Jaban Moore: Lyme Disease Breakthrough | Nathan Crane Podcast

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Dr. Moore, a renowned functional medicine practitioner, shares his journey from chronic fatigue to vibrant health. Uncover the root causes of Lyme disease and effective treatments including herbal protocols, frequency-specific techniques, and lifestyle changes.

Don’t miss out on this vital information for anyone dealing with chronic health conditions. Subscribe for more health breakthroughs and share this video with those who need it!

Your host, Nathan Crane, is a Certified Holistic Cancer Coach, Best-Selling Author, Inspirational Speaker, Cancer-Health Researcher and Educator, and 20X Award Winning Documentary Filmmaker with Over 15 Years in the Health Field.

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Check out our guest Dr. Jaban Moore on Social Media!

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#Lymedisease #FunctionalMedicine #HealthBreakthrough

Audio Transcript


(This transcript was auto-generated so there may be some errors)

00:00:00:01 – 00:00:27:05
Nathan Crane
Hey guys, welcome back to the podcast. I’m excited to have my friend Dr. Jaban Moore here with us today. Dr. Jaban is a doctor chiropractic. He’s located out of Kansas City. He works with many patients around the world through telemedicine. As a functional medicine practitioner, he’s helped many people deal with and learn the root cause and even overcome their various chronic health conditions.

00:00:27:20 – 00:00:58:07
Nathan Crane
And Jaban you went through your own episode of, you know, dealing with Lyme disease and chronic fatigue and all kinds of stuff that after being a, you know, elite, collegiate athlete. Right. And then you were and you just had this kind of downward spiral of your own health, you know, spiraling out of control and eventually led you to, you know, solving your own health crisis and then learning functional medicine and then being able to help many other patients dealing with similar issues.

00:00:58:07 – 00:01:10:05
Nathan Crane
So, number one. Welcome to the podcast. Super happy to have you here. And number two, we love to hear a little bit of more about your own personal story and how you were able to heal yourself.

00:01:11:22 – 00:01:33:00
Jaban Moore
Thanks for having me, man. And yeah, I know Lyme disease and at the time I thought just line. Of course, through all of my now 11 years of being in practice, I’ve learned that there were some other pieces of that puzzle. But I was a college athlete, living life, enjoying myself 2021 to 3, and just felt like things were not right.

00:01:33:00 – 00:02:01:14
Jaban Moore
Like my body wasn’t operating the way that it had through high school and early in college and when I graduated from undergrad and I stopped being in track and field, I was the shot putter of the big boy. Like I lost £60. When I lost that weight, my body just crashed. I just I hit a wall. I didn’t even know what it was from, but I was like fatigue and brain fog were accelerating.

00:02:02:02 – 00:02:23:17
Jaban Moore
Hormones were often up of erectile dysfunction, and it was just like, I’m 25 years old and the biggest I’ve been in my life meeting the best of my life. I’m caring for myself. Why am I getting worse and worse and worse and I went through what so many people that I work with go through, which is no answers.

00:02:23:22 – 00:02:42:13
Jaban Moore
I went to different providers, whether they were Western medicine or even natural medicine. I went to the lots of different providers, tried different diets. Things just weren’t working. I just wasn’t seen results. And I was actually at a conference and somebody mentioned Lyme disease and didn’t know much about it. So I was like, All right, I’ll go down that rabbit hole.

00:02:42:13 – 00:03:04:17
Jaban Moore
Like I was just taking whatever I could get. And I found somebody, several states away. This is before virtual medicine talking like 2013, and he’s just like, Yeah, come on up, I’ll check you out. I went up there and within a few weeks I started noticing a difference because he’s like, Yep, you have Lyme, I also have some parasites and you have some other things that are potentially going on.

00:03:05:09 – 00:03:32:08
Jaban Moore
Come to find out like after treating Lyme, I got a lot better, but then I treated parasites and then not with him. I figured out that I had some metal and some mold and after I got through all of those things, like a new person. I’m 37 today and I have as much energy, as much brain function as I did before I got sick, which is what I tell so many people.

00:03:32:08 – 00:03:39:14
Jaban Moore
Like we should not be declining so rapidly. So many people are almost getting older. Oh, I’m not 18 anymore. I’m like.

00:03:39:14 – 00:04:03:06
Nathan Crane
SB Right. I hear I mean, I hear it all the time. Even people at the gym like, you know, mid-thirties, go, Oh, I’m getting old. I’m like, shut up. Like, are you kidding me? Like, you know, number one, don’t be saying that to yourself. We we know the impact of people who literally consider themselves old, that it and it manifests in the physiology.

00:04:03:06 – 00:04:25:19
Nathan Crane
It reduces your actual biological age, reduces your your inner age versus people that are studies done on people who believe they were younger when they’re 60, 70, 80, who, you know, don’t say things like, oh, I’m getting too old for this. Or, you know, they don’t believe that they’re old. They still see themselves as younger and they actually have brains of a significantly younger person.

00:04:26:04 – 00:04:43:08
Nathan Crane
I mean, that’s what you want as you age, you know, and our words are very, very powerful. But as you said, it is common in our society today. It’s like, oh, yeah, I just don’t feel well. And we just kind of chalk it up to, Oh, I’m aging, but it’s not what? A That’s not what healthy aging is.

00:04:43:08 – 00:05:04:05
Nathan Crane
Healthy aging is you still feel great. You still have energy. You still feel strong as you age. And I know this because of the thousands of thousands of people I’ve talked to over the years in the work that I do and the people that you talk to and see the results, people who are 50, 60, 70, who are getting better, healthier, stronger than they’ve been in decades.

00:05:04:11 – 00:05:20:15
Nathan Crane
My dad’s a prime example. He’s healthier and stronger now in his seventies. And he was when he was in his fifties. Why? We cleaned up his diet, got him on a mostly plant based diet. He’s a little bit of fish and chicken from time to time, but he’s doing a lot of vegetables, a lot of fruits, good cholesterol down naturally.

00:05:20:15 – 00:05:39:01
Nathan Crane
Got him off all his meds, got his blood pressure back to normal right. So most people in our seventies, in the west now are on somewhere between five and seven prescription meds. He got off all of them right. Stopped drinking alcohol, stopped smoking. Cigarets exercises every day. And now in his seventies, he’s healthier now than he was in his fifties.

00:05:39:01 – 00:06:01:22
Nathan Crane
No joke. And he’s getting stronger. He’s putting on more muscle. You know, it’s just incredible to see. And here’s one case of thousands of cases. So we know that, you know, rapid deterioration is not a sign of healthy aging. Yes. As you age, you know, you’re never going to lift his heavy at your prime if you really built your prime in your twenties or thirties.

00:06:01:22 – 00:06:23:06
Nathan Crane
Yeah. You’re not going be as fast or as fit or whatever. But you can still be healthy, you can still be strong, you know, you can still not be dealing with chronic fatigue and low energy and all that kind of stuff. If you are, it’s because of these issues you just mentioned, you know, some kind of virus or bacterial infection, some kind of parasitic infection, some kind of heavy metal overload.

00:06:23:06 – 00:06:39:13
Nathan Crane
Right. Some some level of mold toxicity. So it’s awesome. You’ve found that stuff out. You were able to, you know, treat yourself. I want to go into each one of those specifically, if you don’t mind. Like, what did you do for Lyme? What do you do for parasites, heavy metals, mold? Maybe we can start with the Lyme.

00:06:40:14 – 00:07:02:24
Jaban Moore
Yeah. So that’s actually the thing that I did first. And it’s not the thing that I’ve actually worked on first with clients today, but in my journey that’s the first specialist I was able to find, the first really good person, and I went out to his clinic. I stayed there for a full week and he did some body work on me to get my limbs moving.

