
Helping Millions of People Live their Healthiest and Happiest Life for Nearly 2 Decades as an Inspirational Speaker, Bestselling Author, Award Winning Filmmaker, and a Certified Professional Nutrition Coach.

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"Nathan Crane has been an inspiration and constant encouragement since commencing his coaching program."

"Nathan Crane has been an inspiration and constant encouragement since commencing his coaching program. Being diagnosed with cancer at the age of 45 years was a wake up call. During treatment and recovery a personal goal was to regain physical fitness though how to achieve that was not evident. Joining Nathan Cranes coaching programme provides concrete steps to follow every day of every month. Regular coaching calls provide a focus to work towards and Nathan has either the answers or can source advice on any area of concern. The improvements in fitness and general wellness has been significant and I am happy to recommend Nathan Cranes coaching programme for anyone that want to significantly improve their lives physically, mentally and emotionally. Enjoy the journey!"

~Thomas Horgan

Photo: Thomas Horgan and his wife Michelle after recently completing a 100km cycle for cancer research.

"Nathan Crane is a top voice in natural health that all should follow"

"Working with Nathan Crane is working with a pro!. Great depth of knowledge. Nathan Crane is a top voice in natural health that all should follow"

~Dr. Joel Kahn, MD

"Nathan Crane is the Real Deal"

“Nathan Crane is the real-deal... His heart-centered approach and determination to only share the most trustworthy information is unparalleled.”

~Eric Zielinski  "Dr. Z"

"Thank You for All You Do"

"Thank you for all you do, it’s just such a blessing to see people like you out there just serving other people."

~Dr. Kevin Conners

"I very much admire your work and your knowledge and your expertise."

Thanks so much, Nathan. I really admire and respect your work. I very much admire your work and your knowledge and your expertise. And the fact that you do go with the research and cancer is such a sensitive subject.   I believe that you are leading people in the right direction. And that's profound. And so, I just thank you so much for that work that you're doing. People need that help. And I know that the love that people feel from you and your sincerity in your work does not go unnoticed. And so, I see that and I respect that man.

~ Jonathan Otto

"Thank you for all of your work. You are a beacon of hope"

Thank you for all of your work. You are a beacon of hope. Really, thank you very much, I really thank you for all the work you are doing.

~TJ Hills

"You know as much or more than any integrative health expert I've ever spoken to."

I love talking with you Nathan.  You know as much or more than any integrative health expert I've ever spoken to. In fact, I think you know more about cancer and health than most medical doctors, and you don't even have a degree, which I think it's better that you don't have a degree!  You're incredibly knowledgeable and what I love about you is that you have studied and interviewed so many people that it is more like having a discussion with a colleague than being interviewed ….. it is always a tremendous pleasure for me.

~Dr. Thomas Lodi, MD

"His dedication to shedding light on enriching, life-changing, and even controversial health topics is truly commendable."

"I truly admire health and wellness advocates like Nathan Crane. He fearlessly delves into important health subjects, inviting leading experts worldwide to discuss solutions for our ailing world. His dedication to shedding light on enriching, life-changing, and even controversial health topics is truly commendable."

~James Templeton
Author and founder of Templeton Wellness Foundation

"A new start a new life and health thanks to your great work and all we are doing together for God and mankind."

"Dear Nathan, Thank YOU for helping so many of my patients with your podcasts and thank you for helping me to save lives of so many cancer patients who thought life was over for them. It isn’t over it is just the beginning.
A new start a new life and health thanks to your great work and all we are doing together for God and mankind. Bless you and thank you."
-Dr. Dana F. Flavin, MD



Nathan Crane is a natural health researcher and certified holistic cancer coach. He is an award-winning author, inspirational speaker, Amazon #1 bestselling author and 20x award-winning documentary filmmaker.

Nathan is on the Board of Directors for the Beljanski Foundation, a Non-Profit Conducting Scientific Research into Natural Solutions for Cancer.

Nathan is also the Director of Healing Life, President of the Holistic Leadership Council, Founder of Conquering Cancer, and Director and Producer of the award winning documentary film, Cancer; The Integrative Perspective.

Nathan has received numerous awards including the Accolade 2020 Outstanding Achievement Humanitarian Award, and the Outstanding Community Service Award from the California Senate for his work in education and empowerment with natural and integrative methods for healing cancer.

