Ready to transform your health and longevity?
Join Jennifer Payeur and me as we explore the amazing world of plant stem cells. Learn how these powerful natural compounds can boost your vitality and hear Jennifer’s inspiring story of overcoming serious health challenges. This conversation is packed with insights and hope!
Your host, Nathan Crane, is a Certified Holistic Cancer Coach, Best-Selling Author, Inspirational Speaker, Cancer-Health Researcher and Educator, and 20X Award Winning Documentary Filmmaker with Over 15 Years in the Health Field.
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Audio Transcript
(This transcript was auto-generated so there may be some errors)
00;00;00;00 – 00;00;22;26
Nathan Crane
Everybody, welcome back to the podcast. Excited today to have Jennifer Payeur here with us. We’re going to dove deep into plant stem cells, what they are, what their benefits are. Why you need to know about them and where to get them and what they can do to help you with your health and vitality and longevity. Jen, what’s up?
00;00;22;26 – 00;00;25;05
Nathan Crane
Thanks for coming on the podcast. Super happy to have you here.
00;00;25;26 – 00;00;30;20
Jennifer Payeur
I am so excited to be here with you, Nathan. I love your plants in the background.
00;00;30;26 – 00;00;35;19
Nathan Crane
Yeah, yeah. I got to have real plants. Got real plants in the house. You know, NASA’s.
00;00;36;02 – 00;00;38;10
Jennifer Payeur
In the window. So, yes, the love planet.
00;00;38;19 – 00;01;00;11
Nathan Crane
I talk about is NASA’s study, you know, all the time, because we need clean air in our homes. And, you know, there are other studies have shown indoor pollution in homes and offices is often worse than polluted cities. Even being outside like New York City with lots of pollution, for example, indoors are actually worse in many cases. So plants, living plants.
00;01;00;21 – 00;01;30;25
Nathan Crane
NASA’s found out that a study on that one per every 100 square feet in your home will clean up most of those viruses. Volatile, organic compounds, toxins off gassing from, you know, clothing and fire retardants in carpets and formaldehyde in your cupboards. So got to have plants real living plants in the house super important for lutely. So you you found a company called nature provides which is a plant stem cell company.
00;01;30;26 – 00;01;47;25
Nathan Crane
I want to kind of get into the details about that. You also have your own, you know, incredible story of overcoming a life threatening health issue. Love for you to share some of that as well. But let’s talk about plant stem cells. What you know, what are they? What are plant stem cells specifically?
00;01;48;14 – 00;02;16;00
Jennifer Payeur
Yeah, plant stem cells are the undifferentiated part of the plant that sits in the marrow, somatic tissue. And it’s very similar to a human stem cell. So it’s before it becomes a leaf or a root or the bark on a tree, it’s that that undifferentiated cell and a plant and plant stem cells come from the new growth on the plant in the springtime.
00;02;16;25 – 00;02;31;28
Jennifer Payeur
So if you go outside in the spring and you see all the buds on a tree, most of the plants come from trees, the stem cells fit. And that bud that has an open diet on the tree.
00;02;33;03 – 00;02;51;12
Nathan Crane
Yeah. So they’re in the buds. If I go outside right now we’ve got I actually I’ve got a little like a kumquat tree which, you know, a few weeks back or a month or two ago had the little buds that have since turned to the little fruits now. But those little buds is where you’re finding the plant stem cells.
00;02;52;01 – 00;03;23;18
Jennifer Payeur
That’s exactly where you’re finding them. And those plant stem cells contains something called juvenile phyto hormone. A juvenile, I mean, young, right. Phyto hormones, light hormones in the plant that help the plant do what it’s due to grow, to expand, to clean itself. And it only exists in that new growth phase of the plant. So the minute that the plant starts to produce chlorophyl or that bud starts to open up, it starts to lose some of those active principles or healing properties.
00;03;24;25 – 00;03;31;13
Jennifer Payeur
So it’s a very, very small slice of time where you can actually collect these to use them.
00;03;32;06 – 00;03;42;24
Nathan Crane
So how did you discover plant stem cells? Why did you, you know, make products based on them and what’s unique about them compared to just using the whole plant itself?
00;03;43;25 – 00;04;15;07
Jennifer Payeur
Yeah. So the way I discovered them, you mentioned I had a major health crises in 2015. I had a pretty serious diagnosis and three years later I was on my way to a recurrence. All of my cancer markers were rising and my naturopathy doctor was very concerned about it. It’s not uncommon for a recurrences to happen, and I was visiting a friend whose husband was a doctor and he came out with a bottle and he said, Jennifer, this saved a lot of my patients lives.
00;04;15;22 – 00;04;38;18
Jennifer Payeur
And, you know, I think that, oh, that’s great. What is it? And as soon as he said embryonic plant stem cells, I felt like I was struck by lightning. And the only way I had goosebumps all over my body. And I looked at him and I said, what is it? I need to know? And I became like this dog with a bone, just, you know, and think that that I know more about that, even though I knew nothing about it.
00;04;38;18 – 00;05;01;17
Jennifer Payeur
Right. But it was it was a divine I don’t know, a divine intervention, if you will. And so three months later, I went through a week long immersive class on learning about plant stem cells. Now let me preface that with I had been using essential oils and working with essential oils and plants for years. So I knew why Rosemary did what it did.
00;05;01;17 – 00;05;27;17
Jennifer Payeur
For example, I understood chemical constituents in plants and how they help heal. So I had a pretty good solid base and turns out I was in a class full of doctors and I knew more about the plants than anybody else in the room, which was pretty cool though. A weeklong immersion. And on the last day, the man who was teaching the class said, I’m writing a book and I’m going to be selling the business.
00;05;27;18 – 00;05;53;11
Jennifer Payeur
And here came that same bolt of lightning, if you will, that same divine intervention. So I went to the airport in Hawaii and called my husband. I said, I think we’re going to be working with plant stem cell. He said. What are you talking about? And that was it. So what was really odd is that in a weeklong immersion class, there were no products to work with.
00;05;53;11 – 00;06;16;15
Jennifer Payeur
So it was really a head immersion, not an experiential. And I’m a very experiential learner. Yeah. So I came home and I called up the guy and I said, Can you put me on a protocol? My cancer markers are going up. I’m not interested in it repeating what I’ve been through already. And two months later, my cancer markers normalize.
00;06;18;10 – 00;06;48;05
Jennifer Payeur
And then I started noticing other things. You know, the calcium score where you’re looking at your arteries and plaque in your artery. I did that test that came back with zero, so I just started noticing pretty big changes. I noticed my appearance changing, my eyes were getting brighter. I started having more energy. So that’s how that’s how I founded the company is I ended up essentially buying the assets of somebody else’s business that had been around since 2006.
00;06;49;03 – 00;07;01;10
Jennifer Payeur
And it was a very, very small, you know, small business. So it was basically his patients. And from there, I had gotten a message that part of my mission was to get these out to the world.
00;07;01;10 – 00;07;03;27
Nathan Crane
What was what was the cancer you were diagnosed with?
00;07;04;25 – 00;07;08;11
Jennifer Payeur
I was diagnosed with stage four metastatic breast cancer.
00;07;09;12 – 00;07;16;29
Nathan Crane
So from breast cancer, stage four. I mean, that’s that must have been incredibly scary hearing those words. Right? This was within, what, year.