00:07:03:11 – 00:07:32:06
Jaban Moore
He did some chiropractic to get my nervous system, turned him back on. I did some different work with his in office, this Reiki person, just to get my body in a place where I was ready to get moving. Then he got me on a protocol of herbs and vitamins. He made a product line and it’s now called I as bor as his Lyme formula.

00:07:32:06 – 00:07:57:00
Jaban Moore
And that formula was able to get me feeling better alongside of doing frequency specific technique. So an electrical current, that’s a specific frequency to help your body deal with the line. And that’s what I did while I was up there for that full week. When I came back, I continued the herbs. I continue getting adjusted and I actually continued doing the frequency specific technique with someone here local that had a machine that was able to do it.

00:07:57:00 – 00:08:16:02
Jaban Moore
I did that for about two months, I’ll be honest. After about two months, I started feeling significantly better. But that first month was focused on the the Lyme, the Borrelia, and then the second month was focused on the busier, which is the protozoan parasite coinfection that’s common along side of Lyme that he’d found when he was working with me.

00:08:16:02 – 00:08:38:03
Jaban Moore
So each month I rotated there for the first, I believe it was about six months, and I rotated from Coinfection to Coinfection using his formulations which are all herbal. And I was able to see some significant progress once identified the problem and then getting the right interventions to put in. But it wasn’t just dove in and kill stuff because so many people do that.

00:08:38:15 – 00:08:56:19
Jaban Moore
It was do your body in the right place, open up the drainage pathways, get the nervous system on line. Because if you are stressed and in a fight or flight position, your body’s not in a rest digest, heal and recover position. So we did all that that first week in House.

00:08:56:19 – 00:09:25:07
Nathan Crane
It’s awesome. You’re doing like Reiki and energy healing and stuff. A lot of people either don’t know about it or think it’s too woo woo or don’t realize, you know, the efficacy of it is quite a few studies in fact on Reiki and energy healing that show an improved outcome when it comes to your immune system function, inflammation, you know, rapid speeding up of healing also as a support for conventional medicines.

00:09:25:07 – 00:09:50:12
Nathan Crane
If you’re doing you know, drug therapy or whatever it might be, you know, Reiki has shown, you know, increased mood, decreased depression, which we know is essential. Like you said, getting your healing faculties online. So many people are stuck in a sympathetic nervous system state that even they’re taking all these herbs and parasite killers and, you know, black walnut and all these things that are helping to create die off from these infections.

00:09:50:12 – 00:10:18:01
Nathan Crane
But then, you know, the immune system’s downregulated because people are in a chronic fight or flight state and then the body’s not able to actually remove these toxins and infections as easily. Right. So Reiki meditation and these frequency healings, these kinds of, you know, getting the body into a parasympathetic state, a rest and digest, a healing state. Now implementing some of these other protocols and herbs and things can be a lot more effective.

00:10:18:01 – 00:10:18:06
Nathan Crane

00:10:19:08 – 00:10:43:14
Jaban Moore
Absolutely. If you come into my clinic and and now for the last 11 years, I’ve been working with line and all of these complex chronic conditions because well after I left Wisconsin came back home, I graduated and began no virtual medicine. So all these referrals that were going to him and his very booked out practices that were from my area, he’s like, Go to this guy, he can help you.

00:10:43:14 – 00:11:05:03
Jaban Moore
So it was trial by fire. It was, okay, graduated. Here’s all these really complex chronic conditions. I’m call them like, hey, what do I do with this thing? I’m researching and I’m looking around and what I ended up being able to build out of that was a process. And it’s a process that is very customized to you, but it’s got pillars.

00:11:05:07 – 00:11:24:09
Jaban Moore
And the first pillar is you got to live in a place that is safe. You got to live in an environment that is allowing you to be able to heal, which can be anything from the air, food, water, hygiene, dental implants in your body like these are we need to make sure you are in a position where you can heal.

00:11:24:24 – 00:11:54:00
Jaban Moore
But the second pillar is the nervous system that is missed by 99% of providers out there across all providers. I don’t care if it’s Western, Eastern, you know, alternative, functional. Not enough people look at a client. And as they’re having that first conversation, I’ll just look at them. They’re trapped. Their shoulders are touching their ears. And it’s not because they’re bodybuilders, because they’re stressed out and they’re jumpy, they’re repeating themselves over and over.

00:11:54:03 – 00:12:18:04
Jaban Moore
They’re telling you that they’re stressed, anxious, worried, not balanced just by their body language. And if we can help to resolve some of that, you see all of that tightness and anxious energy that they’re using to keep their body in fight or flight is in a protection mode. They take all that energy and they can just shift it.

00:12:18:19 – 00:12:35:17
Jaban Moore
And I just tell people, like, if you have 100 points of energy in a day and you’re using 30 of it to be hyper vigilant, if I can take that 30 and put it into immune function to actually be able to mount an immune response to deal with Lyme, for instance, how much better do you think that’s going to work?

00:12:36:00 – 00:12:58:23
Jaban Moore
And I call it makes sense because a lot of people also are very resistive initially to doing nervous system training and work. And I’m like, hey, this is just like physical therapy. If you learn to walk improperly, throw a baseball wrong. If you are bending over and picking up stuff and throw out your back because you don’t know how to pick things up appropriately, let’s do some physical therapy to fix it.

00:12:58:23 – 00:13:03:00
Jaban Moore
Right? Everybody gets that. Okay. Well, and that’s true. Physical therapy for your brain.

00:13:05:11 – 00:13:25:01
Nathan Crane
Is a good way to look at it. And you’re right, so many people are I think more people are opening up to the realization because we’ve been talking about it for so long. I’ve literally done entire documentary series on this exact topic, multiple years that have we put hundreds of thousands. We’ve had hundreds of thousands of people go through and sign up and watch or documentaries.

00:13:25:01 – 00:13:50:07
Nathan Crane
There is teaching this exact topic in relation specifically to cancer because it’s what I consider the missing link for cancer is the nervous system is the, you know, really dialing it really up, regulating the parasympathetic nervous system, you know, really activating good vagal tone and activating the vagal nerve because you could take all the herbs and supplements and diet and all the best things and sauna and, you know, all the great detoxification things.

00:13:50:07 – 00:14:10:16
Nathan Crane
But if you’re in that sympathetic state, this is a key takeaway for people, right? If you’re in this chronic, sympathetic nervous system state, which most people are, like you said, you know, shoulders up, kind of, you know, fidgety, you know, lots of thoughts throughout the day of resentment, anger, fear. You know, they’re reactive all the time. They don’t fight.

00:14:10:16 – 00:14:25:01
Nathan Crane
You don’t find yourself in a state of peace and equanimity. Most of the time throughout the day, but urgency and always feeling late and rushing to the next thing and upset about this thing. Upset about that thing. You just watched the news that just pissed you off. Someone just cut you off in the road that just piss you off.

00:14:25:06 – 00:14:47:09
Nathan Crane
You’re not happy at your job, you know, it’s just people are living in that chaotic state. 24 seven Your sympathetic nervous system is turned on, and what that means is automatically your body shuts off the energy to your immune system, which you were just alluding to. That’s very well scientifically documented. And why is that? That’s for survival, right?

00:14:47:09 – 00:15:03:16
Nathan Crane
If you’re out in nature and something’s trying to kill you, you don’t want all the energy of your cells going to your immune system. You want it going to your and your blood, and you want the cortisol dump and adrenaline dump, you know, to go to your legs and your arms to rush so you can get away and save your life.

