going towards digestion.

00:45:22:11 – 00:45:45:07
Nathan Crane
I think the other part of it is we have known like obesity really didn’t exist, you know, until our modern day. And of course, there are some, you know, Roman, you know, wealthy people who were a little overweight. You know, we’ve seen the paintings and so forth. But that was really a lot to do with the types of foods they were eating.

00:45:45:07 – 00:46:18:10
Nathan Crane
Also, a lot of, you know, greasy animal foods and things like that. But it was also about showing your stature, your wealth. Right. So but they weren’t also obese. There were there are no examples I’ve ever seen from anybody from hundreds or thousands of years ago that were obese. It just happen because when you’re not eating processed foods, processed sugars, highly palatable, high, you know, high fructose corn sirup and all these additives and all these things that make your body addicted to the food when you’re not when you’re not eating that.

00:46:19:02 – 00:46:43:08
Nathan Crane
And we have hormones like like ghrelin, for example, that tells our brain, hey, I got the nutrients I need today. You know, ghrelin tells you when you’re hungry, actually, but it’s activated when, you know, the stomach has has released the food from it. And, you know, you’re you’re needing nutrients in your body. We have these hormones that basically determine if my hungry am I getting enough nutrients?

00:46:43:08 – 00:47:04:19
Nathan Crane
Am I not? And that’s why you can sit there and eat potato chips and, you know, scarf down a thousand calories of processed food that has no fiber, no real nutrients, you know, eat a bunch of ice cream, a bunch of sugar, eat a thousand calories of that, and you’re still hungry. You haven’t filled the body with fiber, the stomach with fiber, and you haven’t provided real nutrients to your body.

00:47:04:19 – 00:47:23:21
Nathan Crane
So your brain your body is still telling your brain, hey, I’m hungry, I’m hungry, I’m hungry. So you’ll just keep eating, eating, eating, and then we get overweight and then we get obese. And yes, it’s addictive and yes, it’s an issue. But we know obesity is, you know, one of the core causes of basically every disease that we’re experiencing today.

00:47:24:05 – 00:47:44:21
Nathan Crane
So a big part of that is eating more living foods, sprouted foods, real foods, plant foods. The fiber fills the stomach tells your brain, hey, we’re not hungry anymore. The nutrients tell your brain, hey, we’re getting vitamins, we’re getting adequate amino acids, vitamins, minerals, all these things, you know, we’re doing well. And then it’s really, really, really hard to overeat.

00:47:44:21 – 00:48:06:19
Nathan Crane
Like as an athlete on a plant based diet, it’s really hard for me to gain weight. I have to force myself to overeat. So I want to gain weight. I want to compete as an athlete. I want to put on ten extra pounds of muscle like I have to in intentionally choose to eat some more, you know, processed foods.

00:48:07:18 – 00:48:33:07
Nathan Crane
If I want to gain weight or force myself to eat more food than I want to, that’s a good problem to have as a human being in a society where obesity is is the number one driver of every disease that we’re experiencing and that’s because I get most of my nutrition and fiber and so forth from real whole foods, from real plant foods, you know, and I mean, it’s such a simple solution, isn’t it?

00:48:34:06 – 00:49:02:01
Pat Reeves
Yes. I mean, you know, we keep talking about nutrients. These are the tools that our bodies used to fix us with. So if we three days on the diet, you mention chips and ice cream. What tools are we giving our body to fit us with? That’s why we keep breaking down and ending up sick and treated by Big Pharma.

00:49:02:19 – 00:49:41:12
Pat Reeves
So it’s simple. It’s like we have total control of how many nutrients going to us because we have a choice of what to put in our mouths. Nobody is force feeding. It’s the wrong foods. It becomes our choice. And if you continually choose foods like you’ll only process things, then you’re definitely going to become who you’re going to need, in inverted commas, conventional drugs to keep you going because your body no longer has the tools.

00:49:41:12 – 00:49:57:22
Pat Reeves
It sees the problems, it knows what it should be fixing, but it doesn’t have anything tangible to do the job. So we get lazy and thinks, Well, I can’t do it. So we just see to let you get worse. Yeah.

00:49:58:10 – 00:50:30:12
Nathan Crane
It starts to, I mean all these toxins in process, garbage put in our bodies starts to break our metabolism, you know, literally because there’s so many intricate pathways and processes at a cellular level that determine our metabolism in the hundreds and hundreds of things that need to happen for this body to to basically run all these toxins. The things that we’re putting in our body in processed foods and processed sugars are literally damaging our metabolic processes, damaging our metabolism, damaging mitochondria, you know, creating cellular dysfunction.

00:50:30:12 – 00:50:56:16
Nathan Crane
And then the body literally can’t do what it’s trying, do what it knows to do and needs to do and trying to do it is prevented from doing it because of all these external stressors that we are putting on our bodies and in our bodies as cellular level. So I want to come back to the protein question, though, because for athletes, especially plant based athletes, protein is important.

00:50:56:16 – 00:51:19:11
Nathan Crane
We know that right? There are people who who say, well, protein doesn’t really matter, but we know it does. All the scientific data shows that when we get adequate protein or really adequate amino acids in our diet as an athlete, you know, we see better performance, we see better gains, we see better in muscle hypertrophy, we see strength increases when we’re doing resistance training.

00:51:19:19 – 00:51:45:02
Nathan Crane
And it’s not about being perfect with protein and it’s not about getting excessive numbers either. You know, once you get past a certain threshold, the literature shows us that there is very little to no benefit or very minuscule benefit once you get above a certain number. But there is also concern if you’re below a certain number, too, just like anything, you can be too low and have nutrient deficiencies, you can be too high.