00;07;17;23 – 00;07;18;20
Jennifer Payeur
00;07;19;02 – 00;07;24;23
Nathan Crane
2015. And so did you go through all the conventional treatment? Is that or what did you do to treat it?
00;07;25;11 – 00;07;34;13
Jennifer Payeur
The only conventional treatment I did was surgery. So I did do surgery and then I did all of my treatment at a holistic clinic in California.
00;07;35;08 – 00;07;36;28
Nathan Crane
Oh, wow. And so was.
00;07;36;28 – 00;07;54;06
Jennifer Payeur
There any hyperbaric oxygen chamber, high dose vitamin C, ibu, or it’s now called IBU, where they take your blood out, oxygenate it, put it back in your body, radiate it, clean it. So a lot of holistic modalities.
00;07;54;29 – 00;08;00;25
Nathan Crane
Yeah, I mean, that’s huge. And so you in did you get to a point of no evidence of disease where you cancer free it.
00;08;01;12 – 00;08;01;22
Jennifer Payeur
00;08;01;27 – 00;08;02;21
Nathan Crane
How long do that take?
00;08;04;07 – 00;08;05;19
Jennifer Payeur
It took about a year.
00;08;06;13 – 00;08;17;16
Nathan Crane
That’s it. That’s it. And that in that what did the oncologist originally say after surgery that they also recommended chemotherapy. Radiation.
00;08;18;01 – 00;08;42;12
Jennifer Payeur
Yes, that was the so I saw three doctors here in North Carolina where I live, and they all wanted me to do chemo and radiation. And I was very clear. I had enough knowledge at that point to know that I had an immune system issue and I had a toxic burden issue. And my spidey senses went up and said, Wait a minute, chemotherapy, mustard gas, that’s not going to help either.
00;08;42;12 – 00;09;01;05
Jennifer Payeur
One of those in radiation we know causes cancer. That’s not going to help. So I became really clear within and I did a lot of soul searching and meditation and my family was appalled. They really wanted me to go do the conventional treatment and do what the doctors were telling me. And it was very clear that wasn’t my path.
00;09;01;20 – 00;09;12;28
Nathan Crane
MM It’s amazing that you had the knowledge and wherewithal to be able to, to reflect and make that decision and obviously, you know, chose the right decision for yourself.
00;09;13;20 – 00;09;19;18
Jennifer Payeur
Yes. Nine years later, nine years this month, actually.
00;09;19;18 – 00;09;36;22
Nathan Crane
What do you feel was at the underlying root cause of your cancer? You said immune system issue, which we know is directly related to cancer. We know that, you know, with a thriving immune system. Dr. Thomas Lahti said it best. And in my interviews with him years ago, in my documentary, you know, there is a cure for cancer.
00;09;36;22 – 00;09;58;19
Nathan Crane
It’s called a fully functioning immune system. And if you if your immune system is doing what’s supposed to, you wouldn’t have to worry about cancer. And, you know, he’s he’s said that many times. And we know how important the immune system really is at keeping cancer at bay. And you also said toxicity. You know, we know that really any major disease, including cancer, is really caused by one of two things.
00;09;58;19 – 00;10;29;16
Nathan Crane
It’s either excess of something or deficiency of something, and very often both, right. Excessive toxins, excessive stress, excess of of, you know, dysfunctional relationships, excessive food, excessive, you know, lethargy or centrism, I should say, you know, in deficiency, deficiency in self-care, a deficiency in nutrients, deficiency in minerals, deficiency in what our bodies and minds actually need to thrive.
00;10;29;16 – 00;10;43;23
Nathan Crane
It’s really two things, excess and deficiencies. Right. So you said deficiencies of nutrition or actually deficient immune system and you said excessive toxins. What do you think was really the underlying root cause stress?
00;10;44;09 – 00;10;55;21
Jennifer Payeur
I think it’s so underrated. And, you know, I was I was traveling from East Coast to West Coast every week. So sitting on a plane and I had really been patient.
00;10;55;24 – 00;11;04;06
Nathan Crane
That’s hard. I did that once when it just did that. And, you know, one time it was like my circadian rhythm was messed up for the last two weeks. It was crazy.
00;11;04;24 – 00;11;27;18
Jennifer Payeur
Yeah. So messed up circadian rhythm. I was traveling. I really had been traveling most of my corporate career since I was 22, going to Europe, going to West Coast, traveling all over. But in this case, at that period of time, I was traveling East Coast to West Coast every week. I was working 20 hours a day. How was that even possible?
00;11;27;18 – 00;11;51;05
Jennifer Payeur
I mean, really sleeping 3 hours a night. But, you know, I would land in California. I would go to the closest health food store. I would buy all healthy food, take it back to my room, and then I’d go into the office, you know, on Monday morning. So when I was diagnosed, all of my peers were freaked out because I was the one getting up at 530, exercising every morning in the hotel gym.
00;11;51;12 – 00;12;12;18
Jennifer Payeur
I was the one eating healthy. I always brought my own food or bought it. So I know those two things were not factors, but maybe you notice when you fly you’re being exposed to massive amounts of radiation later on. That’s like smoking ten packs of cigarets or 100 packs of cigarets. It’s a lot each time you’re you’re going cross-country.
00;12;12;29 – 00;12;28;22
Jennifer Payeur
So lots of unhealthy habits as far as high stress, not enough sleep, traveling every week, messing up my circadian rhythm. And I think that was at the root of my getting sick.
00;12;29;17 – 00;12;58;06
Nathan Crane
It definitely makes perfect sense. I mean, you might know I produced an entire documentary series called Concrete Cancer The Missing Link, where we go in depth in the science and the case studies and dozens of doctors and scientists on that exact fact, that underlying core cause of cancer, of stress, of sympathetic overload, of just, you know, constant chronic hammering on our nervous system.
00;12;58;06 – 00;13;10;09
Nathan Crane
The down regulates our immune system and allows the perfect environment for cancer to to grow and thrive. And so, I mean, you unfortunately had to learn it firsthand the hard way, as many of us do.
00;13;12;03 – 00;13;13;13
Jennifer Payeur
Goodbye for.
00;13;13;13 – 00;13;35;12
Nathan Crane
Yeah, and it’s it’s a problem, right, with this kind of world we live in where and I went through this early on, thankfully earlier in my life of like I got to work 20 hour days, I got to work seven days a week. I got to be this high powered executive. I got to show up every day. I mean, I literally sometimes would work two days straight all day, all night, all day, all night, and then finally sleep.
00;13;35;12 – 00;13;54;17
Nathan Crane
And it was like I was like a friggin zombie. And it doesn’t take long of that before you start feeling terrible, right? Where it’s just like your energy goes down. You drink more. For me, it was more Red Bulls, more coffee, more stimulants, you know, because you don’t get enough sleep, you feel terrible. And then it’s like, Well, you got to get up.
00;13;54;17 – 00;13;56;20
Nathan Crane
You got to get going the other way.
00;13;57;15 – 00;13;57;22
Jennifer Payeur
00;13;58;09 – 00;13;58;20
Nathan Crane
00;13;58;23 – 00;14;00;02
Jennifer Payeur
Well, ridiculous.
00;14;00;17 – 00;14;16;06
Nathan Crane
I mean, I started really. I sort of have a nervous I mean, I sort of had a system break, nervous system breakdown, you know, within like a year and a half of that. Like, it didn’t take long for me to where I got really sick for like two weeks. And I’m like, What is going on? I’m never this sick.