00:15:04:00 – 00:15:23:13
Nathan Crane
But most of us are not in a life and death situation every single day, but our bodies are nervous. Systems still believe that we are because of that chronic stress. And so automatically all that energy has shut off from your immune system. So it’s not fighting the bacterial infection, it’s not fighting the parasitic infection. It’s not fighting the cancer.

00:15:23:20 – 00:15:46:02
Nathan Crane
You know, we see cancer just proliferating, exploding like crazy. So I love that this is like pillar number two for you because, you know, like you said, so many people forget about it. So, you know, nervous system regulation people absolutely should be doing focusing on this every single day. I have my favorite practices I do every day, multiple times a day.

00:15:46:02 – 00:15:52:10
Nathan Crane
But I’m curious, what are what are some of your favorites that you personally do and or teach your patients?

00:15:53:22 – 00:16:01:11
Jaban Moore
So with patients, there’s a program that I absolutely love, Primal Trust, from Kathleen King.

00:16:01:11 – 00:16:01:19
Nathan Crane

00:16:02:03 – 00:16:24:04
Jaban Moore
A mutual friend of ours. She took a somatic limbic and vagal nerve exercises in her program. They’re all combined together, and it’s done in such a scientific way. And she’s a deputy to a doctor. Physical therapy. So that’s part of the reason why I even came up with the concept. This is physical therapy, because she presents it in such a palatable way.

00:16:24:18 – 00:16:55:04
Jaban Moore
It is so usable because of her training. So that’s the program I take people to because I think it’s so encompassing and done so well. Now, personally, personally, what I do is I wake up every morning and I used to check my social media accounts that I’m working on building and the emails and the financials and all of these things from my business.

00:16:55:04 – 00:17:12:01
Jaban Moore
And of course, in the what we’re doing, I’m like, that is not good for me to wake up and put blue light in my face and give me all the stressful data that I could get. Moment One of my life. That’s terrible, right? So now I wake up and I usually hear my alarm, make one noise, and then I take off.

00:17:12:20 – 00:17:36:04
Jaban Moore
And then I lay back down. I put my hands together and I spend about 5 minutes in prayer. And when I’m doing prayer, I’m also thinking about my breathing. So I’m trying to do almost like a little bit of a meditative breathwork, but as a Christian guy prayer. So I bring all of that together and I do that every single morning when I wake up and I do that every single night before I go to bed.

00:17:36:04 – 00:18:04:17
Jaban Moore
So that’s my beginning. And ending of every day is gratitude and thankful. And then during the day, my time for me is going actually to the gym, but I don’t do it like a lot of guys are. I’ve got like rage and music in my ear and I’m just like going nuts. Oftentimes I’ve got worship music on which if you actually look at harmony and frequency, a lot of worship music frequent C is very uplifting.

00:18:04:17 – 00:18:27:03
Jaban Moore
It’s very high frequency and very good energy. And while doing that, the gym relaxes me because it’s bringing good endorphins and hormones and then every day because I actually had my shower built and I cut out sheetrock and put in a glass panel, I have red light therapy into my shower every single day for every single shower.

00:18:27:17 – 00:18:49:14
Nathan Crane
So I love that’s a really cool idea. Yeah. To put the red light to have it while you shower, that’s something you do every day, right. So that’s pretty smart every day. I just got a small I just got a small one because I’ve got the big panels but I, you know, only use those usually when I’m laying down, stretching in the living room or laying on a meditation bed that I have, and then I’ll pop those on.

00:18:50:07 – 00:18:57:12
Nathan Crane
But I’ve got a small one that fits right under my desk now, so I can turn that on during the day when I’m working at my stand up desk, which is pretty cool.

00:18:58:22 – 00:19:08:04
Jaban Moore
I used to do that exact same thing too, but now it’s definitely I have like a 48 inch. Yeah. In the wall, in the shower.

00:19:08:04 – 00:19:08:21
Nathan Crane
That’s awesome.

00:19:08:22 – 00:19:36:12
Jaban Moore
I’m talking with Robby from their stage. It was incredible because I did this just cause I was like, I like to biohacking my life with like efficiencies. And he’s like, well, when you have red light water droplets, it structures the water and it reflects off the water and the tile on the walls. So now you’re actually getting your entire body no matter where you’re standing in the shower.

00:19:36:21 – 00:19:54:24
Nathan Crane
Yeah, it’d be like it’d be like taking a shower out in the jungle with the sunlight hitting you, which is just if you’ve ever done that. I’ve done that in Costa Rica at a retreat where it’s like it’s an open shower. The sun’s coming through, the water’s hitting you. You’re like it’s like one of the most magnificent things in the world, you know?

00:19:54:24 – 00:20:08:04
Nathan Crane
So not most people probably can’t put a big panel led to, you know, red light therapy panel in their shower behind a glass, you know, a piece of glass. But if you can, that’s a really cool idea. And I like it.

00:20:08:24 – 00:20:20:15
Jaban Moore
Well, Robbie actually with their was put suction cups in the packaging for his red light. There’s a little soft red light that you can suck up. It’s like the glass if you have a glass door or a glass wall all in your shower.

00:20:20:22 – 00:20:22:02
Nathan Crane
It can get wet. So it’s.

00:20:22:02 – 00:20:23:21
Jaban Moore
Waterproof. No, it’s on the outside.

00:20:24:06 – 00:20:53:06
Nathan Crane
Oh, on the outside. Going in. I gotcha. That’s cool. That’s a good idea. That’s pretty awesome. So you’re doing I love the gratitude practice the prayer first thing in the morning. You know, last thing at night, it’s the same thing I do as well. It’s the best way to start your day and end your day, right? I mean, there’s it’s a good way to, you know, kick off your morning and get your body into that state of gratitude, prayer of spiritual connection, get your, you know, your immune system upregulated, get into that parasympathetic state.

00:20:54:13 – 00:20:56:04
Nathan Crane
What are the things that you do throughout the day?

00:20:57:17 – 00:21:19:08
Jaban Moore
Other things health wise are not as nervous and oriented. But, you know, I keep taking drinks here. I’ve got electrolytes because a person in a fight or flight state is going to burn through their electrolytes. We we see when adrenals kick on whether that’s cortisol rather hormones, your body starts to just burn through those, those minerals that we need, sodium, potassium, I need them.

00:21:19:14 – 00:21:53:08
Jaban Moore
I said all the time in here, testings, I get minerals in every day. I’m doing mitochondrial support, which different companies have different products. But now you’re looking at your Coke, you change your B vitamins, those things bringing them. And I’m always getting new experimental things, testing on myself first. So I’m making sure to keep up my nutrients, my mitochondria each day because once, in my opinion, once you reach a state of stable, once you reach that threshold where your body can adapt to the stresses in the day to day, I’m past being chronically ill, past having chronic infections and toxins.

00:21:53:16 – 00:22:12:09
Jaban Moore
Yes, we have to keep up with that. We have to make sure that we’re living in that safe environment with the teller. One. But once you get there, it’s not as much about where some people, they want to keep you on a parasite cleanse every single month or a lime cleanse every single month. And they always have this mental aspect of fear when they leave their home.

00:22:12:09 – 00:22:35:11
Jaban Moore
So many of my clients like, Well, what do you do for tick bites? I like nothing. My body is strong. Exactly. I do a daily practice of mitochondrial for minerals, red light, nervous system regulation, so that when a tick bites me, my immune system can respond appropriately. Now, that’s not for everybody. If you’re not stable and your immune system is not strong, then I’m going to take some ideas board or something like that.

00:22:35:11 – 00:22:57:16
Jaban Moore
But I, I think that getting yourself into a position where you have confidence in your body and it’s not fear of the environment because you’ve made appropriate choices, that’s where the goal is. So, you know, things that I do every day, I don’t even think about saying I have distilled water with minerals out of the back. So the water’s absolutely clean.

