Combat Toxic Buildup, Halt Disease Progression, and Increase Longevity With An All-Natural Wonder Supplement

It is the 21st century, and there’s been an insane increase in the number of diseases and illnesses. These diseases have not only increased in quantity but also in severity.

For context, a little over 50 years ago, debilitating illnesses and diseases weren’t as commonplace as they are right now. We transitioned from addressing and treating common diseases like colds, fevers, fatigue, low immunity, sepsis, and nutritional deficiencies to battling incurable viral infections such as HIV/AIDS, human papillomavirus (HPV), and hepatitis B.

Additionally, we are now spending billions of dollars to develop a cure for the devastating disease that is cancer.

Stress, exposure to toxins, aggressive pathogens, and other factors have formed a storm of inflammatory responses that wreak havoc on your body and overall health—all the way down to the cellular level. Over time, these can lead to serious conditions, premature aging, and a decline in overall vitality.

It is because of such drastic changes in the wellness spectrum that blogs like this one are written—to educate you and show you how to make the most of technological advancement while staying disease-free.

For the purpose of this blog, we will be focusing on cancer.

A lot of us know about cancer, but not many know how it’s formed, or rather, developed, and so I will be shedding more light on that.

What is Cancer?

According to the WHO, cancer is a large group of diseases that can start in almost any organ or tissue of the body when abnormal cells grow uncontrollably, go beyond their usual boundaries to invade adjoining parts of the body, and/or spread to other organs. This latter process is called metastasizing and is a major cause of death from cancer. 

Neoplasms and malignant tumors are other common names for cancer.

But cancer is much more simple than that. 

Cancer is when the body is out of balance and harmony with its natural state of wholeness. 

Cancer is created in the body when we either have too much of something we don’t need, (ie, toxins, stress, acidity, pollutants, traumas) or not enough of what we do need (i.e., oxygen, alkalinity, proper nutrition, exercise, inner peace, and sleep)  

Cancer is the second leading cause of death globally, accounting for an estimated 9.6 million deaths, or 1 in 6 deaths, in 2018 and for nearly 10 million deaths in 2020 [1]

Lung, prostate, colorectal, stomach, and liver cancer are the most common types of cancer in men, while breast, colorectal, lung, cervical, and thyroid cancer are the most common among women.

Risk factors

Tobacco use, alcohol consumption, poor diet, physical inactivity, and air pollution are major risk factors for cancer and other non-communicable diseases. Toxins in our food, water, and air have been shown to contribute to cancer. 

Additionally, processed foods laden with chemical additives and highly processed sugars can contribute to cancer proliferation. Not to mention, excessive stress, depression, and emotional trauma all play a role in cancer developing in the body. In low- and middle-income countries, chronic infections also pose significant cancer risks. 

In fact, roughly 13% of cancers diagnosed globally in 2018 were linked to carcinogenic infections, including Helicobacter pylori, human papillomavirus (HPV), hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and Epstein-Barr virus.

Hepatitis B and C increase the likelihood of liver cancer, while certain strains of HPV elevate the risk of cervical cancer. Additionally, individuals infected with HIV face a sixfold increased risk of developing cervical cancer and are more susceptible to other cancers like Kaposi sarcoma.


A correct cancer diagnosis is essential for appropriate and effective treatment because every cancer type requires a specific treatment regimen. Conventional treatment usually includes:

  1. Surgery, 
  2. Radiotherapy
  3. Systemic therapy (chemotherapy, hormonal treatments, targeted biological therapies). Proper selection of a treatment regimen takes into consideration both the cancer and the individual being treated. 

However, we know that conventional treatment has side effects, and the literature also states that chemotherapy and radiation also cause cancer.  This is why many people who are told that treatment helped heal their cancer are then back in the hospital a few years later with a serious stage 4 diagnosis as the cancer came back with a vengeance because cancer is not due to a lack of chemotherapy and radiation; cancer, as I shared earlier, is due to not having enough of what we need or having too much of what we don’t need.

While preventing and healing cancer requires a multi-pronged approach of focusing on detoxification, exercise, sleep, emotional healing, and holistic health and wellbeing, there is a major role for supplements to support the body in fighting inflammation that leads to cancer. 

After years of research, I’ve discovered many supplements that can help, but there is one that stands out the most and has the most research behind it for stopping the chronic inflammation in the body that not only leads to cancer but other chronic diseases. 