00:51:45:08 – 00:52:11:03
Nathan Crane
And then maybe there are some potential long term damaging side effects from that that you may need to consider. But certainly being in that kind of range of a sweet spot, we can talk about what the literature says that that is definitely supports performance. A lot of data is now showing is supports the longevity of health, supports hypertrophy strength and all of that.

00:52:11:03 – 00:52:27:06
Nathan Crane
So for you, when you say, you know, you have kind of a number, a goal that you’re supposed to be hitting for your body weight, what is that? And then how close do you get to that on average? Would you say?

00:52:27:06 – 00:52:28:20
Pat Reeves
I get pretty close.

00:52:30:04 – 00:52:41:19
Nathan Crane
Are you going are you going like like let’s say you’re going to do kilos, right? So point are you doing point five per kilo? Like what’s your ratio that you aim for?

00:52:42:09 – 00:53:19:01
Pat Reeves
Well, as you get older, you do need more protein because protein we pace things. So you’ve undergone surgery, you need more protein to repair that scar tissue. So a lot depends on if you just sitting down all day and you don’t do any much in the way of movement. You can go to the lower end in the UK, giving us 44 grams of protein for a woman and 55 for the man.

00:53:19:16 – 00:53:45:06
Pat Reeves
Now most of my power lifters in the FDA, the big guys, once the looking five kilo guys are eating about 200 grams of protein the day that they get away with that because of the the work that they’re doing. But that’s just a figure that will affect your kidney health. So, as you say, going to high creates more problems.

00:53:46:01 – 00:54:17:21
Pat Reeves
So it all depends what you want to do. So with you, you want to gain more muscle. So increasing the protein, not necessarily. It’s not a linear thing. It’s not like when all do 80 grams of protein and all have measured my bicep and you could be any figure now it doesn’t actually quite work like that, but what the protein will do to get that big, the size you are going to have to train harder.

00:54:18:12 – 00:54:51:06
Pat Reeves
So you are going to tear down muscle tissue and you need the protein to repair that before you can build. So for me, I probably do something like 45, 50 grams, but remember, I’m very tiny, I’m only full nine and why? Almost nothing. So I don’t need protein, if any relative to your age, your bulky weight and your lifestyle.

00:54:51:19 – 00:54:56:16
Nathan Crane
So you’re shooting and you weigh less than £100 right now or you weigh now.

00:54:56:16 – 00:55:01:18
Pat Reeves
I think I’m about I won’t. I will tell you because I don’t convert.

00:55:03:10 – 00:55:05:03
Nathan Crane
So or what’s your kilos?

00:55:05:21 – 00:55:09:19
Pat Reeves
I can take the more kilos full times.

00:55:10:06 – 00:55:12:24
Nathan Crane
Okay. So you’re 48 times. 2.2.

00:55:13:16 – 00:55:14:22
Pat Reeves
Hundred and £6.

00:55:15:06 – 00:55:38:18
Nathan Crane
Yeah. 106. Yep. So if you’re getting about 50 grams, you’re actually 50 grams divided by £105. 0.47.48. So you’re right, around a half is for all of our US folks. You’re right around a half of a gram per pound of body weight.

00:55:39:16 – 00:55:43:21
Pat Reeves
Yeah. But I’m not doing heavy work at next. Yeah.

00:55:44:00 – 00:55:52:13
Nathan Crane
I’m not doing as much as you used to. Did you do, did you see when you were training a lot more and a lot harder and heavier, did you do higher protein back then?

00:55:53:01 – 00:56:20:18
Pat Reeves
Um, yes, I probably did because then I would do protein shape. I mean, I usually I mean, I produce my own supplement for my patients and I produce a good hemp protein pad. Mm hmm. All will have some of that. Not every day, because I donate about four days a week. Anyway, the other days I juice, and that saved me.

00:56:21:00 – 00:56:59:03
Pat Reeves
So, you know, on those juice days, I’m getting much lower in protein. I’m probably down to the minimum that keeps you alive, which I think they’ve worked out to be 23 grams of protein. And then I’ve done lots and lots of fasting where I’ve had no protein at all. I could still try. And you know, for me it’s not I mean I always try an on empty and yet a lot of parallels to think oh I’ve got to eat only protein I’ve got to have lots of banana dinners to give me energy to try.

00:56:59:14 – 00:57:17:08
Pat Reeves
When I was running a hundred mile a week, I was running at 4:00 in the morning on no food at all. So I always try not to, and that absolutely suits me. I don’t tell everybody to do that, but eventually you find that what works for you.

00:57:18:01 – 00:57:42:07
Nathan Crane
Yeah. And you know, what’s interesting is if you look at the RDA here in the in the States, it’s recommended at least 0.4 grams per pound of body weight. So you weigh £100, that’s 40 grams. If you weigh £200, that’s 80 grams. But whatever your weight is, just take it and times it by 0.4. That’s like minimum that people should be getting.

00:57:42:15 – 00:58:12:06
Nathan Crane
That’s not necessarily ideal if you’re a powerlifter, a strength trainer, you know, a high intensity athlete, right? Like that’s bare, bare minimum, you know, and then maximum they’ve looked at upwards of like 1.5, one point to 1.2 to 1.5 grams per pound of body weight. So if you weigh £100, you’re getting 120 grams, 250. Once you get to those numbers, they show very, very minute and diminishing returns.