00:22:57:24 – 00:23:04:06
Jaban Moore
I have a home that has nonviable materials because like I said, I built my house and my shower.

00:23:04:12 – 00:23:26:19
Nathan Crane
Plus you got it. You got an air doctor right behind you. They’re cleaning up more of the VOCs that might be coming off of, you know, your book, your bookcase and maybe flooring, maybe your desk, whatever. Right. Those air doctors. I got their doctor over there and I’ve got one, two, three, four, five, six. I think six or seven plants in this office alone.

00:23:26:19 – 00:23:51:20
Nathan Crane
We know that plants live plants in your house help clean up so much of the vehicle, see those toxic, volatile compounds that are coming off of everything in your house, from your fire retardant carpets to the formaldehyde in your cupboards, to the paint on your walls. You know, so live plants that NASA did a study on that one plant per 100 square feet right or air doctor to it, which is a great, great filtration system.

00:23:52:07 – 00:24:18:04
Jaban Moore
Yeah, I got four of those and then I started doing peptides here recently as a new experiment of something to bring into my sphere and potential use. So I’ve been doing VPC one, five seven. I’ve tried CJC and a few others as I’m going through, but the BPC has been very interesting. I’ve really enjoyed seeing how that’s affected just my body.

00:24:18:04 – 00:24:38:17
Jaban Moore
I’ve had some previous injuries from college. I have a torn rotator cuff slightly. I’ve torn my elbow, I’ve torn my hip flexor, just college injuries. And although they don’t bother me most day to day life, the BPC actually made the pain completely go away. You know, after discontinuing it. It stayed away now for three months.

00:24:39:08 – 00:24:40:24
Nathan Crane
Wow. How long did you take it for?

00:24:42:03 – 00:24:44:16
Jaban Moore
I took it for 45 days.

00:24:44:16 – 00:24:48:00
Nathan Crane
Is it good for tendons?

00:24:48:00 – 00:25:10:23
Jaban Moore
Seemingly, from the research I’ve read, it does increase in general the overall healing rate and decrease inflammation of the general body. So yes, that’s that’s why I like my shoulder was a problem I had for about two years because I had injured it doing CrossFit and then it just wasn’t right. I wasn’t giving it probably to the amount of attention I should have just with life and business.

00:25:11:07 – 00:25:15:20
Jaban Moore
But after the BPC, it’s been pain free for now. Three months after two years.

00:25:16:06 – 00:25:38:08
Nathan Crane
That’s awesome. Did BP. I might I might have to look into it. So what is BPC 157? Just because I’ve still got some little bit of tendinitis in my bicep also from just overtraining and it’s it’s hill, it’s like 80% healed, but it’s still a little bit of in an inflammatory state. And I want to get it to that 100%, you know, pain free.

00:25:38:17 – 00:25:43:00
Nathan Crane
So looking for ways to do it. Yeah. What is BBC 157. How’s it work?

00:25:43:17 – 00:26:08:19
Jaban Moore
So it’s it’s a peptide and you know, if I look it up and I Google and it basically it talks about helping the body which is regenerative process, aiding the cell in restoring the body by increasing cellular production cycle. That’s what it states online. So it’s being, you know, it’s experimentally being used in a lot of just healing healing places.

00:26:09:14 – 00:26:26:18
Jaban Moore
Peptides are very much right now on like the the FDA. We don’t know what they’re doing. We’re not we’re not sure we like and we’re not sure we don’t like them less when you when you start getting into them. And of course, that’s why I’m like, hey, let’s, let’s stay out on the front edge here. What’s going on?

00:26:26:18 – 00:26:38:03
Nathan Crane
Well, peptides are basically I mean, they’re basically hormones aren’t they. And yeah, I mean what’s the difference between peptide and hormone. Is there a difference.

00:26:38:03 – 00:26:46:17
Jaban Moore
There’s probably not much as you look through all the information, not much at all. They’re basically signaling molecules that are telling your body what to do.

00:26:46:24 – 00:26:47:22
Nathan Crane
Right. Right.

00:26:47:23 – 00:26:52:09
Jaban Moore
That’s why your mom.

00:26:52:09 – 00:27:14:22
Nathan Crane
So yeah. So it’s so it is definitely at the cutting edge right now. I don’t know. Yeah. Putting his your body makes these right. We find them in urine, we find the peptides and hormones in urine, which is why urine therapy is a very interesting thing as well as a whole other conversation. I bet. I bet you could find BPC one for seven in urine.

00:27:14:22 – 00:27:29:17
Nathan Crane
That’d be interesting. I have to look into that. But you only talk for 45 days. That’s really cool. What? You know, how much how much will you take? And you know, is a per is it by body weight or how does it how do they describe that?

00:27:29:17 – 00:27:50:00
Jaban Moore
At least the websites I’ve looked at is not my body weight. I was very conservative with my dosing. I was doing about 200 micrograms daily. I have seen as much as four or 500 micrograms twice daily being done for people. But I wanted to be on the conservative side when I was doing it. I also took it with TB 500.

00:27:50:19 – 00:28:13:05
Jaban Moore
The the tick tock name of that combination is called the Wolverine combo because it’s, you know, Wolverine heals really fast. So I took that combo together, those two things. And I’ll say it did seem like it worked. Pain in my entire body went away because before taking that, laying on that shoulder was painful. After taking it, laying on that shoulder is pain free.

00:28:14:01 – 00:28:41:16
Jaban Moore
I went from not wanting to do heavy shoulder exercises to fully free to do what I wanted. So it’s been quite incredible. We actually gave it to a staff members grandma who had a significant back injury and we don’t supply it by any means. We just told her about it and and the staff member went ahead and purchased it on their own and they took it.

00:28:41:16 – 00:28:48:21
Jaban Moore
And the back pain while taking it was gone while off of it says it was reduced by about 40% a couple of months out.

00:28:49:12 – 00:28:57:12
Nathan Crane
Wow. Interesting. So did you do you do it? Did you do an injection or do you take these as capsules or what?

00:28:57:12 – 00:29:13:19
Jaban Moore
I’ve been doing the injection on myself. There are capsule options and for some peptides there are some sublingual options and a few of them, there’s like a cream option. I don’t know if the non injection is going to be as effective with the peptides because I haven’t experienced that personally.

00:29:14:05 – 00:29:15:21
Nathan Crane
Yeah. Interesting.

00:29:15:21 – 00:29:28:04
Jaban Moore
I have had clients do the oral version and say that it did have a positive effect. But there’s no way I don’t have a study to show injection versus oral.

00:29:28:04 – 00:29:42:21
Nathan Crane
Yeah, well, you have your own kind of case study and then that’s yeah, that’s interesting. So, and that. So you did the combo, you did BBC one for seven plus TV 500. So right.

00:29:42:21 – 00:29:43:20
Jaban Moore
Correct. Yeah.

00:29:44:04 – 00:29:50:15
Nathan Crane
Gotcha. That’s cool. Are there in you have to get prescriptions for those or what.

00:29:52:08 – 00:30:24:15
Jaban Moore
So reason why I didn’t give the recommendation. Grandma is right now peptides are on the borderline there there’s about four currently that are still legal United States for prescription writers to give which ozempic are the most popular one semaglutide. And then there’s Tracy Epstein. I think BPC is still in the OTC category, and CJC, I believe is still an okay category for prescribers, so you can’t be prescribed these things.

00:30:25:10 – 00:30:40:06
Jaban Moore
There are also websites that you can go purchase them from, where you can purchase research only usage. They cannot make the claims similar to what supplements are, where you can purchase and inject yourself. And that’s what I was doing initially.