Nathan currently resides in Jacksonville, FL with his wife and 2 kids where they enjoy camping, hiking, kayaking, playing volleyball on the beach and swimming in the ocean.

You can receive a Free Download of his bestselling book absolutely free by visiting



Becoming Cancer-Free is a #1 Amazon Bestseller - Download Your Copy for FREE Today!

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Nathan, your book was immediately devoured yesterday afternoon.  "Becoming" is the best and most comprehensive book I have seen to support natural healing for all dis-eases and conditions!  Many pages were copied and had me at "Take Back Your Power."   Your book already has been and will continue to be highly recommended to many friends and associates.  And I plan to purchase three physical copies, one to "hold", one to give to a friend who co-reads with me, and one for loan.


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Cancer; The Integrative Perspective

The Integrative Perspective is a film about solutions to prevent, heal, and reverse cancer globally. It brings together the knowledge and wisdom of an international community of experts, building bridges between traditional and alternative approaches, to help us demystify the myths, understand the science and expand awareness for hope and healing. The film raises the cancer conversation to new levels by highlighting progressive thinking and calling for deeper collaboration across the cancer community so that we can accelerate access to cancer solutions that exist today and support innovation as we work together to uncover new answers. WATCH THE FILM HERE


The Search for Sustainability

During this series, 49 uplifting voices speak out about the tragic and crucial emergencies going on in the world, the potentially imminent food, water, and financial collapse, and how we might be able to avoid all of this disaster and thrive in a sustainable way simply by:

• Taking back control of our food, health, water, and energy supplies • Implementing simple and no-cost methods for living harmoniously with the land and our surrounding environment • Learning to grow our own food in a sustainable and regenerative way whether you live in New York, Texas, California, Oregon or any state for that matter • Collecting and properly using water to build back our water table and end disastrous water droughts • Utilizing herbal medicines and ancient healing methods to thrive with our health and live longer without prescriptions or medical intervention • Creating and participating in local co-ops, farmers markets, and food growing networks to thrive in our local communities • Supporting and opening sustainable schools and values-based systems to support the health and consciousness of our children and the next generation • Learning to thrive in abundance in Urban, Suburban, and Rural communities by making a few simple changes • Having a deeper and more meaningful spiritual connection to our food, land, animals, and fellow humanity • Engaging and supporting the creative arts, music, and media in a sustainable way • And much more!


Nate’s dedication to our collective awakening and flourishing is obvious just from a few minutes with him. But underneath, he is imbued with a solidity of wisdom, self-knowledge and compassion which all of us would do well not to overlook. Thank you Nate for ALL you do and all you WILL do, for us and our precious planet!”

– Adam Gainsburg, Founder of

“Nate is genuinely dedicated to making the world a better place. That is immediately obvious through his gentle, mindful presence and his work establishing The Panacea Community. So many of us dream without acting. Nate has the unusual ability to embody his dreams in skilful action and already this is spreading out around the globe. I wish him and The Panacea Community every success”.

~Vidyamala Burch, Founder of Breathworks – mindfulness-based approaches to living well

“Nathan’s kind and compassionate nature is evident. He is truly making a difference in the lives of others by being his authentic self. The Panacea Community is a beautiful global expression and representation of his intention. Thank you Nathan for shining your Light so bright.”

~ Shelly Wilson – Intuitive Medium, Reiki Master, Spiritual Teacher

“I recently had the pleasure of chatting with Nathan Crane when he joined me as a guest on my radio podcast show Creative Possibility – The Limitless Life on the Web Talk Radio network. Nathan was a delight to chat with and shared some fascinating insights into living a life fulfilled. He is passionate about living limitlessly and was so generous with what he shared. I look forward to staying connected with him and watching his community grow.”

~Shannon Bush, Director, Creative Possibility, international best selling author

“Thank you 🙂 I was so impressed with your talk and story. To be honest, from your pic I thought “omg so young what could he teach me”… but I got on the call for some reason. So glad I did… amazing… Thank you so much!!”


“Wow, Nathan….Just wanted to say once again, what an inspiring share/story/wisdom you shared with all of us on the teleseminar the other night…it was motivational for many of us…and glad your brought up the fact that we are needing to grow emotionally, spiritually and physically to be healthy and wholesome…."


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