00:58:12:06 – 00:58:52:09
Nathan Crane
And really, you only see those numbers in like elite high level bodybuilders, you know, Mr. Olympia kind of athletes, a regular athlete. All the research I’ve done a somebody who is strength training or wanting to preserve muscle mass or even trying to gain muscle, whether you’re, you know, powerlifting or you’re in CrossFit or high intensity sport, at least getting minimum closer to what what you’re getting that half a gram per pound, upwards of 0.7 grams per pound is in ideal range.

00:58:52:15 – 00:59:11:22
Nathan Crane
And you can even go up to one gram per pound harder. You usually definitely need a good quality supplement for that. It’s harder to get that on a plant based diet, but it’s possible I’ve done it. But for most athlete kids who are just looking for longevity and performance, you know, you don’t really need to go that high.

00:59:12:02 – 00:59:33:02
Nathan Crane
You know, if you’re kind of in that sweet spot between point five and point seven, you’re going to see gains for most people and you’re going to see, you know, preservation of muscle mass for most people. Again, it’s not until you get into like the elite levels of lifting and competition where you might want to go above 0.7.

00:59:33:09 – 00:59:58:06
Nathan Crane
Now, we do know with plant protein as well it is and these are studies have been done. It’s not as a similar edible as animal protein, but the quality of it in terms of, you know, our body absorbing the amino acids from it. We know that every single plant has all the essential amino acids. There’s not this this old thinking of like you have to mix rice and beans to get all essential amino acids.

00:59:58:06 – 01:00:25:06
Nathan Crane
Not true. Every plant has all the essential and nonessential amino acids, but they’re not always in the best proportions by themselves. Like if you only ate rice, you would be deficient in certain amino acids, which is why nobody should ever just eat rice. Right? You should eat rice and beans and tempeh and legumes and vegetables and nuts and seeds and a good diversity of plant foods to get a good diversity of amino acid profile mix.

01:00:25:14 – 01:00:53:00
Nathan Crane
But even in that case, you know, a plant based athlete who is trying to increase muscle and strength and muscle gains and compete at a higher level, you can increase the amount of protein you’re taking in and know that you’re still because some of that protein doesn’t get assimilated because of all the fiber. So if you’re eating a whole food diet, like, like I eat mostly whole foods you eat sounds like primarily the whole food diet.

01:00:53:00 – 01:01:23:22
Nathan Crane
Some of those amino acids get taken out of the body through the fiber, which is one of the reasons why it doesn’t get assimilate as much. Now, when you’re sprouting your food like you. Yes, absolutely. You’re getting a lot more of the digestible and absorbable amino acids, vitamins, minerals. So it’s very, very smart. We know that the little baby shoots of every plant, I mean, broccoli sprouts and sunflower seed sprouts, all these different sprouts are so nutrient dense, you know, as you were talking about.

01:01:23:22 – 01:01:57:15
Nathan Crane
And so if you’re doing that, you are getting, you know, higher amounts of these of these nutrients more, I should say, more Assim edible amounts of these of these nutrients, which is great. But even if you’re doing if you’re like point four grams of protein per pound and you’re on a plant based diet for most athletes, you should consider doing at least more than that, getting up 2.5, 4.6, 4.7, because we know that some of that is actually getting removed through the fiber if you want to see muscle gains, strength gains, hypertrophy and so forth.

01:01:57:18 – 01:01:58:12
Nathan Crane
Would you agree with that?

01:01:59:09 – 01:02:49:00
Pat Reeves
Yes, absolutely. Yes. But it does come down to the quality of the protein. So, yes, fiber removes a lot of things. So fiber is necessarily does come from downsides. But animal proteins and I’ve got a 16 inch T-Bone steak or something. Yes, it’s got a lot of protein in it, but it’s also got a lot of fat. And unless it’s grass fed will pasture raised or organic, then you’ve got a lot of toxins and all of these things are depleting the amount of protein you might look good on paper, but how good is your body at actually using those things?

01:02:50:18 – 01:03:32:17
Pat Reeves
So, you know, I would say that one of the best types of protein to make sure you get absolutely everything doesn’t happen to be plant based, but organic grass fed, plain whey protein powder is digested virtually instantly. There is no wastage and you don’t have to eat 16 inch T-Bone steaks. So of all the different proteins, I mean, I’ve mixed spreadsheet pea protein which veggie rice protein and I can make dressings with that or put it in cold soups or whatever.

01:03:33:03 – 01:04:10:11
Pat Reeves
But it’s not something that I do every day. I would much rather eat real spread junk food than mix option powders, but I think to increase your muscle mass then you really need a good absorbable protein. So then the protein in fish is going to be more digestible than mass of meat. So, you know, you can go through all the different animal foods and select the best protein for you.

01:04:10:11 – 01:04:44:21
Pat Reeves
But as millions of people, including me, have proven that you don’t need animal products to get strong. Right? I mean, like I say, bananas, you couldn’t call a knife, which is not interesting. And with protein collecting. So I think the whole issue is overdone. And yes, I mean, I’ve done quite a few TV programs here and years ago, the first thing they asked you is where do you get your protein draw?

01:04:45:10 – 01:05:18:14
Pat Reeves
You know, try all these foods solely to one dish standing up because you’re not eating animal protein. So you don’t need it. It’s an easy way of getting protein, but you’ve also got a little at the quality of the animal, how it was raised, how we live, what it was fed, because this determines how well your body can write everything down.