00:30:41:23 – 00:31:07:05
Nathan Crane
Right, right. Gotcha. Interesting. So let’s say. All right, I want to go back to so pillar one was make sure you got a clean environment. Were talking about clean up your air filter in your water, make sure you’re in a safe place, check your home for mold, clearly, because living in breathing mold every day is definitely not a safe healing environment to be in.

00:31:07:05 – 00:31:29:17
Nathan Crane
You know, clean food, clean water, clean air, clean home pillar to regulate your nervous system, you know, gratitude, practices, prayer, meditation, Reiki, Qigong, listening to, you know, healing music when you’re when you’re exercising such a such a simple and powerful thing, people don’t necessarily think about that often. Most of the time when I’m working out at home, same thing.

00:31:29:17 – 00:31:51:16
Nathan Crane
I’ll have more. Most of the time I’ll have, like upbeat, lighter music playing. I like positive music just like you as worship music. And then when I’m going into like a high intensity interval or something like that, I’ll put on something more intense. But like most of the time I’m working out is something more just upbeat, like I want to be in a happy, positive mood.

00:31:51:16 – 00:32:00:02
Nathan Crane
I think that’s that’s actually, you know, really beneficial for your nervous system. And then what’s pillar number three.

00:32:01:08 – 00:32:32:14
Jaban Moore
Or number three is where I actually get into the the process of poisoning the body. So that’s where we bring in the herbs, the supplements, the meds I’m 99% natural with my recommendation, but I do do have a nurse practitioner, my clinic. So we have the capacity to bring in meds as necessary. So that’s where we go into to that portion of the conversation because we’ve already addressed, you know, diet within the food conversation at a safe place like don’t eat foods that are bothering you.

00:32:32:14 – 00:32:52:20
Jaban Moore
So whether that be oxalate, if you don’t tolerate oxalate because you’re living in mold or if you have alpha on, you can’t tolerate red meat. We’re going to make sure we approach that in the diet. So pillar three is where we go into the phase of we’re going to start to rebuild your body. So we replenish minerals and nutrients that are lost.

00:32:52:20 – 00:33:20:07
Jaban Moore
We deal with if you’re having histamine reaction so we can be an antihistamine, homeopathic herbal medication, we start to regulate immune responses if we have a need to do that for sensitivity. And then and then we go into the, the, the liver supporting detox cleanse and then the microbial work that only needed to do based off of your history labs or our clinical conversations.

00:33:21:06 – 00:33:46:16
Nathan Crane
I was just talking with Brian artists yesterday, doctor. Dr. Artists. And you know, he’s he’s saying it can when people do a liver cleanse they found that generally whether you’re doing a five day cleanse, seven day, 21 day, but generally they see like a 15%. And I don’t know how you measure this, but a 15% improvement in liver function, maybe they’re looking at liver enzymes.

00:33:46:16 – 00:34:14:22
Nathan Crane
I’m not sure exactly. But with each cleanse so or liver detox or liver cleanse and so people think like, oh, I’ll do this one cleanse and then I’m good. Like I’m good forever, right? Whereas what he’s saying is now you throughout the year, you should consider doing more, you know, five, six, seven, maybe one a month, one every 45 days, because each time you were generating and helping detox and heal your liver a little bit more, a little bit more, a little bit more.

00:34:15:24 – 00:34:23:03
Nathan Crane
What are your thoughts and thoughts on that in terms of liver flushed, liver cleanses, liver detoxes?

00:34:23:03 – 00:34:44:02
Jaban Moore
I mean, I’m I’m bored of what he’s saying, but I’ll give a little bit more background to my statement, which is most people at least are walking to my clinic are not in good places. They’re not Biohacker Optimizer people that are coming in like I’m at the top of my game, give me another percent. Most of them are are struggling.

00:34:44:18 – 00:35:05:22
Jaban Moore
So for most of the people that I’m working with, we are starting from ground zero. We are cleaning up the environment. So if we’re starting at ground zero and you have on a scale ten, you say my digestion is in eight by my fatigue is an eight bad. I have some brain fog, some anxiety in there. Okay. So we’ve got a person’s body who’s struggling.

00:35:06:18 – 00:35:32:16
Jaban Moore
So we’re going to be doing numerous protocols throughout our time to get your body. Well, so for me, it was start off by doing a month of a liver cleanse specifically without doing antimicrobials or detox. Then it’s let’s detox parasites, bacteria, that’s each going to take a month or two each category, then another month or two for mold, another month or two for metal and so on.

00:35:32:24 – 00:36:00:15
Jaban Moore
Once I reach the end of that, I can go out and test your body for toxins, for infections, and those things are now negative, right? So theoretically, your body’s cleaning. You’re at a break point where I’m like, right, you’re good to go. And the maintenance at that point, like I was mentioning earlier, my goal is not for you to have to do a liver cleanse every month, although it may be beneficial if you live in a safe environment which is not always easy to do in today’s society.

00:36:00:21 – 00:36:41:15
Jaban Moore
Let’s say you’re drinking clean water, even organic food and breathing clean air because you got your air doctors. I tend to recommend the many mom is that we do a orderly cleanse, which is going to include liver, gallbladder type detox, supporting. And then alongside of that, it’s going to also include some sort of organism immune support cleanse. So whether that be parasite, bacteria, mold and I actually built these out and give them to clients and we rotate them based off of you know, what quarter their and in their year so it’s say first quarter to be parasite second quarter would be bacteria, third quarter could be mold, fourth quarter could be metal to make sure

00:36:41:15 – 00:37:04:11
Jaban Moore
that we’re hitting on everything. And it’s not like I’m saying we’re only going to do metal one time year because you’re still doing gallbladder and liver cleansing each quarter. And this is again a minimum and I try to create as a structure so people can keep up with it. Not everybody’s into let me do a full cleanse every single month, the rest of my life, which I get, nor should I should they have to if they’re following pillar one and two.

00:37:05:01 – 00:37:13:14
Nathan Crane
How long is each of the cleanses usually take? So they’re basically just taking, you know, specific supplements for that set amount of time.

00:37:14:15 – 00:37:28:14
Jaban Moore
Yeah. So in the maintenance phase, it’s about 10 minutes or 10 minutes, ten days, ten days of cleansing each month that they do it. So four months of the year of 40 days of the year they’re spent cleansing.

00:37:29:12 – 00:37:57:03
Nathan Crane
Gotcha. And so for like parasites talk about parasites because it’s funny, there’s still doctors today in the U.S. that don’t believe parasites exist in the U.S. They’re like told that, yeah, you don’t have parasites because they don’t exist. And yet we know that parasite, like millions and millions of people, have parasitic infections here in the U.S. Dogs have parasites, cats have parasites.

00:37:57:03 – 00:38:31:08
Nathan Crane
You go to your vet, your vet knows that parasites exist here in the West. And those parasites transfer from your animals to the to the pet to the pet owners. The pet parents. Right. Like but yet still the medical profession here. Many people don’t believe parasites actually exist. And people, Dr. Kennealy, who’s got a center for new medicine over in California, which I went and visited, interviewed a bunch of her doctors, they told me every cancer patients ever come in that they tested for pesticide, tested for parasites that have tested positive for parasites.

00:38:31:08 – 00:38:58:07
Nathan Crane
Every single cancer patient, which I find kind of fascinating. So what are some of the things that you’ve seen in helping eliminate parasites? You know, we know black walnuts always in a parasite cleanse. There’s or somebody out there’s three or four tons of parasite cleanses over the years. And there’s always like three or four or five different herbs in that concoction.