I’m talking about health concerns that include:

  • Cancer 
  • Cardiovascular and kidney disease
  • Immune function 
  • Inflammation 
  • Organ/tissue fibrosis
  • Detoxification 
  • Neurological health 
  • Premature aging

This unique and extensively researched nutraceutical not only halts and reverses the inflammation process but also binds to and removes harmful toxins while restoring optimal cellular and tissue function.

Allow me to introduce: Modified Citrus Pectin by PECTASOL.

Formulated in 1995 by Dr. Isaac Eliaz, Modified Citrus Pectin (MCP) is made from the peel of citrus fruits like lime, lemon, and orange, and is broken down into minute, absorbable molecules. Backed by clinical research, MCP has since helped thousands of people restore their health and enhance their quality of life.

With over 75 published clinical and preclinical studies—and new data continually emerging—Modified Citrus Pectin (MCP) is now recognized as one of the most advanced, broad-spectrum nutraceuticals available.

It plays a vital role in the integrative treatment of some of today’s most critical health concerns, including cancer, cardiovascular and kidney disease, immune function, inflammation, organ and tissue fibrosis, detoxification, neurological health, premature aging, and more.

Mechanism of Action

This MCP works through numerous distinct mechanisms. The most important of these is its unique ability to halt the destructive actions of a “rogue protein” called Galectin-3 (Gal-3).

Gal-3 is a single protein produced by the body, with roles in cell development, immunity, repair, and other areas. It’s also one of the fastest-growing fields in medical research today. Gal-3 can become elevated due to injury, illness, or normal aging. Thousands of published studies now show that when Gal-3 gets out of control, it becomes a key driver of degenerative conditions, including:

  • Cancer growth and metastasis
  • Inflammation and tissue fibrosis (uncontrolled scar tissue buildup) 
  • cardiovascular and kidney disease 
  • organ dysfunction 
  • immune suppression
  • metabolic syndrome
  • depression
  • arthritis 
  • obesity 
  • neuro-degeneration 
  • premature aging 
  • many other conditions

From this fast-growing body of research, only one available agent demonstrates the ability to halt and reverse the harmful effects of Gal-3: clinically researched Modified Citrus Pectin. With a very precise molecular structure, this MCP can enter the circulation and bind to rogue Gal-3, safely disarming it.

Try MCP – Pectasol for Yourself with a Special Discount on this Page

How is This Modified Citrus Pectin Different From Others On The Market?

This MCP is prepared with an advanced enzymatic process that breaks the long chain molecules of regular citrus pectin to produce a much smaller size and structure of citrus pectin: <13 kilodaltons and <5% esterification. 

According to the research, these are the precise specifications required for bioavailability and bioactivity—specifically, the ability of this MCP to enter the circulation from the GI tract to bind and block excess Gal-3.

Furthermore, Pectasol is manufactured in facilities that meet or exceed current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP). Quality control tests are performed at every stage of the process, from rigorous raw material testing to finished product testing. The product is tested by a third-party analytical laboratory to confirm it meets our strict quality standards.

What Are the Various Health Conditions For Which Modified Citrus Pectin May Support?

Modified Citrus Pectin Formula and Research for Cancer

  • With powerful anti-cancer properties, this researched MCP is shown in over 15 published studies, including three clinical trials, to effectively halt numerous pro-cancer processes. In addition, this MCP is shown to significantly increase chemotherapy effectiveness, and reduce drug-resistant potential. In one study, it was shown to increase efficacy and thus allow for lower dosages of the toxic chemotherapy drug, doxorubicin, in the treatment of prostate cancer.  

Modified Citrus Pectin Formula and Synergy with Other Treatments

  • In addition to synergistic effects with chemotherapy drugs, this MCP is known to increase the effectiveness of radiation treatment. It has also been shown to enhance the effectiveness of two polybotanical anticancer formulas, for breast and prostate cancer. 

Modified Citrus Pectin Formula with Cardiovascular Disease and Organ Fibrosis 

  • One of the reasons researchers are increasingly investigating this MCP has to do with its ability to slow and reverse cardiovascular disease. It works primarily by halting the pro-inflammatory and pro-fibrosis actions of Gal-3, which is now used as a biomarker for heart failure. 
  • Additional inflammatory conditions, including liver and kidney disease, arthritis, obesity, neurodegeneration, and infection, have all shown significant reduction with this researched form of MCP.