01:05:18:14 – 01:05:48:03
Pat Reeves
And then we come on to issues like how much stomach acid is this person got? And so with that, the intrinsic factor, you’re not going to break down most minerals and most amino acids. So, you know, if there isn’t one, one particular thing, you think just take this and you live to be 100. There’s a myriad functions of you, as you’ve mentioned, in the body.

01:05:48:18 – 01:06:16:02
Pat Reeves
And everything has to be kept up in the air. Like you’re juggling balls, you drop one and the body gets sick. So, you know, it’s, say, a whole lifetime of a journey towards health. It doesn’t just stop with, oh, on veganism, it doesn’t matter what I do, I’ll live to be a hundred. Now you learn. How are you?

01:06:16:02 – 01:07:00:24
Pat Reeves
Unlikely to? And obviously now we have a massive amount of vegan ready meals. So they look like fish or burgers or whatever. But you look at the ingredients in there, there’s virtually no protein. Most of them are made from wheat, gluten, seitan, and these things have got no nutrients in. So, you know, it’s like, yes, you can get something that looks like what you eat, but no one does it contain the nutrients that you used to be eating, which is you say the body get used to.

01:07:00:24 – 01:07:22:09
Pat Reeves
You don’t understand the piece of meat or fish of beef. It knows what to do with that. You know, you give me the head of broccoli and say, hey, get all your nutrients to this. And it’s going to think, I need to do an Internet crusade to find out how to do this. And so slow transitioning is good.

01:07:23:23 – 01:07:29:10
Pat Reeves
You have to give the body time to work out what it should do with all these different foods.

01:07:30:00 – 01:07:51:06
Nathan Crane
Yeah, it’s true. You know, when you when you get organic, whole real plant foods, the body knows what to do with it, just like you said, with meat, right? Like, if, if you go and eat spinach or you go and eat some brown rice or some cooked black beans or broccoli, you steam some broccoli, whatever your body goes.

01:07:51:06 – 01:08:15:20
Nathan Crane
Oh, this it has amino acids, it’s got vitamins and minerals, it’s got fiber, it’s got water, it’s got all these things. Great. I know what to do with it. The problem is, is when we’re damaging our gut with toxins and heavy metals and pollutants and alcohol and cigarets and drugs, pharmaceuticals, antibiotics, we’re tearing little holes in the epithelial cells.

01:08:15:20 – 01:08:42:11
Nathan Crane
Little we’re literally cutting the cells so that the these proteins from plants can slip through the intestinal into the bloodstream where they should not be. Right. So this happens with gluten. It happens with a lot of different plant foods and blame the plant based diet or the plant foods as the problem. And it’s not this has been very clearly demonstrated.

01:08:42:11 – 01:09:06:00
Nathan Crane
Scientific scientifically is like a lot of these are not the problem. It’s what led to the leaky gut and to the foods being able to the proteins of those foods being able to slip through into the bloodstream where they should not be. Then the immune system goes, Hey, this is an invader, we’ve got to attack this. And now we end up with this food allergy or, this autoimmune disease.

01:09:06:11 – 01:09:30:06
Nathan Crane
And the autoimmune disease is not your immune system acting rogue as people think. It’s like, Oh, my immune system’s dumb. It’s attacking my thyroid. Now I have hypothyroidism. No, your immune system’s not dumb. It’s doing what’s supposed to do. It’s attacking the cells, the proteins that have slipped into your bloodstream from certain foods you’ve eaten because of the damage to the gut from other factors.

01:09:30:18 – 01:09:52:03
Nathan Crane
But the problem is that cell looks exactly like a thyroid cell, and so now your immune system’s attacking the thyroid. So until we clean up that gut and get the foods that have slipped through the bloodstream out of body, out of the diet, and then allow the immune system to reset itself, which can take a few months in some people.

01:09:52:16 – 01:10:18:17
Nathan Crane
Then the guts healed and then you can reintroduce those foods and then people don’t have problems anymore. We’ve seen this in so many cases and so many autoimmune doctors that I’ve interviewed over the years with the patients they work with. And so it’s it’s figuring out, okay, we got to heal the gut first. It’s not the plants that are the problem, you know, it’s the diet and lifestyle that led to the toxins, the processed foods, the the high inflammatory situation.

01:10:19:17 – 01:10:38:10
Nathan Crane
And then the body knows what to do and knows what to do with these foods. That’s why we can eat all these foods and thrive just like yourself for so many years. Powerlifting setting records, you know, overcoming cancer, just just doing what you’re doing on a plant based diet. I mean, that’s that’s incredible. And it’s not like I mean, your story’s amazing.

01:10:38:19 – 01:10:43:14
Nathan Crane
And there are so many people that are doing incredible things like. You as well.

01:10:44:05 – 01:10:45:17
Pat Reeves
Absolutely. Yes.

01:10:46:02 – 01:11:20:07
Nathan Crane
And so as we kind of wrap up here, what would you say people? Who are, you know, wanting to achieve greater goals for themselves athletically, whatever that could be on a plant powered diet. What would what something else you think they should really be thinking about, too, to help improve their health and longevity and performance?

01:11:20:07 – 01:11:38:20
Pat Reeves
I think the first thing is you’ve got to have the right mindset and I don’t know, I don’t have a mantra to how to get people to want to achieve goals. I don’t have that answer. But a.

01:11:38:21 – 01:11:44:04
Nathan Crane
Whip, a whip.