00;14;16;06 – 00;14;37;05
Nathan Crane
I usually overcome this right away, like a couple of days. And I just in meditation one day, just hit me. I mean, I was like 19 years old, 20 years old, and it was like, you’re killing yourself with this job. And and I was getting I was getting promoted again for like the fourth or fifth time. I was gonna be like the youngest regional sales director in the country for a T-Mobile retailer.
00;14;37;05 – 00;14;54;01
Nathan Crane
And I went to that meeting and, and turned it down, and I quit, you know, six figure income at 19 years old. And I was just like, I can’t do it anymore. Like it’s going to kill me, you know? It was just too much. And I wasn’t eating healthy and I wasn’t, you know, it was like bad food plus everything else on top of it.
00;14;54;01 – 00;14;59;08
Nathan Crane
You know, I was eating like breadsticks and pizza every day, like about.
00;14;59;19 – 00;15;01;14
Jennifer Payeur
Carbs, carbs and more carbs.
00;15;01;22 – 00;15;19;09
Nathan Crane
And super processed and lots of cheese and junk and sugar, you know. So I was on track for a cancer diagnosis for sure. And, you know, that’s thankfully you discovered it and you made a change yourself, I’m sure. What did you do with your job? Just hang on there much longer.
00;15;19;09 – 00;15;43;01
Jennifer Payeur
Now, that’s when I finally said, okay, you know, it’s time for me to step away from this and do something else. And I had no clue, right? I had been in finance since I was 22 years old. But luckily I had had a previous health crisis in 2008 where I had mono bronchitis, tachycardia, shingles of pneumonia and was finally diagnosed with chronic fatigue.
00;15;43;18 – 00;16;09;00
Jennifer Payeur
And that was in that way. And that led me to a whole bunch of healing modalities where I went to a four year healing school. I studied two years with the Indigenous grandmother, as you know, I’ve talked about that before. Florida bio favorite people became yoga certified. So I had started unbeknownst to me, I had started building the tool in 2008 for for me to be able to handle and make good decision.
00;16;09;00 – 00;16;27;16
Jennifer Payeur
And then 2015. And I think you’re really lucky, Nathan, that you had meditation, you know, meditating until I was in my forties, that you had it at 19 and you were able to get that insight. You know, I think as a society, we, you know, a lot of us don’t have the tool.
00;16;27;25 – 00;16;28;07
Nathan Crane
00;16;28;18 – 00;16;47;22
Jennifer Payeur
All to go inside. And we’ve been taught to disconnect from our body. You know, you’re an athlete. I was a huge athlete. I played really pretty competitive soccer and volleyball until I was 40. And so I had learned, you know, no pain, no gain. You go out there, you get kicked, knocked down, you’re you’re taught to get back up and keep going.
00;16;48;10 – 00;17;17;22
Jennifer Payeur
And so when I was diagnosed, my lymph nodes were the size of a golf ball. I mean, literally, I had these huge lumps in my neck and I was overriding everything that my body was telling me. Right, because I thought I had lived my life. And so I think it’s really awesome that you had meditation to help you shift and get out of that and realize, Oh my gosh, kill me, it’s going to make me really sick and that you didn’t have to get the two by four.
00;17;17;22 – 00;17;38;23
Nathan Crane
Yeah, exactly. I mean, I had a two by four in other ways, but, you know, I was really blessed and lucky. I thank God every day. And I do know that meditation is a life saver, that meditation is the solution to all of our lives. Problems that I was really lucky at 17 where I had gotten the two by four.
00;17;38;23 – 00;18;07;15
Nathan Crane
I mean, you know, from homelessness and addiction and and alcoholism and near death at 17. I mean, I literally was almost I was going to be in prison or dead by 17 years old. And it’s between 17, 18. I moved in with this beautiful family, my best friend’s parents, who were spiritual, who were vegetarian, who were healthy, who were, you know, would talk to me about meditation and frequencies and and energy and Jesus and Buddha and AI and classical music.
00;18;07;15 – 00;18;26;07
Nathan Crane
And I actually loved it. Like, I went from this kind of like gangster type lifestyle on the streets to 17 that I’d go to like their house. I’d be like, you know, eating healthy food and talking about baroque versus classical music, you know, Beethoven and Bach. And we talk about Jesus, and it was like, I just would soak it up.
00;18;26;07 – 00;18;54;28
Nathan Crane
There was something in my soul that knew that’s what I needed. And so actually when I did move to California was 25. I did start just I didn’t know what I was doing, but I did start meditating here and there, little bits at a time. And then when I got connected with this Buddhist monastery and I’d go and I learned meditation from them, then I would meditate a lot and I would, you know, over the next few years, like I would go from meditating five or 10 minutes just trying to, like, fold my legs because I had no flexibility.
00;18;54;28 – 00;19;13;27
Nathan Crane
I couldn’t even cross my legs, but I wanted to do it anyway. It was like one knee was like up here and the other one was like right here. You couldn’t even get close to cross legged and but I mean, I would go and sit on the beach at some points for anywhere from 3 to 7 plus hours is meditating and writing and meditating.
00;19;13;27 – 00;19;37;04
Nathan Crane
Writing. And it really transforming in such a huge way over the years. And now I’ve actually added back in and then I kind of, you know, get busy. I got multiple businesses, family, kids, all kinds of stuff going on, sports, athletics. And so then like over the years, I’m like, oh, one hour a day, 30 minutes a day, 15 minutes a day, 5 minutes here, here, here, you know, 5 minutes, three or four or five times a day.
00;19;37;04 – 00;20;00;17
Nathan Crane
And and I just recently got back into long, deep meditation first thing in the morning, you know, upwards of an hour or 30 minutes to an hour, and then again at night before bed, you know, 30 minutes to an hour. And it’s just there’s nothing that can replace those long, deep meditations to connect us to God, to our soul, to the universe, to truth know, to download wisdom, to guide us in our lives.
00;20;01;03 – 00;20;16;01
Nathan Crane
It literally saved my life and and the fact that I kind of got away from it over the last six, seven years a little bit, you know, thinking that I could just do little bits a day. Yeah, you can’t. It doesn’t replace those deep, long meditations. It just doesn’t.
00;20;16;27 – 00;20;19;23
Jennifer Payeur
Well, meditation is the one time where you get to meet yourself.
00;20;20;15 – 00;20;20;27
Nathan Crane
You know.
00;20;21;00 – 00;20;26;06
Jennifer Payeur
You with you. And it’s life changing after the life changing.
00;20;27;08 – 00;20;56;20
Nathan Crane
So you learn yoga, you learn meditation, you learn, you know, all these things. In 2008, you said, Yeah. And then when you were diagnosed in 2015, did you say, yeah. So you you had that wherewithal to basically have, you know, that was like I mean, I call that a divine sync or synchronicity or intervention, right? Like you went through that kind of early health challenge lesson, but it taught you the tools you needed.
00;20;57;01 – 00;21;12;19
Nathan Crane
And if you didn’t make the changes, I call it the hammer of life, right? It’s like you get a little bonk on the head when you’re not listening. Yeah, you keep not listening. It gets harder and harder and harder until a smashes you on the head was like a stage for cancer diagnosis. And it’s like, Oh, okay, now I’m listening.
00;21;13;10 – 00;21;15;26
Jennifer Payeur
I got it. I finally got it. Yeah.
00;21;16;21 – 00;21;42;16
Nathan Crane
Yeah. And so going to like the cancer, I mean, to the cancer stem cells because I know a lot about cancer stem cells specifically because I’m on the board of directors for the GNC Foundation. We do scientific research into cancer stem cells in plants that are showing effectiveness against cancer stem cells. So cancer stem cells are the thing that chemotherapy radiation don’t get rid of.