Modified Citrus Pectin Formula and Immune Support

  • In a 2011 study, MCP was shown to produce an increase in B-cells, T-cytotoxic cells, and NK-cells. MCP also induced a ten-fold increase in NK-cell activation and a 53.6% increase in the NK cells’ functional ability to identify and destroy leukemia cells. 

Safe Heavy Metal Chelation with Modified Citrus Pectin Formula

  • Three clinical studies highlight this MCP as a safe binder and chelator of heavy metals. MCP is shown to reduce blood levels and increase urinary excretion of lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, and others without disrupting essential minerals. 

Digestive Health with Modified Citrus Pectin Formula

  • This MCP is also shown to offer prebiotic benefits as an oligosaccharide-rich fiber. One study showed that as a prebiotic fiber, MCP reduced Shiga toxin cytotoxicity from the aggressive strain of E. coli, 0157:H7, implicated in recent food contamination outbreaks.


PectaSol is shown to deliver powerful benefits by elevating your body’s performance and unlocking your potential. When used daily, PectaSol may help you experience:

  • Improved mental clarity
  • Greater energy and vitality
  • Reduced joint and muscle stiffness
  • Improved gut function and digestive health
  • Enhanced results with other healing therapies, including detox protocols
  • Stronger lung and respiratory function
  • Optimal kidney health

I’m going to assume that at this point, you’re probably wondering where to get this wonder nutraceutical.

It’s simple! Order via their official website and use the code “NCRANE15” to get 15% off. 

Get 15% Off Now

I take Pectasol as a way to help reduce the cascade of inflammation and keep my body healthy and vital. The science behind this product is extraordinary, and that’s why I’m recommending it to you today.

Hear From Other Verified Users

“Great purchase! I bought PectaSol to help reduce inflammation. I’m impressed that there is so much research behind this product. I’ve only been using it for 10 days — I already feel better and my breathing has improved. Looking forward to long-term results!”

Ruth T.

The research convinced me! I love the integrity of this product and the company. Everyone around me was catching a nasty cold and I managed to avoid it — I’m sure this was thanks to PectaSol. I am taking 3 scoops a day because that’s what I need right now. I truly believe in this product.”

Sabrina D.

“I have had more than 80 labs run by Kaiser and HMSA, and I’ve purchased more than 100 vitamins, minerals, herbs and supplements —and nothing, nothing, has made a noticeable difference until I tried PectaSol.”

Nate R.

FAQs About PectaSol Modified Citrus Pectin

  1. Is PectaSol only for cancer support?
    No, PectaSol benefits overall health, including mental clarity, energy, and digestive health.
  2. Can PectaSol help with joint and muscle stiffness?
    Yes, it can reduce joint and muscle stiffness.
  3. Are there any side effects?
    Some might experience loose stools initially due to its fiber content.
  4. Does PectaSol interact with medications?
    There are no known drug interactions, but it’s best taken separately from other meds.
  5. Can I take PectaSol while pregnant or nursing?
    Consult your healthcare provider before use if pregnant or nursing.
  6. What’s the best way to take PectaSol powder?
    Mix with warm water and let sit to dissolve. Best taken on an empty stomach.
  7. How much PectaSol should I take?
  • Maximum Support: 15 grams daily in 2-3 doses.
  • Maintenance: 5 grams daily.
  1. Can children use PectaSol?
    Yes, children aged 15 and older can use it, but check with a healthcare provider.
  2. What forms does PectaSol come in?
    It’s available in capsules, chewable tablets, and powder (Unflavored or Lime Infusion).
  3. Should I follow any special dosage instructions?
    Yes, follow your healthcare practitioner’s recommendations for personalized dosing.

Get a bottle now at 15% off using the code NCRANE15







  1. 1) Ferlay J, Ervik M, Lam F, Colombet M, Mery L, Piñeros M, et al. Global Cancer Observatory: Cancer Today. Lyon: International Agency for Research on Cancer; 2020 (, accessed February 2021).
  2. de Martel C, Georges D, Bray F, Ferlay J, Clifford GM. Global burden of cancer attributable to infections in 2018: a worldwide incidence analysis. Lancet Glob Health. 2020;8(2):e180-e190.  


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