01:11:44:04 – 01:12:33:06
Pat Reeves
But your mindset has to be in the right place. You’ve got to have big reasons to change your life. And this is why most people won’t go the healthy drug exercise route until they have sadly being diagnosed with something super serious. Then they are prepared to do anything, but it is a lot harder to get them fitter when something is already happened, as opposed to them having a prevention idea that prevention is something that doesn’t get taught.

01:12:33:06 – 01:13:03:17
Pat Reeves
In the UK we are not teaching our children not to eat all these junk stuff so that you’re healthy when you grow up. We don’t have any TV programs on prevention. We have hundreds of cookery programs, but there’s not that connection between what you eat and your food, your house. It’s almost like people eat without eating, thinking about health at all.

01:13:03:17 – 01:13:35:04
Pat Reeves
It’s like, Oh, well, if I get you, I’ll just go to the doctor. So you have to take control of your own health because basically only you fix issues. So if you’ve got that mindset, then a lot more things are open to you. You start looking at sport, stroke, exercise, achieve Then what could I do if I start aging like this?

01:13:36:00 – 01:14:02:01
Pat Reeves
Will try something different and see how good I can get at that and they realize that, well, now I’ve got rid of all the junk and I’ve tried the sport again. I’m twice as good as it was when I was before, which is why stop doing it anyway. So little things lead them on to more ideas. So if I just stop smoking and, I feel miraculous.

01:14:02:07 – 01:14:35:19
Pat Reeves
What if I stopped fish? How good would I feel? So this is why it’s a lifetime journey. You don’t just get all this information off. And now, unfortunately. So, yeah, you’ve you. The biggest thing for health is your choice of what you put in your mess. And one of the biggest errors people make is the most simplistic thing we should do with food they miss.

01:14:35:19 – 01:15:16:05
Pat Reeves
And that is chewy. Very well. Now on my question is one of those question is do you eat first? Nine out of ten people sadly say yes. Now what happens with that is you miss with carbohydrate foods, you miss the Malaysian, you miss which is not made up for further down the digestive tract. You swallow things that are still lumpy, which goes back to you talking about leaky gut.

01:15:16:05 – 01:15:54:14
Pat Reeves
This is what creates a problem. And then these people are sadly put on ice for most of their life, antacids, all these types of things, all because they didn’t ship the most simplistic thing. I mean, when I was studying mainly in naturopathy, which is why I started naturopaths, what would refuse to treat you unless you promise to chew your food 40 to 50 times before you swallow the now?

01:15:54:15 – 01:16:26:04
Pat Reeves
Okay, that’s a bit of an overkill as far as I’m concerned, but chewing things 15 times is a good target. So basically your stomach expects food to being the consistency of your smoothie. You just took out of the blender. Now, if they want it, recognize you all that it recruits all the internal chemicals to break down really well job done.

01:16:26:24 – 01:17:08:15
Pat Reeves
But cleverness is the body is it doesn’t look at the contents of your stomach and say oh, they didn’t do this. Well, I hope so. I’ll stay around longer. I get up. No, that doesn’t happen. Those little bumps are pushed into pool and as you say, sets up a whole plethora of fat things. And so choosing the best one of the best things I’ve come up with to slow, fast eating again, remembering that people eat first, always putting food into a mess.

01:17:08:21 – 01:17:33:15
Pat Reeves
They can change food. That’s the bit you have to change. And the way you change that, if you prefer, dump in either your spoon or your foot, put it in your mouth, put the eating, implement down until you’ve thoroughly chewed it and swallowed it, and then go for your next forkful that will have a massive change on your body.

01:17:35:01 – 01:18:05:09
Nathan Crane
It’s also one of the I’m glad you brought that up because it is actually one of the most simple and profound things can do if you’re overweight or obese. And you really trying to lose weight is actually to slow down eating. So to do mindful eating, to chew more, to do what you just said, you know, take a bite, chew it 15, 20 times, set your fork down, let the food kind of move down your system and then take another bite.

01:18:05:10 – 01:18:29:07
Nathan Crane
And if you do that and you’re eating real foods, your body, you will naturally start to pay more attention. Your hunger cues when you’re full, when you’re satiated, and you will eat less food automatically by doing that. One simple thing, you know, we coach a certified nutrition coach. That’s a very simple thing. Precision nutrition teaches for weight loss clients.

01:18:29:07 – 01:18:51:09
Nathan Crane
It’s like because it works because it works if you do it. Yeah. And if you want to gain weight because you’re an athlete, you’re trying to put on weight, you do the opposite. So you, you eat more, you eat faster. You know, you that’s not necessarily ideal for long term health, but you’re going to eat faster. So you kind of trick your body into being able to take in more food before you just get to full.

01:18:51:09 – 01:19:10:04
Nathan Crane
You can’t eat anymore. So if you want to know how to gain weight, if you’re like, I want to lose weight, well, learn what it takes to gain weight. You know, eat processed food, eat a la processed sugar, ella potato chips and ice cream and eat really fast. You know, you’ll be gaining weight if you do that.

01:19:10:04 – 01:20:00:11
Pat Reeves
But yes, those simple things, they work. And when people miss those, then the medic on medication for many years and all of that medication affect your liver. So, you know, I spend a lot of time detoxifying people’s livers. So, you know, medical people will say, oh, the body can detoxified perfectly well, maybe it did years ago. But now with the type of food people are eating, the things that we agree in, that we are inhaling from time to furnitures and whatever else, then eventually the body’s going to say, Whoa, I can’t deal with this.