00;21;42;16 – 00;22;03;21
Nathan Crane
So you can target the cancer cell, you can kill it, you can remove the tumor. But they don’t kill the cancer stem cell. And so we need solutions that target and actually kill the cancer stem cell because that’s like the mother cell, right? That’s a cell that can then metastasize over other cancers to grow. It can spread. And so you have to actually go after that cancer stem cell.
00;22;04;16 – 00;22;10;12
Nathan Crane
Now we’re talking about plant stem cells like there’s kind of similarities in the two, isn’t there?
00;22;11;00 – 00;22;40;10
Jennifer Payeur
There absolutely is. And plant stem cells can actually help with the DNA. So they can turn genes on and off. They’ll turn oncogene off. So they’ll turn cancer genes off and they’ll upregulate the good genes. So that’s one of the things that that platinum thing, cancer stem cells that plant stem cells can do and they help with the micro RNA.
00;22;41;08 – 00;23;08;20
Jennifer Payeur
So some of the plants have those in them. They regenerate things that are broken down in the body. They’re anti-aging. So they do so many great things in the body and they’re so compatible. There was a great research article written in 2018 where the quote was that plant stem cells may be one of the most important things for human health.
00;23;08;20 – 00;23;15;10
Jennifer Payeur
Yeah, really, really great articles. The first article I found on managed stem cells, that was really, really nice.
00;23;15;20 – 00;23;41;12
Nathan Crane
So is this similar to like we know that if you sprout seeds, if you sprout plants and you eat the sprouts, right. Versus the full plant that that sprout has signature like broccoli sprouts, for example, or sunflower seed sprout. And you just get to sprout and you eat the sprouts it significantly more nutrition in that and less you know what people like to call anti nutrients they’re not technically into nutrients but conversation for another time.
00;23;42;07 – 00;23;54;16
Nathan Crane
Let’s suppose it aren’t nutrients but higher overall antioxidant and nutrition in a sprout in a baby plant versus a full grown is basically just like the same concept as that is.
00;23;54;24 – 00;24;23;04
Jennifer Payeur
That is the exact analogy that I use. Broccoli is healthy and Brussels sprouts are healthy, but there’s much more nutritional value. And we know Sulforaphane, which is fabulous for cancer in broccoli sprouts. So they’re much more potent. And the other thing that’s interesting is just like us as human beings, plants get weathered, right? So as they age, parts of the plant start to break down, they accumulate environments in the toxin.
00;24;23;05 – 00;24;36;19
Jennifer Payeur
You know, they can accumulate toxins in the environment. They accumulate heavy metals when they’re outside. Right. And so you don’t have any of those byproducts, if you will, in the plant stem cells.
00;24;36;19 – 00;24;49;11
Nathan Crane
How many of the plant stem cells have been studied so far in terms of like what they do, like different plants and they’re different stem cells? Like where are we at in terms of scientific research on that?
00;24;50;01 – 00;25;16;18
Jennifer Payeur
Yeah, going back to 1959, there are about 70 plants that you can find in most of the literature that have been studied and we have about 100 that we work with try and as much as we can to do more research, film the documentary that that’s going to be coming out around Thanksgiving. We we took some.
00;25;16;27 – 00;25;17;19
Nathan Crane
That’s so called.
00;25;18;25 – 00;25;21;18
Jennifer Payeur
It’s called ancient wisdom, modern healing.
00;25;22;01 – 00;25;25;26
Nathan Crane
Okay. And where can we find that when it comes out?
00;25;25;26 – 00;25;27;09
Jennifer Payeur
I’ll let you know. I don’t know yet.
00;25;27;18 – 00;25;27;28
Nathan Crane
00;25;28;15 – 00;25;51;02
Jennifer Payeur
We’re actually editing the film with Modern Healing, and I’m also writing a book. And so the goal is to have both of those launch at the same time. In November, we took a group of doctors and practitioner to Italy because all of our plants themselves come from the Italian Alps. So they’re away from being sprayed by anything away from pollution.
00;25;51;26 – 00;26;15;21
Jennifer Payeur
The grounds are sacred and you go up the mountain, you see statues of, you know, different deities. You see Jesus, Buddha, Mother Mary. There are very sacred lands and so we took a group of doctors so they could see the whole process, and we had a couple of filmmakers come with us. So we got some fabulous footage of the entire process, soup to nuts from picking the bugs.
00;26;15;21 – 00;26;40;28
Jennifer Payeur
All the bugs are picked, hand-picked, and you know, there’s something to say. You know, the phrase cooking with love, that the intentionality that we have, that energy goes into whatever it is that we’re consuming. And so you know, from handpicking the buttons to the maturation process, they’re generic in nature or are you familiar with it?
00;26;41;20 – 00;26;43;00
Nathan Crane
But. Jim but Jerrick.
00;26;43;19 – 00;27;07;04
Jennifer Payeur
Benji Eric I’m not sure why are I think it’s an ancient alchemical process where they take the plant material, they burn it and they put the act back in because you’re getting all of the minerals and all of the oligo elements of that plant. So when you are extracting active principles out of a plant, you’re extracting them either with alcohol or vinegar typically.
00;27;07;13 – 00;27;25;03
Jennifer Payeur
Yeah, but you don’t get the minerals from the plant that way. So the only way to do that is through bigger X so its path helps us came up with that technique 400 years ago. So that’s an important piece that adds an energetic to the that the plants themselves.
00;27;25;15 – 00;27;36;13
Nathan Crane
Right so the is that the only process that’s an additional process into the nutritional process. So they’re doing the normal extraction. Like what do you do? You do an alcohol extraction or what’s the.
00;27;36;29 – 00;27;39;01
Jennifer Payeur
Organic grape alcohol because they come from Italy.
00;27;39;08 – 00;27;53;26
Nathan Crane
Yeah. So I would call actually. Yeah, I’ve made a lot of my own teachers what we do, what I’ve done a lot like living in Santa Fe in the mountains, as will wild craft. Like I’ll gather herbs and stuff that I know that are out in the mountains and dry them and then, you know, put them in alcohol and make our own tinctures, which is pretty awesome.
00;27;54;07 – 00;28;10;27
Nathan Crane
But I’ve never done this process. I’ve, I’ve looked at up here. Yeah, it’s, it’s, it does sound familiar, but I haven’t looked that much into it. So you’re basically then burning the plants as well, getting the ash and then making the putting the ash into the tinctures that you’re getting the minerals from the plants.
00;28;11;14 – 00;28;43;09
Jennifer Payeur
Right. And it’s spiralized. So it structures that. Yeah. So two pretty interesting discoveries that that I had in May when we took the practitioner to Italy. One is that the bud contain cellular water so they contain dodecahedron water. So these are not dried at all. It’s literally picking the buds and macerated the buds in their grape alcohol and glycerin is added organic glycerin to stabilize that the tincture, if you will.
00;28;43;09 – 00;29;10;05
Jennifer Payeur
And then the other interesting thing that our scientific director, Dr. Canelo, who lives in Italy, discovered, he he had two of the tinctures and he was walking by his lab and he had a blue light on and one of the tinctures lit up and so he put in that he they have a huge lab there. So he put it under the, under the microscope and he found these nanobots nanoparticles of light in the in the tinctures.