00:38:58:21 – 00:39:34:12
Nathan Crane
Tastes terrible, by the way, if you’re doing the tinctures and the liquid, it’s just awful. But Black Walnut Hole, there’s a bunch of those kind of herbs that really help to kill the parasites. Now, are you doing I? Do you have a do you have a a binder that goes along like are you doing recommending like, you know, the herbs in the morning and a binder afterwards like an hour or in the afternoon to kind of clean, you know, bind up activated charcoal, you know, apple pectin, whatever, crack cell, plural or how do you normally do that?

00:39:35:19 – 00:39:58:16
Jaban Moore
Yeah. So I mean, just things that first piece of question what herbs? So it’s black walnut, wormwood, oregano, clove, blue, tansy, neem, ngoni. These are all different herbs that are all affected with different parasites. So I use all of those and there’s, there’s a number of other ones that I use. There’s probably 20 that I rotate around through as I’m working with people.

00:39:58:20 – 00:40:25:20
Jaban Moore
And when we do, this will combine five, seven of them for the first cleanse and we’ll use those either in or powder form. Then the other option is tincture form. It just depends on the person. If they can tolerate the tincture, alcohol, some of them I’ve I’ve been working with some companies now they’re using glycerin, which is a little easier to absorb, not quite as rancid, flavored for those kids that we work with.

00:40:26:12 – 00:40:55:15
Jaban Moore
But I definitely bring in. So during this period, I’ll always have them doing things like in AC milk thistle so that we can be working on the liver. I like to also have a product called Tugger, which is a bile salt that increases bile production, which is a natural binder within your body. I really, really love. Tonka has been an absolute game changer for me and that that increasing the bile oil allows for the body to bind on its own.

00:40:55:15 – 00:41:16:11
Jaban Moore
So I don’t even need a binder per say, which I still use binders, but I don’t need as much binder. So it’s more natural. And also it’s a breakdown. Fat emulsify. In fact, that’s what bile does. So now we’re helping with BioFilm Breakdown again in a natural state, and then so we’ve got the milk thistle, we’ve got the toad doing those two things.

00:41:16:22 – 00:41:36:11
Jaban Moore
And in a basic I’ll do those two products plus the parasite product. If I’m moving into more of an advanced protocol, I’m going to bring in something like a bioactive carbon, which is a charcoal like product that I’ll bring in and I’ll have that done twice a day by hydrocarbons don’t have to be done away from supplements, which is the nice part.

00:41:36:11 – 00:41:55:05
Jaban Moore
So you have to do it 2 hours away from everything, like with the charcoal. So I’ll bring that in and a little bit more advanced. And if I step up to another level advanced and I actually have built out to where when I’m giving these out with within my membership group, the third level is bringing biofilm disruptors in because that’s going to dig even deeper for people.

00:41:55:18 – 00:42:21:23
Jaban Moore
So that’s when you bring in proteolytic enzymes that you’re taking 45 minutes away from food to break down fat when you’re also taking those Antiparasitic microbial is so that now you’re stripping the protections that the parasites build around themselves to stay in your body and hide from your immune system. So I do all three of those different steps depending upon the person’s experience level, you know, do they consider themselves a, a a beginner, intermediate or advanced?

00:42:23:04 – 00:42:28:00
Nathan Crane
And then what are you doing for heavy metals? What are some some of your favorite heavy metal detox protocols?

00:42:29:07 – 00:42:48:00
Jaban Moore
Acid heavy metals. An interesting conversation coming up right after parasites. Parasites can actually absorb 6 to 8 times their body weight and toxins. Heavy metals is one of their favorites. So if you’re full of heavy metals, you are an amazing host for Parasite. I always tell people you want to be a bad host for organism, you don’t want to be a good host.

00:42:48:00 – 00:43:04:14
Jaban Moore
It’s like, you know, you’re I mean, all these clients and they’re they I asked them, what do you do for Christmas? Like, Oh, I clean my whole house and I put out the food and I, I make it all warm and inviting. That’s what parasites are looking for. And you? Well, when you have mold and heavy metals, that’s what you’ve done.

00:43:04:14 – 00:43:24:21
Jaban Moore
You’ve made it warm and inviting when you’re stressed out, low caloric or low hydrochloric acid because you’re stressed when you’ve taken antibiotics and wiped out your gut microbiome and your protection, you’re a great host. So one thing I do for heavy metals is parasite cleansing because parasites are in there mopping up the metal and they’re pulling it out.

00:43:24:21 – 00:43:50:16
Jaban Moore
So if we have heavy metals showing up on our testing, I’ll bring in binders with parasite protocols like h m e t binder, which is a cell core binder, a bioactive carbon that will bind metals well. So I use charcoals, I use bioactive carbons and I use zeolites when I’m working with heavy metals as binders. And I’ll actually start with binders a little bit backwards to what some people will talk about doing.

00:43:50:16 – 00:44:10:21
Jaban Moore
So I do the parasites and then I’ll do the binders to pick up any free floating metals before I go and stimulating metals, because it’s one of those situations where if I send my kid out to rake the leaves and there’s a few leaves out there, he’s he’s tiny, so he’s not going to do a lot of work.

00:44:11:02 – 00:44:28:18
Jaban Moore
So there’s just a few leaves he can keep up with that. But if I have a huge windstorm come through, just dumps, leaves everywhere is going to get out of hand. He’s not going to keep up. So I’m always trying to make sure that your body can keep up with my metal detoxing. So it’s parasites, it’s drainage, keep all that open, it’s bind up the free floating stuff.

00:44:28:22 – 00:45:00:02
Jaban Moore
And then once I want to go shake the leaves or shake your cells or squeeze your cells and get all the stuff out of it, turn your mitochondria on to kick out the metals. We can bring in iodine which will displace metals such as uranium. I find uranium a lot more radioactive element here on thyroid, especially associated with Hashimoto’s is I also find a lot of arsenic and lead and mercury in people and that mercury can be associated with fish intake or it can be associated with dental amalgam.

00:45:00:02 – 00:45:23:23
Jaban Moore
So that’s why that’s part of the safe place section is our is your body safe from the dental amalgams that potentially dentist put in so I’ll bring in that iodine which will displace the metal from your cell. The binder then can bind the metal that’s coming off. So we’ve got to do that in appropriate ratios based off of your history in your lives, I’ll bring in C60, which is a biologic, which is a buckyball, it’s a carbon sphere.

00:45:24:01 – 00:45:51:03
Jaban Moore
You can actually get into your cells and move metals out. So we’ve seen some research on that and also bring in ALA at times including glutathione to help move things out. And those all of those are individual things that I’m doing to help stimulate the cell by helping the mitochondria to kick things out. But much more simply, if you drink clean, nontoxic water, your body will start to detox on its own.

00:45:51:12 – 00:46:17:19
Jaban Moore
The toxic metals that are coming through your tap water. I’ve had people switch from tap water to whatever filter you want to use, whether that’s aqua true or which is oro distilled. When you start removing the toxic water your body, then because of osmosis will start to push toxins out to balance the clean water that’s out with the cells, to start letting that out.

00:46:19:00 – 00:46:41:24
Jaban Moore
So you start detoxing there. And then when you start adding minerals, and especially if you’re adding full, the human minerals in or fall accumulate electrolytes and you’re actually going to start to displace metal out of your cells because your body’s replacing the toxic metals that are in it with the hopeful metals, which is things like magnesium, calcium, potassium and sodium.

00:46:42:09 – 00:47:10:20
Jaban Moore
And. Funny story I got on this kick taking relight Redmond’s relight where I allowed myself because it tasted good the mango flavor to take two or three a day for like a month and all of a sudden I had all of this, all of this metal toxin start coming out of me and I just I mean, darkened eyes, brain fog.

00:47:10:24 – 00:47:18:08
Jaban Moore
I started feeling horrible because I was taking in electrolytes and such a high array that my body started kicking out all this metal.