01:20:00:24 – 01:20:34:15
Pat Reeves
Not all of this in one. Get. And so, you know, the liver is obviously the major within detoxification and it has to detoxify medical drugs first. And all the drugs, alcohol, caffeine, all of these jobs it has to do before it can work on your food. So a lot of people are giving their livers a really hard time.

01:20:34:15 – 01:21:17:00
Pat Reeves
So one of the things we do, fasting or liver detoxification is you put that wonderful organ on holiday so it can repair itself and have a rest. So yeah, it’s really simple things that are not taught I think have got a big role to play in the amount of illness we have, which is, you know, when I first started, I might see someone with cancer once every two months.

01:21:17:17 – 01:21:47:10
Pat Reeves
Now It’s like two or three a day. Wow. What whatever happened and this energy is, you know, you and I know the quality of everything’s gone down. The sun isn’t being fed unless the food is organic. So a lot of people are eating what they think is great. I eat lots of eggs or broccoli and whatever, but what actually any so a lot less.

01:21:47:10 – 01:22:17:14
Pat Reeves
I mean magnesium just for one is 40% lower in foods now than it was at the end of the Second World War. Not just one thing. So if you knocked most nutrients down by 50%, what have you actually got? So this is one of the benefits of leaving foods. You get everything in a form that the body can use.

01:22:17:14 – 01:22:34:00
Pat Reeves
There are no chemicals, nobody spray them with anything. And that’s a massive change. On how your body performs, whether it’s performing athletically or performing healthily. You know, these things are interrelated.

01:22:34:14 – 01:23:03:17
Nathan Crane
Yeah. And it’s pretty easy. It’s very easy to sprout foods sprouts, seeds at home, the sprouting jars or sprouting trays. You know that you’re inspiring me to get back into sprouting again. I haven’t been sprouting for a long time, but We used to sprout to that. Yeah, we used to sprout every day for years and years. And you know, you get busy and businesses and kids and moving and all that stuff and it’s like you some of those things you forget and it’s great interviews like this where I get reminders go, Oh yeah, you know, I need to start sprouting again.

01:23:04:16 – 01:23:20:07
Nathan Crane
Absolutely. So I am. And I start doing I’ve got we got sprouting jars in the cupboard that are so easy, you know, just fill it with seeds, water, strain it, you know, put it in the cupboard like in a few days you got great sprouts, you can eat, put on your salads, blend up whatever you want.

01:23:20:18 – 01:23:52:12
Pat Reeves
Yes. I mean, I’m expert in absolutely every piece of equipment. You can think. I start people off with two things that everybody must have in their kitchen, a sieve and poem joke. And so you just so busy doing the jokes overnight, pull them into the sieve. Put that on an empty joe rinse the mill, shake the water off, put it back on your empty jug.

01:23:52:20 – 01:24:24:18
Pat Reeves
Put a piece of kitchen towel over it and repeat the process three times a day. Within 20 days you’ve got a simple spread, but the big thing with sprouting, particularly as it relates to cancer, is to provide having the food, provide more oxygen. As we know, it’s very difficult to get oxygen into a cancer cell. If we could do that with cancer would no longer be around.

01:24:25:12 – 01:25:06:15
Pat Reeves
But when you provide the right conditions for the spread, they automatically have more oxygen in them. So it’s a start. And the best machine I’ve got five of these now because I’m producing supplements, you could say commercially, but they are basically titrated to more different patients. So I have I have a company that puts them into capsules, if you like, but virtually all the supplements I produce off my living foods.

01:25:07:08 – 01:25:20:16
Pat Reeves
Now, this machine it’s an American machine is called the Easy Green. So if you seriously want to get into spreading Google that one.

01:25:21:00 – 01:25:23:02
Nathan Crane
The easy the easy green.

01:25:23:12 – 01:25:24:23
Pat Reeves
Easy green yes.

01:25:25:04 – 01:25:29:04
Nathan Crane
Easy green. The easy green press. Is it a press no?

01:25:29:13 – 01:25:58:23
Pat Reeves
It’s a machine press. Before you plug it into the wall, it’s on a timer. All you do is your what they do not range whatever you want to spread in it, put it later the pure water. So I only use distilled water both for drinking and for cooking and whatever I’m doing with water. So I put distilled water into it once a day.

01:25:59:12 – 01:26:27:06
Pat Reeves
Don’t do anything else. Spreads will grow much faster than just because they have the right environment. So a problem with jars and a little Chinese opossum and a nightmare to clean running over little holes. The clean is the only the ones on the top. Try get the oxygen. The others are trapped in the dark and then not actually getting much.

01:26:27:16 – 01:26:43:03
Pat Reeves
So we need to bring everything to light and open. The things are growing horizontally, not all curled up in the jar so they look like real plants. I do a lot of sprouting. And this.

01:26:43:08 – 01:26:44:06
Nathan Crane
Is it. This thing.

01:26:45:12 – 01:26:46:16
Pat Reeves
That’s it.

01:26:46:16 – 01:26:50:24
Nathan Crane
Okay. Yeah. I could only find it in euros. I don’t know if they sell in the US.

01:26:51:15 – 01:27:23:18
Pat Reeves
Oh yeah. Right. I know it wasn’t a the company I am pretty sure is in America, but that is the machine that’s about the same price you can it for in the UK. You see all those the first longer they have a problem and I’ve tried many manufacturers to test them if because they are sprouting in this water.