00;29;10;28 – 00;29;33;14
Jennifer Payeur
And so you’ve got this cellular water which if you’ve read the book, the fourth phase of water, cellular structure, the water coming from the buds and then through the bigger it processes nanoparticles of light. And so those two things and we got to see it under a microscope. So it was pretty fascinating. This reason they’re creating coherence in the body.
00;29;34;00 – 00;29;52;26
Jennifer Payeur
And so when I go back to my illness, right, as you said, there’s either too much or too little of something in the body. But if you’re taking something that’s balancing both of those, eventually you’re going to create coherence in the body because you’re out of coherence. Right? Something is out of balance.
00;29;53;06 – 00;29;53;23
Nathan Crane
00;29;54;02 – 00;30;15;13
Jennifer Payeur
And so that’s what they do. That’s really where they shine. That’s different than an adult herbal remedy. If they’re creating coherence and they’re bringing the extracellular matrix back online so that the body can recognize, you know, a foreign invader, the body can can now go after the immune system is recognizing it.
00;30;16;11 – 00;30;29;17
Nathan Crane
Yeah, that’s incredible. So that what’s creating the light, do you know? I mean, you do have a theory of like where the light specifically is coming from in the light particles or the light. It’s a blue light. You said when it’s.
00;30;30;14 – 00;30;33;08
Jennifer Payeur
Yeah. I have a picture of it.
00;30;33;08 – 00;30;34;25
Nathan Crane
Yeah. Let’s see that. That’d be cool.
00;30;36;06 – 00;30;53;08
Jennifer Payeur
Yeah. Here it is. Let me show you. So here it is. So you see it here. So it’s it’s the spigot process that’s creating that light. Carbon nanoparticles of light.
00;30;53;15 – 00;30;54;02
Nathan Crane
00;30;54;12 – 00;31;00;08
Jennifer Payeur
And this is him in again. He founded by accident. He found it by accident each.
00;31;00;08 – 00;31;04;13
Nathan Crane
What’s this on the left? Each bubble class produces about 500,000 photons. What is that?
00;31;04;28 – 00;31;26;07
Jennifer Payeur
Yeah. So part of the process is by realizing, right? So when they did this in the old days, they would take two vessels that had a bulb on them, actually have some pretty cool pictures. They would take them together and they would put them on the top of a roof and the condensation would cause the spiralized thing, right?
00;31;26;07 – 00;31;50;05
Jennifer Payeur
So the water would heat up from that, from being outside it would kind of create condensation and then it would drop. And so Dr. Canelo mimicked that process in his lab. And so he’s showing that also that spiral as they and process is creating photons light in the in the tincture as well.
00;31;50;05 – 00;31;57;16
Nathan Crane
Wow. So this is on the photo on the right side if we go back is under a notebook as under.
00;31;58;00 – 00;31;58;21
Jennifer Payeur
A blue light.
00;31;58;28 – 00;32;09;16
Nathan Crane
Yeah. So it’s under like a blue light. It’s under a blue light. And then you see that where the, the photons, the light particles are actually shining through that vial.
00;32;09;16 – 00;32;09;26
Jennifer Payeur
00;32;11;00 – 00;32;11;29
Nathan Crane
That’s incredible.
00;32;12;26 – 00;32;39;09
Jennifer Payeur
Yeah. And then just one other picture, which I think also shows it really well is here is a grouping of cell after having the the plant stem cell after taking the plant stem cells. And they were looking at these and they wanted to see what would happen and they were taking snapshots. And you’ll see here at 330 seconds is about 8 minutes, 570 to like nine and a half, then 12 minutes.
00;32;39;19 – 00;32;46;12
Jennifer Payeur
So at 20 minutes, you can see all of this light coming into the cellular structure.
00;32;46;16 – 00;32;59;04
Nathan Crane
Can you zoom in a little bit? I can see it, but if we can zoom in closer, it’ll be a yeah, that’s amazing. So those are photons that are entering into the what kind of cells are those?
00;32;59;04 – 00;33;00;03
Jennifer Payeur
Their skin cells.
00;33;00;16 – 00;33;06;14
Nathan Crane
So you have the photons entering into the skin cells. That’s crazy.
00;33;06;14 – 00;33;27;25
Jennifer Payeur
Yeah. So these were the kinds of things that, you know, I intuitively knew because I could feel it in my own body. What I noticed is my eyes were brighter or my skin looked better. I had more energy. So I knew something was going on at a cellular level and I felt so much more vital. And so to see that under a microscope.
00;33;28;04 – 00;33;28;22
Nathan Crane
That’s cool.
00;33;29;00 – 00;33;37;28
Jennifer Payeur
Yeah. A few months ago, you know, I was just so happy because it it matched what I had been experiencing personally.
00;33;38;19 – 00;33;59;19
Nathan Crane
Yeah, well, I mean, you know, if we want to go to biblical terms, I mean, God said let there be light and there was light, right? I mean, in the beginning, it’s like light is literally, you know, from a spiritual perspective, go back to the Vedas from ancient India, you know, light is everything at the heart of all energy, right?
00;33;59;19 – 00;34;21;15
Nathan Crane
It is. Life is light is in every cell. It’s in every you know, the opposite of light is void, is nothing, is darkness. And then everything that comes out of the void or the nothing is light. I mean, that’s the essence of every cellular living thing is is that light? And we need sunlight to survive. We need sunlight for vitamin D, hormone production even.
00;34;21;15 – 00;34;48;26
Nathan Crane
Right? We need that light. But at a spiritual level, it’s like the more light that we bring into our lives, even metaphorically, right? Love, happiness, laughter, the light that we bring it, it lifts us up and lifts other people up. We feel better. I mean, light is at the root of everything too. So to see that even in these plant stem cells, I mean, we know that, you know, plants also have, you know, they bring the photons in and then they transfer that light.
00;34;49;17 – 00;34;55;00
Nathan Crane
But to see it under a microscope like this, actually entering the cells is pretty amazing.
00;34;55;00 – 00;34;58;17
Jennifer Payeur
Yeah, it was. It was. I mean, just spectacular.
00;34;59;24 – 00;35;27;24
Nathan Crane
Yeah, that’s really cool. That’s really cool. So for your healing protocol, like what? So you went through all of your kind of natural healing approach after surgery and then and then you were no evidence of disease. But then you said your your markers were going back up and so you were concerned. And then you found these plant stem cells and you you use them and then your markers went back down to normal.
00;35;28;15 – 00;35;31;16
Jennifer Payeur
Yeah. And everything went back down to normal pretty, pretty quickly.
00;35;31;28 – 00;35;34;10
Nathan Crane
What did you use. Like which plant? STEM cells.
00;35;35;20 – 00;35;58;09
Jennifer Payeur
Oh, gosh, I used many. I was I started with about 20. So I was taking something called Batch Olynyk acid, which is the complex. It’s got the inner and outer bark of the white birch tree and almond husk and it contains an enzyme called Beclin and Batalon is known to create a pop testis of cancer cells while leaving healthy cells alone.
00;35;58;09 – 00;36;09;10
Jennifer Payeur
And that that is the one that I have the most research on. I probably have five or six research, you know, PubMed article that had been done on benzoyl anik acid. So I was taking that.
00;36;09;19 – 00;36;23;05
Nathan Crane
I had, I have your white birch here but yeah yeah you can I started see there’s too much light, you can’t see it. But I started taking this in the mornings. It’s a white birch by itself. What, what is, what’s it good for it.