00:47:19:12 – 00:47:46:06
Nathan Crane
Is a good. That’s a good point, right? Because electrolytes, which are minerals that, you know, our cells need for a lot of different functions for, you know, cellular repair, for, you know, rejuvenation for all kinds of cellular functions, the heavy metals like mercury and lead and cadmium and aluminum that are in the water, that are in the food that are in you know, so many things are exposed today.

00:47:46:06 – 00:48:18:24
Nathan Crane
The farm, the farm, the cosmetics, the lotions, the shampoos, all the stuff that people are using that are not organic, that are filled with these heavy metals and chemicals. The sunscreens, your cells take in those heavy metals as if they’re minerals. Right. And so when like you’re saying, when you add in more minerals, more of these minerals that are needed, potassium, calcium, magnesium, etc., then they can help to push out.

00:48:18:24 – 00:49:01:08
Nathan Crane
But if you’re not getting enough minerals and then you’re overloaded on heavy metals, you know, what’s happening is it is they’re getting absorbed into the brain. They get involved in into the fat cells are being absorbed into, you know, so many cells in the body. And those heavy metals are blocking or causing disruption in a signaling molecules right in in communication between cells, which can lead to things like Alzheimer’s and neurodegenerative disease and, you know, brain fog and chronic fatigue and all these things that so many millions of people are experiencing today could simply be one of the things we’re talking about is just heavy metal toxicity.

00:49:02:12 – 00:49:25:16
Jaban Moore
You know, my favorite example this would actually turn me on to this entire topic was I was sitting in a conference a few years ago, a Great Plains laboratory conference, a naturopath at the end of his conversation, after talking about a $15 million study that they did on oil field employees and how many toxins are coming from industry, he said.

00:49:27:03 – 00:49:56:08
Jaban Moore
What all of that helped was his wife, who had been living a extremely healthy life, eating organically, living in a clean home, doing all the things that we talked about today, developed osteoporosis. And this guy was just like, out of everything that I’m doing, I could not understand how in the world her body developed osteoporosis. She had so well what he found was the lead was sky high and her testing and he’s like, where is this coming from?

00:49:56:17 – 00:50:24:15
Jaban Moore
There’s nowhere environment for the last 20 years where she could have got lead. Where she got lead was her mother was part of the LED generation. Lead got into her mother’s bones because lead being a positive iron can get into your bone in place of calcium when, you don’t have calcium. So when you’re pregnant and you’re making the bones of your child, that lead can transfer from mother to daughter.

00:50:25:23 – 00:50:47:14
Jaban Moore
So this woman was like 55, 60 years old, and osteoporosis hit the lead from either childhood or from her mother. Then when osteoporosis hit in the body, was women realizing that bone, which is a natural process. The lead came out in a quantity that was high enough to generate an immune response that led to osteoporosis in her bones.

00:50:47:24 – 00:51:08:22
Jaban Moore
So once she was able to identify that lead, was the generator a sort of binding lead in dealing with it and then replacing with appropriate calcium? Her osteoporosis went away and that became a practice in his clinic. So then it hit me. I’m like, so all these women going through menopause that are 40 and 50, they’re saying, oh, you know, the floor just fell out from under me.

00:51:08:22 – 00:51:37:14
Jaban Moore
I feel horrible. Could it be and what in some of these cases, improper or metal lead it being in bones that’s coming out, that just needs to be bound from a history of lead from their mother, their grandmother, whoever or whenever a now can be dealt with. And I’ve taken that thought process and I’ve just moved it along with so many of the other things that I’m doing, whether it’s arsenic in our water, supplies or otherwise.

00:51:37:18 – 00:52:06:23
Jaban Moore
Your body is so intelligent that it will take a improper metal that will do the job because of its ionic charge. I wonder as well. And it may be harmful, but it will do the job enough that you survive, right? And put it in place until it can get the appropriate mineral metal to replace it later on. And if you’ve done this for a while and now you’re all of a sudden behaving in a different way, getting in healthy electrolytes, now you’re going to detox.

00:52:07:06 – 00:52:14:07
Jaban Moore
And knowing that explains so much of why people feel bad when they do good things.

00:52:14:07 – 00:52:36:15
Nathan Crane
It’s such a good point, and it always brings up the thought in my mind that when you when you see how intelligent the body is and how intelligently designed it is and all of these ways, it’s like, how could how could it be an accident? You know, how could there not be intentional desire behind everything that happens with the body?

00:52:37:02 – 00:53:00:06
Nathan Crane
I mean, evolution by itself doesn’t explain it. You know, survival of the fittest doesn’t explain it because we know everything in the body works in harmony, collaboration. We need viruses, we need bacteria. We need certain, you know, you know, we need all these different kinds of organisms in our body that microbiota to keep us alive, to actually function.

00:53:00:06 – 00:53:35:16
Nathan Crane
That’s collaboration, that’s supporting each other, right? That’s mutual support. It’s not survival of the fittest. And it’s certainly not just in my opinion, it’s not just some random thing that, you know, we evolved over millions of years randomly by chance and accident, like everything is so perfectly designed. The more you study biology, the more you study the physiology, the more amazed I become of how incredibly intelligent this physical design is and the backup systems on top of backup systems that are backup systems.

00:53:36:02 – 00:54:03:13
Nathan Crane
I’ll share the story on this. I just got back from Kenya on a humanitarian relief trip. We went over. There was seeds and tools to, you know, help stop the famine that’s happening in northern Kenya. Literally, people are starving to death. And it’s so sad to see these children are so malnourished. You know, you could imagine, you know, maybe if you only had access to one meal a day, you know, maybe you had a good diversity in that meal.

00:54:03:22 – 00:54:27:09
Nathan Crane
But if you only had one meal a day for the rest of your life, you’d be okay, right? Especially if it had, you know, a good diversity of nutrients in there. Now, imagine only having one meal a week. And in that meal, all you have is corn or all you have is corn in some kind of beans now imagine having only two meals a month.

00:54:28:14 – 00:54:48:15
Nathan Crane
And this is what many of these people are facing today. They’re literally starving to death. They’re malnourished. You know, the average lifespan is only about 58 years old. I met people in their sixties that were worse than people who unhealthy have been dying for 30 years in their nineties. Here in the U.S., these people are in their sixties.

00:54:49:03 – 00:55:23:02
Nathan Crane
You know, children are so malnourished, they don’t have nutrition. You know, it’s just it was so sad to see. And yet their bodies are still resilient, still hanging on, still, you know, doing whatever they can to stay alive on one meal a week that’s very poorly nourished. One or two meals. You know, this woman that was just so emaciated, skin and bones, your face was just caved in or back bones or, you know, there’s no muscle, no fat on her body anywhere, standing in line as we’re delivering food, we’re delivering seeds and tools, you know.

00:55:23:02 – 00:55:46:14
Nathan Crane
And I’m just, like, weeping, like just wanting to give them everything and help them so much. And you can help everybody right there in that moment. You don’t have enough for everybody, you know, to get them out of that situation. Because we’re talking about millions of people. You know, we were helping and reaching about a thousand or 2000 people directly every single day that we were going to the different tribes and communities out in the desert.

00:55:46:17 – 00:56:07:03
Nathan Crane
I mean, they’re in barren desert, by the way. Just barren desert. You just drive from hours into the barren desert. You know, there’s almost no water. Some places have little access to a little, you know, seasonal river. Others don’t. The water that some of these tribes have access to, it’s so dirty and so nasty. And this is what they’re drinking.

00:56:08:14 – 00:56:34:07
Nathan Crane
The tribes that are doing better are the ones that have switched from livestock to farming. And and one tribe actually visited that that Jonathan’s nonprofit has been helping since 2016. They’re actually doing much better with farming because more people have stopped livestock farming, which is dangerous and challenging, and they get robbed all the time and killed. And and it takes a long time to raise those cattle and they don’t have food for them.