01:27:24:08 – 01:27:53:11
Pat Reeves
And that to me never made sense when I challenged them about it, they said, Oh, what do you just winch them all off afterwards? But to me that is rather like growing your crops. We chemicals. You’ll see some of those toxins which are inherent in things like pulses that there’s a reason why you’re spreading them. One of them is to remove the toxins so spreading.

01:27:53:21 – 01:28:05:10
Pat Reeves
That’s why you keep linking them. So if they are being kept in the same water, a lot of their own inherent toxins are still going to be there.

01:28:05:20 – 01:28:08:13
Nathan Crane
So what happens with the water in in this thing?

01:28:09:06 – 01:28:34:24
Pat Reeves
The beauty of that one is you are replacing fresh water and it has a tube so you can evacuate empty or sink all into a bucket. So they’re never in the same water. They being automatically sprayed with fresh water. Mm. That’s what makes it absolutely interesting.

01:28:36:00 – 01:28:54:13
Nathan Crane
You know what I do and this is a good option, but the other thing that I do is we just have a sprouting jar, kind of like you were talking about, right? But you can buy a sprouting jar like this one. It’s like ten bucks and basically it’s got a lid that has it doesn’t show. There it is.

01:28:55:01 – 01:29:07:12
Nathan Crane
The lid is metal with with holes so can breathe. Right. And yeah, you just fill it with seeds and water. And then you, like you said, you keep it in a dark place and then, you know, shake it and rinse it.

01:29:07:12 – 01:29:09:09
Pat Reeves
You have to keep it dark.

01:29:09:22 – 01:29:19:22
Nathan Crane
True. Yeah, yeah. And then just rinse it out. Shake it and rinse it out. Right. Couple two or three times a day and in a few you guys browse sometimes.

01:29:20:05 – 01:29:28:12
Pat Reeves
I mean I’ve got the sprouting jars and the ones I don’t feel much good in here. Mine, I’ve got the angle brackets.

01:29:28:20 – 01:29:33:20
Nathan Crane
Like this one.

01:29:33:20 – 01:29:58:08
Pat Reeves
Well that’s that he hasn’t got the angle bracket but it works the same. But you’ve got that extra trunk so. What our jars here have is the lid itself with the whole thing has a shaped bracket. So vertically to soak them and then when you reach them, you just put them at that angle and all the water runs away.

01:29:59:09 – 01:30:20:23
Nathan Crane
Well, what are your favorite sprouts like? If you were to say, Hey, you had to pick a few of your favorites for health? Let’s say let’s say you could only eat three sprouts rest of your life and you wanted them for protein, nutrition and just health performance longevity. But you can only pick three. What would your top three be?

01:30:21:18 – 01:30:57:21
Pat Reeves
Well, interestingly, yesterday I got one of my sprouting jars there because my easy going back to the old and I put three things in the square beautifully together and they are mung beans, chickpeas and fenugreek. And the combination of those, they all sprout at the same time, really tasty. And so you’ve got mass of antioxidants, loads of protein from chickpeas and mung beans, and it’s a great combination.

01:30:58:02 – 01:31:25:05
Pat Reeves
But if it was, I’d just mention that because I did those yesterday and even now it’s about 30 hours ago, they have begun to spread. So they’ll be ready to. Say it quick. But the fun thing with the jars is that once they start sprouting well, once you put the meat you’re enjoying the lead on. You never have to take the lead off and you want to eat them.

01:31:25:11 – 01:31:40:02
Pat Reeves
You can put them straight in the fridge and they’ll grow for another seven days. So that’s I think that’s the fun bit that you never have to open it up again and you want to eat it.

01:31:40:11 – 01:31:50:14
Nathan Crane
Now you sprout on the like you can sprout on the countertop, but they they will they sprout even if they’re getting like coming through the window.

01:31:51:15 – 01:32:08:04
Pat Reeves
They don’t like cakes. They don’t like doing Red Sun. Right. I would put them in a shady part of wherever you are. Don’t have any sun in my kitchen because my Jamie’s built onto the kitchen so I don’t have any direction.

01:32:08:04 – 01:32:27:22
Nathan Crane
That shows where your priorities are. I love it. I know my my gym is right out the other door. I turn my garage into the gym. So, you know, I can walk right right outside here and be in my gym. I actually extended my gym into the driveway. So half of our driveway is also my outdoor gym.

01:32:27:22 – 01:32:32:21
Pat Reeves
Nice and good. But yeah, they wouldn’t like don’t make sun.

01:32:32:22 – 01:32:36:11
Nathan Crane
Yeah, that’s what I thought. Yeah. We usually just put them in the cupboard, but.

01:32:37:20 – 01:33:13:12
Pat Reeves
They get dark so they can stay on the kitchen. You need to on your windowsill or wherever it’s convenient. I remember competing in Russia probably about 2006, 2007 and I went down to join them all for dinner and they they were big guys and they were eating like half a pig on their I took my little bowl of bread down with me and I thought, pretty terrible.

01:33:13:12 – 01:33:41:16
Pat Reeves
Exactly. What are you going to eat? But interestingly, I’d only been two days and I had a little tiny room that was very hot and the radiator wouldn’t go off. And I actually put them on the windowsill, which was over the radiator. And although they don’t like intense heat, they actually sprouted overnight. Wow. I took them down to.

01:33:41:20 – 01:33:53:05
Pat Reeves
Yes, it was breakfast. That’s right. I took them down with me and they sprouted overnight in that heat. But in general they don’t like a direct heat.