00;36;23;05 – 00;36;34;01
Jennifer Payeur
Stimuli. It’s the comfort cells, it boosts the immune system. It’s anti viral antioxidants and antibacterial.
00;36;34;01 – 00;36;37;10
Nathan Crane
Nice. Okay, so you’re taking bets. Petulant, like acid.
00;36;37;10 – 00;37;04;28
Jennifer Payeur
Like acid, which has the white birch in it. Lemon tree, which is the alkalis are in the body good for digestion. I was taking sweet chestnut because I had cancer in my lymph node, so it’s the best plant for lymphatic system and for a lot of drainage and cleaning out the lymph. Gosh, what else does I take out is taking so many at the time.
00;37;04;28 – 00;37;32;17
Jennifer Payeur
Oh, a whole bunch for the liver rosemary artichoke I was taking for my liver and then a couple of other complexes. So I really I really worked on every one of my body systems. So I was taking Hawthorn for my heart, which is why I think I had a great calcium score. So yeah, a whole bunch of plants.
00;37;33;14 – 00;37;46;09
Nathan Crane
So like somebody who is my camera went out of focus when I was showing you the if we focus. Yeah. Focus on my hand breathing here. Let’s see.
00;37;46;09 – 00;37;47;09
Jennifer Payeur
Not as my. Wow.
00;37;48;03 – 00;37;49;26
Nathan Crane
Yeah, right. I got to close this and then.
00;37;50;08 – 00;37;50;24
Jennifer Payeur
There you go.
00;37;51;01 – 00;38;12;29
Nathan Crane
So yeah, the someone just looking for like, let’s say health and longevity. Like, do they need to talk to a doctor to say, hey, you know, these are the ones you should take? What are some? And then like what are the things people should watch out for as well and what are concerns, side effects of taking plant stem cells like these?
00;38;13;10 – 00;38;27;10
Nathan Crane
And can you just can people take anyone they want? I mean, it’s kind of some of this stuff is still like the Wild West, right? So some of it we know, some of it we don’t know too much of a good thing can be a bad. So these are always things we want to take into consideration. I mean.
00;38;27;29 – 00;38;28;24
Jennifer Payeur
00;38;28;24 – 00;38;39;04
Nathan Crane
The common analogy I’m analogy people here is, you know, if you you could overdose on water, you can kill yourself on water. Yeah, that’s probably never going to happen. But it’s true. It’s possible. So, yeah.
00;38;40;06 – 00;39;04;22
Jennifer Payeur
Well, I’m happy to report there are no studies of anybody dying from plants themselves or getting sick. And really. So for five years I’ve had this company, I have only had two people who had any type of her reaction because they’re so gentle. Right? So I had two people that were very, very sensitive. One had a little bit of a headache, and the other one said she felt a little bit flu like.
00;39;04;22 – 00;39;15;11
Jennifer Payeur
But those are, in my opinion, outliers for the lots and thousands of the people that are working with these. I’m trying to remember the first question that you asked me.
00;39;16;03 – 00;39;20;24
Nathan Crane
Yeah. Like in terms of let’s say, hey, I’m just interested in to learn.
00;39;20;24 – 00;39;21;09
Jennifer Payeur
About that.
00;39;21;26 – 00;39;36;16
Nathan Crane
In all body, like just kind of health and longevity in general. Is there is there blends for that? Is there blends for, you know, if someone’s got stomach problems, someone’s got, you know, needs more energy, right? Parasites, that kind of stuff.
00;39;37;07 – 00;39;59;25
Jennifer Payeur
Yeah. So plants we know have an affinity for different body systems and organs. So, for example, Rosemary, we know Rosemary is good for the liver. We know milk. That’s good for the liver. Artichoke is also at this. So it’s good for the liver. So you can know enough about adult plants to know what affinity the plant has, for which body part.
00;40;00;09 – 00;40;23;03
Jennifer Payeur
That’s number one. Number two, because not everybody knows plants. We have groupings of plants or complexes that are designed around body systems. So, for example, we have something called total body detox that is a, you know, once or twice a year when you’re doing your detoxes, that’s a great product to take and take the whole use the whole bottle.
00;40;23;03 – 00;41;01;21
Jennifer Payeur
We have complex for heart health, for digestive health, for parasites, for the musculoskeletal system. So we have complexes. If you don’t have details about plants and you don’t understand how plants work, that’s a great place for a normal person or a consumer to start. We do mostly work with practitioners at it, nature provides and the practitioners typically have some foundation of the plants and if they don’t, that’s why we do a lot of education is to educate practitioners, but we are getting ready to launch plant stem cells.
00;41;01;21 – 00;41;32;17
Jennifer Payeur
Second and that will be for consumers. It is mostly complexes with two singles blackcurrant and one blackcurrant is the best plant for inflammation regardless of where it originates in the body and Hawthorn is the other one. So we do have two singles because there are a lot of heart issues going on right now and so those are the two singles and that again is going to be educational and helping people understand how they work, why they work, etc..
00;41;32;29 – 00;41;40;11
Jennifer Payeur
Can you take too much? I can personally answer that. I did once I had I had a nice and flush.
00;41;40;16 – 00;41;47;05
Nathan Crane
Like every good personal experimenter and scientist of your own body. Should you now have that to report?
00;41;48;07 – 00;42;01;19
Jennifer Payeur
Exactly. I had the blackcurrant has enough vitamin C in it that you wouldn’t have to take a vitamin C supplement so I could get all my vitamin C and blackcurrant in the in the buds or the blackcurrant.
00;42;01;27 – 00;42;10;05
Nathan Crane
Like I might like how much it like in terms of like this for this one add 5 to 25 drops. Like if I was taking blackcurrant and one of these.
00;42;10;25 – 00;42;14;01
Jennifer Payeur
I take two droppers a day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.
00;42;14;01 – 00;42;15;12
Nathan Crane
And how much vitamin C is up?
00;42;16;23 – 00;42;35;14
Jennifer Payeur
That’s a good question. It’s enough that I had a niacin flush with my set and that’s how I had you know, I have like this much left in the bottle, probably four drop or worth. And I was like, you know, I’ll just go ahead and pour it in here and then I broke out in that heat rash all over my body.
00;42;36;11 – 00;42;43;08
Jennifer Payeur
So that was too much for my body for sure. But that’s a good question. I will ask Doctor Canelo that.
00;42;44;12 – 00;43;11;27
Nathan Crane
And that’s good to know if that there are certain ones that have high amounts of certain vitamins, right. I mean vitamin C is one of those things that you can take massive amounts and certainly it’s used in clinics all over the world and super high dose, especially in intravenously. I mean, you know, you can take, you know, grams and grams it some doctors even give hundreds of grams worth, which is massive amounts because of its, you know, oxidant oxidizing capabilities.
00;43;11;27 – 00;43;36;29
Nathan Crane
You know, we’re always so focused on antioxidants, antioxidant antioxidants, but actually oxidizer is like chlorine dioxide, vitamin C, these things actually technically bring oxygen to the body, you know, which, you know, in oxidize and can help increase your body’s ability to destroy unhealthy cells, you know, like cancer cells. And that’s that’s something we do want. That’s why we do exercise.
00;43;36;29 – 00;43;57;09
Nathan Crane
We create more oxygen in the body, you know, that’s why pranayama and Breathwork can be so valuable in bringing more oxygen to the body. Chlorine dioxide, you know, incredible. I recommend people read Dr. Andre Calkins book on, which is, you know, bringing oxygen into the body is not chlorine. It’s not what you put in your pool. It’s totally different.