00:56:34:07 – 00:56:53:22
Nathan Crane
And so it’s they make a lot less money as well than just farming. These guys were much healthier and doing much better and more sustainable, which was really cool to see the fruit of that, you know, people, you know, growing watermelons and and things like that. A lot of those people were doing better. But there was still even in that community, there were still people literally starving to death.

00:56:54:17 – 00:57:20:17
Nathan Crane
Point being is even here, you know in northern Kenya and these tribes in the desert are people are just emaciated, have no access to anything we’re talking about, you know, at all. In the most food they generally have is corn and some beans and that’s about it. Their bodies are doing everything they can to survive, to stay alive, you know, and to and to detox and to regenerate.

00:57:21:11 – 00:57:40:02
Nathan Crane
And and the people were so amazing, you know, greeting us with dancing and pulling us in the tribe and dancing and singing. And here they are, you know, starving to death. And they’re still finding, you know, something to be grateful for and for us being there and still having the energy to dance, even though some women, you know, couldn’t get off the ground.

00:57:40:02 – 00:57:58:13
Nathan Crane
They were so, so weak and so frail. It was just it was such an unbelievable thing to see. And yet, back to my point of like the intelligence that’s put into this body is so remarkable.

00:57:58:13 – 00:58:14:15
Jaban Moore
Green spirit, not from the famine state, but from the all the things that we deal with. Toxin infection, stress, trauma, and people are still functioning, still moving for, still operating.

00:58:15:00 – 00:58:15:09
Nathan Crane

00:58:15:12 – 00:58:48:00
Jaban Moore
And it’s so interesting that we’ve been trained and taught. Organisms are bad. Let’s sanitize, let’s use bleach. Let’s let’s kill, let’s use a lot. Let’s kill, kill, kill. And what I’ve realized is it’s more about harmony equilibrium. I actually refer to the immune system as crowd control. I don’t refer to it as this thing that goes in and kills and I know it brings everything back to harmony.

00:58:48:10 – 00:59:15:14
Jaban Moore
Yeah, because whether it’s parasites mopping up metal or fungus, getting rid of dead tissue or bacteria digesting your food and making your neurotransmitters and helping with hormones and nutrients, it’s all about just keeping all of our microbes, all of our partners in this life in a harmony through crowd control. Because if you get out of control, they can become a problem.

00:59:15:24 – 00:59:19:00
Jaban Moore
As long as they’re in control, it’s working. So well.

00:59:20:09 – 00:59:47:05
Nathan Crane
It’s so true, and it’s so much of our Western diet and lifestyle and prescriptive pharmaceutical model that takes all of that out of harmony, that sends everything out of control, right? It’s like, Oh, we got to target and kill and eliminate all these bad bacteria and viruses and so forth, and in so doing, very often kill the good ones that are there, you know, keeping your body thriving and surviving.

00:59:47:05 – 01:00:06:07
Nathan Crane
And it’s not about like getting rid of all of them forever. Like you said, you’re not worried about a tick bite. You’re not worried about Lyme entering your body because you know that Lyme is probably in your body, right? And yet you’re living a healthy lifestyle. So you know that you’re not going to be having the symptoms of Lyme, just like COVID.

01:00:06:07 – 01:00:27:18
Nathan Crane
Like I was never worried about COVID and there are many of us who who weren’t because I’m like, look, I’m doing all the things to keep my immune system strong and, you know, I’m going to be exposed to I’m not going to worry about it. You know, I’m going to keep doing things that keep my body strong. We’re all exposed to so many different kinds of bacteria and viruses every day.

01:00:27:18 – 01:00:47:06
Nathan Crane
You know, every single person. It doesn’t matter if that’s in your body, you know, it doesn’t matter if HIV is in your body. It doesn’t matter. Actually, it only matters if your body gets out of balance and can’t handle it. So then you have the symptoms of it and the symptoms, you know, become chronic. And that’s what we’re worried about, right?

01:00:47:06 – 01:01:06:06
Nathan Crane
We’re worried about not having energy, about feeling sick, about, you know, serious physical problems. It’s not really about being exposed to us because I bet you could test everybody for all these different kinds of viruses and bacteria. And most people have them inside of them right now. You know, just like we know, everybody has cancer cells inside of you right now.

01:01:06:06 – 01:01:42:24
Nathan Crane
Every single person, it’s just you only need to be concerned about cancer is when it takes off, you know, rapidly and grows exponentially because your body is out of balance and can’t actually target and eliminate and recycle those abnormal cells. Because you’ve created that environment that you talked about, that hospital environment for cancer to thrive. And so I love with your pillars, you know, it’s you really focus on the environment, external environment, internal environment, nervous system, you know, cleansing, all of that because that’s that’s what’s essential.

01:01:42:24 – 01:02:03:15
Nathan Crane
It’s not like, oh, I have to avoid all this stuff. Like I’m out there, you know, all these people who knows what issues they have, what diseases they have, what parasites, bacteria, viruses. Certainly they have lots of that because of, you know, the way they’re living, the lack of access to medical care and all kinds of things. I mean, I saw more blood in a week than I’ve seen in five years.

01:02:03:15 – 01:02:21:03
Nathan Crane
I’m like, I had to play doctor while I was there. People were gushing blood all over and crazy things. I’m like bandaging people up, you know, chlorine dioxide to clean them off. We’re healing scorpion wounds. You know, this guy fell off the back of a truck. His teeth had fallen out, his face was gashed open, you know, his skull was broken open.

01:02:21:11 – 01:02:40:17
Jaban Moore
Another guy got in a car wreck. His knee was in. I’m like, you know, out in the middle of the desert, thank God I got a little medic kit and a little, you know, some natural antiseptic, some tea trees and quarter oxide that John O’Brien, stuff like that. And yeah, I’m getting exposed to all this stuff and I’m shaking everybody’s hands, all the children, all that, you know, they haven’t showered in months.

01:02:40:17 – 01:03:01:04
Nathan Crane
Most of them don’t have access to clean water. Right. I’m hugging them and it’s like I’m like I sit there and worry about it. I’m going to focus on enhancing my health and my immune system. So so we don’t have to worry about those things. You I mean, I think that is the way forward.

01:03:01:04 – 01:03:12:02
Jaban Moore
I agree. So I was saying earlier, don’t be afraid. Strengthen yourself, optimize yourself, move forward in life because you know, you’ve done the work.

01:03:13:24 – 01:03:21:06
Nathan Crane
That’s awesome, dude. So if people want to work with you directly, what’s the best way for them to get in touch with you?

01:03:22:21 – 01:03:44:13
Jaban Moore
Don’t look up, Doctor D.R., period. My name, Jaban Moore. Our website, Instagram, Facebook can get us any of those places. We’re putting out information every single day on our social sites, just trying to educate people, trying to teach people how to help themselves. But I work virtually people around the world. We’ve got five different people in my clinic that you can work with.

01:03:44:22 – 01:03:55:01
Jaban Moore
We all are here because of our passion for helping people and all of us have our own story. That’s why we’re doing what we’re doing here. So just look it up. Dr.JabanMoore.com

01:03:55:24 – 01:04:09:04
Nathan Crane
Awesome. Thanks, Jaban appreciate it man awesome talking with you. Thanks for sharing a bunch of good, good protocols and details here on the podcast. Man, it was great, great catching up for sure.

01:04:09:04 – 01:04:10:11
Jaban Moore
Now, thanks for having me and blast.

01:04:10:21 – 01:04:12:00
Nathan Crane
All right. Take care.



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