01:33:53:05 – 01:34:13:20
Nathan Crane
So yeah, I’m going to try that combo mung beans, chickpeas and fenugreek. Of course, I always recommend people buy, you know, organic certified seeds, right? You just buy the seeds, make sure they’re organics. You’re not getting the chemicals, pesticides, fungicides, herbicides and and filter water and boom. You have a nutritional powerhouse.

01:34:13:22 – 01:34:39:23
Pat Reeves
So you have to eat them as they come. I’m years ago before I got super busy and traveling all over the place, I, I had about 20 students. I did living food days and I had about 20 students here. And it took me about three weeks to prepare a table for the whole different types of things you could do with spread.

01:34:40:00 – 01:35:09:22
Pat Reeves
So I turned them into dips, cheeses things like pineapple and cheese steak. So I tried to make it looked like their normal food. So because I realized that people are not just going to want that like three C combination we just mentioned, they’re not just going to eat that on the plate for the rest of their life, but you can turn them into all sorts of things.

01:35:10:13 – 01:35:28:21
Pat Reeves
So all my dressings, soups, whether it’s breakfasts, lunches, dinners, you can turn them into all sorts of things. What you don’t do on this is to apply each to them because they’re going to kill off all the enzymes.

01:35:29:04 – 01:35:29:13
Nathan Crane

01:35:30:06 – 01:36:00:20
Pat Reeves
Yeah, exactly. Shifting the amount of in sprouted foods years ago. I have an affinity for dancing so it doesn’t matter if you give me a bicycle chain or a beautiful little crystal on something. It doesn’t matter what I use, but what I used to do was get people, bring me some of their food that they thought they had a problem with or I thought they would have a problem with.

01:36:01:11 – 01:36:29:00
Pat Reeves
And I used to dash these foods. I showed them my thing signals. So this is what this does when it’s saying yes, this is what he does when he’s saying no and this is what he does when he’s saying maybe someone showed them that I got them to hold the food next to the solar plexus, which is where I was trained to do it and dash this.

01:36:29:13 – 01:37:02:20
Pat Reeves
If they let’s say they had a piece of bread, which is pretty hard to digest anyway because of the gluten and everything else that’s in it. So invariably my little mate mostly used to push through. My little implement would give them a resounding no. And so it took them yes. I thought I had a problem with bread, so maybe I shouldn’t be eating slices a day.

01:37:04:05 – 01:37:40:13
Pat Reeves
But interesting if I gave them a handful of something spreading in in a tissue, I used to give it to them and they put that on the solar plexus and then the size of bread the signal would change. It would either say, Yes, I’m fine with this because now you’re giving me the components to break it down. But and that was the way I hooked them into getting doing sprouting because I could see, Crikey, if I spread it, I’ll be able to eat cheese sandwiches again.

01:37:40:13 – 01:38:15:09
Pat Reeves
That wasn’t quite the idea, but it got them into sprouting. But interestingly, the digestive enzymes that I produce in capsule form, if I got a maybe we’d spread it and I gave them the digestive enzymes to hold. I would get invariably a perfect yes. So more powerful than living food because it’s concentrated. Mm. But invariably if you give the part that you want, it needs to break something down.

01:38:15:20 – 01:38:17:15
Pat Reeves
You don’t have a problem with it.

01:38:17:22 – 01:38:47:12
Nathan Crane
Exactly. Yeah. Well Pat, it’s been amazing talking to you. I mean, you’re a wealth of knowledge and an incredibly inspiring human being. Been through so many just unbelievable challenges. I can’t even imagine. And you’re still here thriving, doing amazing things. I really, really hope that you beat your own record next month. So I’d love to hear about that after you do it.

01:38:47:12 – 01:39:05:10
Nathan Crane
And if have a video of it and you send me a video, we’ll share it with our community as well. That’ll be really awesome. And if people want to get in touch with you, I know you know, your book would be a great thing as your book is called A Living Miracle. What’s your website or where can people get your book?

01:39:05:10 – 01:39:09:09
Nathan Crane
Where how can they get in touch with you website?

01:39:09:19 – 01:39:20:04
Pat Reeves
They can all they just Google pat these and my website will come up but if you if you want to write me ten each WW you don’t food alive dot org.

01:39:20:20 – 01:39:31:20
Nathan Crane
Food alive dot org. Okay cool and then you do nutritional counseling for people as well.

01:39:31:20 – 01:39:32:03
Pat Reeves

01:39:33:09 – 01:39:43:10
Nathan Crane
Awesome food alive dot or all right and Living Miracles your book I encourage people to go out there and read it, get a copy of it and.

01:39:44:02 – 01:40:06:14
Pat Reeves
People buy it off the website. I think Amazon have it as well, but mainly when doing talks. I do a lot of talks for Veg Fest, which is a vegan association here in the UK, so I take them with me, but mainly people will buy them off the website, so just keep out on the website.

01:40:06:24 – 01:40:20:23
Nathan Crane
Awesome, awesome. Well, great, Pat, it’s great to get to know you and thanks for sharing. Thanks for being on the podcast. This has been great and I wish you so much luck in your continued powerlifting ahead.

01:40:21:13 – 01:40:25:08
Pat Reeves
Thank you very much. Isn’t that right? Those protein gels?

01:40:25:17 – 01:40:35:07
Nathan Crane
Thank you. I know I’m definitely I’m getting some more seeds. I’ll be sprouting again. You inspired me for sure. All right. Take care.

01:40:35:16 – 01:40:36:22
Pat Reeves
Okay. Bye, Nathan.

01:40:36:22 – 01:40:37:11
Nathan Crane



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