00;43;57;10 – 00;44;05;14
Nathan Crane
Not the same chemical continuation, but yeah, that extra oxygen in the body helps fend off cancer cells.
00;44;06;04 – 00;44;15;22
Jennifer Payeur
Yes, it sure does. Yeah. And I think all plants have some level of bringing oxygen into the body. Right. That’s why they’re so good for us.
00;44;17;06 – 00;44;24;23
Nathan Crane
Yeah. So knowing, you know, vitamin levels and things like that in the different products would be really, really interesting to know.
00;44;25;02 – 00;44;50;16
Jennifer Payeur
We’ve identified the different minerals that are in there. You know, I can tell which plants have copper, etc.. And, you know, we even have I don’t know if you know a lot about the copper iron disregulation. I took a class called the root called protocol with a guy named Morley Robbins become a dear friend of mine and copper is what regulates iron.
00;44;50;16 – 00;45;14;18
Jennifer Payeur
And for 50 years, you know, they’ve been putting iron in your food. Anything that says enriched we’re right not good for Earth. And I was donating blood about every ten weeks or so just to help get the iron out of my body. And then I saw the practitioner who was using black poplar. And so he buys it by the case load because black poplar also will Pilate iron out of the body.
00;45;15;17 – 00;45;35;03
Jennifer Payeur
So at that point, you know, we started doing more studies to see what what actually, you know, what minerals, what oligo elements are in here. There are flavonoids, terpenes, all kinds of things. So they really do contain and really the whole genetic makeup of the plant in that good form.
00;45;35;21 – 00;46;04;03
Nathan Crane
Yeah, that’s incredible. Yeah, that’s a good point there, too. Just don’t start taking lots of supplements and you know, just because someone talks on an interview. Oh, yeah, most people are iron deficient. You need more iron or you know, most people are B12 deficiency or B12 or it’s like, no, do a test and see where you’re at. You know, that’s because a lot of people actually, like you said, have excess iron because it’s in so many different things and supplements.
00;46;04;03 – 00;46;24;28
Nathan Crane
And I mean, I’ve gone through my supplements before and I’m like, wait a minute here. I’m getting like way too much iodine. This has Ida and it says Ida and it says I and it says, I don’t like that way too much iodine. And, you know, it’s kind of hidden in a list of like 50 ingredients. And that’s why it’s like I’ve been reducing those over the years of, you know, less, less, less ingredients.
00;46;24;28 – 00;46;39;05
Nathan Crane
In this case, less really is more. Also getting majority of nutrition from our food is is foundational. You know, supplements are there to supplement, not to replace a healthy diet, right.
00;46;39;05 – 00;47;00;10
Jennifer Payeur
Well, and I’m a classic example. So, you know, when I was diagnosed, I was taking 120 supplements a day, you know, 40 at breakfast, 48 at lunch, 48 dinners taken a lot of good things. But because I had really never addressed that toxic burden in my body, I think I wasn’t absorbing, you know, all the great things that I was putting in.
00;47;00;27 – 00;47;22;04
Jennifer Payeur
So, you know, you’re absolutely right. I have a clinic here in North Carolina and I see a lot of people and Doctor Google become, you know, a blessing and a curse. I mean, it’s great that people are empowered to go look things up and do their own research. And I highly advocate that because I believe we’re the caregivers of this body and only we know.
00;47;22;18 – 00;47;43;26
Jennifer Payeur
Right, that it’s important for us to educate ourselves about our own body, recognize the signs. But there’s a lot of misinformation out there, too. And, you know, I’ll have somebody come in and all of a sudden they’re broken out in a rash and, you know, be perplexed. And then ask, did you add anything? Oh, yeah. Out of these six supplements, you know, and they’re not connecting the dots that.
00;47;44;21 – 00;47;57;16
Jennifer Payeur
So it’s really imperative that, you know, that we do the testing, that we do the blood tests. We understand what’s going on in our body before we just start dumping in a bunch of of dietary supplements.
00;47;57;16 – 00;48;14;21
Nathan Crane
You’re right, Dr. Google is a blessing and a curse if you know how to use it. It’s a blessing. If you don’t, it’s a curse. I can tell you, if you just Google something, the first few things that come up almost always are not going to give you even close to what the truth is. That’s what I found.
00;48;14;21 – 00;48;29;28
Nathan Crane
I’ll any time I want to learn something new, I always have to dig deeper to get more specific. Then I go to the research journals, I go to Pub Med, I’ll go, you know, read articles, I’ll look at the actual scientific journals like. If you want to learn something, that’s the time and energy you have to put into it.
00;48;29;28 – 00;48;51;19
Nathan Crane
If you go, well, you know, our plant stem cells, good for you. And then but whatever you know the leading and finan seer is and whatever W.H.O. is saying, whatever CDC is saying, which is definitely not always the truth, clearly not always the truth, that’s usually what you’re going to find in the first that people go, Oh, it said right here because they don’t even scroll down.
00;48;51;20 – 00;49;22;05
Nathan Crane
Plus, stem cells are not good for you or whatever. Right? It’s like you have to go in and do the research. And unfortunately, most people don’t have the time, the wherewithal or the desire to do that. And that’s why it’s important they talk to people like you, like me, like our teams, like the doctors we work with and get deeper understanding because we do this research, you know, it’s like we talk to the patients, we read the research, we look at the studies, we dig deep and actually try to find the core truth.
00;49;22;15 – 00;49;43;15
Nathan Crane
And even that’s changing. Even we get really, really close to the truth. And then something new comes in, add some new element of understanding, which is what science is about. It’s about not understanding. It’s not yeah, it’s not about definite. Like this is the definite core truth. There’s nothing like, you know, here’s some more science goes, oh, maybe that’s more complex than that.
00;49;43;15 – 00;49;54;05
Nathan Crane
Maybe like with quantum science that now we have a go. Oh, maybe. Actually, your perception changes everything about what you’re looking at. You know.
00;49;55;01 – 00;49;58;23
Jennifer Payeur
Your perception and your belief system. So many things, right?
00;49;59;18 – 00;50;08;12
Nathan Crane
Yeah. So that’s, you know, it’s awesome. You’re doing this education for people and that website is launching when.
00;50;09;11 – 00;50;11;00
Jennifer Payeur
In the next two weeks.
00;50;11;09 – 00;50;17;07
Nathan Crane
What’s it called? What’s going to be called? Well, this will be this all this should air by the time your website’s launching so.
00;50;17;25 – 00;50;19;15
Jennifer Payeur
Plants themselves com.
00;50;19;27 – 00;50;23;23
Nathan Crane
Plant stem cells account that’s going to be like free education or how is it.
00;50;24;10 – 00;50;33;23
Jennifer Payeur
Yeah that will be free education and we’ll have the book on the air and the documentary on the air as well so that people can learn more.
00;50;34;09 – 00;50;44;07
Nathan Crane
Fantastic plant stem cells dot com. So I want to go back to a couple of things here, if you don’t mind. Like so blackcurrant you said is really great for inflammation. Hawthorne You said it’s really great for the heart.
00;50;44;17 – 00;51;11;04
Jennifer Payeur
Are yeah helps with afib with any irregular heartbeat. We had a practitioner in California whose father had had two heart attacks and had a carotid artery issue and so he put him on Hawthorne. And while before they had a chance to clean out the carotid artery, his heart actually developed new arteries to be able to move blood to a heart.
00;51;11;12 – 00;51;11;28
Nathan Crane
00;51;12;10 – 00;51;34;13
Jennifer Payeur
Which is pretty amazing. You know, that’s the regenerative part of the plant stem cell that they actually regenerate things that have broken down in the body. And so then they were like, oh, do we actually do the carotid artery, you know, procedure and put stents then? And he decided not do and you know, a couple of years later, he’s still thriving.
00;51;34;13 – 00;51;42;16
Jennifer Payeur
He fights every day 80, 85 now, which is pretty amazing. So yeah, Hawthorne is a a really amazing plant.
00;51;43;01 – 00;51;46;06
Nathan Crane
What do you like for liver detox?
00;51;48;00 – 00;51;58;16
Jennifer Payeur
Either artichoke or rosemary is another one, but that’s so prevalent on the market in regular form.
00;51;59;12 – 00;52;11;12
Nathan Crane
Yeah. Yeah. Same with Dandelion I in. And yet there’s a lot of good liver. Do you talk about milk thistle. What about what about.
00;52;11;17 – 00;52;11;24
Jennifer Payeur
00;52;12;05 – 00;52;24;00
Nathan Crane
Juniper? Yeah, I used to just pick a little fresh juniper when we were out in the mountains in the and just kind of, you know, chew on it a little bit. It’s really neat. It is very bitter, but very bitter.
00;52;24;04 – 00;52;28;01
Jennifer Payeur
Well, you know, it’s funny. All of the liver tincture, they’re all bitter.
00;52;28;02 – 00;52;28;20
Nathan Crane
00;52;29;17 – 00;52;33;03
Jennifer Payeur
And if you go to either Vedic bitter connected to the liver.
00;52;33;09 – 00;52;41;13
Nathan Crane
Yeah. So. And what about celebrity Typekit get artichoke rosemary? And what about like digestive issues?
00;52;41;13 – 00;53;08;12
Jennifer Payeur
Big is one of the best plants for digestive issues. My husband used to be on a beeper, though, for acid reflux. He’d been off of it now for years. And taking fig. Fig is one of the best care away of the really good for a digestive. Yeah I tell people that have bloating and things like that you can go chew on fennel seeds and caraway seeds and you can, you know, diminish the bloating and the issues you’re having.
00;53;09;08 – 00;53;10;03
Nathan Crane
What about sleep.
00;53;12;03 – 00;53;17;13
Jennifer Payeur
Leap? And Valerian is one that’s very well known.
00;53;18;00 – 00;53;20;29
Nathan Crane
Some people some people have kind negative.
00;53;21;27 – 00;53;42;02
Jennifer Payeur
Right. Your lung is one of those. Yeah, some some say that valerian can make you groggy. So wind injury. I have found it’s the silver linden tree. It is absolutely the best to calm the nervous system and help sleep. That’s one that we use a lot with kids who have ADHD. Sleep issues can’t calm down before they go to bed.
00;53;42;07 – 00;53;44;05
Jennifer Payeur
That’s one of my all time favorites.
00;53;44;16 – 00;53;49;27
Nathan Crane
Mm. Nice. Linden tree is a silver lining.
00;53;49;27 – 00;53;51;13
Jennifer Payeur
California poppies. The other one.
00;53;51;16 – 00;54;01;17
Nathan Crane
Yeah, California poppy. We all know what that turns into, right? Isn’t that where they make heroin out of or. No, it’s not heroin.
00;54;01;28 – 00;54;02;26
Jennifer Payeur
Heroin in the.
00;54;03;15 – 00;54;15;27
Nathan Crane
Good. Yeah. And the California poppy it’s no but if you take too much it actually can in a drug test I think can show up as a what’s the mechanism.
00;54;15;27 – 00;54;16;09
Jennifer Payeur
00;54;16;22 – 00;54;17;24
Nathan Crane
Opium. Yeah. There you go.
00;54;18;14 – 00;54;18;22
Jennifer Payeur
00;54;19;08 – 00;54;25;22
Nathan Crane
Yeah. It’s it’s I mean, it’s a natural, you know, opiate relaxer. Right? But you’re not going to get high like that.
00;54;25;24 – 00;54;28;18
Jennifer Payeur
The other one is passionflower passionflower is the other one.
00;54;28;24 – 00;54;36;11
Nathan Crane
Passionflower Yeah, that’s a good one. I have, I have some teas that I’ll drink sometimes that have like Valerian and Poppy and Passionflower in it.
00;54;36;28 – 00;54;40;19
Jennifer Payeur
Yeah. So all those are great for the nervous system and to help asleep.
00;54;41;08 – 00;54;56;06
Nathan Crane
Nice. Awesome. Well, I’m excited you launch this new website for the public. That’s going to be great. So people go check that out. Planned stem cells dot com. Doctors can connect with you at what about your other website.
00;54;56;24 – 00;55;00;12
Jennifer Payeur
Yep Jen at nature hyphen provides dot com.
00;55;00;22 – 00;55;07;06
Nathan Crane
Jen in nature having provides a column or your website just nature hyphen provides dot com. Yes. Awesome.
00;55;07;22 – 00;55;19;04
Jennifer Payeur
And for you Nathan Mountain Pine, because you’re an athlete, mountain pine is one of the best plants for knee issues. Back issue.
00;55;19;12 – 00;55;20;09
Nathan Crane
How do you know?
00;55;21;08 – 00;55;28;26
Jennifer Payeur
I just do. And then I would pair that for you with Virginia Creeper, which is for the connective tissue.
00;55;28;26 – 00;55;37;14
Nathan Crane
And then what about what about with, uh, what was the one that you said was really oh, black currant for inflammation.
00;55;37;19 – 00;55;39;15
Jennifer Payeur
Blackcurrant for inflammation. Yep.
00;55;40;28 – 00;55;43;27
Nathan Crane
Mountain pine virginia creeper blackcurrant. Any others.
00;55;44;17 – 00;56;09;06
Jennifer Payeur
Well, the one that I sent you, the white birch also. And then there’s another great plant grapevine. The grapevine contains a lot of resveratrol, which we know is good for us. Right? So it’s the vine. It’s comes from the vine that the grapes are grown on. And so phenomenal again, for structural issues in the body, one of the best plant for building up the immune system.
00;56;09;22 – 00;56;19;29
Jennifer Payeur
So that’s one of the other plants. And you’re asking me what I took? I took a lot of grapevine to get my immune system back up the bar and also one of my favorite plants.
00;56;21;06 – 00;56;50;19
Nathan Crane
Very cool. Well, I got some. I got some products I need to order from you then, so. Looks good. Well, thanks so much Jan. This is awesome. Thanks for coming on the podcast. This was super fascinating and I’m excited for everything that you’re doing and all the education you’re bringing to people. I mean, plants are miraculous. They have the energy inside them to help our bodies heal and thrive.
00;56;50;19 – 00;57;11;12
Nathan Crane
And I love that you’re working at the plant stem cell level and how much intentionality you’re putting into all of the, you know, the plants from the processing to where they’re grown to. You know, even the the the photons that are in the plants through the ash that’s put in there, that’s it’s pretty amazing. So so thank you.
00;57;12;05 – 00;57;19;28
Jennifer Payeur
You’re welcome. It’s such a pleasure to be here with you. I’m so glad to know you and I love all the beautiful things you’re doing in this world.
00;57;20;16 – 00;57;24;28
Nathan Crane
Mm. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, everybody. I’ll talk to you soon. Take care.
00;57;25;20 – 00;57;26;04
Jennifer Payeur